Springtime in the BRUGMANSIA garden..

Clifton Springs, Australia

You're 30c and we are pouring rain and cold......I don't think that I would trade, Chrissy...not ready for that sort of heat.
Those babies should be interesting...so many crosses this year of our own....
Next year I'm not buying even one seed from OS....too many that I would like to grow from our own crosses, especially all the ones that will be flowering this year for the second time....
Wonderful thing to be able just to grow out our own seeds....

West of Brisbane, Australia

I'm with you, Dianne: I would rather have the cold and rain! Summer is really the hardest time of year here I reckon, despite the winter frosts. And I really miss the regular 'changes', the four-seasons-in-one day that visitors complain about. Agree about the overseas seeds too; there's just too much to grow out as it is. Plus, there's something esp. exciting about seeing your own cross flower. Time for me to start mulching soon I think, to make way for the new.

Quote from chrissy100 :

Enjoy your Friday ...long weekend ahead here, and Daylight Saving here in NSW !

Long weekend here too, but your DS doesn't start until Sunday of NEXT week (7 Oct): http://www.nsw.gov.au/daylight-saving
Just one more thing I dislike about summer here, being an hour behind. Thank goodness for ABC24, which at least broadcasts in real time instead of an hour's delay. Before I forget, scary stuff about the snakes. (Only in a place like Australia could a person express a preference for the red-bellied snake, because it's less of a threat!) You've got to take a stick around with you, like a hiker, and prod any undergrowth in front of you. What are the odds that while you've got your eyes focused on the ground, alert for snakes, only to walk into a nest of wasps or something else from above LOL Hopefully, not !!

Oh gosh it usually starts on the long weekend, you mean we don't get Monday holiday to adjust ?
What a pain !!!! thanks for the low down. I blame the heat for brainfade.

Yes we need the seasons, however looks like our Spring Sprung for a minute, then racked off.
Hot wind blowing, dry grass ...here we go ...Fire Warnings saying it will be a shocker due to all the fuel on the ground from all the rains.

Anything over 80F and the Brugs are not too happy, particularly the German ones ...oh well.
Yes the snakes ...I tend to forget about them usually but not after the Brown snakes out front.
I don't wear protective footwear either as my feet get too hot,just slides, so yes it curls ones toes !

Yes I doubt we will be needing any OS seeds for a while ...so looking forward to the home crosses we all have ^_^
and the OS ones too of course, but with a priority on our own merged crosses.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

it's been a very misrabul day here in Melbourne wet wet and just to top it of cold & wet but thats ok the plants love it a nice drenching of rain will do all plants well.

i must agree with the OS seed lots i will not be buying any for a few years now i think i have enough genes to carry me & us throu and add them to our collection, i have now many aurea X.varieties that have come up and will be looking at them to be the Back bone of my hybrids with the OS plants to complement them also with doubles and more

Here is a pic of one of my newest Brugs how amusing what are your thoughts on this variety it is a sanguinea

This is a few seedlings of White Ruff, aurea(form), Frosty Pink, Knightii(Lincoln Rd), DP'n'G, Tantra & suaveolens

I have just been reprimanded via Ebay here is what was stated:

Hello shaund1969(sd142@iprimus.com.au),


We appreciate that you chose eBay to list the following listing(s):

300785779117 - Brugmansia aurea (form) (Angel Trumpet)

However, your (s) violates eBay's Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia policy and has been removed. In accordance with our User Agreement, items prohibited by law or by eBay policy are not allowed on eBay.

Some items, while legal to sell, can be used for illegal purposes and are not allowed on eBay. eBay doesn't want to be responsible for or associated with allowing someone access to prescription controlled or illegal substances, or the promotion the use of illegal substances.

Please do not relist this item.

All fees associated with a listing we remove are credited back to your account. If we removed a listing, you should see this credit reflected in your account balance right away.

Narcotics, steroids or other controlled substances may not be listed on eBay. Drug paraphernalia may not be listed on eBay. Such paraphernalia includes all items that are primarily intended or designed for use in manufacturing, concealing or using a controlled substance.

The sale of prohibited drugs and drug paraphernalia is strictly forbidden on eBay, and violates state, federal and international law. eBay strongly supports law enforcement and assists in the prosecution of those responsible for knowingly attempting to sell such items on eBay.

Prohibited drugs or plants, and other controlled substances may not be listed on eBay. This includes drugs, plants and substances outlined in Schedule 1 of the New South Wales Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 and the Commonwealth Crimes (Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1990.


