Spring Round Up, 2013

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone!

We've been talking about having a RU, on last year's thread. I feel we might get more of a response if we start a new thread. So here it is.

I have a couple of questions for folks. First, does anyone else want to host the RU? I'm open to it and am willing to help. : - )
Secondly, we will need a location. I am willing to have it here, even if I'm not hosting the RU. Once again, we'll help.
Third, we have to settle on a date. Except for my FIL's 80'th B.day, on the weekend of April 13, & 14, we don't have anything conflicting as of right now. That is subject to change. I would like to have the RU either in April or in May. It shouldn't be too dry yet, and it probably won't rain, unless we get some spring showers that we really need.

So folks speak up, make lists, figure out what plants you have to trade/share, and what to bring for the potluck. Please do post on this thread if you can attend. We kind of figure things out as we go along, and it would be great to see our DG friends get together.
If you read last year's thread, you can see what I mean. : - )

Anyway, here is the Spring RU, 2013 for you! Let the trading begin!

Walk In Beauty~

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'll speak! End of April, beginning of May sounds great.
I have lots of 4" succulents, I can list them if someone wants, or just bring a mix.
Anyone wanting agaves should let me know as I won't bring them otherwise. I have pups of Agave tequiliana, salmiana ferox, variegated americana and truncata.
I also have quite a few geraniums so if there's an interest I'll get some names to post.
Cannas, dwarf yellow, red indian shot, and Canna patens.
Shasta daisy, Bronze fennel, Crocosmia, 2nd year corkscrew willow cuttings, Red epiphyllum.
A few larger succulents: Cotyldon orbiculata, Crassula falcata, several aeoniums, upright rosemary rooted 4" cuttings,
rooted spineless opuntia (tortoise food), pregnant onion.
More to come as I think of them, all of these are already potted and in my little home nursery so they'll be easy to load up and bring.
I'll also bring any extra fresh seed from my garden. I always have a baggy of Canna patens, fortnight lily and few others.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Homedomedee,
That's quite a selection of plants you have there. I'm going through my garden and cleaning everything up. I was really pleased today to go into the gh and find one of the lantana, I got rooted has bloomed. I hope to be able to post photos tomorrow. I have 10 of them in small pots that are earmarked for the RU, so if you'd like one speak up and I'll put your name on it.
I need to transplant my pretty rock purslane, and found it has some gorgeous pink blooms. I will post a photo to show you. I have several starts rooting right now in water and will have 10 of these earmarked for the RU. If you like succulents, you'll like this plant. : - )
That's all I have right now. I know that I have a lot more stuff, but I'm having a foggy headed day, and can't remember more right now.
I had some Agave tequiliana that had pups, the mother died, and someone took off with all the pups before I could get mine transplanted. I would really like one, please.
I like every geranium I ever met, except for the red one that wouldn't die. I gave up and replanted it in front of the cabin. Do you have any pink geranium? I like purple too.
What is red indian shot? I am looking to replace a pink canna that died last summer.
ES told me today that he killed the last corkscrew willow cuttings I got from a fellow DG'er. I would like a couple of those please.
The rooted spineless opuntia sounds interesting. I think I still have several tortoises running around the place. They've been dormant over the winter, so I may see them sometime soon.
What are fortnight lillies?
You have some really neat plants. I think I saw a photo of your little home nursery. It looked incredibly organized, and very full. : - )
Say, would you be interested in a 10 gal Banana plant? I had to thin my bananas in the GH, and this one came up by mistake so I potted it. It has survived the winter, and being mangled, and I saw today that it has some new growth coming on. I also grow pineapple, but don't think I have enough pups to share this year. They are easy to grow from the tops of the pineapple fruit though.
Okay, that's all that I can think of for now. I'll be back tomorrow to post photos.

Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

You can put my name on a couple of those lantana, I was actually going to buy some the next time I spotted it at a nursery. It's perfect for the butterfly/bee garden as it blooms most of the year. The rock purslane sounds like a winner too, I always have room for low growies. Does the banana die back in winter if it freezes? I have a 1/2 barrel open for a big plant and a banana might be the ticket.

Canna indica is a smaller flowering canna usually. The red isn't too small but the red/yellow has a really cute little bloom, it's my fav and easy from seed.
Fortnight lily is Dietes iridioides. If you don't have it it's really a nice plant. Not too picky about water and a good regular Summer bloomer without any special needs.
The seeds are good and viable too, not too many self seed (I'm not an overwaterer) but they can be easily germinated with a little extra care.

