(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

It is Windy & Snowy here but they say only about 1-2 In Nothing like what is North of us . I Have some Baking to do today & Tomorrow for we have a christmas party on sunday With Jim;s xwife & His 5 Kids ,about 15 GKS, & ?GGK's I Lost track, but most of them i have not seen
for many years so going to get to visit on sunday :) Looking forward to it :)

well off to get my day going here back later

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

got about 3" yesterday - we were just supposed to get a "dusting". More to come in the next few days.
Temps in the single digits.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I'm glad no one's getting buried...

Tsk tsk Kathy! LOL

We're in Florida... 55 degrees and sunny...

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

We have winds, cool temp, and snow flurries. I wish I had a fireplace to curl up in front of.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

12" and sustained winds at 30 mph with gusts to 50 mph. That is what we are digging out of here. Travel is still not recommended. Even Des Moines schools were closed yesterday and today.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Very windy here but just a scant of snow . Had to go fix the door on the DUCK Pen but other then that all is well. :) Good to hear you are safe in your house MELEN :) Missed ya here but i know you've been watching :)
well off to get some cookies baked going up to see all Jim's Kids Sunday so will be back later or tomorrow morning :)

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I just got home and the robin is here-it came today apparently. I've got a lot to do but I will try to get it out tomorrow. If not, it will ship on Monday. I will post when she takes off.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Wowsers! This is the third year I have participated in this Robin, and it is by far the nicest in terms of variety. I found myself pinching and dipping into several baggies. Most of the seeds I added are presorted and bagged individually, but I noticed there are plenty of baggies in the box so I did not add any.
The box itself may need to be replaced after this trip. I did not have one on hand the right size or I would have done that but I did not want to wait another day while I went to get a box. The PO here is only open 9-11 on Saturday.
My postage is all printed and the mailman will be picking the box up tomorrow. Frausnow, you are in for a pleasant hour or two of seed diving.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's exactly what I thought, Alana. Can't remember if this was my third or fourth time having the Robin but can honestly say this year's nest was the absolute best yet, hands down. All you waiting in line hang in there. You are in for a real treat. I added a bunch of baggies, two different sizes, and am glad there is still a good supply for any of you to use. Of course someone after me could have added a supply as well.

Glad you see you, mellen. That's a lot of snow in a relatively short time. Be safe. We still have high winds and only saw a few stray flakes blowing by today. From upstairs, it was neat watched a squall on the mountaintops in the neighboring County.

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Well, here in sunny California we're expecting rain over the weekend. Got the roof on my grand-daughters new playhouse just in time. Been getting cold at night, at least for here, close enough to freezing to keep an eye on it. I hate to bring in more plants, my house already looks like a botanical garden. I don't know whether to feel sorry for or jealous of you that get snow. I haven't seen snow in years, I'd love to go sledding, LOL.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Waving hello... I'm here, But I'm still having internet problems, so haven't been able to post lately. Finally got a chance :)
Great to hear the robin is still moving along :) Looks like it still has a few more stops before it arrives here... Better get my seeds ready :)
Will stop by again when I can!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Have been busy baking for our Xmas Dnner Tomorrow With Jims 5 Kids & ALLLLLLLLLLLLL 20-30 Kids & GK"S & GGK"s
Wish I Had some VALIUM So I could handle the CAOS Better :) I'm Sure there will be Wine so That should help :)
I have not seen some of the Kids for about 5+ yrs so it will be a fun time really .

Today I'm Baking my goodies to take with so may not be on allot .

wanted to share this site I have been ordering a few that I Want to add to my Gardens & I have some extra that I Hope to share in the second
time around swap . when the Robins gets out at GQ's I will put a sign up page up :) .
well back to the Kitchen ya all have a great weekend SUNNY Cold here . No Heavy Snow here .

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b) Didn't mean to scare you about the 25ft..... I do remember when I was 14 and getting snowed in and I do mean snowed in. Just after Christmas in '68-'69 we got 5ft of snow (was living in South Dakota at the time). It blew and blew.... Drifts ended up to the tops of telephone pole, no kidding....anyone else in that area remember that one? We lived in the country and I remember it taking them almost a week to get our road opened. Driving down the road and you could only see a wall of snow out the car window... I remember being able to go to the back side of a one story house and running off the roof to jump into the drifts on the other side. They called it the storm of the century...

Need to finish putting up my seed stand, will try to finish this

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Yay... Internet again! :)
Oh, meant to mention that when I read the "25ft of snow", I too stopped to wonder if that were possible in such a short time :)
Glad it was really only a few inches! LOL
Even five feet of snow is a lot to imagine! That must have been quite the experience!
You all stay safe...

