Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info, Lanakila. The Robin is in the air on its way to you. Should land there Monday.

There were no moldy seeds in there, Susie. I had a few Canna seeds that molded in the refrigerator and threw them away, but did include others and those requested were fine.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY susan Just got home from Bingo JP IS Up to $4000.+ Still didn't go so it will be up tomorrow night :)
got to get my sleep GN all

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Just collected seed fom Salvia azurea Nekan today (pix 1), 36-48"^x36">, blue, late summer, D.T., D.R.
Also Rudbekia, annnual which reseeds, 30-36"^x24-30">, mix of large flowered some with darker contrasting centers, sorry I forgot to mark which plants were which when in bloom so I made a mix...

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Last post for the night. Kathy, I think I'm in line for some of your Rud's, and a mix with the Salvia would be even better. Enlighten me what D.T., D. R. stand for? I'm assuming with hardly any snow last year or rain this year in your area, they might mean drought-tolerant and drought-resistant. Correct me if I'm wrong, you know I usually

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi....D.T.=Drought Tolerant, D.R.= Deer Resistant. You know after I posted that, I correctly guessed someone might I had meant to collect them when they were still blooming....but so busy planting yet. It was to breezy today to plant, really don't like eating dust..thankyou but no Still have a few things to look for but gotta keep working on planting. It's amazing just how many pots I collected.....egads!
Just packaged to add to the box....
Pix 1:Datura metaloides, 36-48"x36-48", white, evening bloom and fragrance, can reseed, D.R.
Pix 2: Eupatorium joicus, Varigated white Joe-Pye-Weed, 48-60"x48" (1rst far)

Fruity..made up 2 packets for you, rud mix and the salvia...are you looking for other Salvias too? I have several more I could look at.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Sorry pix 2 is's Crambe cordifolia and not Eupatorium joicus. Guess I don't have one of the Joe-Pye-Weed.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All
Kathy is the Crambe cordifolia what you shared with me this past spring right ?? & What is all the green clumps around the plant ?
Well it is very foggy out side this morning . so guess I will wait till it lifts before i go for my blood draw Snow or rain is fine to drive in but not fog :)
well looks as The ROBIN Will Be Landing today @ ALANALILA Please Let us know what you think of it :))))

well off to read more forums back later today .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Getting closer!! I can hardly wait.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Any Salvias, Kathy, and thanks for the explanation.

Yep, big day for you Lanakila. Enjoy!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Ok Fruity...will look to see if I find some of the other Salvias that I have...

Susie, the other plants below and to the side of the Crambe c. are Centaurea machrocephala, shown below with an unopened veronica spicata. The above pix was taken early in the spring before the Centaureas were full size for the season.
Pix 2 another angle of the Crambe c. (from the side where the Centaureas are located), pix is very early spring.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Susie..Had to enlarge the pix but here are a list of the plants close to the Crambe c.(won't list the plants in the top half as they are so far away to discern whats From the Crambe to the right clockwise...Yarrow (dark pink), Iris g. (purple/black), Centaurea montana, Stachy's b. (grey leaved), a clump of lavender, (some unks.), bottom of pix is Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain Blue, far right is Centaurea machrocephall. That Crambe is 5-6foot tall X 5foot wide, and about 4 years old. This side of the border is 20 feet wide, (left to right where the grey carpet path is located). So can see how big the Crambe will get. The Centaurea mach. on the bottom right of the pix were 36x36 (bloom time they get up to 48") at the time of the pix. Like I said this is early spring and most plants were'nt in bloom yet.

