Our Becky aka Bec_No_Va - was diagnosed with cancer

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

You go girl!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Good going!!! You have been very busy today!! Very hopeful! Maybe Doc 1 will learn some bedside manners.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I pretty much credit my Johns Hopkins team and my superb oncologist here in Frederick with saving my life. (Well, at least they get the medical side of the credit) Daily trips to JH during radiation treatment were a pain for sure, but we wanted that level of expertise, to feel we were attacking the cancer with everything possible. I've heard excellent things about Walter Reed, also. Even more than for surgery & radiation, I think you need an excellent oncologist you can really trust to provide aggressive chemotherapy to kill the cancer without damaging you overmuch in the process.

It's hard, because you feel such time pressure -- you want it Gone Now -- but it's worth taking the extra time for 2nd & 3rd opinions, for additional tests & biopsies, etc. so that when you start treatment you're confident this is the best path to recovery.

Glad you gave that first doc the boot. Bet Greg wanted to shove him through a wall (at least that was my own feeling about him!).

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, I need a quarterback leading my team...I spoke to so many people today who were very, very encouraging...I'm assembling my team, just need that QB - I have SO many options available to me, we do have the top hospitals in the country & I have fabulous insurance...so yesterday was a set-back, today we soldier on! I have people all over the world rooting for me & prayers, soooo many prayers...which Chantell has taught me it's ok to ask for - Jill, we were too stunned for Greg to want to punch him, that part came later on :-) the knucklehead doc did do a good thing, he did call the NIH to get me on list or trials...

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

When it was thought when I was very young ,it was a doctor in disagreement at aHawley army hospital that sent me through my parent to Walter reed ,not only had they done a brand new nerve surgery on my sister's hand enabling the continued use of her hand , they diagnosed my thought to be illness (cancer) as a phosphide disorder at Walter reed in conjuction with J Hopkins
Well then once after that a doctor wanted to do experimental sugery on one of my kidneys,Gave that an exuberant no and went on to live a fairly good life.Well 40 later I had to have a kindney removed because of a melanoma tumor. Now I am years older still , and have this to say to you, keep searching for people that know what they are doing and never stop learning all you can. Years and years more are yours and obtainable as you are doing, as it sounds like you are well aware of what you need to do.
There are many good medical techniques and people today that weren't around back then .Today's practitioners are the only reason many of us including myself are still here and living.There are many good treatments only you have to find them in part .My prayers and faith and knowing you will indeed be well again, the very best to you in your effort to recover ,a survivor of two.

Crozet, VA

Seems as though the thread is full of survivors. Becky, knowing you just a little, gives me the hope that you will take this whole ordeal with the strength, power and zeal that you do with other of your interests. You are so right in saying that you happen to live in an area of the country that has the very best health care practitioners available to you. Heck, my docs here have sent to Johns Hopkins on two different occasions when they were baffled in what to do for me next.

Yes, I agree with Chantell in that times like these, we must allow others to take part in our recovery and to do things that would make life a bit less stressful for you. It is okay to ask for what you need. Thing is, that most of us need to be told, because they didn't teach "Caring 101" in our schools and I believe I speak for most here, we would like to be of aid, but really need for you to give us ideas of ways to help.

Please know that continued prayers are being lifted. Look for ways to have some fun this weekend. Love you lady.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Seconding that "tell us what would help" request...

Lifting you up in prayer this morning, Becky, and hoping you're getting this pretty sunny weather also to lift your spirits. If possible, take some "time out" with Greg this weekend, drive out to an apple orchard, ride a roller coaster, go hit some balls at the local driving range, whatever... just get out, away from your research on the computer, and do something fun together.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Winston Churchill said "When you're going through hell...keep going"

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Exactly Sally! Woke up today feeling 100% better than I did 24 hrs ago, rejuvenated, ready and in fighting spirit - I'm SO ready to go to serious battle, try any treatment and like I said to a friend last night - if "it's poisonous, nuclear or glowing" - bring it on!!! I found my inner giggle again, humor IS good and a great weapon when the going gets tough!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Onward and upward! Lifting prayers here for the team you are grouping together. Thirding the " let us know what you need" idea. Having a funny bone surely helps. Praying for a restful evening

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Becky, I'm sending you lots of hope and positive thoughts.

Here's a little visual for cancer recovery from a journalist who recently went through breast cancer treatments:


It sounds like you've already had a couple of twists, but I hope the rest of your journey is a straight arrow towards recovery!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Becky, so glad to hear your inner giggle has return, keep laughing at it as your way of letting this thing know you AREN'T going down.

Thanks so much for the updates and I'm so glad you live where you do as there are many great doctors and hospitals in the area, I've been gone from Alexanderia for 27 years, still miss it, but glad to be in a lower profile area now.

Stay positive, that socks the devil in the gut.


Crozet, VA

Yep, can relate to the straight arrow theory or hope and the reality of it. Wonderful news about the inner giggle coming back Becky. Jill has great advice too in regards of getting out and about. It truly does help to change the routine a bit and get our blood flowing. All in all, you have loads of folks who are going to walk this walk with you, and that is will be one of the most important things going. Yes, please keep with the updates.

Smooches all around....


Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm seconding Ruby's smooches...

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Quote from Bec_No_Va :
Thanks all! Just came back from CT, should know tomorrow exactly what it is & what I'm facing...I'm already in survivor mode...I can & will beat this!

