Think Spring! Seed Swapping DISCUSSION for Feb. 16 swap

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, yes to both, thank you!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, you're always on the lookout for something new! Two potential issues with those seeds... they are most likely hybrids, so the next generation I bet would be mostly "regular" green peppers, but you never know. I'm not sure we'll get them to germinate, because most purple & black peppers ripen to red when the seeds are mature... but again, you never know, and if we don't sow the seeds then for sure we won't get anything from them! Like you, I've seen purple & other colors, but never black. And from the grocery store! Cool.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey all - IF we get snow on Saturday, I probably won't make the drive - that being said - I have plants that needs good homes, in case buyers decide to get rid of them - WHO wants to dig'em up?????

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm figuring that if we get just an inch or two, roads should be clean and clear by/before mid-morning... but if that suddenly turns into 10 inches, we'll have to look for a "snow date." Let's not cross that bridge until we come to it... right now, accuweather & noaa both think there's nothing much happening on the weekend. (For both York, PA and Frederick, MD, NOAA shows slight chance of snow or rain Friday night, sunny Saturday with temps over 35... for DC, NOAA doesn't have anything happening Friday night even.)

Becky, you need to pick a date and have a "plant dig." I'll come! New thread, though, please?

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from Bec_No_Va :
Hey all - IF we get snow on Saturday, I probably won't make the drive - that being said - I have plants that needs good homes, in case buyers decide to get rid of them - WHO wants to dig'em up?????

I can offer my muscle and energy to dig plants for anybody. I like to think that when vacate our splotch of green earth that we made it more enjoyable and beautiful for those who come after. Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. I know quite a few people who don't want any plants or landscaping. They claim it's too much maintenance, what a shame.

I hope that isn't the case here because a mature landscape is something we all strive for and takes years, decades to evolve.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm bringing in a 'garden due' next weekend to trim & clean up back and front, so it'll look decent for prospective buyers :) I'll start a thread :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Got an email from Summer Hill Seeds! Robin has added 50 more varieties to her seed list (and she has a lot of unusual seeds) and is offering free shipping on any order over $30, from now through Feb. 20. Use code "FEB2014"

You know, in case the Seed Fairy doesn't bring what you're hoping for on Saturday!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)


Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from critterologist :

5 Basil, Italian Genovese (2012): the one a friend brought back from Italy years ago. strong delicious flavor, my favorite for pesto & any Italian recipe

5 Basil, Sicilian (2012): similar to Genovese above but without the anise note to its flavor

5 Basil, Lime (2012): distinctive lime (not lemon) citrus flavor & scent

6 Mix of 2 Thai type basils, Thai Basil Siam Queen & "Hot & Spicy" basil (2012)

6 Basil, 'Blue Spice': more delicate flavor, pretty violet-blue bloom spikes

just so I can keep track

SSG: euphorbias
Donnerville & Gita: caladiums for spring, Red Robin, Aaron, Buck Rodgers


Night-Blooming Jasmine: Donner, Button (note, due to stressed plant, I'll get fresh seeds instead)

Goldfish Plant: Donner, Button, Terp

Hey Jill,

I'd love any of the basils and was curious about the Euphorbia..can you elaborate on it. -Thanks SSG!

This message was edited Feb 14, 2013 1:19 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes, ENABLER... I checked out the website and ended up ordering unusual vine seeds and some misc annuals, columbines, and violets. When it is winter, the confidence about what you can accomlish in the upcoming gardening season is a wonderful thing. It doesn't seem overwhelming at all until all the seeds, bulbs, and plants that have been ordered actually start arriving LOL!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Terp, the euphorbias are santarosa purchases that I added onto Critter's fall order to save on shipping. She kindly overwintered them for me.

Ascot Rainbow:

I have just one right now and they have very pretty winter coloring.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Ah ha! Very nice!!!! They are pretty interesting plants.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

SSG, your 2 plants were indeed out in the "nursery corner" (was supposed to be a sort of gravel patio, but it works so well for pots!)... I think the recent wind got them a bit droopy, but the coloring is still very pretty!

Terp, check the Santa Rosa site for it... if they have it & you want it, I can add it to my order for you (and you won't have to pay shipping).

