(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM : On the mend but still Not caught up all the way .
Shirley : I Will be waiting till about Mid march when I Will be planting Many of my Seeds .

also wanted to ask about Bull Thistle (Cirsium vulgare) is this what you was looking for DEE ? I think there is blue & A Yellow one also
but in our area they are KNOWN as Very INVASSIVE & you might want to rethink them unless you are in the country .

well i have to get my wash done & Get back into being myself ya all have a great day will check back in later today .

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

sbish, it depends on what I am growing. Some plants will not tolerate being started too early and held in small containers for months. Others need an early start to get good plants by summer.
I've started a few things that need a long period of development. Tuberous Begonias and Pelargoniums are sown and under lights indoors. In a week or two I will start Eustoma and some Digitalis that will bloom the first year from seed started early.
I'm back to work on Monday so I am going to do some wintersowing this weekend, only perennials that won't bloom the first year from seed. It's a great way to start those without using greenhouse or window space I want for annuals, tropicals and tender perennials.
The bulk of my sowing takes place in the greenhouse starting in February for tomatoes and peppers and going into mid March for things that just need 3-4 weeks to develop to planting size like Gossypium species and Ipomoea.
I love this time of year-planning the plantings and choosing what to sow helps extend these short dark days.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

I am planning :) This will be my first year for starting seed indoors and possibly some winter sown. I have nothing ready for that, so I dont know. I will be ordering my seeds (veggie) this weekend and am planning my 10x10 raised bed now. :) Excited!!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I'm doing mostly flowers and unusual plants. I had a bunch of echium wildpretti germinate, and I've been transplanting Texas star hibiscus and Tweedia (blue butterfly weed) seedlings. I have several different kinds of butterfly weed and salvia going already. I'm going to sow some new annuals this year but I'm waiting until the end of the month to put the seeds out. I'm going to try morning glories again this year, got a late start last year and didn't get many flowers.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Dome....hi. Yes, I can send but also might want to consider these too...Pix 1 is Centaurea phygria (which I origionaly bought at T&M Seed more than 15 years ago). Pix 2 is Centaurea and am thinking is also a phygria (I got the seed from the Denver botanic Gardens (borrowed, lol). Both are 36-48" and all summer bloomers, the flowers are smaller than machrocephala, but still about 2-21/2". So far I have had light reseeding on the purple, but have not seen any on the yellow. The 3rd pix is Centaurea machrocephala (36-48") with Veronica spicata Sight Seeing Blue at 28" (want some seed for that too?). The flowers on the C. m. are about 3+".

The reason you state is exactly the reason I love the tall ones!!! Anything else I can send let me know.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Sbish..I've already started about 60 different pots of perennials so far and have 19 that have germinated. Had to get some supplies today and will be working on more seeding tomorrow... So far I've only started perennials, see my babies!!!! Up already: Dianthus x Loveliness ( white, dark rose, pink, Fringed Pink), Tomato Chocolate Cherry, Campanula persicifolia (blue), Oenothara pallida Innocence, Delphinium grandiflora, Antirrhinum (snaps): tall rose,tall red, Black Prince and Royal Bride( this one is suppose to be fragrant), Anthemis tinctoria, Valariana officinalis (mama plant came from me but was given to a friend and grew to 7ft, mine only get to 3-4ft and thought I might try hers, lol), Digitalis purpurea Alba, Digitalis p. Primrose Carousel, Papaver Orientalis Marlene (am excited to see this one..oooohhhhh yum), Lavatera Silver Cup (not sure if it's an A or P, thought these were p so started), Salvia greggiiFurman's Red.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

WWK - Those are the kind of plants that I need for the outskirts of my garden. I don't think the deer would bother them and they are so colorful. The veronica looks nice too. I need to take a photo of my hoop house to show you guys. I've had more fun having a greenhouse, it' my 2nd Fall. I did quite a bit of sowing last year and have some nice full grown plants from my efforts.

