May Flowers bring beauty and joy!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

she does, I didn't think 20 was bad at all for her huge drift roses, she also had a yellow flower hydrangea out there I wanted, but thought i'd get when we all go down there, I forgot the name of it I'm going to have to keep the roses and hydrangea potted till my new bed is ready lol but at least i'll have some of the plants for the bed when it's finished. her drift roses were beautiful!! really, all her stuff is very healthy.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I can't beleive you said that about the yellow hydrangea!! I was supposed to ask ya'll if you had EVER heard of such a thing. Jessica was on line and saw a yellow hydrangea - the old fashioned big puffs - but we weren't sure if it existed or if they had dyed the flowers! She is wanting one REALLY bad.........but I had never heard of a yellow hydrangea before! I meant to ask ya'll if you had.........................

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Ill ask Dian what the name
Of that hydrangea is

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Kathy Ann, I am jealous of your Crystal Fountain clematis! I was going to order one but it was going to cost more to have it shipped than the plant itself cost so I didn't order it. Does Dian have another one? I wonder if she would save it for me? If you have her number I could call her and give her my credit card number and tell her I will get it on the 1st.
I also want a red clematis. Did she have any of those?

What on earth is a drift rose? I never heard of those? I would love to have a yellow hydrangea, too!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

She has over 150
Clematis and quite a few of the crystal fountain and several reds and 14 varieties. I can go back over there this week and get u one. That way u will for sure get one. I think I saw 5 of the crystal fountain.
She also had multi blue which looks alot like crystal fountain
She has some
Stunning varieties. It won't bother me a bit to go back over there and get u one. She doesn't have a good place to "hide " stuff for people cause people will still find it and grab it up. She's also not there during the week. Connie runs the show during the week. If I go back. I'm gonna get that yellow flowering hydrangea. She told me just now its cslled bombshell. They r 20 also and huge!! In 3 or 4 gal pots.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I meant to say she has 14 varieties in all. Several reds. Don't know if there will be any crystal fountains by this weekend. She was pretty busy today. She was there today. For a change. Usually only there on the weekends and nights.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I hate for you to make a special trip just to get them for me but if you are going to go anyway, then please pick up a crystal fountain and a red clematis, too, please. If I had checked in here earlier today I maybe could have caught you on the cell phone while you were there but we were in Mountain Home most of the day.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just looked up Bombshell hydrangea and I think it's actually more of a white that probably has a yellow cast to it when it first starts to open. All the sites described it as white with a pink cast as it ages. It is a mininature. The flowers are a puff but small puffs. Pictures are deceiving. Still a very pretty hydrangea. I would like to have one I'm adding the small ones in several area.

Those are very good looking clematis. About the price I've seen at Lowes but hers look better and I'm sure she has a better selection.

I really can't remember where I got my drift roses. But I still think it must have been Lowes because it was just an after thought. Hadn't thought about buying any until I saw them. So must have been a bargain. Don't remember if it was last year or the year before! They are really not in a good place. I probably need to dig them up and move them to a better location. The bed its in has hot lips salvia, hosta that I can't possibly get to, tall mexican petunia, a passion vine that I left outside in a pot over the winter and expected it to die. The passion vine is growing everywhere. It's all just a mess of a jungle!

Genna next time you are in Hot Springs stop by A Spot of Color nursery. It right across the street from the shopping center where Lowes is. It's more toward the expressway . It's actually the second business on the right going south. I was in Hot Spirngs today and stopped by and ended up buying several things. I love coral bells and they do really well in my yard. I found several varieties I don't have and they were nice size plants but in small pots and only 3.29. Also got some really pretty coleus I haven't found at other places.

I think the Bombshell is similar to Little Lime but smaller.
Here are some links.

This message was edited May 20, 2013 8:26 PM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Those links show it to be pretty yellow to me. For some reason I thought the party was this weekend and I figured the crystal fountain clematis would still be thought but since we have 2 weeks yet. I will definitely get u one Marilyn. I'm gonna text undone pics of the red ones and let u pick which one. They all have a pic of the flower. So. I'll let u know when I go there so u can watch out for the texts.

Probably go back tomorrow or wed and I don't need an excuse to go back there. Lol I'm always ready for a trip there!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have Little Lime and really like it. The color is similar to Limelight but Limelight is a bigger plant. I notice the sites say Bombshell can go in full sun. I would not recommend that at all!! In zones that don't get as hot as ours it is probably ok but it is far too hot here. All hydrangeas require LOTS of water and the hot sun will just zap them and probably also burn them.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Does she have lots of hydrangeas? I have done some searching on line and am fairly sure that the ones Jessica saw were sprayed with floral spray...... :( I don't think there is a true yellow mophead like she was seeing in the photos........... I love almost all hydrangeas!! I always have since I was a little kid..........but I don't seem to have much luck getting the few I have to bloom! I don't have much shade - and now I am afraid the ones I have may not be getting enough sun.......

