Our Becky aka Bec_No_Va - was diagnosed with cancer

Lyndonville, NY

Bec, that is wonderful news. Fingers, toes and everything I can crossed....prayers sent and good thought will continue through,.

Might I suggest between now and then you get a tape recorder or such....and tape the conversation between the docs and you for the appointment.
It really helps play back when you get home and can think.

(((((Bec)))))) lots of hug,

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Woohoo!!! Doing a happy dance here. Til Tuesday then

New Smyrna Beach, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky you are truly a remarkable woman. Keep fighting. Keep pushing the medical community. You can beat this!!!!

One day while I was at M.D.Anderson Cancer Center in Houston with my husband who was undergoing testing, I overheard a woman on the phone tearfully say to her family with great joy, "They don't know what happened! It's gone! There is nothing there!" Miracles do happen.

I am asking God and His Angel Band to support you and your husband during this difficult time and send you a miracle cure.

Hugs and Prayers,

Bonnie (*_*)

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

{{{{{hugs}}}}} Becky!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I love to hear your stories of pulling together a great medical team -- that's the kind of proactivity that creates the best outcomes. Way to go!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

651 views Bec....SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY ONE TIMES you've been in someone's thoughts and prayers.... Next? The Voice!!! Love you!

Lyndonville, NY

Chantell you are such a blessing!!! I am so glad Bec has you to cheer her on.....sure have missed you both on here. Wish we were not gathering because of illness!!!


Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Morning and sending strength!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thinking of and praying for a good, restful weekend for you, dear

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you everyone! We're having the best weekend possible, relaxing - hanging with the critters, meeting Chantell for dinner ^_^ MIL is coming week after next & she'll stay as long as needed - having her here will be awesome, both for us & her - she's a 12 year survivor of a very rare cancer & she faced it with strength, faith & hope...she's my 'mom' & we're even closer connected now than ever ^_^

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good morning! Glad to hear your MIL is coming... remember, Joyanna & I aren't very far away, either, so let us know if you need dinner or if Joyanna needs to come "wrap you up in hugs." :-)

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Love that term!!! Glad you will have your MIL's support as well.

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

It's gonna be a beautiful weekend outside to soak in some love....

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Y'all are AMAZING!!!! I know Becky feels the love and support...I just want to thank each of you for the time you spend in prayer for her each and every day. Her MIL is an equally amazing woman you can easily see, when in her presence, how Bec got blessed with her guy!!!

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Thinking about you today, hope you are enjoying this wonderful fall feeling day.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Me too. You are always in my thoughts and prayers these days.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you before but I have added you to my prayer list and thoughts. Are you at the old Walter Reed or over at Bethesda Naval? Or did they move the old Walter Reed over to Va? We have several military personnel going to our church. Some were at the old Walter Reed, one retired but he wouldn't have the expertise you need anyhow. Have several USN friends at Bethesda Navy if you go there.

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm at Bethesda - which is now Walter Reed ^_^

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thinking of you this morning Becky as the sun was rising and I was finishing my paper route. On Sundays I give my self oodles of permission to just enjoy the journey in the quiet peacefullness of daybreak without 'hurrying' to finish on time or before the deadline for delivery. Amazingly most Sundays I do finish on time AND, though physically tired, I am relaxed and even renewed!

This morning I found myself singing an old song called "Green Cathedrals" as the shafts of first sun broke thru the trees. So, I share it with you and pray that every day, in every place you and all who are on this giant walkabout of spirit with you are restored in the green cathedrals all around us.

The Green Cathedral
I know a green cathedral, a shadowed forest shrine, Where leaves in love join hands above and arch your prayer and mine. Within its cool depths sacred, the priestly cedar sighs, And the fir and pine lift arms divine unto the pure blue skies. In my dear green cathedral there is a sheltered seat, And choir loft in branched croft, where songs of bird hymns sweet; And I like to dream at evening, when the stars its arches light, That my Lord and God treads its hallowed sod, In the cool calm peace of night.

