January-Covered in snow finally!!!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't know much about Indiana, but I assume it's pretty cold during the winter - yes, 65 and sunny is a BLESSING indeed!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I haven't been out but I looked out the front door a while ago and it hadn't snowed here yet. The small snow-storm is Southeast of here they say on the news. A dusting to a half inch around here and up to 2 inches diagonally from Pleasanton, KS. to Higginsville, MO., which probably includes pepper's. - http://www.kshb.com/subindex/weather If you go there click the play button on the little weather video, that's where I got the weather too, it describes that diagonal thing.

No, I don't think the oil people would let the price of gas go backwards like that, that would be too good to be true!

Melon hills! Here's what you do with watermelons! It's a baby chair AND a teething ring! -
Wallow.. hehe I think I'd wallow, then bury myself in the sand! Don't you have to watch out for jellyfish?!
I put together this pot for my friend to take to work to put on her desk, it's a Fern of some kind, (I bought it for 50 cents, I don't remember it having a label) with 3 cuttings of 'Watermelon' Coleus in it that I just cut and put in there today. It probably won't do too well in her office, they're not low light plants. But, she says she'll put it in the windowsill over the weekend. I may get a Pothos and some Sansevieria potted up and ready, they'd go better in an office setting I think.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

You have a boston fern there. Major shedder there. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ack! A major shedder eh?! I'll tell her that, she likes low maintenance..lol Here's the picture of cold (30°) in Kansas City, Mo. an eastern suburb of there anyway. -
I don't suppose anybody would know what kind of Fern this is? -
Thanks, Will

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have had that one before, or a twin ,one of the more difficult Asparagus ferns.
Below freezing here with water , water ,and more water everywhere. 8.2 FLOOD GATE 10FT Blub Blub Blub

This message was edited Jan 13, 2013 10:36 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I was thinking asparagus fern too but I think that particular one is called something else but I can't remember what it is. Better than the boston fern I think as far as maintence goes.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I believe it has a name like one of the Arailia well how to spell , for my next trick......

This message was edited Jan 13, 2013 11:04 PM

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

That looks like it in the photos and it looks like it would be called Asparagas Fern, but I thought that's what the other one is called, like this one in my photo.- Mine is long and out of control but that's how I like it, it blows in the wind and stuff. I like to think how small it was when I first got it. I'll post a photo of it from then. -
Here is what mostly came up alot when I Googled Asparagas Fern. - http://www.google.com/search?q=google&aq=f&oq=go&sugexp=chrome,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=1&gs_ri=serp&pq=google&cp=11&gs_id=17&xhr=t&q=asparagus+fern&pf=p&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&oq=asparagas+f&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357700187,d.aWM&fp=857b7bf87b0c6829&biw=1680&bih=931

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It is a relative or a hybrid , where we started at,, I use to have seeds of that .. Asparagus ferns ,there are bunches of different cultivars ,
The first pic you showed was real popular in floral arrangements for a time

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

A variety of Asparagas Fern eh? Twenty years ago I had a job as a delivery driver for a flower store, I used to get flowers from the side of the road and they put it in arrangements..lol
I think they called it Queen Anne's Lace or something that looked like it. That was one of the 2 jobs in my life that I got fired from, it was for no reason at all other than the manager wanted to hire her niece to drive the deliveries, she proceeded to wreck the delivery van and that manager got demoted..lol Oh, the other job was Burger King in high school. They changed the schedule and I didn't know, I didn't go in and I got fired!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hey everybody! Where'd everybody go again?! Anybody want to see some squirrels in my frontyard? I made a short (1.5 minute) videoclip with my camera today, out the window. -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STmhKIgbRmo&feature=youtu.be Sorry about all the noise my camera makes. And also sorry again for the sudden end of the videoclip, my finger musta slipped off the shutter thing again. I ended that saying, "cats never catch squirrels (here)", they probably do get them on occasion but I've never seen a cat catch any here. I didn't get to say the word "here" in the video, it cut me off! You can see my little trailer in the video, I went to a Sister's and BIL's yesterday and got them, it's about 40 yellow bricks. I'm making a yellow brick road! Not really, but I always find uses for bricks in the yard and these are especially neat. Well, Lance Armstrong should be getting ready to spill his guts about the steroids and stuff on OWN.
I don't have OWN but I wouldn't mind watching that. How crazy is that? The man should be stripped of everything, he's a liar and a cheater! And Barry Bonds would be the homerun king, all based on steroids and lies! That cheating SHOULD burn people up! Other people work hard all their lives for somebody to come along and cheat their way past the legitimate champs!
Oh well! I did a little more painting in the kitchen again today. A houseboy's work is never done! - I took a photo to send to my BIL of this bronze deer antler sculpture that's for sell by the state of Missouri, it's in The Missouri Conservationist, it's $1,500. That is a fine set of antlers, even if it just a sculpture! My brother-in-law would love to have that, he is an avid "shed hunter",
which I believe is the name of the hobby of hunting deer shedded antlers. I noticed today that the daffodils are poking up thru the leaves, that is always nice to see, even if it IS too early!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