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Does anyone have family or a close, trustworthy friend in Houston?? Jessica and I need someone to personally walk our passports into the Brazilian consulate there to get our visas................. is that not crazy??? You can no longer MAIL them! just thought someone on here might have a trustworthy contact that wouldn't mind doing that for us....................

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I do, Genna. Will text you her name and you can contact her on FB.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna the bright yellow ones she is seeing online are sprayed with floral dye. Hydrangeas don't come that color.
Are you leaving your stems (look like dead sticks) on your hydrangeas over the winter. Also they have to have a lot of water. If they keep getting stressed (wilting really bad) that will affect the blooms and will cause them to eventually die. They will bloom in deep shade. Just have to have water and the stems left uncut.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Marilyn...... unfortunately, it appears that IF someone is willing to go, they will have to be fairly flexible on the schedule. It appears there has to be an appointment made on line, but you can't see the appointment times until you get the form completed (I am getting this info from another that is going on the trip but already has their visa).

I did leave the stems on - what few there are....but no sign of blooms yet - and I have 4 different ones - 3 planted somewhat close together that would get about the same lighting.... and then one on the North end of my house - which is where I started out trying to plant several but they did not seem to do well there. They were not in a bed on the north end and although I tried to amend the soil in the hole, I think it was just too sandy and they couldn't retain enough moisture there. The only one i have that has survived on that end is one near the condensate drip tube for the AC so the ground stays wet close to it.........

Yeah, I had decided the ones she was seeing were dyed............... too bad - someone should hybridize that color! ^_^

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Genna, I did see quite a few hydrangeas there, their all in 3 gallon or bigger pots so they will be 20 or so, all her plants are 5 or 6 dollars cheaper than lowes in their sizes, and hers are fuller and more healthy.

I've been thinking about that new flower bed I want to build, you all coming here next week will see the mess I have to clean up first in order to even get started. but I counted in my back yard, about l8 diff Japanese irises I brought up from the back flower garden that have hardly bloomed in 3 years, this year they are doing well but no blooms yet, I think they need a lot more sun than the TB iris do, and I am going to move them ALL to the new bed I'm going to build in the full sun and make that bed JUST drift roses around the edges and Japanese iris inside it. I hate thought that all the blooming will be gone in a month's time, so I'm not positive what else may go into that bed, but I've got a few trades going on for some fancy TB iris so I could put those inthere too I guess. I'm going to have to take an ax to get the wisteria out of that area first . and it 's looking like i'm going to have to do this by myself. I've been using round up and I can't seem to even start to kill it , of course it's rained everytime I sprayed the RU on it. I didn't realize I had so many Japanese iris in the back yard till I just went out there and counted them. I was shocked lol I hate that I don't get blooms on them. They only get a few hrs of sun a day.

I have so many plans, and here lately, all I want to do is sit and rest lol

Ripley, MS

You have worked so long that you need a few days rest, Kathy Ann. I have the same problem with Japanese Iris, I had them in the shade and only got a couple of blooms, then saw all of yours in the big sun garden and they were just a bouquet the last time we were there. I dug all of them up last fall and potted them up. I made a new rose bed so I could go and get the rest of Mamma's roses. I have put the Japanese iris in the new bed with the roses. I am hoping maybe next year to get some blooms. I am not finished with it yet, still have to get the soil built up some more. I am still working on the rock wall on the front too. There was an old field road there a long time ago, before our new neighbor moved in and dozed it all away. Those big rocks were put there to haul timber out, I am digging them out and making the wall, also to get it to where I cam mow that area in front of the bed.

Thumbnail by slcdms
Ripley, MS

We are like Marilyn, out in the boonies, hence the tire--lol! That is Jerry's only gardening project this year. He wanted to grow some squash in a tire. I made the mistake of telling him I didn't care where he put it, so straight to my new rose bed it goes--lol. The red rose is one I brought from Mammas, there are 5 in there that I dug up in March and brought them home with me.
I still have about 6 pots of the Japanese Iris to put out somewhere !

Thumbnail by slcdms
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That looks nice Sandra !

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

That does look good Sandra.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Your new bed is looking nice, Sandra. I'm glad to hear that you were able to get your Mamma's roses and bring them to your place. I still have Gunny's rose--she is such a trooper. I've moved her from Cabot to Harrison to Isabella and she is still going--like the Energizer Bunny! LOL There are no blooms yet this season but we've had such a weird spring, weather wise, that all the plants have been confused!

My peonies were all beat down in the rain that we had on Monday night. We went out before the rain and cut several of the blooms to bring in. I have one bouquet in the kitchen and one in the living room. The peonies are so fragrant that I can smell them across the room! :) It's just too bad they only bloom once a year.