Anyone wanting Stachy's b. come next spring I'll have plenty to share, (it's beginning to grow too far out into the path, time to edit a

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

Here birdy-birdy-birdy-birdy! I SO want to leave work early just so I can go home and play with the Birdy!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Kathy Come SPRING Just Bring 3 of each & Come DESIGN My Garden, I'm sure i will have plenty to send home with you :))) Be happy to Help with the cost of GAS :)))) your gardens are looking so good.
Mine has No RHYME or REASON to them

well the 2013 seed catalogs are flying about door to door For I have received 3 Books already.
well I Have to get my Goods put away so ya all have a great day.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

LOL Susie...I'm not sure what a vacation IS!!!!! I'll Be glad to give you pointers this winter.....If your interested you could make it a thread over in Beginner Landscaping, Garden Design or Perennials. Just get out and get some pix and dimensions of each area(s) you might like to work on (before the snow flies, as they say you can see the bones this time of year... You could then send me a list of your plant material (perenns, bulbs, grasses, annuals)in a d-mail . We could spend the winter playing with ideas (and anyone else that might be interested)... I have spent the last 4 or 5 years putting this all together and I still have much to do in the way of just grew plants (most from seed), and filled in areas, now I need to really look at what I've done and put things together in a more cohesive plan. The main thing I did stick to over the years was taller in the back (tho not always) and groups of same plants for a mass color affect (groups of 3,5,7etc.). Could be fun bouncing ideas off each other....I have a whole backyard to get planted with perenns next season, and I'm constantly getting ideas from so many here at Dave's. Personally I'd love to see more pix from others gardens: Yours, Pfg, Fruity, and soooo many others I've received some GREAT plants trades from over the season this year, many, many from here on this thread! Besides...we all need something to chat about this winter !!

I know Fruity started a thread on her garden this summer but I didn't keep up with it, (sorry Fruity, I will try to get caught up). But now we have several months of cold and not needing to get out to the garden to get things in. Speaking of which I'm still tying to get a few hundred plants in the ground this week, (just linning them out). I sooo want to be done as the weather is getting chillier, I know I just keep saying a few more days, fingers are crossed. It's too burrrry out there now, and breezy. Just a few more days!!!! LOL. And I can almost see the driveway now!!!! Next spring I have to find places for all those plants that are being lined out, becase they won't stay where I'm putting them now. They are linned out in between shrubs at the back of the border. So I have plans to make myself too. And any and all ideas are just that.....IDEAS, to use or not.. Sound like fun????

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

these are not i Blooming yet in your gardens right ??? these pics are from this spring RIGHT ????
what is the red in the 3rd Pic ? also in the 2nd Pic is that salvia ? & What is the White Bulb behind ?
I will see if i can find time to take a few Pictures & Have you halp me on it :))

well off to make some fudge :) SHOOOO SECRET SANTA AT Work :)))))
good nite all

Holly Springs, NC(Zone 7b)

This birdy is SO FAT that it's no wonder we have to pay the Postal Service to get her in the air! It's going to take me a couple of days to work through all the wonderful selections that everyone has contributed!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Susie...1st pix: bottom and to the left is an unknown, not sure if I got it in a trade here or from my garden club(am thinking the later....if anyone recognizes it please I would love a name, it is a reseeder to boot and I have plenty to share), just below the poppy is a verbascum (not sure if it's Copper Rose or Southern Charm), the white to the right is Daisy Becky, in the back is Hesperis matronalis just finishing up (purple at the very top of the stems), again many are not opened yet Veronica spicata Sight Seeing Blue which is a tall one.
Pix 2 yes that's Salvia n. on the bottomand far right in front is Dracocephalum imberbe (perennial) but is only a spring bloomer; one flower of Knautia masedonica (deep red pincushion looking flower), to the left if a group of unopened Catanche carulea blue (Cupids Dart), foreground is Dianthus grationopolitanus (Cheddar Pinks or Bath's Pink, spring bloomer).
pix 3 the flower your asking of is Antirhinum majus (snapdragon) the tall "Red Rocket" series at 36". (Black Prince comes to mind) and in front I believe is Lavendula angustifolia "Munstead".
Pix 4 is Gypsophila repens (Creeping Babies Breath), and Caliroe involucrata (Wine Cups)
Pix5 is the other side of pix 1 a few weeks later and possibly taken a year apart. You can see the same poppy on the right, along with some Aquilegia McKenna's Hybrids, Centaurea montana "Amathyst in White", and the white spike is Verbascum phoenicium.

