May Flowers bring beauty and joy!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

No??? I'll go look for it now.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

No dmail. We are having a bad storm right now. We loss electric for a second but it blew up on our 3 phase transformer and it caught fire.

Ripley, MS

Will send e-mail then

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

TY for letting me know!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Some of my small mountain hydrangeas. My Jeannette passi is also starting to bloom.

Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue Thumbnail by cperdue
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Jeri - Sandra did get you talked into DLs ..... :) Those sure are pretty - looks like they are loaded. Hope you got your power restored without too much delay!

The hydrangeas are pretty Charlotte!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Very nice, Jeri and Charlotte! :)

Our first lily blooms of the season. We also have these in white and pink but those haven't bloomed yet.

Thumbnail by marsue
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

That yellow is gorgeous! So bright and cheery!

Ripley, MS

Jeri had 1 daylily when I met her-----only 1 but she had a nice bunch of them !
What is not to love about daylilies? Tough as nails and beautiful too!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!!! I had 1 variety but 50 of them. The one in the picture has been there for over 18 years now.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm pleased as punch today! I've been trying for months and months to win rose bouquet african violet off eBay. And it goes for 30 to 40.00 everytime. I just didn't want to pay that. So. W my trusty little I phone. I set my eBay app to let me know everytime one was listed. Well low and behold. Someone offered up a buy it now on rose bouquet for 4.95. I jumped on that so fast snd got it!!! U guys should look up that africsn violet. It's one of the most sought after africsn violets I know of. I wouldn't have got it if I had been at work!! Sooooo. Yep. Got a smile on my face today. It's a nice plant that I won too not a teeny hope u don't die before I get u plant!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I also have been yardsaling alot on Friday. Found some pretty good bargains too that I haven't been able to get in on before. Also found 2 pair of silver jeans for 10 ea but were almost new. And they fit me! I have a pile of jeans that I have bought in the past that done fit me unfortunately, u can't try in clothes at yard sales.

Ripley, MS

Jerry went yard shopping today too, came home with me 2 new cookbooks--that was all he found, he likes to look for tools and knives. I worked in the yard all day.

Amanda's iphone3 quit on her the other day, so she had to get another. ATT has a special going on they buy your old smartphone and then apply the money to an upgrade, so I went and traded in my 4 for a 5
They gave me 118.00 for mine and I had to pay 89.00 difference. I had to get a new otter box too, the 5's have a different design and size, different chargers too. I have had fun trying to get Siri to understand me today when I rested.

Kathy Ann, you make me want those plants and you know I have nowhere to put them, but I will go look and see what you got!

It has been a beautiful day here today !

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I can't remember which thread we were talking about Drift roses on. But when I went to Kroger this afternoon they have a whole bunch of them for 6.50. They are the 3 quart size.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

We're they nice? I was wanting some. Can u pick me up some of them? I want all colors. I'll pay u back.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't see but one color they may have more that I didn't notice. They look pretty good. They will look better after they get in the ground. You know how things get neglected at stores like that. How many do you want? Be glad to get them.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Can u get me 5 with those and a few more from Dian I'll have enough to plant in that new bed. I'll put them in larger pots when I get them from u. Till I get that bed ready

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Will pick them up today. I'll take a picture and text you when I get there.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks. Sometimes it takes a while for me to get my texts. Go ahead and get them if u don't hear back from me.

St. Simon's Island, GA(Zone 9a)

I love the Drift roses. They are doing well for me, but not spreading like wildfire, like the Flower Carpet ones did. Which is a good thing.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I might need to check into that iphone 4 is giving me fits lately...... it was already giving me problems but when I had that last MRI the girl didn't ask me to empty my pockets or do anything except take off my watch and so my phone got fried during the MRI. IT is still working, but it has a LOT of issues. Not sure I want to bump up to the 5 though....... although I have heard it is a lot faster.

