January-Covered in snow finally!!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, yes, I am a doctor! I am Will M.D.! That stands for "makes decisions"! Hehe.. actually not life and death decisions, but stuff like, "do I put painter's tape in this spot or don't I?"
On Match.com it is getting a bit out of control, folks want to see my jet and they want to go along on my global travels, to see the Swiss Alps and what not!
I really am a french model though, "wee"!

I have a first cousin, younger than me, who really is a full fledged doctor, but he has a bald head and I have a full head of hair so there!

I AM a weather forecaster! Hey, I have the wind direction right for when I go to Europe on my jet! I can't help it if the station's weather balloon isn't functioning properly!

Hehe, you all are good sports!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Plant search on hold for moment so I can beat this crud. My left ear started hurting when I yawned sometimes so I went to doc today to see if I was getting an infection. I'm not but she gave me some meds to hopefully help me get over it. Every other day is a good day and bad day. It's hard on me so I'm trying like heck to beat it. First time I've been to a doc in 10 years. lol

I'm liking it. Keep it up. lol. I'm not gonna try and say them out loud though. I will twist my tounge in knots if I do!! LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I can't believe this cat out here, it is stalking everything that comes by my birdfeeder! I like cats and all but I don't really like seeing a cat chase squirrels. From what I've seen, it doesn't catch any. It does have quite a fat belly, it might be getting lucky. The other day I saw it chasing one for all it was worth and it almost caught it but the squirrel went up a tree, that's when it's over for the cat. I was in the passenger seat going up the street when that happened and I told my friend, "Did you see that? That cat was about 2 feet behind that squirrel, it almost caught it". I know it's the cycle of life and everything but dang, I feed the freaking squirrels, I don't want to set them up for this stinking cat! It's a nice cat, it purrs and rubs all on you, but it's a wildlife killer!
I'm glad it's pretty easy to see, it's black and white. If it was the color of the leaves and the ground and everything I'd be more worried. It slinks all down like a snake in the grass but everybody knows it's coming. One day there was like 7 squirrels out there and it was like a wave of squirrels when they went up the tree and back and forth on the branches, watching the cat.
Here is the culprit! - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SXAIgV8YYk&feature=youtu.be

I hope you get your ear dilemma and your other ailments fixed up, pepper. If I can just make it about 8 more days I should be out of the woods on getting the flu if I'm going to get it. I didn't get a flu shot and the flu kills folks. Historically, I've never gotten the flu past Feb. 1st, yippee I'll say!

Well, back to the kitchen, it isn't going to paint itself dangit! I'm almost done though, we're glad I did it, it's like a new kitchen.

Here's a Youtube intermission!

This message was edited Jan 23, 2013 12:21 PM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, I'd say 'if you have a fat cat', she likely DID get lucky! Are you prepared to take care of half a dozen kittens? If not, I'd suggest trying to adopt it out asap!!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Here Kitty ,,kitty,, kitty,, Here's a feeder full of birdies for you .....
Think of being covered with 100' s of little kittens .....
That would make a nice warm winter blanket ,wouldn't it .. ?...?? lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hehe! You have a dirty mind there, KayJo! That didn't occur to me until you said that! I meant getting lucky catching squirrels! lol But yeah, that can be a situation alright, that's how we got 2 of our 3 cats now! She took in an irresistable Siamese cat, "Grubworm" and this little "irresistable" cat had 2 kittens back in 2004. It's cool having a family of 3 cats, they don't squabble or anything like other cats have. Anyway, I don't think that cat is pregnant fat, my friend says it's a male. We'll keep an eye on it, just in case it IS a female cat, my friend won't let a stray cat stay outside with kittens. Haha, juhur, we like cats but not that much! That reminds me of that show "hoarders" on a&e, a bit over the top with cats!
Here that booger is! -

This message was edited Jan 23, 2013 1:54 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well yo have all seen my kitty cat before , Kitty is fixed , no kitten making ...

NO FAIR!!!!!!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I've seen your pretty gray cat. It is pretty and nice and all but it's a wildlife killer just like all other housecats! Actually, I heard that an outdoors cat without front claws isn't good because it can't defend itself and also would have a harder time getting food if hunting is a source.
Oh, the cats in here are all fixed. We found out something interesting recently though about that. Even if a male cat is neutered, there is a possibility it will still spray urine all over your house out of habit and instinct, we found that out first-hand unfortunately.
I now know why my friend has had girl cats most of her life!