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

WWKathy, I like very much your idea of brainstorming design ideas over the winter. Over the last 6 years I've been involved in this garden, I also started whatever I could wherever I could, and have been trying to get a handle on overall design as things have begun to multiply, and as I find through trial and error what works here and what doesn't. It's really hard to plan until you see how each thing grows in your own microclimate. I've made some ludicrous boo-boos... That white knautia I was so excited about, I put in the middle of the border and it grew over 6' tall! Ridiculous! I sent you one, Susie, and one I finally found a spot for, couldn't just throw it away!

By the way, for your remaining pots, you could do what the nurseries do to overwinter what hasn't sold... They dig trenches deep enough just to stick all the pots in close together, then mulch over the top with chips or hay or leaves or whatever. It might save you some time...

The robin is really speeding on its way. I'm looking forward to round 2, to see what other goodies have been added. Like I need more... But I do get inspired...

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Here's an idea of what I'm working with. There are 4 levels to the property, in the main view from the house, you see them all.

Pic 1 is a section of the long border in the Middle Lawn
Pic 2 is the Middle Lawn in June
Pic 3 Is later in the season, you can see 3 of the levels. Between the Middle and Lower lawns, is the Falling Down Wall.
Pic 4 is from another angle
Pic 5 is the Falling Down Wall from below. The deer ate the big hosts clumps near the bottom during a drought. They usually don't bother us.

This message was edited Dec 4, 2012 12:07 AM

Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg Thumbnail by Pfg
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Oh PAM!!!!!!!.....I want that plant your calling Knautia....should I tell you that isn't what it is at all......... or keep my mouth shut!!! LOL....I'm thinking it's a Cephalaria alpina or gigantea, tall scabiosa, light yellow to almost white, 4-6ft. I lost mine from 10-15 years ago and have been looking for it since.....(one is taller than the other and one is more yellow than the other, my origional seed for both varieties was gotten from England and they don't offer it any more) Now I have Scabiosa ochulara which is maybe what you were looking for, it gets to 24" and an all seasom bloomer, pale lemon yellow. We just may have to do that trade in the spring!!! LOL!!!! I have plenty of extras....Lol...I'm being naughty...Scabiosa (yellow, white,pink,lt. purple and what they call a blue which is still a lavender), Knautia ( white, pink and the deep red) and Cephalaria ( light, light lemon yellow and a darker yellow) are all closely related I believe, they all have the pincushion affect). OOOOh I'm just Oh how bad am

Pix 1 Scabiosa ochulara, 18-24"
Pix 2 Scabiosa columbaria 30-36"
Pix 3 Scabiosa columbaria 30-36"
Pix 4 Knautia macedonica, 24-36" (maroon) and Armeria maritima Bee's Hybrids (the tall one which is 18" and blooms the whole season.
Pix 5 is a patch of 2 and 3, which are making a nice patch (reseeding)
My daughter has a short one that is blue (lavender) and gets 12-18'

Yup Pam..I might have to do that trench thing, I was hoping to get them into the ground so they could get the moisture and allow them to increase the root mass from being in the soil tho. Will keep at it till I just can't plant any more, which is soon because the soil is getting to burry for my Pretty soon I'll be sayong come on El Ninio

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Of course you have to tell me! I'm delighted to find out what it is! How funny! And of course you can have some!!! I bought it as K Mars Midget from a small local wholesale grower. Then it bloomed at the size I expected, but white, or could be very pale yellow as you say. I moved it to where I wanted white, and it became gigantic- what a surprise, I couldn't believe it!

I have some white Scabiosa seed from the robin, I'll see how that goes.

But I might just have to get some of that Armeria from you...

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Tee hee...

Thumbnail by Pfg
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, Lanakila, have fun sorting through all the goodies the robin brought! :)

Prescott, AZ(Zone 7b)

Pam - thanks for sharing the garden pics. I really like your garden.
I'm jealous of the lawn, that's one thing I don't have. Just too many gophers to fight off.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Pam - I love it and you gave me many ideas for my front yard - other options instead of a retaining wall. Thank you. I will have to remember these pics are here over the winter while I plan. :):):):)

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

Thanks! OK, who's going to start the new design thread for brainstorming?!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All I Have a busy day but will try to start a Thread or if one of you have time today to start it PLEASE Post LINK Here .
Love the pic's Kathy I Have all Flat Ground Full Sun. .