Here are some photos of what we did this weekend. I have originally planned to paint all day on my Mom's house..... but the insurance company notified me that if we didn't get this tree down before the June 23 renewal, that they would not renew the policy....SOOO, our plans changed for the weekend. Leigh and I took this tree down on Saturday, and got all the mess piled up into a huge burn pile except for two large pieces of the last section to come down. Our saw got into 'refusal to start' mode, and we used a pole saw to cut up the last 2 sections before this....then the pole saw quit again and Leigh was tired of pulling and pulling on them to get them started, so we left two large pieces to clean up next weekend. The stump itself will have to come down as well, but I thought we put in a pretty good day for just the two of us. This tree had broken off in the tornado of April 1998 - just after my father passed away in March. We couldn't cut the trunk down at the time because it was probably 3.5' across and no one had a saw that would cut that large. We thought the trunk would die and we would be able to eventually take it down. Instead the tree came back stronger than ever and I think it was almost as tall as it was when it originally came down - although each "branch" was not as large. But, half the trunk had rotted - and half the trunk was living, so now the trunk is a very large C shape. Hopefully we will be able to get the trunk down this coming weekend, but at least this should make the insurance company happy.

Sunday we made a trip to LR to look at mattresses, because I desperately need to replace mine. Then yesterday Jessica and I made a trip to Bossier to go to the fabric store, and hit the Gap outlet - Gap had a 50% off sale which is the main reason we went. Outlet prices are already better - then the 50% makes things reasonable. 50% makes a lot of difference! We returned some things at a different store that she needed to take back, and just basically enjoyed goofing off together for the day. She has a young woman she works with that is expecting a baby next week - and we wanted to sew some cute baby things! It was nice to just goof off a day .... Today I will have to get back to my beds!!

KA, congratulations on your African Violet. I love AVs but I do not have enough light in my house for them to do well. :(

Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026 Thumbnail by gen2026
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Hi folks. Just checking in briefly. I've been down with bronchitis, and swamped with work. Enjoyed a couple of days at the lake and some R&R and sitting in the sun. Did some, well really a lot, of yard work too yesterday afternoon.

My niece had her baby girl a week and a half early late on Friday afternoon. Mom and Baby Collins are doing fine. Weighed 6 lbs 3 oz and 18-1/2 in long. Not unusual to have small babies in our family, even at full term, but she is a little jaundiced and her billirubin count is not what they'd like, so Mama got to check out on Sunday but Collins is still in the hospital for a few days. It's really hard since she's nursing so Sarah has to basically stay at the hospital to nurse, but they don't really get to hold and cuddle her since she's under the light most of the day the rest of the time. My sister-in-law is here to help out all week so that is good. I've been useless since I've been sick. Drat!

I have to travel tomorrow thru Saturday so am going to miss the round-up this weekend. I hate it so!!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Oh darn, Elaine, I had hoped you would be able to join us!! Hope you feel better soon! There seem to be a lot of people around here with bronchitis................. that is no fun at all! Plus, you have to get well so you can help spoil that baby!! :)

Jessica and I are excited over her co-worker having the baby,.... it has been so long since we had a baby in our family, we are just going to "adopt" hers so to speak! Her husband and her are in the process of getting a divorce because he started using drugs, now he even doing meth.... :( It is such a sad situation - and I hate the baby girl probably won't have much of a Daddy in her life. She is fairly young though - around 24 I think, so maybe eventually she will meet a nice young man to help her raise the baby.

Hope you enjoy your trip Elaine!


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

You'll be missed Elaine!

Genna, why did you all have to cut that tree down, from the pic, it doesn't look like anything's wrong with it.

I may have to bring Nola to the vet tomorrow, she's been sick for 2 days now. if she's still sick tomorrow, to the vet she'll go. not sure what's going on with her. she's moping around and barely moving around, she did go outside today but laid around the whole time, she's drinking plenty but not eating, I gave them a doz cooked eggs today, and split it between them, she had about 5 of them before she quit eating. that's all she's had, and I can tell she's lost a little weight. She also doesn't make it to the door before she has to go pee, which is HIGHLY unusual for either of them. They do a real good job of ringing the bell to go outside. I don't know what the vet will do for her if anything. maybe he can rule out lymes disease or anything else she might have going on. I do know it's no disease that dogs get casue she's higly immunized and on heart guard and flea and tick. I feel real bad for her though. No energy to do anything and she's full of vinegar all the time lol

