Springtime in the BRUGMANSIA garden..

Same here cestrum. The Pinks I mean. It's very interesting. So are the perfumes.
Can't wait to see how they evolve.
More seeds popping ...three buckets of Mandarins (sweet as toffee)rescued from the jungle clearing. That's what it's all about !
The difference between those and recently purchased ones is beyond comparison. Planted into the old Chook yard years ago.

I sent my son to a college that was sport mad.
My two grandsons are heavily involved in footy, in fact one is a coach and referee for the under 18s Panthers.
I can't bear to watch them now they are into the heavy injury age brackets. They told me not to go because I might have a heart attack when they bleed. Probably right too.

Enjoy the final everyone ...yes I do take a look at the Finals every now and then.


Merino, Australia

Nothing much going on here at the moment. Brugs are enjoying the rain.
I am closely watching my pods. They show no signs of being ready as yet. Still growing.
I repotted one of the coldies today as it had grown too large for its pot.
No sign of a Y but a good trunk as it has reached just over 3'.
I have several of the sangs with Ys, but no buds, I am still hoping as the cold weather continues.

GHA is resting from flowers at the moment while he tries for a new height record.
He is well over his previous height of 8'when I last cut him back, Now up to around 10'

I will need a ladder this year for any pollinating. Hubby will think I am mad.

Musketeer has decided to be a good brug after I put him out in the garden in disgust at his poor showing.
He has put out Ys and looks really good now.

I have put some of the seedlings and a couple of poorer brugs out in the vegie garden to see how they do. They are all looking good at the moment.

I wish my pods would hurry up so I can see what seeds I get. I want to plant some this year.


Jean so long as you get 4 inches of growth on the seedlings you will overwinter them ok.
So don't panic. The pods ripen quickly in the heat, look what happened here they were sprouting in the pod.

Good luck, can't wait to see your coldies too. ^_^


Clifton Springs, Australia

Exactly so, cestrum...shame that the duffle coats aren't worn anymore.....I still have my son's with all his numbers and names on it...

I have these seeds of my own that I will grow out this season..
PPx Angioletto
RFP x Angioletto
GHA x Angioletto
plus the PP fasciated pod and pollen ones.
Angioletto has excellent genes and a cross with those 3 might produce something pretty for me..
The Ivoire and the Tantra seeds can wait until Autumn..that's if the Tantras ever ripen..lol

Shaun, the Royal Melb Bot gardens are having their sale and the catalogue will be online probably Mon/Tues..
This year they have a map, with all the different species sites ..makes it a lot easier to find what you want.
Warmer weather forecast for this week..lets hope that they are right.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2012 5:26 PM

They sound great Dianne, as well, if you get the chance,
try to put Tantra to Angioletto.
FFA to Angioletto and the reverse cross.
Ivoire to Dwarf Pink'n'Green and reverse cross
GHA to Dwarf Pink'n'Green and reverse cross

It will be awesome watching the progress of all the home crosses. !


barmera, Australia

Dianne, I have already got RFP X Angioletto and BF X PP seedlings ready to go into 8" pots. Since the bit of warmer weather they have just taken off. I have one bud on Dwarf Pink and Green. Ivoire has been flowering, but is looking like she will have a bit of a rest for a while. BB has not stopped flowering all the way through winter. He always has some flowers. Clementine has just flowered again. RFP has about 10 flowers at different stages. BF has a pod that I'm waiting for. It has to be crossed with Avalanche as that was the only flower at the time. Avalanche is right next to BF as well. There are still ones of Brian's that I haven't seen as yet and Tantra and Knightii haven't flowered for me here. Hopefully this season. Lots of exciting things going on in the brug gardens. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

Colleen, how quick off the mark were you!!!!!!
I'm only just about to plant them.....I forgot the BF x PP and the PP x BF ones, they have to be planted too.
RFP is such a lovely thing, since I took them out of the pots, they have never had any virus and they are such good flowerers...so it was definitely my neglect that caused the virus..it never affected the flowers, they are always lovely...
Don't forget that RFP is the parent of the PP fasc twins...the large ones.....so hopefully that will give us something pretty too....at the very least I am expecting something BIG.....lol
You are going to have a great Spring by the sounds of it...

