Sally's Plant Swap: After Word

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Now for some people shots---

1--John and Teri
2--Sally and robin (catbird)
3--Holly and Judy (coleup) at her loot
4--David (greenthumb) minus beard. We all agreed he looks super!
5--Donner, Chantelle, coleup and speedie

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

1--Mark and David in deep talks
2--Pat, david and Holly
3--Pippi and Jan
4--Ric--obviously, stil alive....
5--Sally and Devon (Happy)

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

1--Susan (speedie) and Pippi'd Husband
2--Susan--enjoying some of the good food.
3--ssgardener (terri)
4--Paul (terp) signing sally's card. Had to sneak everyone to my table to get everyone to sign.
5--Once more--sally was trying to get the gift table thing things were "delayed"
bu all the celebration to yet come...

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

1--Paul--our "Happy Birthday" song leader....Ahh--Sally--Gotchya!!"
2--Sally's Royal Throne--properly presented.
3--And her Royal Highness--properly seated...
4--Princess sally...All smiles....and being a good sport.
5--Hmm--and what is THIS inside the Throne?

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

1--AHHH! One of the cutest things inside the had many gifts in it.
2--This too. NO! Sally!!! it is for plants--NOT surgery!
3--Sally and her Birthday cake
4--Getting a first look at The Card....
5--O bouquet of flowers--that came with the cakes...

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Some plants and flowers around Sally's garden.

1--Hmmm----forgot the name....
2--Castor Bean plant
3--Castor Bean flowers--Pretty!
4--Blue flower by house
5--Passion Vine bloom

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

1--Pink caladium
2--Sally's Wintersweet Shrub. Hey, Paul--this is about 4-5 years old? Sally--yes?
3--Happy brought me a BIG rock! It will find a perfect spot in my garden....
4--Remnants of the garlic tasting.....
5--coleup--the Garlic Girl--decrees them all yummy! Finger-licking good.

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

That's all!

Now--Chantelle--remember how I was telling you that my pictures all seem to have a haze over them.
Like--somewhat out-of-focus? Do you see what I was talking about? Any ideas? Any suggestions?

I can think of, maybe, one reason. I like to take my pictures fast--so as not to get people to freeze smiles
or become too aware that they are being photographed.
Perhaps i am not giving my camera a chance to focus?????? I have a Nikon Coolpix--4100.

Guilty! I haven't yet read the whole manual not looked at the CD's that came with it...poo on me!


Crozet, VA

Along with greenthumb narrating a comical tale, he also has amazing photography powers because I didn't realize he even had a camera that day. I never once saw him snapping any photos. Good work David. It sounds as though once again every one attending had a blast. These things are so much fun and I am so glad that I fought my isolating tendencies and attended this.

Thanks to all who shared photos. We own a camera but don't often remember to bring it along with us. Oh well, I can always copy those taken by you folks if I want a copy. Sally and Mark, I hope there wasn't too much clean up work to be done after all was said and done.

I am so happy that both Ric and Holly were over whatever had them ailing earlier and that they were able to make it. Jan, I am really looking forward to attending your planned spring swap. Yep, am marking the calendar now. My motto.....will travel for plants.

Chantell, I too was quite impressed with your nephew and his love of plants. How refreshing to have a youngster interested in botany versus some of the other things boys his age might be getting in to. Since arriving home I have seen several unusual and odd sorts of plants that he would love and hope to have an opportunity next spring to get some to him. Did he get one of Gita's Pregnant Onions? That is a must for his collection.

I did a bit of potting up of swap plants yesterday. So much fun to get lost in the land of playing gardener. I have a to do list that is a mile long for today, but I may poo poo it all and go out and play in the dirt again later.

Thanks to all for the great fun and laughs. Have a great day everyone.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Woot, woot, Ruby!!! I think many of us would travel for plants. Heehee. Only 8 months til then.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Lol Jan! Can't wait to shoot up there the Eastern Shore way. So easy from Annapolis. All you DC suburb types (VA, too ) should consider this alternative to 95.

I'm currently taking reservations for "The Screened Garden Gazeebo" which I premiered at Sally's. Book early (and Often).