My lilies are starting to bloom now and the Huskers Red Penstemon that Elaine gave me is also blooming. All the other plants I brought home from Jim's RU last Sept. are growing like gangbusters and should be blooming within the next few weeks.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn. U should see everything here. Nothing is left standing. All beat down by the storm. I hope my fox gloves pick themselves back up!!!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Charlotte. I went back and read the info on those bombshells. It does say
They r white blooms
Sure looks yellow. I hate that. Dian's going to be disappointed too. I think it will still look nice when I get it planted.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

She also has little lime
There in a huge pot. I've always liked that one. I need it too lol

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sandra, that new bed is looking great! Jerry knew if he put it in there he wouldn't have to mow around it! ^_^
I love roses and am toying with the idea of buying a few more with all the sales everyone has on them..........

I am wanting to plant roses on my chain link fence in different places. We have a very large fenced back yard - and LOTS of fence. I have been looking at climbing roses because I thought that is what i needed - but many of them say they get 10 and 12' tall.............. Am I looking at the wrong classification of roses? Would I be better with floribundas or grandifloras for the fence?? I just thougth the climbing roses would spread more and be better contained to the fence - but I am wondering if they get that large if I am correct..............My Mom used to have red roses on the fence row when I was growing up - but looking at the types I would say hers were probably old floribundas.

Marilyn are your peonies in the shade? I am going to dig mine up and move them...............

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Genna: our peonies have about an equal amount of sun and shade each day--they seem to do well where they are. They bloomed more this year than they did last year but Al had cleaned out the bed real good and I think that made a difference this year.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra your new bed is looking good!!! I love that red rose. Does it smell?

Ripley, MS

Only one thing wrong with the idea about mowing Genna, I do all the mowing here ! He mows at his Moms house and I mow here. He does any weed eating that is left, I just can't handle a weed eater. Since I mow with a push mower there is not much left to weed.

I have never wanted too many roses as I don't like the thorns, but I couldn't stand my Mammas roses that she loved so much stay there and who knows what happen to them if the house ever does sell. We thought we had a buyer twice that backed out and all I could think about we're those roses. They all came from Wal Mart and Lowes and don't have names, but she loved them so I do too.

Ripley, MS

Jeri, we cross posted--smells pretty rank right now, I have lots of manure on it---LOL !!! Only has the 3 blooming right now, they smell great up close. I had the yellow nor there for a long time, I had to move it when the new road was built. The last load of mulch that was dumped there got on it and it survived, so I am hoping they all will love it there.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

They appear happy to me so far!!! I couldn't dig up the bushes at our old family home so I took cuttings and have 3 iceberg roses from my grandmother's and a beautiful red rose from my Aunt Effie's that I treasure more than plants that i have paid dear for so I know what this bed means to you!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandra I certainly understand about wanting those roses! Most people unfortunately want take care of plants! I planted two big rose beds at the house we built in El Dorado upteen years ago! I only lived there 2 years but my roses really did well. I would drive by every so often after we moved and it didn't take but a few years and my roses were all history!

Genna I would think you are looking for a rose that grows tall. I would just train it to grow outward on the fence and it gets bigger.

I've found that peonies need quite a bit of sun. I had one in mostly shade and they would bloom but not a lot of blooms. I finally dug it up last year and moved it to a sunnier spot in the front. It is actually a peony that was here when I moved here 30 years ago! I've moved it several times out of necessity but they really don't like to moved. It usually takes them a while to recover. Except Kathy Ann gave me a large peony last year when she cleared out her big sunny bed and that thing loved it's new location and bloomed its little heart out this year. I think we were also able to get all the roots and keep them intact. That bed is also filled with rich loose soil. I bought 2 tree peonies at a coop several years ago and I put them in large pots in the back yard in a spot that get lots of sun but also is shaded but of the day. They have done well were they are but my idea for being in pots is to be able to move them to sunnier spots if needed.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Well Sandra, he doesn't even have to weed it around it in there! LOL

Did ya'll hear about the young man who was killed in NW arkansas with the street sign that blew over? That guy went on the DC trip with Jessica 3 summers ago............. she saw his face on the news last night and said
"Hey wait, I know that guy" and went and grabbed her camera - she had pictures with him on her camera.....

There is so much destruction in Oklahoma........ my heart just aches for all those people. Wish I was where I could take off and go help.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Charlotte, we cross posted........ thanks for the info on the roses and peonies. My peonie is in full sun, but does not seem to be doing well there. The soil may not be rich enough for it - i remember mom always put dried horse manure around her peonies and roses............

Ripley, MS

Well it is that time of year again, the first full size daylily bloom

Thumbnail by slcdms
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

That is so pretty, Sandra! I love the color!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I love that color too!! The only one of mine that has bloomed so far is Christie Dixon, but have lots of scrapes and should have more blooming soon..... That is bright and cheery!

Ripley, MS

Of course the tag is gone, but I think it is My Darling Clementine !

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I like that one Sandra. Like the yellow and the ruffled edges.
I don't have any open yet but several that should be open later this week.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Check this out Sandra. LOL!!! Can you see my d/l?

Thumbnail by jeri11
Ripley, MS

Yes, I can, I just looked at these pictures on the plant exchange.
Did you get my d-mail?

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