Whoa, Chrissy....I know that you are very enthusiastic and they would be great crosses I'm sure.....but I couldn't grow them all out...If you want to grow them, I will be only too happy to cross them for you...I'll let you know when they are flowering..
I looked at your choices again and you have those cvs I think, so I will watch your progress...good luck.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2012 7:57 PM

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

It looks like theres a lot of cross speculation for the coming season, i will be doing a lot of aurea crosses and if the doubles do well i will introduce them to aurea of all kinds. 1 aurea which i don't have at present is that of Macedon but i think with all those seedlings i dont need it.
Im starting to panic as there is like about 300-400 seeds popping up and gil said that ok that's what you want yes it is but not all at once hahahah

NOW to the good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
eBay have got back to me with a decision on the violation on Drug & drug paraphernalia.
it was a mistake by ebay and have cancelled this violation and reinstalled the sale item
Thank GOODness cos in a few weeks i will be putting one of the best crosses i have on line and it has aurea in it

Other then that i have no news other then another 50 12"post potted up today

Edited to say: im starting to get a bit vicious with the seedlings that do not preform i have to many of each cross so if they don't grow as quick as others then of to the scrap heap they go i have already tossed about 15 5-6"seedlings out because of this issue alone what other reasons will i use to thin out my flock

This message was edited Sep 30, 2012 8:42 PM

It all sounds wonderful everyone.

Dianne I won't be doing much crossing after this year since I will be moving probably before they would have chance to bloom.
I will probably be bowing out of my mania by then, since I won't have the room,
just rambling on about what I would cross if I was still "at it ".
I will only be taking the best of the best with me (due to huge downsizing), ^_^ ...BIG OUCH ! ...I will be sending cuttings out in all directions just before I go.

Looks like the future of Brugs will be left in great hands by the look of things.

Congratulations Shaun, sometimes you just have to stand your ground. I definitely think there is a mischief maker about.
Could it be coming from up North somewhere perhaps, maybe from the same ones who were stalking us with scary stories in the banned thread previously.

Good luck with your best cross ...and other crosses too Shaun.
And to all of us.
Can't wait for the Brug Show to start.

Off to watch 'Call The Midwife' ...love that show !
Enjoy your evening and happy Day Dreaming everyone.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

What a nice day out there not to hot and no cold breeze, potting away doing all the OS seedlings and there are many to do i have just potted up about 100 seedlings about 3" tall in to 3"pots some of which are from BB in The Netherlands mmmmm beautiful crosses with Creamsickle in them.
i have 4 seedlings up from Alice which was the 'knightii' = semi double white x.Tutu im feeling good about this one
ALLAN i have 4 seeds up and potted in to 3"pots of Mango Cornet x.Fernando thank you for those babies

now im of to get pots for my cousin and myself as i am requering many more 10-12" post for when the seedlings get bigger and for the many hundreds that are going over to my sister-in-laws garden also

i hope the weather is good where you are

Clifton Springs, Australia

Shaun, I have to ask.....are you going to take them to a market?
Our eBay doesn't have that big a demand.....
What are you hoping for with the Knightii x Tutu cross?
I like the sound of the Mango Cornet x Fernando.....
My Fernando was very tall and it's flowers were damaged by the wind last year so I've cut it in half and it's growing well again, the cutting too.
My seeds are soaking, the GHA x Angioletto were very large seeds, almost like a baby bean....
especially compared the RFP x Angioletto, which were tiny...