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Whewwwww I just put all the perennials in the ground. What anarchy! I was telling sally on Sunday that I am not the best with labels but I think after this plant swap I might have to start a little journal or something of the like.

Can't wait to see them pop up next year!!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

aw, you just have to stay buddies with us cuz we know them...
BY the way- Corydalis, the little ferny looking seedling that you noticed by the rocks=

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The leaves on the Corydalis look just like a Bleeding heart's. Did you think that also?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Lets have some fun....

Tell Joyanna that Miss Gita "neeeeds" to know how to plant and grow the plant that she gifted me.
The tag says: SIB "Bundle of Joy"....snowpeak. Could she explain to me what SIB means?
I DO NOT, really, know what that is either. Looks like an iris???

Do not help her--just write down HER directions verbatim. You can bring up things I may need to know,
then listen for what she is saying...Then post her directions here....

This could turn out very funny........Thanks, Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, i noticed tonight that Corydalis IS in the same family as Bleeding hearts- good eye. Did you see donner's pink one she posted on flower thread?
Cant wait to see how joyannas instructions come out

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Effortlessly, my dance card was filled front and back with remarkable moments. Thank you Sally for turning stress into casual ambience where each could seek and find their own level...Just like your gardening style you found a place for us all and under your graciousness we were a garden and not a hodgepodge collection.

I hope that our comments and pictures help you refocus your free range gardening style for the uniquness it is and the inspiration to plant it if we like it or it interests us or a friend passes it on to us. A real bloom where you are planted way about you Sally!

One "remarkable moments" for several of us has to do with Addy. Ssgardener was filling us in on the scarry dogs and neighbors that keep her yardening activities limited by fear for her personal safety when outside. As she was describing the 'weapon' she carries with her whenever outside, Addy came out of nowhere and began licking her face!

I'll leave it to ss to say what that meant to her, but to me Addy's kiss was a "Mommy kiss it and make it better" apology for all scary dog behavior and a promise that all will be better soon. Cool dog and her people are pretty cool, too!

This message was edited Sep 18, 2012 12:54 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, "SIB" is a Siberian Iris. 'Bundle of Joy' is the cultivar and the reason we figured you needed a piece from your JOYful little garden friend. I got wonderful big clumps from Denise at Showpeak, big enough to plant, pot up a spare, and still find an extra piece to share! Joyanna did help me plant them... she helps dig the holes... "nice and wide, because the roots need room to go." and she sprinkles moisture crystals and fertilizer pellets very carefully in the holes, them helps break up the clumps of dirt to pat a little mound aroung them. Lately she's been very enamored of that lovely dark crumbly stuff... she shows it to me and declares,. "This dirt has a lot of worm poop, Mommy! The plant will love it!"

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, I'm now convinced Addy is a psychic dog. Just when I was saying I'd have to no choice but to use the hori hori knife on the dogs if they jumped the fence and attacked me, Addy came over and started licking me. I was very tense and upset while talking about those dogs, and it's as if Addy wanted to make me feel better.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

@Addy. That was a very sweet moment and I got goosebumps when she did that. I know ssgardener will not soon forget it.

@Joyanna's instructions. Love them. Gita, make sure you follow them to a 'T'. Heehee

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally- Very nice. Looks more like a fringed bleeding heart. I have a number of the regular pink bleeding hearts and a few whites or albas, I just got a fringed bleeding heart and "squirrel corn" this year. That is A reason to stay in touch but there are many reasons.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Speaking of Miss Addy....sorry Addy not so great with cell phone

Thumbnail by Chantell
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Paul- you're well represented in that group then, nice.
ssgardener- and all-- you might enjoy the book The Art of Racing In The Rain- Garth Stein- it's told by a dog who understands almost everything that happens in his beloved owners life. Some very sad parts but more heartwarming in the ending. And it really makes you wonder how much a dog might understand LOL

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from ssgardener :
Sally, I'm now convinced Addy is a psychic dog. Just when I was saying I'd have to no choice but to use the hori hori knife on the dogs if they jumped the fence and attacked me, Addy came over and started licking me. I was very tense and upset while talking about those dogs, and it's as if Addy wanted to make me feel better.