This message was edited Sep 29, 2012 8:54 AM

Thumbnail by SolMan
Vic, Australia

How odd that flee bay decided to pull your listing, it my just be down to the wording in the heading, maybe add plant name or flower colour to avoid any confusion.
I went and had a looksee at your profile and what you were selling and it all looks good :)

Shaun that is very strange ...after all the seeds we have been buying off Ebay and I have seen lots of Brugs for sale in Australia.
I think someone has complained. ebay does not usually give a toss, I have read about people complaining and being ignored.
Where you selling some other things ?

Brugmansia are not illegal .Edited to say they are sold by everyone everywhere these days for goodness sake even Bunnings. I would tell them so and ask what item is actually illegal since they are sold all over the place.


This message was edited Sep 28, 2012 7:02 PM

hi aussie flower sorry I forgot to wave ^_^

I posted your little cute video on FB ... I love baby Brugs ...ha ha ha *thunder and lightening*, just a spit in the eye of rain.

Off to explore Ebay ! to see if all the brugs are banned, I bet they are not.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy it is Brugmansia aurea i have not seen aurea for sale on ebay but i have seen it on other web sites, i think it comes back to the issue of importing of B.aurea and it being band from import
i could not see any other reason but there is a drugs list and it's on that i think?????
im just going around & round on the ebay policy sites as i have no idea what im looking for

These ones aren't banned ...
Hmmm I still think someone has complained, I remember someone telling me, I think it was cestrum, not sure that someone abused them for buying and sharing Angels, something along those lines.

If you think it is the word Aurea (I doubt it) drop it and see, I must say your signature does not help perhaps "deadly night" infers things, if you get my drift, I would drop that, if I were wanting to sell these flowers.
edited to say ...that link didn't work sorry, but I see heaps of Brugs.


This message was edited Sep 28, 2012 7:38 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Unfortunately I have to agree with Chrissy re your user name, Shaun....when you first joined us, I thought hello hello, interesting name...
It does imply that you like to sample your product...
Now remember you are on eBay to make money...so you have to be user friendly in every way...think up a good name for yourself...this is retail.....and you want to be the best.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy on ebay i only have shaun1969 and my email is sd142 so it cant be that Deadly knight is only here on Daves garden!
i think its got some thing to do with a goody 2sho or some thing like that
I have writen to eBay about this issue and asked for documents other then there policy as i could not find it any where, but aurea is still not illegal as yet but can not be imported in to Australia
so ill be waiting on feed back from eBay

edited to say::: Deadly Knight is for what the plants i collect are in Solanaceae Deadly Nightshade

This message was edited Sep 28, 2012 8:59 PM

Brisbane, Australia

I have sold quite a few brugmansia plants on Ebay for some time now without any problems(so far). Perhaps it is a knee jerk response to a complaint from someone as Chrissy says. I only have hybrid brugmansia seeds for sale at present. Shaun, I see that Ebay have not removed your Dr Seuss brugmansia? Strange, I would definately question why Ebay have singled you out!!

Ok well it's not the name, I am betting it is one of those people who were stirring up the legal issue before, to prevent anyone becoming competition, IMO only, I had it pulled by admin when it got out of hand.

Don't know what to tell you, except to challenge the ban when Brugmansia are freely available on Ebay and everywhere.
All I can say is oh boy! I am glad I don't sell on the EvilBay LOL ...or anywhere.

As for Deadly Knight if I hadn't known you from FB, as a genuine Brug lover, I would have been very weary, after all, who knows it's about deadly nightshade ...either way Deadly and Brugs ...well ? not the greatest look. Luckily we know you. ^_^


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy i have writen to DG admin and asked them if there was any possibility of getting a name change???
or would i have to delete this account and then open a new one
I am really disheartened with ebay and the issues that have popped up there
with Deadly Knight i thought it was a great name but it seems like its noting but trubble outside and inside DG

i have written again and sent a link or 2 to ebay about the issus as they wrote back asap saying go to contact eBay not throu the email thay sent
i hope to have this issue resolved soon

Awe I hope I didn't hurt your feelings mate, sorry, don't feel down about it.
We know you as Dark Knight here now, but if you want to change your name just open another account. Australian forum is free anyway. But let us know it's you.
As for Evil Bay pffft there are more ways than one, to skin a cat. Or sell your Brugs. ^_^


Merino, Australia

Shaun, I am amazed at the pulling of your brug listing.
Brugs have been freely sold on eBay for years in Aust & OS

I agree, that someone has made a complaint. I would follow up with eBay definitely, as you are within your rights as a seller to know the reason for the action.

It will be worth losing the word aurea from your listing and seeing what happens.

I see nothing wrong with your user name and if someone has had cause to tell anyone your DG user name, they should be minding their own business.