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

At this time i am just propigating cuttings of the plants which i have had for a while and selling via ebay at this time, I am looking in to a Market @ Healsville on the first sunday of the month but im still looking in to it.
I also don't have that many varieties to sell so i may have to leave it for a while till i get a few more varieties.
I will not be selling any seedlings only plants that have been proven to be quality plants seedlings are very special and i will not do that as its my reputation on the line

with the Knightii X.Tutu i am hoping for a good true double with insect & fungal resistance with that is what im hoping for but you never know what will happen

Dainne the MC x.Fernando was from Allan and i hope that it dose some magic for me!!!

your GHA x.Angioletto with those big seeds sound so AUREA like

Q? = what is RFP?

This message was edited Oct 1, 2012 5:37 PM

The Suaveolens seeds are the smallest seeds and the Aurea are the big ones. Even the different seeds are fascinating.

That Knightii x Tutu should be interesting to follow ( I still believe Knightii and Tutu to be the same Brug) so I would love to see the end result.
The Creamsickle crosses will be very exciting to follow. What Creamsickle crosses do you have Shaun ? (Creamsickle fan Here).

GHA always has large seeds. BB has always given quite large seeds too.

It has been of great interest to follow the reviews of the different Brugs, some reviews are most unexpected.

Today I have discovered that not peeling my pod germinated seeds has caused some drama ...there are some seedlings that have popped up with the roots tangled and anchored in their corks, so some of those will not make it. There are so many it won't matter, but I always feel sad when a little one does not make it.

I have found some of the best looking crosses from overseas have surprisingly tiny seeds.

I am tired this afternoon, you know that happy tiredness, you get from seeing things take shape out there in the garden.
It's cool again right now, but I think the coolest days are now almost past. They forecast 6C for overnight so probably no frost. We had Sun but a cool breeze for most of the day, quite pleasant. More pods harvested ...Bucks Fizz gave me 4 large pods with seeds present (they have so many seeds too). All drying off, most will be going to the seed bank at BGI.

Better go get dinner on ...I hope everyone has had a great day. The long weekend flew by, they always do don't they ?


Clifton Springs, Australia

It's Colleen's Frosty Pink, Shaun.........because it didn't come from the same place as everyone elses,
Colleen called it Riverland Frosty Pink and she gave a cutting to me....
I've crossed it with a few things, because it is a very large open flower and I like it very much.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy, Creamsickle X.Super Spot i have is crossed both ways and i also have
Creamsickle x.La Santer from EU which should be interesting that's all i have of Creamsickle

Dianne i had no idea of the RFP = Riverland FP have you crossed it with frosty pink that should be interesting and will produce more pink blooms but of what shape & form is yet to be known.

I only have a few seed pods left on the plants as i have lost so many and the rest i have though were just not mature enough for sending out so i sowed them and had some success, but with all my seed pods i am & have been sowing around 10-20 seed of each variety that i have allowed to dry out.

La Santer ? never heard of that one ...is there a picture we can link to see it ? if not what does it look like ?

Just curious as to your choice ^_^


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy im trying to get a pic for you this is not one that i bought it was a gift from a grower in Europe

Don't fret Shaun ...sorry, I don't want you to worry about it.
I just hadn't heard of it that's all. Wondered what it would produce ...guess you will get a nice surprise out of it.
If Creamsickle is one parent I am sure something nice will come from it. ^_^


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy i have just spoken to the seed suplier of that cross and it is actually
Creamsickle X.Langenbuscher Garten and not 'La Santa'
the seed lot was abbreviated i have no idea how it could translate to LBG

so this will be an interesting cross

We have the same ones then ^_^ ...ready ...set ...go !

only joking, ^_^ but yes it will be very interesting to compare can't wait !


West of Brisbane, Australia

Sound like a lot of interesting crosses there.
Wish I could fast forward a couple of years.

This message was edited Oct 2, 2012 6:02 AM

Oh me too cestrum, me too ^_^

Except that I will be about to move ...

There is a great future to look forward to in the World of Brugs.
Who would have thought it a few years ago.
Must get on with the day, back later.
Have a great Bruggy day everyone !