Concord, NH

is there a second time around? would like to be in if there is ,thank you think spring! susan

Saginaw, MI

Good morning to all! Well , sounds like there is a mixed bag of answers out there as to who is starting seeds now and what is being started depending on where your location is(of course)!! Thank you everyone for your replies!!

Susie--being we are pretty much in the same area, do you start your seeds right outside at that time or inside???

WWK--Your pics of your "little ones" got me going(ha, ha) and I did 4 pots of columbine yesterday !! Absolutely LOVE both of your centaurea!!! I would love to have a bit of each to try if you have "extras" you could possibly set aside for me in the robin box when you get it(I am after you)!!

Who has any ideas/opinions as to whether or not I should try to start canna seeds indoors right now???? Do they transplant well??? or should I just wait and plant them directly outside after last frost????

Also, what about Day Lily seeds??? Indoors now or wait and sow directly outside after last frost???

Well , need to go get laundry started before I'm off to pick up our son from work, so be back later looking for any & all responses!!! Shirley

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Wow what a robin - came on Thursday and Paula's package of Alana's seeds came yesterday. I'm working today 7-4 if I can't make it to the P.O. on my lunch it will go out on Monday sorry for the delay. Hate to give it to the mail lady because she works so late it would never make it off the ground if I gave it to her today.

Enjoy all!

Sue G

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Gee lots to get Caught up on Where to start Hope I Don't miss anyone Here goes

QUESTION : Kathy On those Centaurea phygria Are they a Monding Plant or root runner ? Should they be started inside or out .
as to the seeds starting in those size pots how do you get them seperated without hurting the roots ? or do you just cut them in 1/4's & plant in bigger pots ?

Shirley : I Usually wait & Just plant the seeds out side as for the Canna's I Soaked the seeds in Hot water for about 2-3 Hours Took a KNIFE
& Nicked them got a RED SOLO CUP :) Planted the seeds in the cup about 2" deep Poured Hot Water Over the Soil Just to Moisten
Then I Put A Baggie over the top put them under a Light & Let them grow within 3 wks I Had Sprouts .
As for the daylilies they will do best if you just Plant them outside this spring but it takes about 2 yrs for Blooms .

But Less time consumming less mess Just Nick them Put them in the Ground or Planter where you want them to grow & They will be fine
I still have RHIZOME Of the Lipstick red Fruity sent me seeds of about 3yrs ago :) Love the plnt :) Just takes a little more time to Bloom.

Thank you sue for Posting Just send the conf # to my dmail when its in flight .
well i have a few rocks to paint so you all have a great day . back later

Still have my Head cold chilles & Fever are gone so maybe on the mend I Hope .

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Thought I'd post these pictures of my hoop house. I built it Summer of 2011 and it cost about $500.00. Not bad considering the plastic cost $200.00. If I had it to do again I would have put in a roof vent, but the openings on the ends and two fans work good enough except in the heat of Summer when I just don't use it for much as it just gets too hot in there. It's like 20' x 12'.
1. From the outside
2. Looking in
3. The attached plant yard (fenced to keep the deer out)
4. The potting bench, a recycled table.
5. Look at all those seedlings!

Thumbnail by Domehomedee Thumbnail by Domehomedee Thumbnail by Domehomedee Thumbnail by Domehomedee Thumbnail by Domehomedee
Saginaw, MI

O.K. Dome---just looked at your pics and feeling a little jealous here!!! Absolutely love it and just look at all those "goodies" you've got going!!! Do I see canna in there???? I have a few canna seeds I want to try to get going! Only have the basic red flower/green leaves from last year and want to get some different ones!! So wish I had the room to do something like there--but then NOTHING else would get done because I would be "Living" in there!!!!! Enjoy !!