We have too many dogooders sticking their noses in where they are not wanted.

You are not "deadly" , but the name does have an association with the poison type plants that may mislead silly people. .

If eBay are so interested in the "drug "uses for the brugs, why have they not pulled all the ads, as most mention that all parts of the brugs are poison ?

I hope you get some sort of satisfaction from eBay and continue your selling.

Off to bed and go to sleep listening to the rain after we hit 34 C today they said !

So the rain is very welcome (never thought I would say that again ^_^) we needed it bad, just a shame there are many accidents already, if you are going anywhere on the roads have fun but be safe.


You tell em Jean :)

sweet dreams ...splish splash ! whoo hoo.

West of Brisbane, Australia

I've had a few negative experiences on ebay; it seems inevitable over time. I remember complaining to one seller that the seeds they sold were for a melon that was not edible fresh, but had to be preserved/cooked in some way. Next thing I knew, I'd received an email from ebay telling me that I'd been accused of harassing behaviour: the seller had responded not by replying to my legitimate complaint, but by reporting *me* to ebay! Of course, I replied to ebay, several times, but each time seemed to receive only a proforma reply. Meanwhile, the seller kept selling the seeds and describing them as being sweet to eat.

I was particularly aggrieved because this was during the drought and I'd spent over four months bucket-watering the wretched things, eagerly anticipating my own sweet melons! (It was only after I'd tried the first one that I thought to go online and research the melons myself, instead of relying on the seller's description ... I was still new to ebay then.)

Other things have happened too. It seems to me that someone who knows how to work the system can wreak a lot of mischief, while the innocent victim too often struggles to have ebay respond with anything but a proforma reply.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Hi there Guys
NAME CHANGE with still the back story of Deadly Night
so with the new name it is very similar to the previous
SolMan = Solanaceae Man i proffer to collect this group Just like the Knights shade as it is also known


Cestrum i think like most others that there are people out just to cause trouble i can not find a document on ebay that said B aurea is Illegal and i can not find one in the Government web sites either but the one that was being pushed about 12-18 months ago trying to ban certain plants as Drug plants

Looks like another 1/2 hearted day here in Melbourne about 14oC with rain expected but my babies loved the rain yesterday and im happy for them, getting another trailer load of potting mix to pot more plants up bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy beeeeeeeeeeeee

Yay welcome SolMan ! nice ^_^ Shaun.

Yes cestrum I agree with what you say, I haven't much experience with ebay but have read about so many complaints such as yours. which is why I didn't do it for so long.

So far I have had good things from it, but I have only ever ordered seeds (veggie and Brugs). I would still be weary because time and time again people have complained about others using their pictures and ebay ignores this most times. The stolen pictures still appear ...


Yay for the Brug Babies ^_^ Yes loved the rain ...soon they will grow inches a day !

have fun Shaun and everyone , me too !


Merino, Australia

Love the new name Shaun, it sounds like you live in the sun...lol.

I have been selling plants on eBay on & off for quite a few years. Mainly iris & epis.
I have had the odd idiot, but on the whole, you get used to the regular buyers & sellers .
I try to give accurate descriptions and always use my own pics.
The trick is to give enough info without going into unnecessary details.

I will not buy from anyone who has no pic or a scant description of the item.

I sell and pack as I would want to receive anything.

As always , there are the odd nasties you find in any situation. If you know you are accurate in your listings and pack properly , there should be no problem.
Its hard for beginners, as I know from my experience when first on.
I had a couple of disasters with plants not being what they were sold as.
You soon get to know the ropes.
Always check the sellers ratings as this can be a good guide to their selling attitude..

Shaun, dont let the odd fool put you off. EBay can be a good thing and I have had lots of bargains.

Yes, pics have been used without asking. I had that happen but luckily, when I asked for them to be removed, they were.
There are a few regular shonky sellers who are seemingly ignored by eBay , but once you know them you can avoid them.

Mark your pics with a watermark of some sort. Its not necessary to spoil your pics with ugly watermarks. There are all sorts to use that are not obtrusive. I usually color match mine with the flowers...(see pic)
Can help in stopping pic stealing.

Okay, lecture over for the day.. Sorry for going on and getting off the brugmansia subject, but I hate seeing people being upset by B*** idiots who seem to abound everywhere.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

I second everything that Jean said, Shaun...Including the congrats on the new name..."SolMan" good choice...
It will be interesting to see eBay's response to your query......there doesn't appear to be a valid reason, does there!!!!!