Brisbane, Australia

Have a very happy birthday today Chrissy!! I have a present on the way for you(seeds of course).

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you for your 50th
Hope you have a great day and enjoy it with close friends

Cestrum I would love to jump say 2 years all my seeds woul have shown me a sneak peek an some would be that interest for all our seed lots it will be very exciting to see in to the future

Clifton Springs, Australia

Hope you are having a very Happy Birthday Chrissy.....

Allan the seeds arrived, It's kinda corny, but my hands are shaking holding the fasciation seed.....the crosses of Mango Cornet and Fernando with Pink Panther would be good crosses anyway...but that element of the fasciated PP being the parent adds that bit of excitement for me anyway....

Those FFA seeds are whoppers aren't they....I think that I could use one as bait they are so large....:-)
The seeds that you sent include all the colours of apricots, oranges and melons plus the beautiful pale pink of Pink Panther......doubles and singles....what more could one ask...lol
Thanks very much for using the PP pollen and looking after the pods...

50 ????? LOL you are so funny Shaun. My day is great so far, busy morning visitors here right now ...making the coffee and cake. So I popped in quickly to say thanks and to Allan and Wayne loved the birthday seeds ...thankyou, I will take great care of them.
This morning I posted off some stuff, I didn't get around to everyone because I have guests now, but who ever didn't get theirs can expect theirs to go next Monday as this week is a short one and some O/N parcels still sometimes take three days.
Must go ...thanks again everyone, enjoy your arvo.
I have caramel mudcake and real coffee to look forward to (sacrilege to drink instant with my Italian born in laws) , wish I could share. ^_^


Brisbane, Australia

It is good to see that the seeds I sent last Friday got through OK to those that requested them,
Dianne, I have to agree with you about the size of the FFA seeds. They are massive!! Large seedpods, large seeds so perhaps large blooms? I am hoping that the seeds from your fasciation PP pollen produces something special but am inclined to think that the seeds from your PP seedpods have more of a chance of something different.

Still waiting for some sunstantial rain in Brisbane. Only about 11 mm in the last 10 weeks. Not good.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Allan thank you for the beautiful seed lots i received them today in very good order.
those crosses are great and will be waiting with baited breath like all to see what comes of them

Dianne i hope for you also about the F-PP pollen giving you something interesting but very unlikely fingers crossed

Must be a lot of Aurea in the big seeds ...Don't you love those big ones ?

I remember FFA was a strong healthy seedling from a large seed, next Angioletto was just a touch behind it and they both were the most lovely seedlings ...very Jurassic looking, I was thrilled with them even before they bloomed.

Can't wait to see all the different kids ...as for that promiscuous Pink Panther ...can't help but love that Brug it passes on such lovely whiskers to it's offspring !



This message was edited Oct 2, 2012 9:38 PM

Cairns, Australia

I no late but Happy Birthday Chrissy, do not always get to the computer.

Merino, Australia

Been out int he lovely sun all day.
I have redone all my brug labels with the paint pen so they will last even longer now.

a few pics after I did some moving around.
pics...1 & 2.. Clementine. the buds were not growing quickly to fit the inside flowers which
were being squished up inside. I had to peel the calyxes off them.
Flowers are not too bad considering the weather we have had lately.
One more bud to open on her, which looks normal.

pic ...3........ the aurea " avenue "...there are 15 aureas and area crosses along here.
My perfume paradise come summer.

pic ....4........still flowering , beautiful Mango Cornet

pic ....5 some of the sanguineas all around 4'- 5 'tall. most getting Ys.


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset

Wow Jean that Aurea walk will be spectacular ! ...the scent alone will be unbelievable.

Poor Clementine is just suffering from starting out in the cold temps, nothing more than stress frizzles, it will get better as the warmer weather kicks in. Love it's perfume.

Mango cornet is such a lovely colour !