Well, I've decided to offer the last two echium wildpretti (Tower of Jewels). I grew these from seed and they are in gallon pots now. I put 9 on them in my gardens but just feel kind of piggish not offering the last two. These are the best of the best when it comes to large blooming beauties and it's taken me three springs to get a batch of seeds to germinate.

Well, I'm tired, I've been weeding and planting all day as it was overcast and pleasant outside.

Canna Indica red/yellow aka Canna patens.

Thumbnail by Domehomedee Thumbnail by Domehomedee
sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

sorry but have had some unexpected surgery scheduled, will not be able to attend

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm ready any time, that is if DH is feeling better. I know he enjoys the round up, but his health isn't very good at this time.

My neighbor brought over a couple hanging plants of succulents, but they don't look very well, but will try to start new plants. Have no idea what they are, never can remember names of plants any way.

Hope a lot more are interested in coming.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

risingcreek - sorry I won't get to meet you, maybe next year.
I'm with you Samigal, I hope their is some more interest.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Awww, risingcreek, I'm sorry to hear about you having to miss out on the RU, but do keep us posted on how you are doing. We're close enough that we can get together at another time. Let me know if you want something, and I'll get it to you, okay? No fun being sick without something pretty to look at.

Give 'em time, Sami. : - )

Dee, I've got room for a echium wildpretti (Tower of Jewels), and it sounds intriguing. I'd like to try a couple of the Fortnight lily is Dietes iridioides, too. I'll put your name on a couple of the Lantana. See photos.

About the banana, I had it in a large pot for at least 5 years before I planted them in the ground in the gh. They did just fine in the pot, and if there was a frost advisory, I just threw an old sheet over it. Some of the leaves got frost burned, over the years, but if it's well mulched at the base of the pot, and you cover it with some kind of frost cloth, it should grow well for you. Right now, it's in a 10 gal pot. See photo. It lost it's leaves after transplanting, but as you can see, it's hard to kill when it's happy. Just let me know if you want it.

It occurred to me, that I have a whole bunch of these light purple iris' to share. See middle photo.

Had some unexpected work yesterday, so I haven't really had a chance to see what is growing wild in the gh or garden. My rotten fids scared me by leaving the yard and not returning when I called them. DH says, that he found them in the back yard, pretending they had never left. I know better because they smelled like they had been rolling on carrion. It's an all day job to give them fids a bath, get them dry, and then cut off their long winter coat. Actually, I'm still working on Spirit, but we both were getting tired and my hands were shaking, so I decided it would be better to quit while we were ahead. : - ) To see before and after haircut, look at the last 2 photos.
One of the kids and I agreed that Spirit had enough hair for 2 Cousin Its. It's best to shave him down now before the foxtails come out in force and besides, with two of them shedding, I'm sure you can imagine drifts of hairs all over the house. LOL! That's taken care of for now, and I'll be able to see what I have for trading over the weekend.

I'll be checking back in to see what's going on, from time to time, so please feel free to speak up, folks! You snooze, you loose!


Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

SingingWolf - OK, I've made a list of what you want.
I'd like the banana, I think it would look great out by my pond.

Thumbnail by Domehomedee
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Tag, it's got your name on Dee. I think it would look good there too!
Thank you for the plants.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Where is everyone? Did I scare them off?

Thumbnail by Domehomedee
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Love that sign Domehomedee! I wet my pants too and that isn't a mistake in spelling. LOL

I should bring my mini schnauzer to you to clip SW. She is full of "dread locks" and if I come near her with a scissors she starts running. I do take her in for grooming once in a while and feel sorry for the groomer as Sami hates baths and haircuts. I've been procrastinating on giving her a bath, as it is such a chore. She cries all the while I'm shampooing her.

Was so proud of myself that I stayed away from the computer today until around 4 PM. Once I get on it I'm hooked.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey all!

I'm beginning to wonder if we are the only people left in CA on DG these days. I know that there are plenty of people out there who will come, but this is a busy time of year for lots of reasons.

I'm thinking about scheduling in the RU for the last weekend in April. That would be Saturday, April 27th. Will that work well for everyone? Speak up or it's a done deal.