Blowing up a Gale out there ...so that's it for today. These hot winds blow in the grasshoppers and the munchers, far too early of course.Oh well we can't have it all ...loving all my baby basils (lemon, lime and cinnamon) out there ! so there is always some treasure to find every day. More Brug babies popping up,two more pods harvested, the Winter babies have grown at least an inch in a couple of days,
it's all happening !

Darned ornery weather !!!!! ^_^ , you have to laugh, because it laughs at us.

So I went to check the weather forecast ...3C overnight- for the next three days!, possible frosts, are you kidding me ?, went outside and yep the wind has changed direction and is cooler wind ...I hope it freezes those munchers at least !
Everything has survived 3C before, so hopefully it won't matter.

Cairns, Australia

Hi to all and yes good name Shaun, 2 seeds are up Chrissy two days ago ( Star Dance x Glasshouse Angel )

West of Brisbane, Australia

Joli x Bergkonigin is still keeping the inner skirt tucked up, but it does seem to be setting doubles rather than singles now. This bloom is just starting to colour.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

Hi Gina very happy star Dancer x Glasshouse Angel has popped up for you ...I hope it gives you some pretty blooms down the track. ^_^


That is looking very good cestrum ...it's cute the way the colour creeps in with speckles isn't it ?
You must be chuffed !


West of Brisbane, Australia

The brugs occasionally have that two-colour speckle. Pink Smitty x Dorthea has had it and I've even seen it on OA sometimes. You can see that the pink is spreading from the left to right. This exactly coincides with east to west (and it does get most sun in the morning).

Yes I have Pink Smitty crosses that start out with that blotched coloration too. It seems to depend on the weather.
Most times they go straight to colour or from white to pink depending on the gene mix I guess.
I love these ones ! love the pretty colour and the form.
Looking forward to the new Pink Smitty crosses to come yet too. I am sure we all are.


Oops forgot to say how great it is to see a Bergkonigin cross bloom here in Australia with many more to come I am sure.
I wonder how deep the colour will go ?


West of Brisbane, Australia

It and Pink Smitty x Dorthea are my two darkest pinks. (I'm sure I've posted plenty of pics.) They just need warmth to bring out the depth of colour. Although, now that I think about it, Mya's Fifi can turn a rich dark pink in warm weather too.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

thanks guys i am letting it rest at the moment
i do appreciate the complements on the new name also

Cestrum Chrissy & Jean thanks for the advice on ebay and sellers v buyers

Cestrum LOVE LOVE joli x.Bergkonigin and as you mentioned the sprinkles of color they look really cool,
GENA great to see that some of chrissy's babies have popped for you
i have been potting up in to 12'pots for the last hour while it was still light so only just got hoome from work
day way a bit mizrable and wet very WET

Whew well so far so good, the wind kept the potential frost away and we only went down to 4C ...a reasonably mild day ahead which is great. Only a few more cold mornings to go 3 or 4 then the frost danger is passed. Probably it will be the heat to worry about then.
I am happy because the seedlings are ok ...even the tender Winter ones have hardened up.

More to do so ...enjoy your day everyone !
We get an extra day to play in the garden ^_^


West of Brisbane, Australia

I don't mind these last cold nights before the 24/7 humidity returns, although frost is never welcome. Max of 14 deg. in Melbourne yesterday: perfect footy weather! (Just ain't right when the day is warm and sunny LOL)
Here is the seedling today, speckling replaced by solid pink. It should get darker than this. Looks like it's going to keep that petticoat tucked up, though.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2012 12:34 PM

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Cestrum that is starting to look really nice sounder if your going to keep it or not
The solid color would be better on th form of bloom

Talking about footy I didn't know who won till about 7pm
And then didn't care

Been outside ...the heat snuck up a little but it was quite comfortable. Yes these lovely nights will soon make way for the uncomfortable ones.

The colour is beaut ! cestrum, you might have to wait until Autumn for any further skirt drop, the colour might even intensify with even more warmth. I don't mind the tweens (it's what I call them) they just make it a little harder to cross them. The tweens are cute IMO.

Shaun I am with you, not very interested in it.

West of Brisbane, Australia

This cross has bloomed before, in a rich pink colour. The only difference is that now it's throwing all doubles instead of all singles.
I seem to have three shades of pink between my doubles:
1. Light (coral) pink of my earliest two double pinks.
2. Warm dark pink, of this one.
3. A cool pink, in the Salmon Perfektion cross. (But that was only from two blooms, so who knows how it might morph this growing season.)
Wish I could classify the perfumes so easily!

Not a footy fanatic myself but grew up with it all around me and, even as a non-follower, it seems perfectly right that the game be played in cold wet weather--that's what the beanies and scarves are for LOL

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