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Because the tree was damaged from a tornado in 1998 - and even though the tree grew back from the stump where it was cut off before, after it broke off in the tornado...... it had only grown back from one side of the huge stump - and over the year the other part of the stump rotted. It looked very unstable because of the rotten area that was very visible - but what was growing was very much alive. They sent someone by to inspect all the properties they have policies on and they inquired about it a few months back - but I told my agent it was alive - (because he had said we needed to cut the dead tree down)..... then they sent someone else out who still said it needed to come down. If I had not taken it down, they were going to cancel my insurance coverage on the house next month. :( We had to take it down one large branch at a time because it was between the house and a chainlink fence that encloses the yard. My job was to "pull" while Leigh did the cutting to make sure the large branches went where we wanted them to............... didn't hit the house even the slightest bit, and only barely scraped the chainlink fence with some outlying limbs - no damage done. So, I thougth we did good. Would have probably cost 1000 - 1500 to have someone take it down for us..............possibly more :(

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I just got back from taking Nola to the vet. Her temp was 104 , so I'm glad I brought her, we still don't know what the problem was, but it could have been the steak bone or corn cob she ate. Never again will I give her a bone of any kind. She's on meds now, and hopefully she'll feel better soon, she's lost over 4 pounds in a day and a half. Yikes, poor baby. They really don't know what the problem is for sure though. but if it doesn't get better they'll want to exray her, but I think this will help her get better.

Ripley, MS

I wouldn't think a bone would hurt her, but a corn cob? Why would she even want to eat a cob? I guess she probably gobbled it down before she even tasted it, poor pup, hope she feels better soon

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh, Poor Nola! I hope she feels better soon!

Elaine, so sorry you won't be able to attend the round-up. We will miss you! I hope the bronchitis goes away soon. Congrats on the new baby in your family!

Genna: you and Leigh did a full day's work with that tree, for sure! So sorry about the young woman expecting the baby having to raise that baby herself. Meth does terrible things to people! :(( I didn't think Arkansas allowed a divorce when a woman is pregnant. It is my understanding that the divorce can't take place until AFTER the child is born. At least that is the way it used to be. Maybe the law has changed.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann hope Nola is better soon! I'm like Sandra I don't think the bone could have hurt her. I used to give my German Shepard bones all the time. I would get them from the butcher at the grocery store. Now corn cobs?????? Has she pooped?

Genna that was a lot of work. I had a big oak tree cut down and the stump ground several years ago and it cost me 600.00.

Elaine sorry you want be able to make the RU! We'll miss you.

I'm headed to North Louisiana tomorrow morning to spend the day. I'm going to visit with my cousin from Dallas. She's spending the week with her dad and we'll roam the country side. They are drilling for oil in the area of my land and I want to see what all is going on. One well is less than a mile from my land. Sure wish they would strike it big time!!! I'm not counting my eggs yet! LOL At least they did just recently pay to renew my lease for another three years. I think there is oil there. They are just having a hard time figuring out how to get it out. They had some wells in production in the same area back in the 40's.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

She is feeling better already. He gave her 3 shots and sent her home w antibiotic. He really doesn't know what went on w her. She had one dried up tick on her. Dried up from the front line. Who knows. But she ate tonight and I had to take the food away from her so se wouldn't get sick. I made the meat balls for sat and put them in the freezer till I need them. Nola tested them and they passed the test lol. I did te right thing bringing her to the vet. I do have to keep them separated when their outside together. Nicky is very aggressive w her. He pounced on her tonight knocking her over and she flipped twice before I could even stop him. So he went inside and she stayed out w me for a while. He only wants to play when their outside. Lots of running room and he's feeling his oats. Lol

