Florida Chit Chat #7 New Year for Fun!

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Good night Sandy you have really had a time of it. I'll pray for a good fit. Please let me know results of the 18th visit. Who knows you might be fine by March 30th. Also, let me know what surgeon says about your knee. Around here knee replacement is common. Glad mine are still working. I trip and fall in the garden (usually over hoses) often but haven't broken a hip yet. I've had parts taken out but nothing put in yet. LOL

Got a ton of broadleaf fern to plant today. Friend wanted them taken out so I dug them all up and now to replant them here.
Weather has been really great. My brugs have been blooming like crazy. Also camelia plant. Fish seem healthy for now so I'm glad.
Take care and get well. I really want you at a RU.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)


After Jean posted the mushroom above, I was taking a look at different shrooms. Saw this and thought it had some pretty interesting pictures. I never knew they were such a colorful bunch of fungus.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am going to the specialist Wed. Should know something soon can not stand the pain anymore.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh dear, Sandy. It has been 4 weeks on Thursday that our daughter had double knee replacement and she is doing great. DH had just one Aug. 28 and you would never know it. He is sooooo much better. Will be praying for you.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)


Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

gardenglory the shrooms are very pretty, fun looking at them. I've seen some when hiking in the Blue Ridge mountains.

So I once again paid attention to the channel 13 weather and they said only down to 46, but this morning it was 41 for a couple hours....when will I learn. Hopefully everything okay. :(

Anyone ever grow a coffee plant? Lukas gardens has coffea arabica...just wondering? I've never seen it in a garden center before.

This message was edited Jan 23, 2013 8:51 AM

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Sunkissed, you will find the coffee plant inside, with the houseplants, at Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot. I have one growing in a pot, but it's not very big - just got it a month ago from Winn Dixie.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Weather station said we were down to 32. I didnt bring anything in last night tho, and all seems well. On thing for sure, Im glad Im not in SD.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

HI everyone, a update, the doctor wants to clean the inside of my knee for now. He hopes this works as he is worried about the fact that I have had MRSA a number of times and it is every where and if I catch it again that could be very very bad. I go to have the scope done to the knee Tuesday.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

O gosh, that would be a blessing if it works. Im guessing you wish it was tomorrow, and get it over with, but at least you wont have to go much longer, especially waiting till March. Is there a 'recovery' time, or do you just go back to walking as normal?

Winter Springs, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Kay, I'll have to look around in the houseplant sections to see if I find one.

Sandy hope you can skirt by without surgery, that would be great if that works for you. Although I'm an avid walker and if I couldn't walk due to pain, I'd have surgery if it meant getting back to walking again. I used to be a runner many moons and sizes ago, but Doc said quit or I'd need knee surgery. So I just walk now, very fast.☺

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I will be walking the next day maybe. I had repairs done on this knee 5 years ago and I was up quickly.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

will pray every day that procedure will work for you. keep us informed. I CARE and I'm sure other do as well.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks everyone

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Sandy I join with Bonnie in prayer you will come thru this with little pain and no MRSA.
Keep us posted.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you will do

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Made my way up to Trad's Garden Center yesterday. What nice folks they are. Willing to tell you about the plants. Came home with some lettuce and seeds for lemon Zucchini - they sound interesting & thought they might be worth a try. So will be trying my hand at starting seeds.

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

I haven't read through all of the posts here, but just caught a comment about MRSA. I've had this. I got rid of it. I had a naturopathic Dr tell me what to take. It is the simplest thing, you'd never believe that people die from MRSA with how common the remedy is. Take garlic! That cures MRSA! I take a non-aged garlic supplement available at my local health food store. The aged garlic did not work for me. The one I take is garlinase brand. I took two or three a day and the results are very fast. The pain from the sores goes away quickly and they heal up while taking garlic. Just thought I'd share. Hope this helps you. Good luck.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Erin did the doctor do a test to see if you have the germs hiding in your noise? Most people have it hiding there or in their arm pits or the where the sun does not shine if you know what I mean.
Most people may never have a outbreak but they can be carriers. My doctor found it in my noise, has not checked the other places yet. My mother is a carrier.


DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

No, they didn't check. I had one of my sores cultured and it was indeed MRSA. From what I've been told everyone has it now. The reason we get it is because our body is in a weakened state from something else. So, if you are prone to it like I am you can just take a maintenance dose of garlic daily. Outbreak free for years now thanks to garlinase. The Dr also said you can use a swab up your nose with certain essential oils to kill it there. We use a blend of lavender and carrier oil. Wet your swab first so it doesn't soak up the oil. I know there were some other oils, one being cinnamon, but lavender was the best choice for scent and comfort in my opinion. I can only imagine the burn from a cinnamon blend.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

no thank you on the lavender I can not stand the smell!!!