This message was edited Jan 23, 2013 4:21 PM

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I like cats, see here I am 15 years ago with MY only cat, she is now deceased, her name was Alyson. This was back when my hair was nearly all black..lol
Poor cat, she's looking at me like I'm going to eat her!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

The cat looks fine - I'm looking at those shorts you are wearing! I shutter to think of what we wore back in those days - I use to wear DOUBLE polyester pants!!!! LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Haha! The shorts, I was all about a checkered short! Double the polyester?! Wasn't there a name for those? That cat was only a few weeks old at the time, she was a kitten. She was all black, I remember back then my friend didn't want it to be outside at Halloween because kids might try to harm it. I crossed it's path a lot of times, oh dear!
Here she is one time when she got out, she was investigating some plants on the porch! -
This is a photo of the two kittens back when they were born. - Rudy is the striped one and the black one is Stuart. - Rudy is a big cat now, she likes me and Stuart likes my friend more.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)


suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, aren't they just precious?! Here Rudy is today, she is quite a large kitty, she was investigating some of my painting equipment tonite. -
This is how you protect the kitchen cabinets while you paint..lol I am big on the, "ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" saying! -
My all-time favorite saying will always be, "nice guys finish last" though!
See?! Not a drop of paint on the cabinets! lol Hehe.. I am easily amused! Here's another one!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Here's Jake who's at least 15 years old posing by the scenic curtains that my oldest daughter gave me.

Thumbnail by greenbrain Thumbnail by greenbrain
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That is one pretty kitty! MEOW!!!

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Here's Felix "Fee-Fee" under the Christmas tree. He's about 12 years old & is Jake's wrestling buddy. (They actually body slam each other.) Now and then they get a hold of some catnip that grows in the backyard and behave rather kittenish. LOL

Thumbnail by greenbrain
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Shortleaf, I have a cutting board hanging on my kitchen cabinet to the right of my windows/sink just like you! What a coincidence. That almost looks like a view of my kitchen. I painted my walls eggshell using washable paint. I haven't painted in years. I just wash them down in the Spring and Fall. What I really need is a new kitchen floor.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

That cat Jake looks like Stuart with those white whiskers. But Stuart has only got one or two white whiskers on one side. Actually, I'm the only one that calls her Stuart, (I think she looks like Stuart Little the mouse), her real name is India I suppose! I call my friend's other cat, "Grubworm" because she looks like a grubworm not a Marina which is her real name.
I like those curtains too, it makes it look like your outside in a lush garden in Spring. And those curtain French doors are cool, my brother in Texas has a house that was built in 1890 with French doors in the kitchen, it's neat looking. I think I even have a photo to post of them. - That went to the backporch from the kitchen then, they have since turned that backporch into an indooor addition, but I don't have a recent photo of it.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh, that's funny! I hang the dishdrainer and cutting board there because there is no other place to put them..lol I painted one wall "Seashell Sand" and it is a light pink! I couldn't believe it! It was almost 3 years ago when we purchased that paint but it was nearly $25 so we intended to use it on something. We couldn't return it because it was custom paint. I'll go get a photo of it, it's kinda hideous but it's only one wall. A kitchen floor is on the agenda here too! It turned out good, I try to keep busy with home improvements where I can. I like flat paint usually but a kitchen should be painted in semi-gloss too since it IS a kitchen, the walls can just be wiped down.
Be right back with photos of the kitchen.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Cat's are cool anyway ,they have that look , had to , a few of camo..

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Shortleaf, I have evergreen bamboo in my backyard too! Anymore coincidences? Does anyone else have pet rabbits that provide fertilizer? They are also my grand-daughter's playmates and love hiding in the bamboo. Mr. Beans is the dutch & Java the large coffee colored. Note the ugly kitchen floor that I'm hoping to replace soon!!!

Thumbnail by greenbrain Thumbnail by greenbrain Thumbnail by greenbrain
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

juhur7, I love smokey gray cats! The other one with the long fur has some beautiful eyes.

shortleaf, I love older homes and esp. the woodwork. Those french doors are lovely.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I imagine that pink rabbit hamock would go well with shortleaf and the pink paint .
If there was room here I would keep rabbits , I use to ,, worm food pellets ,fertilizer , fur ,food .. all kinds of uses for Hossenfeffer..
pink rabbits in pink hamocks from pink walls while planting pink petunias from pink pizza parlors at pink gardens lol maybe?

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Dave719 came to a RoundUp at pepper's grandma's house in 2008 with his pickup bed full of rabbit doo/fertilizer to share. Dave is really into rabbits as I recall, I came across an old thread he was in. - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/914790/?hl= Here is some photos of the kitchen, our linoleum floor is almost the same even, coincidences do abound! - Here is that light pink wall, it's so light it's hard to tell it from the other walls in photos. - It's the wall behind the refridgerator. See my $2 Walmart Mother-In-Law's-Tongue? The kitchen turned out pretty good, for an amateur I must say, I even painted the ceiling, it and the other walls are regular white.
Camo is a nice kitty, they DO like boxes, the ones here like to get in them and lay down. Whaddaya got there, ju, a Chevy Malibu or Volt?
Oh, I love old homes, maybe I'll get my brother to let me fix some things up on his house! Yeah, they were more into woodwork on old homes, that's neat.
No thanks on the pink rabbit and the hammock! lol That's a funny pic with the rabbit in the pink hammock, now you need one of it in a Barbie house!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is my P. bissetii bamboo earlier this month. Is yours in control?