He has been stripped of everything. He lost all his medals, no longer involved high up in his charity if I remember right, and our soccer stadium just took down his slogan that was on there. Other stuff too. I have it on but not paying attention to it. lol. You should be able to google it tomorrow and watch it on the internet or even now.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I will get around to your video ,,
I was thinking the same about where did everybody go , think the mid winter hum drums have got us all?
I did not have much to say , all those sports figures are there because cheaters do win contrary to what it is about , the day it becomes all win that usually is all about $$$$ while they can...
Statue is pretty nice ,interesting bronze baby deer, all grown up.

Yes,, but being the house boy is productive and imagination provoking just like housewife..

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I haven't been doing much. Been working and fighting a cold at the same time. Good days and bad days. Yesterday was a pretty good day as far as colds go, today not as much. My ears both plugged up so I had a heck of a time hearing so my coworkers kept laughing at me cause I was so pitiful. lol. Have pitiful voice too today. But am getting better!! Don't need NyQuil to sleep!! LOL!!!

I have started researching plants though. I told a friend I would help her redo her flower bed that runs along the front of her house. It's full of gravel and needs to be regraded right now but I'm trying to find a mixture of lower height bushes and drought tolerant plants to put in there. It's a 3 foot wide strip between her sidewalk and house. I have some catmint I can divide, maybe some lilies, hoping I have enough of the non ditch daylilies, plenty of irises and I think my grandma has enough peonies I can divide one or two for her. I need salvia, coreoptis, coneflowers, rudibeckia and pink plants since she likes pink. Partial shade, south facing with some east and west exposure at different times of day. I need to take pics. lol.

I am looking at Quince Double Take series Pink Storm as one possiblity. What do you guys think? http://www.bluestoneperennials.com/CHPS.html

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Boy, the first of March can't get here soon enuff! I will pretty much have passed the flu season without getting sick. That's one good thing about being unemployed in the flu season, you don't go anywhere to catch anything! I've been lucky so far without a flu shot! Ewww, sorry pepper, having the flu and flu-like symptoms does indeed stink! Did you know Nyquil is or was 25% alcohol?!

That is a nice red flower on that Quince, pepper. I didn't see it's size when it arrives, hope it isn't tiny for $14 plus shipping, it's probably not. It's patented even! I think it would make a fine addition to a yard myself.

Mid Winter? Oh, it's two thirds over! Robins will be here and the Crocuses will be busting out in a few days! Well, it's nice to think it's that close anyway! lol

What I need to do is the big project of changing out the soil for a whole bunch of plants. I suspect they are all languishing in the holes of clayey soil that they are currently in. I want to get that yard-soil out and put some decent Miracle-Gro potting soil in the holes or some good soil, so the plants will start putting on some size instead of folding up when it gets a little warm and dry!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is my project area for this year. This is my friend's place. I told her I would do the whole front of the house for her. Big undertaking but I know I can do it!! lol

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

If that is both sides of the sidewalk that is a huge !! fun job!!!?
Lots of possibles there!!
I would cheer you on, only it is usually more fun in contemplative silence...

Second here to quince , should be pretty..