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

David, I was determined not to bring home any seeds but then you have to post 'lemon catnip'. May I have a few seeds please. My cats just love catnip and this one seems like a smaller plant. I think a pot of it on the deck will be nice this summer and then I can dry it for the winter. Got to keep the kitties happy. ;^)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Not bring home any seeds!?! ooh noooo, you know we'd never allow that!

David, I'd love a pinch of your lemon catnip also (Eliot hates it, but I like it in tea), and also a few seeds of Echinacea pallida (am I remembering that the "pale purple" is one that's a little more shade-tolerant? must check)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Catbird- so glad you can make it.

Coleup- I have dmailed you, Robin and Gita about our travel. We'll shoot to leave here around 945 or ten am to get there at eleven. Mark is coming along and driving. I have enough seats and some room for plants. Please reply to dmail, or call, by 9 30 am Saturday, if we are giving you a ride.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Will the s! I love my Subaru! I hope that it doesn't cancel a lot of people out.

I am sure the Highways will be clean. G.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Snow/temps might stop me from coming up, my body don't do too well with these temp changes and I've been on strong pain meds for nearly 2 weeks now :( This area has snow forecast for tonite/most of tomorrow :(

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hopefully we'll have a sunny morning, starting early enough for you to be feeling better!



"Invoices" for ADR and a few other things have gone out, LMK if there are any questions or problems. Touch of Nature still has to be totaled, but if you know the cost on what you ordered you can figure shipping as 10% of your total plus $1. Still need to figure caladiums, too... no worries.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky, I can only speak for myself though I'm sure others would agree, that my wishes and prayers are for your continued health and well-being first and foremost. Your 'hero' status is well established and needs no heroics beyond your continuing to follow your own wisdom as to what you need at this time, and each moment of your day.

That DC rain/snow line is always hard to call, but for sure cold temps and wind chill are arriving even as I type this.

I understand that seed swaps have "seed fairies" who bring collected seeds to those who can't attend. I'm sure all those heart warming hugs can be delivered the same way!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Becky, I'd be very happy to pick up your seeds for you! :)

David, I'd love some dill seeds and also mexican sunflower seeds.

Is cumin easy to grow? I use a ton of it in cooking, so I'd like to give that a try as well.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You're not going to BELIEVE the tray of seeds that Bluespiral dropped off Friday afternoon. There must be 300 packets in there! She swore they were all "orphans" from swaps she participated in this fall. Wowza! I think our table for single packets is really going to be a treasure trove!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I made little packs of plant markers from an old blind last night should have enough for everyone's goodie bags.
Oh Sally......... Ric has something special for you. LOL

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hope you all have a great time there. We have postponed our trip to Florida for a few days because DH has a tooth problem which took an emergency appointment yesterday. Should be good to go by Thursday.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Sure wish I was heading down to Fl. right now. Ric and I would love to go back to the Keys.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I posted this on the main swap thread but wanted to re-post here also...

WONDERFUL to see everybody!!! Thank you all for coming, for bringing such fun seeds and gift table items, and for making this another memorable MAGpye party!

I know I said "winter sowing" and "throw them in a milk jug" to at least one person who looked at me blankly... there's a whole forum on DG for winter sowing, and I wrote a couple of articles about it a while back, too. Forum: WS 101:

I think I posted on the MAG seed starting thread also that I did a series of "Seed Starting 101" articles on everything from light shelves to preventing damping off. There are links to the others at the bottom of this first one: Certainly there are lots of ways to successfully start seeds; this is just what works for me.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you, Critter, for organizing this! BTW, the restaurant was great, and a great place to hold the swap!

And a special shout-out to Donner for a terrific Bingo game -- that was a really fun way to do it - not to mention that your cards were beautiful.

And another shout-out to Paul for getting those huge bags of ProMix into my car (and to Ric for getting them into his).

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from happy_macomb :

And another shout-out to Paul for getting those huge bags of ProMix into my car (and to Ric for getting them into his).

My female roomie would sing at moments like that "Its so have a man... around the house..."!

Did I tell everybody how nice Ric was to make up a bark screen for me? What a guy!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm always happy to lend a hand happy!

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