Dee, I hope you don't mind me shortening your username, but it's easier this way, if that's okay with you. Nah, you didn't scare anyone off. I always wonder if maybe it was me? Seems as if people are very busy right now for a variety of reasons, and it's okay. I know that other folks will join in as soon as they check the website.
Right now a lot of people are out on spring break or have kids, gkids who are. Easter is coming up this weekend, too.
No matter, who does or doesn't show up, we always have a good time. I'll be happy if any one shows up. : - )

I have been weeding like crazy, and they are still winning. Along the way, I'm finding some cool plants. Sadly, I can't remember the name of the one that rooted. I think it's a sage. Anyway, I'm going to get photos and pot
'em up for the RU. I'll find the name.

Sami, all I got to say about the 'puter, is that I'd never get anything done if it worked all the time. : - )

I'm using a dog grooming electric trimmer on my fids. I don't know if you ever watch the Dog Whisperer, but I love the way he explains things. I was worried about how the dogs would react to their hair cut. Mia has been professionally groomed before, so I wasn't too concerned about her after she tried shoving Spirit out of the way to get bathed, and then again to get blow dried. I guess she likes spa days. : - ) On the other hand, I don't remember if I've ever used clipper on Spirit, don't think so, but after he saw what a good time Mia was having, I had no problems, unless I was using the scissors. Go figure. You might see how your dog reacts to the sound of an electric shaver. If she wigs out, take her to the groomer.

I'm so excited I almost wet my pants! Not plants, pants. Why? Because, a hummingbird has built her nest in plain sight in the gh. The photo ops that await! : - )
My Painted Lady B.flys arrived, as did my Strawberry bags. I have four new BB bushes to plant in big pots. Looks like I'm going to be bery busy. : - )

Oh, before I forget, I have a lot of packaged seed that I will list tomorrow. Most of them are veggie seeds. So if you are planning your kitchen garden, you may want to take a peak at the seeds tomorrow. : - )

Now I have to go wet my plants!


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

End of the month is good for me. I'm feeling swamped, don't really have a reason either, stress is a curious thing.
I have to bath my little yorkie, Buster, like twice a week. Between the fleas and the unexplainable itchies he just always seem to need a bath. I do any clipping that needs doing, although he doesn't have as much hair as he used to.
I just put a bunch of Ligularia (tractor seat) plant seeds in a pot in the greenhouse. They ripened on the plant so I have some hope. I also found some info saying they germinate at 60 degrees, I can do that outside, even now. Oh I hope, I hope, they are such cool plants.
I can bring a baggie with my seeds and any of the others I have and don't want. I'm not much of a seed saver, I use 'um or trade them out within a year or two. I've had way to much bad seed in my life.

Ligularia "tractor seat" in bloom

Thumbnail by Domehomedee
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

That's a pretty plant, Dee. Great foilage, and pretty flowers. Does it spread readily? I need to think about that one.

Okay, here is a partial list and I'll come back and edit it as I find more plants.

Potted Plants

yellow Lantana ~ 10 pots (small) ~ One for Dee, 9 more still available.

Rock Purslane ~ 10 pots (small) ~ One for Dee, 9 more still available.

Banana ~1 plant (10 gal pot) ~ Dee scored this one. : - )

Rembrandt Iris' ~ How much do you want? I got too many!

Wisteria ~ 2 (small) ~ One for Sami,

Society Garlic ~ Potted in one gal. containers on request.