This message was edited Jan 18, 2013 10:04 PM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Juhur, in the first photo, it looks like she has a Peony on the corner - great anchor plant. Put Dianthus and some seasonal bulbs in there, maybe another Peony in each of the corners. I would have a blast with this yard!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Just between sidewalk and house for now. She will need the yard side for walking around and all that. She does have a peony in there. The whole bed has to be graded, gravel taken out, compost added and tilled in to make it easier to work it. I know I want to put a small bush on either side of the steps so I was thinking the quince would work since it's compact and has pink blooms. I'm still looking and up for ideas though!!

There will be bulbs in there for sure. I gave her a bunch to hold on to til I can get them planted but I want all season interest if possible. Tall order!! LOL

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

You will see some of these 6 to 8 ft but smaller ones are available, summer blooms , pinkish white, fragrant , right one for the right place is stunning Prunus glandulosa, Flowering almond dwarf.

Well pepper ,you said you were looking for ideas lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

That's a nice job there, pepper, I'm sure it will be enjoyable for you. If there is anything I can do to help or add to the landscaping just let me know. I don't know how cuttings would look in a customer's yard but I can give you cuttings of Forsythia, Prickly-Pear pads, Cholla cactus cuttings and more that's not coming to mind. You've seen photos of the garden areas here and I have regularly talked about the plants here and maybe you sent me something(s) that will propagate by cuttings or something, just let me know and I'll get it to you. Maybe I can get you a bulb of that TropiCanna this Spring. I planted several bulbs of it outside for the Winter to see if they'll overwinter by the foundation, I'll be interested to know how that worked out! I have many more of it in a bucket inside just in case they don't make it outside tho. I always thought it would be neat to have Prickly-Pear growing beneath windows in case would-be burglars tried to get in, instead they'd get a derriere full of needles for their trouble! Of course, that area would feature a cow skull!

Oh yes, lots of possibilities there!

I love Peonies! There is one here that I intend to dig up in the Spring. For years it has been in full shade and it never blooms, I'm positive it's because it isn't in any sun.

Does it have to be native stuff, pepper? I know Burning Bush isn't but it's a Fall beauty anyway. It could be very rewarding in the future if you have a nursery or something in your town later, jobs like that could be advertisements of your work.

I'd have lots of colors like annuals and maybe even some grasses like Dwarf Fountain Grass, (Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln') or something like that. I've seen those at box stores.
Maybe Pampas Grass, it's easy to grow, and pretty. I've seen it uncut in the Winter though, not really a good look when it's all bent and going everywhere.
I've seen big bags of bulbs of different flowers at Samsclub, in the Spring, for like $10.

This message was edited Jan 18, 2013 10:35 PM

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I've dropped in to say "hello" as I renew my subscription for the 7th year. I'm on here quite often using resources, but I haven't taken much time to visit since I joined fb. (I'll try to do better this year.) It's just always nice visiting with folks who share my gardening passion. My family still has fond memories of visiting Amanda at Powell Gardens & her grandmother's friendly hospitality. Chloe is 8 years old & still remembers! She recently asked me when we were going to visit & ride the trolley again. Nicole is still in college & has switched her major for the 4th time to Environmental Science; formerly Zoology, Spanish, & Elementary Ed. Carla just returned to college at 30 years of age to resume her Anthropology studies.

Happy New Year to all & "Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne?"

In memory of our visit, here's a link to some of the photos posted.
Roundup Pictures: 2008 Central Midwest RU Powell Gardens April 2008


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I remember also!! We had alot of fun!! And I can't believe Chloe still remembers. She wasn't that old then!! lol. I hope this latest major is the one that sticks for Nicole. She's been all over the place it looks like but at least she has an open mind!! Glad Carla is resuming her studies!!