Your coldies look very happy and comfortable there, it shouldn't be too long now. Great pics, it won't be long before we are all oooohhing and aaaaahhing over your wonderful Brug Parade. Congratulations. ^_^

Gina thankyou ...I hope you are enjoying your garden up there, though I know it must be getting hot.

Lets hope everyone gets the rain they need, we need more here too, I have been out today, I would always rather be at home.

Lots of Sun, 29C here, tomorrow warmer, it's all hopping out there !

I hope everyone has enjoyed their day.


Merino, Australia

i meant to add that the pic only shows half the aurea avenue. It goes about the same distance up behind where I took the pic.
The big fatso in front is the red Iochroma and the purple , even taller is along further.
Thats GHA standing tall at the end.

Byron Bay, Australia

Our Brugmansias are in bud, not long to go. These are from last year. I live in Byron Bay, its going to be a long hot summer by the looks of it.....I collect Frangipanis, should be a good year!

Thumbnail by neroli Thumbnail by neroli

Hi neroli ...what beautiful shots ! look at those pretty Brugs and that sky is just so gorgeous !
Too cold for the lovely frangipani to thrive here, though I do love them.

Welcome to the Brug thread.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean WOW love the Brug Walk how many aurea do you have that are not crosses>??? i still have a few to give you when they are ready but i also know like dianne we are becoming limited for space.
Those colddies are also looking good how tall are they>>> mine are about 3foot tall now so fingers crossed ni November or so they could Bloom??? no Y yet. However i do have B.'Midas' Y-ing again so i should have a few pics soon i cut it back in April when i noticed all those mites that would not disappear with the thing i was using, but im back loge with requests for this on as its quite hard to get cuttings to take
Neroli love Old Apricot and your pics are great also you should have many blooms coming throw soon with all that beautiful weather

Clifton Springs, Australia

I wrote a long post this morning and obviously forgot to send it....oh well.
I mentioned that Jean's avenue was looking great and that her plants looked so much more lush than mine.
Jean, is Mango Cornet as waxy as it looks?......sometimes PP looks like that and at other times not at all...love the look.

Had to bump off a lot of snails this morning, they were everywhere, except where the copper tape is.....it's wonderful to see the young trees full of blossom and not a single snail eating them....my daughter says that I'm courting bad karma by murdering the snails but I said that the plant gods are very pleased with me so the karma and the gods can sort it out between them..... :-)

Hi Gena and Neroli,
My Iochroma seedlings that I thought had kicked the bucket have started to grow again...They were just little dry sticks, but have started to sprout from the base...good thing I didn't tip the pot out.....

It's going to be a warm one most places today, so there will be some panting Brugmansias out there....I had one cross in particular that held up very well last year in the heat..it was A.Swingtime x A.Exotic while others were wilting it wasn't fazed a bit....it should flower this year hopefully.....

Merino, Australia

Shaun, there are several different aureas there. Most from you , thank you. Aurea Lucas does very well here too.
Of course the big boys in the ground are the two GHAs or should I say three. The one that put up the double trunk from the roots, looks like two trees next to each other.
At the moment , it is growing taller time as they all decide who is going to be the highest.
Soon there will be so many aurea buds . Aureas love me , it seems.

Dianne, I find Mango Cornet not waxy at all . just a nice firm flower. Now Clementine is very waxy.

Going out today, but tomorrow, more repotting of the brugs. Should be all done over the weekend ready for summer.

Shaun most of the sanguineas were in before any of the other coldies,so are all about
4 foot high with most getting Ys.
I have a couple of the English coldies that have reached around 3 1/2 foot tall.
Maybe I'll see a flower this year, but I doubt it.


West of Brisbane, Australia

Here is another JXB bloom, speckled for your viewing pleasure :-) (And yes, the sky is that blue.)
PS That birthday cake and *real* coffee sounded delicious, Chrissy!

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ
West of Brisbane, Australia

The speckling should be a little less grainy looking here.
When the weather heats up the blooms will pretty much change from white to pink without this intermediate colouring.

Thumbnail by cestrum_SEQ

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