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I do have that problem. I have to open the doors in the morning and close them at night, even in Winter, or it gets too hot. I'll go down there and end up spending hours watering, transplanting, or just moving things around to make room for more trays.
I have too many cannas so I have been trying to sell them or give them away so I don't have to repot them again. I thought if I kept them inside this winter they would look better in Spring. Anyone wanting cannas . . . I have dwarf yellow and tall red. I also have tons of Canna patens seeds, it's my favorite canna.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What are you going to do with all those seedlings, Kathy? I know you have a plant sale with your garden group there, and you have lots of room to plant, but.....geez
Seems early here to even think about starting seeds, but then again you're in a colder zone and I haven't started anything yet, sorta makes me feel like a slug.
I'm waiting for February and March to start most everything under lights.

Your hoop house is awesome, Dee, and is about the size I would love to have.
What size and length PVC pipes did you use and also the mil for the plastic. Did you keep a list of materials you could share with us to build our own?

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I used the basic information from this site:
I don't remember what mil plastic I finally decided on but the thicker the better. I buy most of my greenhouse supplies from Greenhouse megastore, after shopping around they were the best buy. I still buy all my potting supplies from them. If you are in an agricultural area you might be able to find some freebies. I got hundreds of germination trays for free from a local landscape nursery, they recycle them so I saved them the effort. I use them to start seeds but they are also good to set pots on to keep them off the soil. I bought plastic shelving units from Home Depot and use them as low tables to set the trays on. It was really easy to build. Me and my adult daughter put most of it up ourselves. You only need more help when it's time to put the plastic on.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Wow, didn't realize that it's been so long since I posted... Lots happening! And the robin's getting close :)
Susie, can you start a new thread? This one is getting quite long.
By the way, as I was reading all the posts since my last one, I saw that someone (sorry, forget who) was asking if there was going to be another round. Yes, there will be, but as I recall, Susie said she'd start a thread for sign-ups after I mail the robin. Should be getting to me shortly :)
Must get my seeds ready, too! I had really hoped to have them ready by now, but...
Very thankful that I've finally had the energy to get some things done around here. Still a lot to do, including geting some seeds started, but I'll just have to see how it goes. Had to go by the doctor's Saturday... Was worried that I was getting a sinus infection. But, he says I don't have one. Told me some things to do to keep from getting one. We'll see how it goes.
Hi, Amanda! :) Hope you can stop by the birthday club when you get a chance :) Look for the January 2013 thread in the Group Trades... forum. And anyone else who wants to join us, we'd be glad to have you join us!
Anyway, better go get some rest! Have a great weekend, everyone!

Saginaw, MI

Domehomedee--sending you a d-mail! Thanks Shirley

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Here is the New chat LINK



brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

DHD - JEALOUS!!! I am dreaming of some sort of greenhouse...would love to do something with old doors & windows. Hubby didnt like the idea. Though it looked "trashy". I'll show him ;) Its what I want. It's what I will do.
I am going through all my seeds now. Didnt realize I still had some to clean. BES, Globe thistle are left. Time to get my spoon out I guess.
I went through all my veggie seeds as well. Didnt realize I had so many old seeds. I will be seed bombing this spring. Either the critters will be really happy, or I will have a veggie garden I didnt plan on at the end of the drive. :) There are too many to germ test, and I am buying organic this year.

I have spring fever :( Not good in MN in January :/

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ok CLOSING THIS THREAD Ya all follow the BIRD SEEDS :)))))

Here is the New chat LINK


Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

All this talk of spring! Minnesippi how do you make it!?
I am doing some GH cleaning today. Lots of leftover tropical cuttings that will be composted. Shutting it don for the winter because it cost too much to heat.
Winter sowing some perennials I received in the robin, hopefully they do well.
It had been awhile since I checked in , wanted to read the messages of those who have received and those who are awaiting it's arrival.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

LOL - I play with seeds & house plants, do lots of baking and cleaning.
I hate the weather here...I dont know why I stay. :/

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

I really love the winters here in NC. I spend more time outside now than in summer.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm with you Kerrie.

I know I know have got to find the new threads but had to read the old stuff first!

Mint Hill, NC(Zone 7a)

LoL glad to see you around Amanda.
We should get together soon.

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