Burning bush is out. Gets too big. Grasses are a good idea. I'll have to look for a shorter height one. I'm keeping things on the smaller side as to not dwarf the house. She probably could use cactus in some places but I have to be careful. She has a young kid and a rambuncus dog. lol. I like the idea of dwarf almond. I'll look that up. Still plenty of time so keep ideas flowing whenever you think of something.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, Powell Gardens is a cool place. I got a photo of my family looking out over the lake in that rest spot with benches, we were indeed resting. That's my niece, 2 sisters, Dad (deceased) and stepmom, my Mom was there too but she was out of the photo, it was a Mother's Day outing. - I'm not even going to post a photo of me then. I ate like 4 cheeseburgers a day then as I had a decent job and could swing cheeseburgers all the time, I was quite portly. I got a photo of this huge Ligularia called 'Othello', I thought it was neat as heck. - I was also fascinated by these
Berckman's Gold Arborvitaes. - I even got a photo of the label! - Oh, pepper, I might have some very small Purple Coneflower seedlings that I can donate to your landscaping job. Actually, I need to wait until Spring to see if they came thru alright and that they are indeed Purple Coneflowers even. But last Fall I clipped off all of my Coneflower seed-heads and just put each one in a pot of soil, in no time little plants popped up all over around the seed-heads. I'm no genius, but I think those might be Purple Coneflowers! But, I don't know how they're doing over the Winter, they could all be dead. If they made it, I'd be glad to make a donation of some Purple Coneflowers. At last inspection, last Fall, they had little dark green conical, pointed leaves like Coneflowers so my cringers are fossed!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I haven't been to any public gardens in a long time ...

Hey pepper:: how Japanese anemone for shrub or phlox either ground cover or tall ,, here's three that are , spring summer and fall .. or say they say.. and they all come in shades of pink!!!
i remember you saying the burning bush was to big,, the Japanese anemone might work in there as to that? Softer less overpowering than the usual bush or shrub
I think you mentioned Butterfly bush earlier .. some get to big but the dwarfs seem possible , just "rantin and raven at ya"
till later..lol

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

Amanda, here's a more recent photo of Nicole, Chloe & her dog, JoJo.

Thumbnail by greenbrain
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

OMG!!!! She has gotten soooo big!!! But at the same time she hasn't changed hardly at all. Poor JoJo has that save me look going on. lol

I have plenty of coneflowers here. They try to overtake the beds on either side every year. lol. If yours don't make it I can give you some of mine for sure. lol.

Sound suggestions juhur!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Boy, did it ever get warm here today! Here is the 7 day forecast! - It's gonna be hot tomorrow, 107°! How about that, Florida people?!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, we're not jealous!!!!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

i am on my way !!!! be there tomorrow lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Your in denial, Jo! Ok, juhur, see you when you get here!
Haha, tricked you all! It's really quite cool! I believe it got up to 27° today! Here is the thermometer on the deck! -

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here it really is.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Here now!!! you know we believe everything we read on the internet !!! LOL

IT was 4 DEGREES THIS MORNING 13 now and a little coooool !!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yep, around 27 or so. I was wearing a hoodie for the few times I went out. lol

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I was wearing an Artic Parka , insulation insert and all!!!!
pink planted pretty petunias pepper planted
preticiously precaustiously , and patiently pepper planted petunias.

Poems for you.... lol.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, my sister-in-law and other family live in Lee's Summit - I know what the real temperatures are. Love you'all anyway!!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I know they do! As far as they know on Match.com, I am 6' 2", have washboard abs and I am a doctor! And it's not a lie if you believe it! Just like that commercial where the guy is a french model!

About 27°, how pitiful is that?!

Has anybody looked at the garden showcase? - http://davesgarden.com/showcase/ I looked at zone 6 and there is loads of photos in it to look at, more than any other zone.
It's also that link at the top of the page on DG, you can't miss it.

Wow, that's a lot of p's, I think you forgot pizza!

Awww.. and we love you too! Okay, I confess, it's really only 25°! lol

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Pepper playing, planted pretty pink pre-counted potted pizza pie polka dotted petunias
YOU see!!! it 's flexible
sorry if you don't like it pepper just playing poem fun !! lol Hey pepper23..How the plant planning coming along?

I could use the warmth with that love from Kay about now Enjoy it Kay !!!!

Who you kiddin'' Will? we know you are a Doctor that French models in his spare after hours . You do commercials too don't you?!!! .I am sure of I have seen you on TV . and... Certainly during the you tube intermissions

This message was edited Jan 22, 2013 9:38 PM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, Will is also a weather forecaster - but his windsock has blown off course!

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