DeLand, FL(Zone 9b)

Well, for me lavender is more preferable than MRSA. There were other oils, I just have to go back and look up what they were.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am allergic to many senses, and that includes the natural ones. My poor mom throat will close shut if we are not careful.

I am going to sign off, hope to talk to y'all in a day or two.


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sandy...how did it go. Hope your out walking tomorrow!

It got a little warm working the garden today. I was so hopeful for some rain so I did some transplanting, checked the weather and NO rain on the way. Ill do the best I can with the hose. Im sure not doing anything outside tomorrow, says 84, thats to warm for me, except watering or spraying, something like that. Ill wait until the low 70's next week. Its so pretty out right now tho with the blooming scrubs. The air just full of citrus blossoms and osmanthus, I just cant get enough. I did dig up a four oclock 'bulb' as big as a basketball, I dont know what the heck to do with it. Im tired of all the babies where it was.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am home, leg feels good, no pain yet. I am not to walk much for at least 3 days and with a walker. They went in and cleaned up the mess in my knee. Will have to go over the report.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Looked at the pictures of what they did to my knee and it was a mess in there!!! I think I messed it up when I fell and broke my noise my hurt the knee

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Hope you progress well and heal up. Blessings sent your way.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you. Hand looks better today, I put honey on it last night and that took care of it.

I am getting bored out of my skull. Andre is at the kennel and will stay stay there until next week so I will get some rest. I am hoping I can get so seeds started first on next week. I get tons of seeds.


Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

It's raining!!!!! I just knew if I ran my sprinklers this AM the rain would come!!!!!

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

It misted here, but need rain...a gooood rain.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

The bottom of my driveway is a "lake" and we had at least 3 nice heavy periods of steady rain. Have a leak in my rain gauge so no idea how much we got. Just know all the plants look much happier!!!!

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

We just got a good steady shower for which I am so greatful. When the Lord sends it and not my sprinklers plants seem to do much better.

Got 3 flats of morning glories planted yesterday and some gallardia. Got more seeds today so planing on planting them tomorrow. Not trying to keep up with Wren cause thats impossible. Just found morning glory seeds on sale so bought a bunch. Used to grow them up north and I think they will grow here.

Sandy please don't work too hard. I want you to stay in good shape so you can make it down.


Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I may have found some one who is willing to grow my seeds for a share of the plants. Maggie's Herb Farm
But I am going to start some tomatoes I hope next week.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Morning everyone. My laptop is in the shop and I am having trouble learning how to use this stupid tablet. Once I figure out how to use this darn thing I will catch up on all the threads


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Coldest night of the year tonight. Im so bummed, its going to turn all the blooming camellias and azealas brown, the citrus is blooming....etc. Bummer all round. Im even in a fret over the feral cats I feed. Ive tried to find some straw to put out for them, but can only find hay. Ive got an opossum that comes to eat every night that looks young and has a bad boo boo on its face. Want them to be warm. Looks like if they can make it two nights, things will warm up fast.

Clermont, FL(Zone 9a)

Our cats sleep in between our big round bales of hay instead of going into my husbs. shop where they started life here. My husb. says its warmer so they should be ok if they snuggle down in it. I am concerned about plants that are blooming and budded out now. Cold could really knock them back. Hope it doesn't stay down in temps for long.


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Love Bug, I would love some of your rooted brug cuttings. I have this great deck down here at Lake Okeechobee and like for it to be my secret garden. My deck got emptied while I recovered from my broken back. Would be happy to pay for rooted cuttings + shipping. But at the least postage. Well its bedtime here.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

How did you fare with the drop in temperature last night? We reached the predicted temps of 37º.
I gathered all my coleus and put a bed sheet over them.
We can't line dry in this over 55 park I'm in on Taylor Creek. So I may put that good smelling sheet on my bed tonight.
I got 16 new golf cart batteries for my boat. We have a newly replaced lock to go on the lake about ready to open. I may take my damp laundry out on the lake, put up a line and dry away. I can see a sign that says "Clothes line not allowed on the lake", LOL
Smiling Sidney

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

29 here when I got up, suppose to be 28 tonight. Im beyond irritated. I thought I wanst going to have to start anew on the bananas and angel trumpets. Not to mention, the bathroom I just cleaned and mopped ( a rare happening) is now full of plants and the dirt and mud they leave behind. At least most things wont take any harm.

South Florida, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi Sidney,
I'm not sure what the rules are up where you live but down here the HOA cannot prohibit you from doing something that is considered "green" such as line drying clothes or putting solar panels on a roof.

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