Becky, let us know if you need some plant sitting or garden tending in the days ahead. I'm glad your MIL will be with you soon. God speed to her.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Becky hope your day is full of sunshine and sending strength and peace of mind.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

GOD Morning!!!!!!! I'm so glad to hear that you've got such a GREAT team working with you Becky!! Dunno what's on the agenda for today, but you all stay in my prayers continuously, for strength and that peace that passes all understanding. < =D


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lifting you up in prayer this morning, Becky. Hope we'll soon have a plan for kicking this cancer to the curb!

Praying, too, for all those researchers looking for better treatments and CURES for cancer. A dear cousin and another friend of ours are battling aggressive cancers, hoping to buy a little more time until a cure is found. I don't want to switch the focus of this thread, so no comment needed, but my cousin Gary is having surgery today, so please send up an extra prayer or good thought for him. Thanks.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Beautiful lyrics, Coleup. I'll be adding your cousin Gary to my prayers, Critter, along with those for Becky and my dearest friend, Millie, who are facing the same challenge.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Just wanted to say I'm still praying for a cure for you.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Alrighty Tweddly-Dee - we've already spoke this am...but a gentle reminder to the rest of the DG family Bec gets the scary unknown out of the way this afternoon when she meets with her docs for the game plan. Please keep her and Greg in your prayers...God's peace and comfort till meeting time and God's wisdom for her treating team!!

This message was edited Oct 2, 2012 8:30 AM

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Sending strength and hugs!

Vicki and Ty

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Uplifting you and your Greg and your team today!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Praying for a good report and that you and Greg are happy with it. (((((HUGS))))) Ric and Holly

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Uhm, nope - didn't get the scary unknown out of the way at all...they cannot find the primary cancer, sooooo, more tests it is...MRI, scope & Liver biopsy, if they can't find anything after all that, I'll be treated for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of unknown origin...on the flip side, there is no cancer anywhere else ^_^

Lyndonville, NY

(((Bec)))) Small steps, but in the right direction. The big thing "No cancer anywhere else" is a VERY good one.

Will continue the prayers....and as always, the hugs for you and Greg. I hope you are happy with your health team....feeling comfort in them is a BIG plus!


Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

continuing prayers as always.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Seems to me we should take the position that that is great news!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky, continuing prayers here. Glad for the thoroughness of your teams approach. If they can't find primary than I vote it is because you have already eliminated it and are ready to do the same to any remaining lesions.

Hope your Mom in law arrives safely. That will be some good support for you and Greg as your days fill up with appointments and all. Give dear Sammie some hugs and kisses, too.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thinking of you this fine day, Becky. Hope that all of your travels to and fro bathe you in the glorious golds and reds, and yellows and oranges of this season.

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Sending you strength!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks all, I am totally enjoying this beautiful day - working, but have windows open, the birds are singing & Friday nite date nite will be at Daks, sitting outside on their patio - enjoying the weather :) (bringing a coat :))

Lyndonville, NY

Bec,enjoy your date night, and sneak some chocolate in there somewhere. I am so glad you are enjoying the weather and I think the birds songs are so theraputic.

Here is one that was singing for you yesterday.


Thumbnail by DebbiesDaisy
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky, hope you have a scrumptous date night tonight!! =D (that jacket sounds like a good idea)

Wow Debbie, what an awe-inspiring picture!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

The swan looks like she is conducting the chorus!
Its a gorgeous nite out tonight, glad you will be enjoying it Bec and Greg!

Crozet, VA

Sorry for my absence this week...been battling pneumonia here and it has been no fun at all. On the mend now thankfully and this is the first thread I wanted to check on. Yes, I hear some very positive things here and yes, you do have lots of good thoughts and prayers coming your way Becky. I love your description of yourself.....painintheassedness. It will take you far though....

I love the shared story of the person on the phone call commenting that the cancer was just gone....yes, it does happen every day. The particular breast cancer I had was one in which the cancer had died upon its own and hadn't spread. I liked Cole's description of the other organ cancers already being gone, and this liver one being stubborn and needing more aggressive treatment than painintheassedness which surely had a lot to do with ridding the body of any other cancer.

You do have a great cheer leading squad here and on Facebook and who know where else Becky. Know that you are very highly regarded by many and me in particular. Have another great weekend, and yes I needed to be reminded that this isn't a picnic for Greg either, so he will be added to the prayers sent up. Feel the love baby.


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