What's growing in your tomato garden!!!

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Ha! I am notorious for running around with no shoes on and stepping in or on something I shouldn't. Country bumpkin.

My kids know I'm a nerd, but I'd love to know the periodic table.

My second round of tomato plants are going in to replace the ones the armyworms ate. They're sturdy plants at about 6-10" tall, and I've started some more of my favorites inside.

Planted in hop vines where the worst of the damage was.

The leaf miners are already trying to make a comeback in the new plants. Ugh, you buggers.

Rhinebeck, NY

Thanks, Gymgirl, I'll check that out.
While N, P, and K may be elements and are the same whether natural or synthetic, keep in mind that the natural sources of each almost always contain more than just the "element". Significant evidence exists that while synthetic "elemental" fertilizers may "grow" fruits and vegetables, the resulting crops may well be lacking in nutritional value due to a lack of other essential "ffods" needed by the plants to produce all the nutrients we expect in them.
Food for thought, anyway.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Harvested two Broad Ripple currant tomatoes today , went good with the pasta and dinner ,,, Ah,) this seasons first tomato .. it felt a long time coming ...

Somehow I have the feeling I lose the ability to stay with these conversations ,, (lol)

This message was edited Jun 20, 2013 10:15 PM

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

Ha! I am notorious for running around with no shoes on and stepping in or on something I shouldn't. Country bumpkin.

Nola, you wouldn't enjoy doing that in my vegetable garden. One rule I have for our grandkids is "no going barefoot in the garden". The reason? I've been adding homemade compost to my good garden soil for many years and I do a lot of fishing. Fish bones, especially catfish spikes, DON'T break down well in a compost pile - they stay very sharp and pointy. :>)

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

@Ozark - Your garden sounds lovely, and you're right, if the grandkids pay mind, I should, too. :)

Rhinebeck, NY

Back from the City to find both my Silvery Fir Tree and Peacevine Cherry in bloom.
Tomatoes cannot be too far off now!

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hard to wait for tomatoes to pink up.. Going away for July 4th and I bet the first ones will ripen while I'm gone. So far have green beans and two zukes.

Leesburg, GA(Zone 8a)

Quote from scbuttercup :
Hard to wait for tomatoes to pink up.. Going away for July 4th and I bet the first ones will ripen while I'm gone. So far have green beans and two zukes.

I know the feeling, I eye up my Cherokee Purple, And black cherry tomatoes every day!
" AND THEY ARE STILL GREEN TODAY!!" LOL :( (I guess it's like the watched pot never boils)


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Quote from GaMadGardener :

(I guess it's like the watched pot never boils)


Now if only we could get clocks to do that about our aging ?

Leesburg, GA(Zone 8a)

Quote from juhur7 :

Now if only we could get clocks to do that about our aging ?

That seems to work the other way :p


Leesburg, GA(Zone 8a)

Just ate my first Cherokee Purple tomato sandwich of the year. I don't know if it was the anticipation of watching it ripen, or what. But it was great! And even managed to save a few seeds. :)


SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

That is one TERRIFIC Avatar!!!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have been eating the grape and cherry types of tomatoes because are already producing. Still waiting for red fruit on the large tomato varieties.

Leesburg, GA(Zone 8a)

Quote from Gymgirl :
That is one TERRIFIC Avatar!!!

Thanks Gymgirl, I like yours too.

I'm still waiting on my Black cherry tomatoes, wilt wiped out my first plants.


Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I've been picking tomatoes every few days since July 4th from the volunteer plants. Some are taller than I am, others are sprawling all over the place.

Really enjoying them in my sandwich at lunch.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My Currants, enough lasted to pic today. all enjoy those garden tomatoes ...

Thumbnail by juhur7
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I may finally have some ripe tomatoes next week!!

Leesburg, GA(Zone 8a)

I just had my first Black cherry tomatoes of the year. But I'm afraid it will be a while before I get anymore tomatoes. We've had rain everyday for the last month and a half. My blooms haven't been setting. Need better weather for some more blooms to set up. :(

But nobody is screaming about a drought this year. ;)


Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

a few of my plants have finally outgrown the bugs and/or disease from this year. I think I've gotten a dozen tomatoes this year. Like GaMad, lots of daily rain. I mulched again with short-cut straw, and I think that's helping, but then the snails come out....just not my year for tomatoes!

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