Our Becky aka Bec_No_Va - was diagnosed with cancer

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

"baffled" is definitely better than "we're sorry to tell you that..."

Great news that the liver biopsy showed no cancer!! Of course, now there's the mystery of figuring out what was seen in the liver on the scans and why it's there, but having it not be malignant as apparently all the docs said it would be -- that's HUGE.

That's why they always say, it's not cancer for sure until the biopsy comes back to say it's cancer. It might walk like a duck, quack like a duck... and be a platypus. :-)

Lyndonville, NY

Praying for a platypus!!! Like Jill's thinking.

And remember, it takes a great team to say "we don't know and need to look into this further" instead of pretending they do. That right there
would give me comfort.

As always thoughts and prayers stay with all of you.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

ditto, ditto, ditto!! Praying for a platypus here, too. Lifting you up as we wait. Enjoy your visit with your mom.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

and platypus is easier to spell than patiense!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOL praying for a platypus!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I just want to say, Becky, you're handling this rollercoaster with a great deal of calm, fortitude, and grace... not unexpected, but still admirable! Praying that you and Greg and your MIL find some happy distractions this weekend and get some good R&R.

Crozet, VA

Lots of love and admiration being sent your way. Love the platypus ending.....hoping it is one too.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

yeah, see they've done cat scans but have they done a platypus scan? I suspect not,
Thinking of you guys!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Lifting you up for healing miracles, grace, and strength...

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

All went well today, will get results from biopsy next week - chemo to start end Oct/beg Nov...I'm doing great, feeling good & loving the beautiful weather we've been blessed with!

Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Good news. Thanks for sharing. Sending my daily dose of strength.

Lyndonville, NY

Bec that is good news. Fingers and toes crossed (its hard to walk like that) but continuing thoughts and prayers.

Good weather helps keep the spirits up. How are the furbabies behaving for you? I hope giving extra TLC.


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

Chiming in with best wishes from our house!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hoping for all the best to continue. .
I was really comforted by how my Mom sailed through chemo several years ago. So many advances made recently that it should just be a 'thing' and then, back to fun!! Worst part of her treatments was that the TV was always tuned to Maury Povich show!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the update, as we all are pulling for you. Glad you are blessed with some wonderful weather to make your day brighter.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Doing a happy dance here!!! Glad you are enjoying the nice weather and fall colors. Continuing to lift you up in prayer

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thinking of you tonight Bec... and continuing prayers and positive thoughts for you!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We are, too. Thoughts and prayers, to help you keep up your strength.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sure there's concern about just what's in your liver & why, even if it's a benign platypus, but it's very, very good news that they've found NO cancer there! And better yet, looking back, you've had biopsies at a bunch of other sites with "no cancer here!" results. SO I'm viewing the chemo as a precaution, necessary because cancer was found in ONE lymph node (now removed). I'm praying that you'll sail through your treatments, and that will be that, no more cancer, ever!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear the latest news - sounds so promising. Keeping you in my daily thoughts and prayers.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Thoughts and prayers continue on this end here too!! Who knows, maybe all they really **did** find was a platypus in your liver and they're just too dumbfounded to tell you?? =)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Always in my prayers

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky, hope you are getting some outside time in the beautiful weather our area is having and you and Gregg have another date nite or two planned.

Are you still caring for feral cats at your place or have they been rehomed? My three "kittens" recognize the sound of my car as I drive down the hill and come and greet me whenever I leave or reenter the house. Curiously all three of them meow for food! Maybe it's like vocalizing for mama and I definitely am now their source of food. Glad the brothers have banded together and are sticking somewhat close.

Hey, and we are banded together for you, too!