That's the way to go girl. I spent 10 years as Exec. Dir. of the American Cancer Society and I can tell you from experience that the people who beat this darn Big C are the ones who face it with your attitude. Keep on with a positive attitude and that will cure you faster than any of the Chemo or Radiation. Of course they do help, but without the kind of heart you have they may as well forget it. I am here if you want to talk privately anytime. Do what the doctors tell you and just remember to think happy thoughts. You Will Survive I am sure and you can be sure with a group like this praying for you how can those prayers not be heard. Here is a hug from this old girl and be a good girl and do what they tell you. JB

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)


You are in my thoughts and prayers! I know you are strong, and can get through this trial! Chin up! You have a great support system and many praying for you! Thinking of you and sending good vibes for strength, courage, and healing!


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Update: and this week looks MUCH better already - I have my PET scan and new and improved oncologist apt tomorrow, Thursday Walter Reed and Hopkins is now involved as well - the NIH called me, there IS a trial Phase I going on (not a blind study) - so they will wait for the results of any tests...I'm beginning to get a phenomenal team going

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

That's great!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Becky, that sounds very encouraging. Keep my fingers crossed!

Crozet, VA

Great news Becky.......

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You GO! Any panicky feelings sure do subside once a PLAN starts coming together. *hugs*

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Great news that things are starting to take shape for you. Thank you again for the update. I know there are many folks sending healing prayers for you and with that you will get better!


Crozet, VA

Waving hello from Crozet Virginia.....

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

VERY encouraging news for sure!! Will be praying. I'll share these updates tomorrow night with our prayer group.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I know I haven't been saying much here, but I have been keeping the pray-er going for you Becky!!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Great news on the doc Team coming together. Along with all your DG family, I'm thinking of you often and believing with every bit of postive energy I can muster that all will be well. Terri

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Update: so, we headed to do the PET scan, tired, hungry and all of that - didn't have to drink anything, just an injection - only thing I reacted to, the scan was done in a mobile trailer - so I'm sitting there, in a fairly comfortable chair, covered in a blanket and next to me are at least 10 containers marked "caution, radioactive"...we get the CD's, head to F' fax and docs office...grab some lunch, I was freaking famished - did all the paperwork, met with assistant (who told me asshat doc was just rude!!) - finally meet new onc and by now I'm a shaky mess...we chatted, we looked at scan, we chatted and looked at scan some more - yes, I have stage 4 liver cancer, but no other lesions are showing - no, we still don't know where it is coming from - yes, it is treatable and yes, that will start sooner than later - after I see a few more specialists trying to figure out exactly where it originated...:)

This message was edited Sep 25, 2012 6:20 PM

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

One step at a time. The song Stronger by Mandisa comes to mind. Rest well tonight!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

All my best wishes for you both- Becky, and Greg, the other half!
Just watched Survivorman , in Norway- the spruce covered in snow, the fjords....what a beautiful country, that makes beautiful people...

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

becky how can it be stage 4 if it hasn't spread, did the dr say how many tumors they saw from the CT? (sorry my uncle had liver cancer.


Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

That's just it, it has spread from somewhere else...hence the stage 4 - now that they know where it came from a treatment regiment can start soon

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I think it is a sheer miracle that you were able to coordinate this all in the blink of an eye. Absolutely amazing work!

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

My painintheassedness comes in handy!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Beck, This is Ric, You are often in my thoughts and more often in my prayers. If anyone has the right stuff to beat this you do. I have never met Greg, but he sounds like a rock you can depend on. Do your utmost and keep your lovely smile.Thinking of you and praying for you. Ric

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Coming a bit late to this Thread....forgot to click "watch this Thread"....
Just read all the posts--and you have amazing support right here.

I know you are tough--and will kick this. The old Viking mentality....

Wishing you well always--and keeping you in my thoughts. Gita

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Bec - come on over the thread on the prayer forum and say hi to those kind folks praying for you as well http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1280765/

Just sent an invite to our friends over on 'Pet forum' to come join in support and prayers...

This message was edited Sep 26, 2012 9:13 PM

Lyndonville, NY

((((Bec))))) I had posted on FB but wanted to send my thoughts and prayers from here too. Your "painintheassedness" is the BEST strongpoint you need right now. Push that button and ask ALL the questions you can, keep notes and notebooks.

And remember, regarding that first "now fired" doctor. No where on your body is stamped an expiration date......Can't believe he did that!!!

My aunt, not too far from you, is going through ovarian, stage 3.....and is doing amazing. I will find out what hospital she was at. (Lives in Williamsburg).

If I can do anything....let me know.

Lots of love and hugs to you my friend, and Greg and the furbabies too!


Jim Falls, WI(Zone 4a)

Morning Bec have been following on FB. Sending you strength and whatever else you need.
Vicki and Ty

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks again for all the wonderful support - I now have a kick-ass team in place, Walter Reed is incredible, my doc is awesome, the team is awesome and I feel like I have the best support and care I could wish for - doc even hugged me ^_^ We won't know the final results and decisions until Tuesday - they did some tests, they want to review all the scans and biopsies with their own specialists - they have a team meeting on Tuesday and we see them at 2 PM & we'll get presented all the options, until then we are going to relax, enjoy the weekend knowing that we have everything in place for the fight!! :) A HUGE weight has been lifted off my/our shoulders and my blood pressure is finally back to normal! :)

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