Garden Bean ~ Contender ~ 1 pkg

Garden Bean ~ Kentucky Wonder ~ 1 pkg

Garden Bean ~ Kitchen King ~ 1 pkg

Garden Bean ~ Tenderpick ~ 2 pkg

Beet ~ Detroit Dark Red, medium top ~ 10 pkg

Carrot ~ Danvers Half Long ~ 2 pkg

Carrot ~ Garden King Hybrid ~ 6 pkg

Carrot ~ Scarlet Nantes ~ 1 pkg

Cucumber ~ Pepino Burpee Hybrid II ~ 14 pkg

Cucumber ~ Picklebush ~ 2 pkg

Radish ~ Cherry Belle ~ 4 pkg

Winter Squash ~ Butterbush ~ 3 pkg

Summer Squash ~ Early Prolific Straitneck ~ 7 pkg

Summer Squash ~ Pic-N-Pic Hybrid ~ 2 pkg

Summer Squash ~ Early Golden Crookneck ~ 10 pkg

Summer Squash ~ Burpee's Fordhook Zucchini ~ 1 pkg~ Sami

Sweet Pepper ~ Big Dipper ~ 2 pkg

Swiss Chard ~ Fordhook Giant ~ 3 pkg

Tomato ~ Burpee's Big Boy Hybrid ~ 4 pkg

Tomato ~ Roma ~ 3 pkg

Tomato ~ Super Sweet 100 Hybrid Cherry type ~ 3 pkg

Watermelon ~ Carolina Cross #183 ~ 4 pkg

Watermelon ~ Crimson Sweet ~ 3 pkg ~ 1 pkg. for Dee,

Pond Plants

Water Hyacinth


Pink Water lillies


That is it for now, when I find more stuff, I'll add it on.


This message was edited Mar 27, 2013 3:19 PM

This message was edited Mar 29, 2013 6:02 PM

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I hope DH feels like coming out on the 27th. I'll tell him he has a month to get feeling good. I want to plant zucchini so save some seeds for me. I would like a wisteria plant, gal in Kentucky was going to send me one she rooted and I hope she hasn't forgot about it. I'm trying to root some succulent cuttings, don't know if I'll have any luck.

I've been having some computer problems, couldn't get on the Internet. Verizon sent me a new DSL modem with built in wireless router and I just hooked that up today. I did it right cause I got on the Internet. They are always sending me ads on Fios which I would love, but can't afford. Guess they are trying to do away with DSL and that doesn't make me a happy camper. I have so many wires going every which way and messing with them cam stress me out.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I have put the 27th on the Calendar, that means I will be getting a room, or calling some friends and making plans around that date.
I'd like some watermelon seeds. I have already started the first round of veges but I'd like to try a watermelon in the greenhouse with the tomatos and cucumbers.
The Ligularia is a weird one. It is kind of bog plant, kind of. I have it in a half barrel with the drainage holes halfway down the side of the barrel. It droops in the Summer sun and is happiest in part shade and wet conditions. It has grown and even multiplied really well for me, that impresses me because with irregular watering, little feeding, gophers, bunnies and deer, plants need to be somewhat hardy to survive my garden.

My puppy dog - Buster

Thumbnail by Domehomedee
Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Sweet Puppy Dee! : - )

Yes, Sami, do tell DH that he has to be better in a month! We'd like to see him again. : - )

Okay, folks be specific on the type of seed you want, for instance, I have two different kinds of watermelon. Which one, Dee?

Sami is off the hook, because I only have one zucchini, and I'll be putting her name on it. : - )
Sami, I'll put you down for one of the Wisteria too. Didn't you want a Rosemary start last year? I think I forgot to dig one up for you. Let me know if you still want one. : - }

Dee, I have a gold fish pond out back, with a couple of turtle in it. I can set that bog plant partially submerged in the pond, I think. : - )

Speaking of which, I need to thin out some of the plants in the pond, and will be listing the types above. If you are interested, tell me how many you want and I'll pull 'em out. Have lots of water plants listed above.

Sami, do you have any extra time now that you're hooked up again? Can you contact the folks why were here last year and let them know about the RU?

We should remind people that we won't be putting out the info on how to get here unless people let us know that they are planning on attending.
Although, you'd think that the plant swap, the potluck, and being able to put a face to the user name, would also be good draws too.

I'll try to reach some folks too. Like where is our beloved RoadRunner? I haven't heard from her for quite a while and was hoping to hit her up for some gourd seed.

Well, I'm off to edit my post above, and then to track down RoadRunner.


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I have never grown a watermelon . . . so whichever one looks like it will take up the least space, LOL.
I have never been to a round-up so when should I be there?

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

SW, I'll take a start of a rosemary plant too, thanks. Will try to find out some of the gals to let them know of the RU. Right now my mind is a blank, but mornings are always better for brain work. LOL

DH tires out so fast and now doctor thinks he has COPD since he is short of breath most of the time. Just going in for some blood work today and stopping at the bank tired him out that when we got home he went to lay down. Tomorrow is another appointment for him and I hope he feels good enough to stop at the Dollar Tree Store. I need to get back out in the yard and check on succulents cuttings. I sure hope I can get some started; if I can I will bring some with me.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hey Dee, Usually we start about 10:00 am. That gives people time to get here. You said you might be staying with family or friends close by? We try to make it convenient for everyone. IF anyone needs a later start time, speak up!
I'll put you down for one of the Sweetheart watermelons. : - )

Sami, I sure hope that your DH is feeling better. I know, I've had a persistent cough all winter. It's finally getting better. I hope his breathing eases up for him.