Crozet, VA

All reports sound good. I am with Jill in hopes that nothing futher will be found that can be labeled as cancer. What a long strange trip this has been, to quote the late and great Jerry Garcia.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Update!!! Doc called today since my apt on Tuesday got canceled due to the 'touch of weather' we're experiencing - they second biopsy confirmed 100% no cancer in the liver, he told me the name of what is could possibly be and it's a tumor forming live cell, totally benign - so, start chemo next week to kill the Squamous cells, it'll be a 5 month treatment, total of 6 cycles and CT follow-ups every 3 mos, since they really have nothing to compare it to. We're happy, we're elated - and my MIL wants to beat the hell out of the first doc :) Hugs to all and stay safe during the storm!!!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

OMG -- that is all wonderful news. Probably as well that the first doctor was ultra-conservative -- better than the reverse!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow Becky that is great news!

Does your mil need a ride? Bless the "mama bear" in us all.

You all stay safe. too.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

That sounds good Bec, You have our prayers and wishes for a successful treatment and your well being.
Does your MIL need someone to drive Her? Ric & Holly

ROTFL Judy and I cross posted! I guess everyone knows what we think of him.

This message was edited Oct 29, 2012 1:05 PM

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thinking we would all volunteer to drive your dear MIL. I am beyond excited for you!!!!! Praising God!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Very glad to hear the good news....That makes 2 miracles in the same month.

The woman, who at my HD who just finished Chemo for her breast cancer, then had surgery
to have lymph nodes removed. has just been declared cancer free.
She will still have to do the radiation, but the worst is over.

Her name is Cara--and she is never without a smile on her face. A very "up" person.
Throughout all this, she has been out full-time Greeter at the front entrance and wears
a different hat every day.
Just yesterday, when we had the Trick or Treat function for all the little kiddies,
she was in full attire (in purple) as a Witch. Good role--as she is about 6'2" and a big girl.

Hope you stay "up" as well. seems you are doing a good job at that.

Wishing you the best! Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What wonderful news, Becky. Thanks for giving us something positive to focus on as the storm approaches. Maybe some of what seemed like wind gusts were huge sighs of relief.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

What wonderful news!!!!!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Becky, this is great, great news.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Becky, what excellent news! :)

Crozet, VA

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news......couldn't have happened to a better person. I know that this has really been a soul searching time for you and that you have grown in your strengths and beliefs. Surviving something such as this has a way of developing our characters and are often times useful in transforming lives. I have always admired you for your grit, and know that the battle you have just won will serve to offer hope and encouragement to so many people who need those things. Yeah, the wind around us is the heavens sighing with relief. Love you muchly Becky!!! I wrote elsewhere earlier that I wanted good reports from you and have granted my wish.....I couldn't be more thrilled.


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Becky what wonderful news!!!! It's a platypus after all, yaayyy!!!!!!!!! < =D

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Hallelujah, will continue to sing to the Lord over this first victory. I will continue to pray for more victories for you.


Nottingham, MD(Zone 7a)

Praise God! Wonderful news Becky!

Crozet, VA

Ditto, ditto, ditto........have a good weekend Becky and Greg.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

The porta cath I had implanted on Friday was an interesting experience...I'm walking around with a $10K device in/on my chest :) Got my wig today, they arranged a "Look good, feel good" class for us and while I originally wanted a red curly wig, I looked like Carrot Top, so that was out! I did however get a black and silver gray bob - if you're gonna look like you're wearing a wig, why not go totally opposite - I'll more than likely be wearing hats and scarves, it's hot and itchy!! Chemo starts on Thursday, they have given me every medication and supplement available to keep me somewhat well through this, met all my chemo nurses, it's not a bad looking treatment room at all - coffee, tea, water and snacks - nice chairs, I'll bring my iPad and spend time reading and sleeping, a nutritionist will be coming by on Thurs and a therapist as well - they are even providing the legal stuff, JAG will help with living/wills, DNR's, POA - I cannot say enough good things about the treatment I have received so far at Reed, you really feel well taken care of and my team is incredible! Tomorrow I'll find out what the platypus really is...^_^

Thumbnail by Bec_No_Va

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