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann with all the critters we have in our yard (wild critters) we have a terrible time with fleas! Frontline does not work for my dogs. My vet had them on Advantantix and that worked for several years and then they got a bunch of fleas on them using the Advantantix. So he put them on some brand new product that just came out this past year. It is really working and is supposed to last longer than the others do. Don't remember the name of it. I've just been buying single doses. It's 10.00 for one dose. But it's the brand new one. They also make it in pill form but it's too hard getting pills down Charlie so I opted for the topical. They didn't have a single flea on them the last time I bathed them and it had been over a month since I had treated them. I usually find at least 1 or 2 fleas on them after a month. We even have ticks in the yard this year! I've gotten several little tiny ticks on me. I'm going to have to treat our whole back yard with something!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's weird. We never have problems w fleas. Just ticks. Ambers dog got fleas once and the frontline plus took care of it for her. We have ticks bad here. Never see any fleas.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We have a zillion squirrels, possums, raccoons, an occasional chipmunk, and wild cats! Oh I forgot coyotes! I think that's where our fleas come from! I was looking for something in the greenhouse today and all of a sudden this big black cat came flying out of the corner past me doing about a hundred and one! I screamed, threw what ever I had! Scared the daylights (just about more than that) out of me! I like cats - used to have them - but those wild black cats need to go. I saw a squirrel this weekend sitting in the pergola shredding one of my new dawn roses. Looked like he was trying to figure out how to eat it!!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Whoo, Charlotte--you do have lots of pesky critters! We have squirrels and chipmunks but with Laddy patroling the back yard, they keep their distance--at least when Laddy is outside. My vet has Laddy on Trifexis. It is supposed to prevent heartworms and also kill fleas and ticks that get on him. We do have ticks and Al is going to have to treat the yard because Laddy brings them in on his fur. He comes and jumps in my lap and then the ticks get on me! :(( I have found two ticks on me in the last couple of weeks but was able to get them off with no problems and no lasting effects.

Kathy Ann, so glad Nola is feeling better and eating again! That was scary for you and her, I am sure! I hope that Laddy and your dogs will get along. When we went to Arizona last Thanksgiving he got along fine with the four big dogs--two belonged to Al's brother and the other two were his sister's dogs. Laddy just let them know that he was as big as they were! (he thought) LOL

This is one of the Huskers Red Penstemons which Elaine gave me at the RU last September. There are four of them and two of them are doing quite well and getting ready to bloom. The other two are still small but they are growing. :)

This message was edited May 29, 2013 7:22 AM

Thumbnail by marsue
Ripley, MS

I buy the stuff that is granules and strow it all over the yard every summer, sometimes I do it the second time if I start seeing more ticks. It works well and I have been told it keeps snakes away too, don't know how true that is, but it does work for fleas and ticks. I put some out while Eli was gone last week end. I can't think of the name brand, but it shows all the stuff on the front it keeps away, big bag.
We need something for mosquitoes now--they are saying West Nile already from bites.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear that Nola is sick! Hope she feels better soon. My french bulldog, Sugar, had to go to the vet twice week before last - they really didn't know what was wrong with her either.....just a slightly elevated white blood count. :( She was on antibiotics for a week or so, but now she is acting like she is feeling bad again........ This is the momma to the one we lost in March so I have been really paranoid about how she is acting. She may have to go back to the vet today.

There are LOTS of mosquitos here already..... killed two inside the house last night right at bedtime! Don't really know much that is effective as far as killing them except for those things you drop in standing water...........

My huskers red that Elaine gave me is blooming up a storm as well.

Marilyn, you are right about the divorce - she can not have it finalized until the baby arrives. They have also said that by law she MUST notify him when the baby is born ( actually I think they said when she goes into labor) but she doesn't want him and his family there to have to deal with them much, so she will wait until much closer to delivery time to notify them. I didn't realize until her situation that it was a law that you could not divorce while expecting..................

Charlotte, I am sure you will enjoy your visit today!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

that trifexis is high dollar, like l6 a tube, doesn't it go on the back like frontline? it doesn't help with ticks is why I didn't get it, but I can't afford to keep that on two dogs. I did put them back on heart guard cauase they were on trifexis . We do the lawn stuff too Sandra, have done it 3 times so far. Ticks are so bad here. they get on the ends of the grass and just wait for you to brush up against the grass, then their on you.

Nola's fever was back this morning but I can tell she's doing a little better, she's eating now, I have to feed her separate from Nicky, and watch them closely when their together. she's still week and can't defend herself. I'm glad they mind me for the most part, I do have some control on them most times. I'm off to clean a little house.

Tomorrow I'm going to do some baking and getting a few things ready, for the party inside the house. I'm getting excited!!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That is something we hardly have any at all of is Mosquitos, not sure why, we're wooded, and it's wet from watering all the time.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I use Trifexis for Luckie and it's a pill. It is expensive but it works. By the time you add the price of the flea & tick meds and the heart worm pills together it was close to the same cost. It must taste awful thought b/c it's about the only thing Luckie ever spit out. I have to hide it in a piece of cheese for her to eat it.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Yeah. But what do u do for ticks. Cause the vet said that stuff only kills fleas. Not ticks.

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