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM What a beauty ful cool morning sun is popping out & a great day to go to be with the kids guess i better get ready wishing you all a great day also . back later

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Gosh don't Mellon and Minni remember that one, How 'bout you DJ?

Got it up and just finishing putting lights up. Have to finish the bottom shelf tomorrow and then on to seeding.....

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

WWK I really like the light set-up. I have one of those ones you can adjust the fixture height, only I don't really need to adjust the fixture height. I remove the seedlings as soon as they sprout and move them to the greenhouse. It is nice and large though, it holds 4 large germination trays and I can get 2 more on the window sill.
It's after 10:00 and I just stopped cleaning the house for tomorrow's festivities.
You all have a Merry Christmas . . .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Just a few more last min duties for santa's visit tonight but just wanted to stop by & say MERRY CHRISTMAS I Maybe back later today so stay well be happy share your smile with others :)))
Nice set up Kathy wish I had the room for one . mine has to be put out side .

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

OMG!! I am going to get a lump of coal in my stocking this year for sure-worse even. I was tidying up before going off to an afternoon Christmas Eve with some extended family members and just under the edge of my bed was a small zip lock of seeds from the Robin that I missed putting back into the box. (Yes, I did go through the box in bed, lol.) I am so sorry!
To rectify my error, I'm going to email frausnow a list of what is in the baggie on Wednesday and take out any she wanted and mail to her directly. Then I will mail the baggie to the next person on the route so that this won't slow us down.
Jeez 'O' Pete!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Dome...lucky you, a greenhouse...always wanted one! Lol, are you listening Santa?!!!! Might be dangerous tho....I could grow tooo many plants. Going out to find some 21/2" pots later, get them washed up and I'm thinking I might start some things tomorrow. Christmas present to myself.

Snow is moving in tonight and will continue over night, hope we get a good one!!! Hope everyone has a Very Merry, am going to my daughter's tonight. Yea....pressies, lol!

I'm still going through my stash, gosh what to start!!!? And this box isn't even here yet. I have soo many seeds. I will be doing many new annuals this year but it's not time for those yet, shucks.. Has anyone ever grown Polygonum orientale (Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate, in both red and pink). I'm excited I hope I like them!! Got lots of different types of poppies to try this year also, most are annuals tho. Oh, and scads of different varieties of Digitalis (foxgloves), Problem is I will have to wait til next summer for them to bloom as they are Biennials, (unless I can trick them into bloom this season, wishing!!)

Has anyone grown the new(ish), Antihinnum m. 'The Bride' yet? Got from T&M Seeds. Theyv'e been touting that they are fragrant. Hope so.

Brought my bale of peat moss in the house the other day to make sure it's not frozen, OMG, how bad is Thinking I should take it back outside today and divide it into bags so I can bring in smaller amounts as needed. I've made the mistake of not dividing it and breaking off frozen chuncks in the middle of winter is just not my idea of fun....So what's everyone starting?

And those that start things outside in the winter, how do you do yours? Should I keep them on the sheltered porch or do I want them out there to get snow on them? Do you winter water them? funny...Do you always take seeds to bed with you? LOL.

Have a great day everyone!!!! Hope Santa bring lots of goodies for everyone!

Any seeds in the box for this one? Papaver soniferum (thinking it's Lauren's Grape)?

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Woo, hoo! Merry Christmas to me....the robin landed on my doorstep today. I will get it back in the mail on Wednesday. Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas! BTW, I'm sending it in a new box since this one is pretty well beat up.


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

I do remember the snow back in the late 60's. I was in my mid-teens at the time. It was a biggie!

Am hoping to start wintersowing after the first of the year. My sister who lives 35 mi. away wants to come help me. It will be FUN! The year that I had the best luck was when I put the jugs on the deck/north side of the house. That way they got water from the snow and a bit of sun/warmth when it was needed.

Merry Christmas, Susie, and everyone else here!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Off to watch Zoey Open her Packages from Santa soon They are haven Breakfast so taken this time to Wishing ev1
A Special day With Family & Friends .

Well we Know where Our Birdie will be Haven Xmas Dinner :)))) New Box will be great :)

Have a great day will be back later

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

Kathy, I don't always take seeds to bed with me, but I do it fairly often. In place of reading in bed, some nights I take a few seeds and pull out a few of my favorite botanical references and read up on them.