I have to agree, I just KNOW she knew what you were talking about and came over to reassure you of what normal doggie behavior is, and to kiss you to make it all better. =)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

"The SAGA of sally's Left Arm" is finished.

Hope you enjoy and have a few snickers--- Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

That was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!!!

Chevy Chase, MD(Zone 7a)

I bet you'd give your right arm to see another story so funny....

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I don't get it, happy!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Becky needs prayer...please and thank you

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hey- some of us found a tobacco hornworm on donner's brug--Terri ssg named it for us. Anyway, remember it had no cocoons? By Monday it had a few. By today, it has about thirty cocoons on it, and getting pretty shrively too you can imagine. Fascinating.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

You mean the parasitic wasp "cocoons?"

Thumbnail by critterologist
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Gross!!! So the hornworm came from my garden (rode in my car!!!). I can't believe that you didn't get rid of it right away when it didn't have cocoons. Oh well, it is wasp food now.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Donner, that "gross" critter does turn into a really cool moth...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Yup that. I can never decide between cool moth or cool parasitic wasps so i tend to let mother nature decide.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Mine's slowly moved from the pepper plants to the Datura - covered just the same. Kinda feel bad for the guy...ugh

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Got more stuff planted today- THanks all!

Crozet, VA

I potted a few of the more tender house plants I received last weekend on Sunday. Since then haven't really had a chance to spend much time at all playing in the dirt. Am hoping to go out later and tend to some other new plants that need my attention too. Good grief do I have a lot of house plants. I am really looking forward to bringing them indoors soon. Hoping to possibly start doing it later today or tomorrow.

Gosh, it has been a gorgeous week for the most part and the cooler temperatures are wonderful. I look back longingly to last Saturday's event. Kind of a let down to be sitting here alone this morning and not having any number of great conversationalists to jibe with. Sally, just recalling the inviting feel one gets upon entering your garden space is a good feeling. I didn't really tour the grounds, but the unusual and very interesting plants I saw on the paths I took were lots of fun to see. I was quite pleased to see the Coleus rootings I gave you at Ric and Holly's were front and center at your place. I hope that you enjoyed them as much as I have my own this year. I have quite a few pots of it that were lots of fun this summer but they are now showing their age and the stress they were under at times. I haven't quite decided how I will go about trying to save rootings for next spring. No way that I can bring all the pots back inside. Last winter I had one pot with both of the two types of Coleus in it and it did well surviving. Hope to have the same luck this year.

Anyway.....hope that all readers are having a wonderful day. The weather couldn't be better for being out and about, even if out and about is just a trip to the screen porch and the front deck. hahaha Happy gardening all.


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Ruby, that 'Electric Lime" coleus is worth keeping over! Very pretty coleus. Did the Easter cactus survive its trip home with you? I told you they were big! A reminder that we have a whole thread in our forum devoted to Holiday Cactus for any questions you or Pippi who took cuttings, might have.
Here is the link to the thread already on part 5 and probably in need of a part 6!

If any one (Speedie) has or is taking coleus cuttings now to winter over, I would suggest that on the nights when temps drop below 60 that you bring them in for the night or they will be mopey about putting out roots. Any mature plants of coleus of course are fine outside for a good while longer as their growth has already slowed.

Speaking of threads, and over wintering plants, I know I promised several of you that I would post my methods ( what works for me) of over wintering elephant ears and bananas. Honest, I'll try to do this this weekend!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


I went over to Terri's yesterday (Aspenhill), and I came home with a bounty of plants! EEs, Gita's wandering jew, a mum I'll try to do better with, a beautiful pot of goldenrod from David (yes, they perked right up), 2 sweet plants from Sally (pale snake plant and a round-leafed mother of thousands), and I know there are others that I can't recall names of... oh, and Garlic! :-)

Coleup, you'll love that Joyanna hopped into her car seat, peered next to her, and sang out, "ooh! a baby crepe myrtle!!" That's my girl. Those are beautiful little trees; thanks for "scoring" them for me!

Gita, Joyanna totally adores that pink pot... you are so sweet to send something special like that just for her. We'll have to find just the right thing to put in it... I'll post a photo when we do! Her curly spider plant looks great, and any time it comes inside she's quite careful to put it where Eliot (who has an inexplicable taste for spider plants) can't reach it.

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