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Yes, the dogs have run a circle around the bamboo & nothing grows on their paths.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I took this photo of back then at that RU, that's Dave719 in light blue and I think his wife Elle next to him, his blue truck there was FULL of rabbit poo that he bagged up for fertilizer.
Then Allan's wife or fiancee', (I can't recall Allen's screenname), then Marilyn (lineace) then AuntB's niece I think, going counter-clockwise in the photo. We were all looking over the pile of goodys!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I must have been there the prior year. The tulip bulbs that Pepper gave me still bloom every Spring. There was a couple staying in a camper that was pulled from KS. I believe that they also had 2 dogs.

My dad bred rabbits when I was a kid. My sisters and I helped him build the shed where he housed the rabbits. We kept them fed, watered, & cleaned out their poo. Dad had a terrific garden. All was well until fried rabbit ended up on the dinner table. I was not happy! : (

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Shortleaf, I keep forgetting to mention that my daughter and I got a big laugh out of the pic of the baby inside the watermelon rind.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

That was the Fall RoundUp in 2008, you may have gone to the Spring RU in 2008, I wasn't there.

Thanks, that watermelon baby was a cheap joke! It's just too tempting sometimes to post photos from forwards I get. That watermelon baby said, "a redneck babychair and teething ring"! I try not to do that but sometimes I just can't help it! lol It's terrible what people do to their kids when they're babies! lol I have a photo of a friend as a baby sitting in the toilet bowl! I don't have any kids myself, I suppose if I did it might be tempting to just get a photo of one sitting in the kitchen trash or hanging out the car window, maybe sitting in the oven, (turned off of course,,lol)!
Fried rabbit on the dinner table, that would be funny if it wasn't so pitiful!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Ya, Will - and you'd end up like the guy who duct taped his baby's mouth shut and his arms and legs together - PROSECUTED! Maybe it's a good thing you only have cats!!!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Haha! But, I'd never do anything really nuts like that, I'd never intentionally do something harmful, like the car wouldn't be moving or anything. But, I don't suppose stuff like that should even be discussed, to give ideas, as there are real nuts out there I'm pretty sure! : ) Ain't nobody really hurting no kids, missy!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey KAY MICROWAVE question???? grotesque ....... huh Heard that one ....?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

No, Juhur7 - TELL ME!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

IT is really not funny , Cannibal ,murder joke about ,, "The baby in the microwave" Sadism ...

That was the punchline to'
How do you make a 5 minute fetal pie
How to make a tender skin roast
How to make a squab ling pie Yeah , bad jokes you know

This message was edited Jan 25, 2013 5:44 PM

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Did anybody see Conan Obrien a couple nights ago that had Kim Kardashian's fetus escaping her womb?! Oh, it was hilarious! It was parachuting with the umbilical cord and everything!
Yeah, pretty sick jokes there, but true, unfortunately, sometimes, rarely I hope.
I sometimes think, "Man, am I glad I made it to be old enuff to think for myself when I was a kid!"! There probably is some truth to, "being dropped on your head"! I bet 5 - 10% of everybody was dropped on their head when they were a toddler. It's not really so much of being dropped as it is just falling off something onto your head. For instance, my younger sister fell off the top of a bunkbed next to the wall when she was about 2. She wasn't hurt bad, but later in life she was saying how she couldn't turn her head one way. I told her a few years ago that she fell on her head as a kid of about 2, it was really nobody's fault, nobody pushed her or anything, we were all just playing. I have 2 sisters and a brother, all younger. That sister is now 39, she is fine and everything, I was sitting on the bottom bunk then when she went by, she didn't fall unnoticed, she was crying and stuff but she wasn't hurt bad at the time.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Anybody ever made one of these into a planter? It never really occurred to me before as a planter because they're not round, they're oval. I forgot to put something in the photo for scale but it's 12.5" long and 9" wide, it's not one of those big tubs, we have one of those too. I thought it would make a grand multiple plant planter for say like an office setting. This way you could arrange the plants like the tallest plant or plants to one end and the shorter ones at the other end, something like that.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Never have done that only I have seen it before ,, innovative ,, Kind of reminds me of the old metal tubs that looked like that ..

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Drill a few holes for drainage and you are good to go. Go for it!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks all, I think I will, they got handles, they're light and everything, Ima do it!

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