I sent a d-mail to RoadRunner. I also will get in touch with QuiltyGirl on FB. Sylvia should be about done with her jury duty, so we'll be hearing from her soon. : - ) I can get in touch with KC too, and see if she is interested. I'll do what I can.


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Since it's an early start I'll stay with friends in Calabasas the night before. I'm having a plant sale tomorrow, hope I get some business being Easter weekend and all.
Doesn't really matter though, I have so much to do down at the greenhouse it's not like I'll get bored, LOL.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I found some names of the girls who have come to a round up. They are monkeymomr, desert_witch, ick3585, JulesGarden,Tleaves,tchrkare, and mulberrygrrl. I know a few of them did come last year.

No one has posted for a few days, so thought I could just throw those names out there.

New meds for DH aren't working like they should so in another month if they still aren't working the next step is chemo. Just hate that to happen, but maybe the new meds will kick in.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm sorry to hear about DH's med's not working. I'll keep him in my prayers, Sami. Thanks for looking up those names, too. I'll write to them and see what is happening.

You know I looked up how many members we have in CA, and it surprised me that we have more members than anyone else (other state). So why can't we get a few more folks out to attend the RU? Beats me, they must be busy.

Dee, good to know. I hope your plant sell went well. : - )

I was out in the GH working like a crazy person. I'm reconfiguring the place, and had to work, while I had the muscle around. DH is a weed whacking fiend, when it comes to removing plants. It was good to have his help.


Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Singingwolf - any word on more attendees?
I'm coming no matter what. But I'm going to be more selective on what I bring if it's just going to be the three of us.

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

Dee, nice to meet you here. I feel sure (baring any emergency) that my husband Rob and I will be there on the 27th and perhaps some other plant lovers I know. I will look around my yard and see what plants I can divide and what seeds I have and plants to start.

Will update asap

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Hoping to hear from the rest of the gardeners out there. The high winds yesterday made a mess from the pine trees so time to clean up and try and get my raised bed ready for planting.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I've been under the weather. Allergies, and a slight case of bronchitis. The winds didn't help either.
I haven't heard from anyone else, except I did find our RoadRunner. I haven't had the chance to ask her about the RU, though. Which reminds me, does anyone know how to find QG? Maybe I should just post the date of the RU on fb, because I'm pretty sure that she checks there. I'll try it, if I can ever get back on fb. My 'puter is still giving me fits.
Dee, sounds good to me. I wouldn't bring anything more than what you need to. I'm going to go back through later on and check your goodies to see if you have anything else I can use. You'll probably go home with a lot more than you came with. Which is okay by me! : - )
If it turns out to be just a small party, well that is okay by me, too! We'll have some fun and get to know each other better. It's all good! : - )
Now we just got to figure out the food thing. What do you all suggest? Do we still want to do a potluck? LMK, okay?
I've got to go for now. The dear fids need a walk, and haven't been getting one the last few days. Or maybe they just have more energy because of the Santa Anas. Hard to say.
It's a beautiful day, so I'm off! : 0 )

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

The winds brought on the coughs and sneezes for me too. It seems all the pine needles and little orange "stuff" have gathered in my yard, front and back. So many oranges fell off the tree too. I keep saying I have to go and clean up now that the winds have settled down.

DH asked me again when the "gardening thing" was, he forgets more than I do. He had the truck running, but now it refuses to start again. Off to Auto Zone so I get to go to the Dollar Tree Store. I guess he is looking forward to coming out there, you never know from day to day how he is feeling.
I need to repot some of my plants better do that before I lose some.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Anyone have any interest in 4" pots of bush type rosemary, columbine, lobelia siphilica, orange oenothera, or white hollyhocks?
I will be coming alone so I will have room for plants. I'm going to make it a long weekend away from home and stay with friends for at least two nights, one coming and one going. About what time should I expect the party to end? I should give the friends I'm staying with some kind of time line.
I'm going to be on the road so think of something easy for me to bring in the way of food. I do have an ice chest, I could bring drinks or pick up a fruit salad or something easy from the market.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm interested in all plants, Dee. I hope to see you on the 27th, God willing. Just wish more people would pop in and say they were coming.