I should have time to mail frausnow tonight and get the seeds in tomorrow's mail for the next person.

My pie crusts are made and all I have to do now is fill them.
Have a great day, everyone.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Oops- pic! :))))

Thumbnail by Pfg
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

No white Christmas for me! DARN!!
Just finished 4 Cream Cheese Pies. They are in the refrigerator and will be ready for dinner this evening. Yummy!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

PAM Looks as Santa Left his FT Prints in the snow :))))

Jim Has Turkey In his oven so I'm making the Ham / yams/ & roll so thought i would pop in for a few to look up a couple things online :) back later

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

No snow for us, either- we're in Florida visiting DD, SIL and the GKs. Today, picnic on the beach, first really hot day since we've been here.

Happy day, all. :)))

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

Hope all are well and have a great christmas

Thumbnail by risingcreek
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Lol Alana, just make sure they aren't open...And whatever you do don't take "The Royal Hort. Society Book to bed with's huge!!! lol.

Got about 4" of light fluffy snow, but it's too burry (5*) to go get pix, sorry, I'm stay'in inside today!!!! Got trays and pots, peat and vermiculite in yesterday, maybe I will do some mixing....and plant me some

Merry Christmas All!!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

I found this in a book I sent to dj for Christmas:

"No gift is as beautiful as a flower. In their colors, scents, and shapes, flowers are as various as the moods of the human heart. These are the reasons why flowers are so often the messengers through which emotions, wishes, and thoughts are expressed.
The flowers are all around, waiting to speak." From the book 'The Language of Flowers' edited by Gregory C. Aaron

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I've sent frausnow the list of seeds in the missing baggie. If she gets back to me by tomorrow afternoon I will get the rest on the way to join the robin in route tomorrow afternoon.
I hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Merry Christmas to all my seed friends!

Alana, I think you're the only one that's slept with the

Wish we had snow like your photo, Pam, to make tracks in. Enjoy sunny Florida with your family and wiggle your toes in the sand for me.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Merry Christmas! Hope you all had a blessed one :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Just enjoying my coffee along with much Needed quietness :) the wind is strong & snow is on the way & I'm not planing to go anywhere for the next few days :) just staying in waiting for my new seed starter stand to arrive this next week .
I've gotten a few New packs of seeds that I'm going to be Dividing up to add to the Robin for the 2nd time around.

Do any of you remeber the old MA&PA Kettle Movies way back when ??? Well My Neighbor Bob & Carolyn got me the CD & I Was up till 2 am Just watching the 1st CD & I Felt like I was back in the days was so good & So funny & there is 10 classics movies so ya know what I will be watching in the evening :)

I do have to go out & Feed water MY MA "MOLLY" Duck Yes I still have her she is Now 5 yrs old got to take out her Peas , & Hot water
so she can play in her pool before the snow fall so ya all have a great day back later.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope Santa was good to everyone :)

As far as remembering the snow from the 60's - I cant say that I do. I wasn't born until '73 :)
I do remember a big snow storm in the 80's in MN. Drifts were up to the 2nd level of the house. And then there was '91 - 2' on Halloween and we still had school the next day - not even a delay :/

WWK - I dropped seed from Kiss me over the Garden gate early in the fall - hoping I get something to come up but I can honestly say I do not recall where I planted them...I imagine near a fence though :)

I would love to try and start seed inside this year. Just dont have the set up for it yet. And in 2013, I will come up with some sort of greenhouse set up outside. Gift to myself. I did get potting soil and starter trays from the kids for Christmas:) and A Kitchenaid mixer from DH. Very happy about that - now I just need a place to store it.

If anyone needs sweets - let me know :)

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

I want the Ma & Pa Kettle movies! I loved them as a kid.
I got 2 huge ceramic pots for Christmas, so cool. I'm going to have to decide where and what to put in them.
Maybe I'll use them for those "can be invasive" plants I have in the seed trays. Ever since the horseradish went rogue I'm a little afraid of "invasive" plants.
Truth be told they have to be pretty drought tolerant to survive in the wild here, but they can still get out of control in my garden.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I like Ma and Pa Kettle too! When I came home from school each day I watched the 4 '0' Clock movie, and they made frequent appearances.

I have not heard from JoAnn. If I don't hear from her by tomorrow I will send the seeds on to Paula.

I would love to spend a few of my remaining days off working outside, but I think mother nature is trying to make up for this year's drought before the year ends. I am going to clean out the greenhouses and get ready to start some seeds, though.


Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Paula P the robin is on its way to you! I mailed it today.

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