Don't Forget I will be planing to Have our SPRING PLANT SWAP SO you may just find some great trades . also .
ok off to get started .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Love your garden shots, Pam. Very nice.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening everyone well i popped in to ask where would you all like for me to open the GARDEN DESIGN Thread ???
can't do it tonight for Jim's Kids will be here soon their Late as always But Promise tomorrow for it is free alday :) SO FAR Anyway :)
Lights coming up the drive so guess they are here :) so will be back in the morning .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

For those of you who are sending me veggie seeds I thought I would post a picture of were the veggie garden will be. I found a source for the tires I need to make tire towers to plant in so will start hauling in tires tomorrow.
The veggie garden are is about 40X60.

Thumbnail by marti001 Thumbnail by marti001
sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

I tried tire towers this year, they were great. kept the gophers at bay. only thing is it gets so hot here had to paint them white.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

i planted rhubarb in a tire last summer - it TOOK OFF!!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Lol Pam..I was writing that post as you had posted yours...... I just love your And you have a much steeper slope than I do...and I love the effect of the boulders. Were they there when you started? I'd love to have some but they are big $$$ anymore. I wanna find out what some of your plants are...Lol, I should make you list the plants in each....but that would be naughty.. Is that big shrub at the far end a Rhodie? and is a a fragrant one? (any pix of it in bloom?)

Pix 1, what is the apricot colored plant (Geum? Potentilla?), I don't usually go for oranges but that is a nice shade.
Pix 2, what is the white at the bottom, on the left is that a white peony?

Ok Pam, you will have to repost these when we get a new thread so we can have you disect them for us..... I just love how you have mature trees but wanna find out more about what are in the beds....

I do have seed pods of the Armeria m. But I hate to say it's one of those single stem plants. Although I have read that a sprig can be pulled and rooted but have never tried it. Can't remember if I grew these from seed or got them from one of my local fav. nurseries. If the nursery has them I will get some come spring time...they will be small as they will only be from this years winter sow and they sell'em only in 12 packs, but the price is right ($2.25 for 12 plants)...And for the heck of it I will get some fresh seed at my daughter's house next week. In my garden I only have the short version that looks like a big like a tuft of grass and tops out at 4-6". I do like the tall ones as they are great as accents in flower bouquets, again an all season bloomer.

As far as the Scabiosa that I have...I got babies so remind me come spring at trade time.....I made sure to put down plenty of seed so I can increase my patch and have plenty to share also! I will eventually divi up the white and the purple into seperate plantings. Pix 5 has about 10 ish plants, most still young and not full sized yet, am thinking that they will spread to about 18-24" wide at maturity. But I do love how they bloom the WHOLE season. And for those looking for all seasom bloom, scabiosas are great, just deadhead. I will get some seed from my daughter's plants also as they are shorter at 12-18". Another great cut flower for the vase too.

Now I'm getting psyched for the BOX to get to I just got space to put up my seed growing set up, so I'll be ready when it gets to me.

Hey Marti...will you grow veggies for me??? LOL. For the past several years I've gotten tomatoe plants and then don't get them in.. Guess I need to redo my veggies patch, and stick with it...I'm getting one of those Ninjas for Cristmas so I can do juicing, (gift to self).

This message was edited Dec 4, 2012 9:10 PM

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

am thinking this is a pix of the shorter Aremeria maritima

Nope sorry, it's the patch from above earlier in the season..

This message was edited Dec 4, 2012 9:25 PM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

risingcreek, that's what I thought I'd do. Paint them white. Help keep them cool and they would look better.

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

My BIL arrived home this morning from 342 days in Iraq! YEA!!! My sisters family is complete once again!

Thumbnail by minnesippi Thumbnail by minnesippi
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OK Guess you all didn't see my QUESTION .
Where should we Post our GARDEN DESIGN Thread .? Bingo with the girls so back in the morning .

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

That's a good question. Does DG have a site for us to post it at?

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

PS what about under General Discussion and Chat?

(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

THere is a design forum... And a perennials forum, how about one of those?

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