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

I have to share:
Yellow canas
naked ladies
purple iris
cuttings of pineapple sage
crinum... SW told me that is the name. Looked for photos, didn't match up with what I have. What I
have is a plant with long wide leaves coming up from the center and has a pale pink flowers. Multiplys
like crazy.
Let me know what you want.
I will see what else I can share.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I gave my naked ladies away so now I new a couple of them. Looking for more space to plant flowers.

Well, my computer is running a lot better after almost 2 days of techs going through it. Have to get used to some new things. Can't believe all the junk they cleaned out. Have to check out my web sites so I know I'm back in the computing business.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'd be interested in pineapple sage and I wonder what those "crinum" like plants are. They sound wonderful, I'd be interested in those too, don't sound familier to me. Here is a new photo of my plant "sale" yard. I've been a busy girl.

Thumbnail by Domehomedee
Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

Dee OMG you have quite a spread. Love it!! I will bring lots of cuttings of pineapple sage.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

You have been very busy Dee. It is so nice, wish I had the energy to be half as neat.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Just added an avatar to my name. This is my Judy Garland rose, 3 roses and 1 bud. Still having problems in finding my pictures. Never could get organized.

BTW DH asked me where we are having the RU, by the house or Grandma Oak tree.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone!

It's been a busy week for us. FIL's 80th B.day is today. I have a few minutes before we need to go to the party. :-)
Sylvia, it really is called a Crinum. It's a plant from Africa. It will over time, develop a stalk. It has clusters of flowers that look like Naked Lady Amaryllis. It tends to bloom in my part of the world in late July or early August. It seems that you are able to propagate them better than me. Yay! : - )
Sami, have you considered verticle gardening? A great topic for discussion during the RU. It's a lot easier on our aging knees.
Glad to hear your computer has been given a thorough check-up. : - )
Please tell your DH, since it appears we'll be having a small crowd, we'll be having everything up here by the house.
Although, a hayride to Grandmother Oak tree can easily be arranged. : - ) She likes company.

Dee, wow, what a nice presentation! How did your plant sale go? I hope you were able to sell as much as you wanted to and hopefully I can load you up with some other plants that you don't currently have that are easy to propagate. Say, it would be the answer to some prayers if you could bring Sami one of those Rosemary plants. I think mine are too big for her space. More on that at the RU. I'm not familiar with the other plants you mentioned but am always game to try new stuff. I really need some hollyhocks. I really, really do. I was planning on going and looking for seed, because I'm hoping to encourage more butterflys to hang out here. It's one of their food sources when they are caterpillars. I am still hoping to find some milkweed too. Sigh. I see another trip up your way in my future Dee. I just love visiting the Butterfly Grove. : - )

Speaking of which, my caterpillars spun their chyrsalis', all except one. I think all of them have hatched out now. It happened so fast! I released most of them yesterday, and put the rest of them out in the gh for the weekend. I did get a couple of photos of them when they first started coming out of their pavilion. Next time, I'll have more food for them to lay their eggs on. I think they hatched out earlier than I expected because of the warm days we were having. Well, I still have one caterpillar left to watch develop and grow. I guess all the other eggs/little cats were older than this one. A friend said that watching my butterflies emerge was a lot like kindergarten. I'm hoping she meant full of wonder, and possibilities. : - )

First photo is of Grandmother Oak. Second is of one of the Painted Lady Butterflys. I tried to pull up a photo of the Crinum, but couldn't. I'm pretty sure I posted photos of it on a past RU thread. Seems like I must have done it the year Sylvia got her Crinum from me. Danged if I can remember what year that was. Maybe she will.

Time to get ready for FIL's party.


Thumbnail by SingingWolf Thumbnail by SingingWolf
Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

I believe I got the Crinum from you RU before the last one. BTW had such a wonderful visit with you last week. I was so good to have some one on one time.
Love ya,

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

I hope we have a very nice day for the RU. Today DH said he didn't think he could make it out to the RU, but each day he feels a little different. I've thought about vertical gardening, but haven't tried it yet. Maybe this will be the year..........

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