Sept. - 2012, it's time for Fall, and changing colors o

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I've never heard that saying before, but I think I like it! I got a big SpiderPlant baby in the mailbox. If ever they were going to refuse a letter because the envelope was too fat and not enuff postage on it, it would be this one! There's only a stamp on It's a bubble envelope and it is far from flat. I'm just making a trellis outside and doing some painting outside today also.

I hope the tank is empty!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes. empty of fish and critters only a few small pots in there. I also bought a green panda bamboo for 4.95 with some other plants that was great, usually seeds alone cost twice that .
Too late to paint outside here,even if the paint dries good enough, it has to bake on a while.
I always use to feel silly for a few minutes when an envelope was returned to me for insufficient postage, only that 's been years ago as it is.
If you get in a big fight you go with mower on weekends and cut your friends grass also, lol That way you don't have too hire anyone to mow over your favorite plants and flowers.
My lean to is that cucumber trellis I mentioned earlier this spring I'm " round tuit"

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, it's kinda late for painting here too but better late than wait sometimes, and it is still fairly warm during the daytime. Oh, I'm just kidding, we don't get in any big fights, we've been friends for many, many years. And besides, she knows that I have squatter's rights now, I tell her that pretty regularly! We are great friends.

Glad to hear your tank is empty, most plants can't swim! A cucumber trellis eh? I made one out of an old rusted fence piece (but thick, heavy-duty metal), I put a blown out garden hose that I cut up the length with tin-snips, on the edges of it and secured it with 25 lb. test Zebco fishing line! I am going to put it at the base of the chimney here for many cuttings of English Ivy to climb up. I want this trellis because the foundation is about 3 feet before the brick part that the chimney is made of, I'm pretty sure the Ivy can climb up the brick with no problem but the painted cinder-block foundation part is a bit slicker.

Is that Panda Bamboo running or clumping? You can see a little of my P. Bisettii behind the Wandering Jew, they are in kitty litter jugs.

Anybody want some of my glorious striped purple Wandering Jew?! I got a photo of my big plant of it, you'll wish you had a nice one like this! Actually, this is the best time of the year for it. I think it would love to have the weather like it is right now (maybe a little warmer, not much), all the time, with water of course. Here's that photo! Isn't it just a beautiful plant?!

That SpiderPlant baby is on it's way to Indiana as we speak.
Here is some of my houseplants outside, with the Mezoo from pepper bringing up the end. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That is a really nice wondering jew!! We have had a few, only something always seems to happen to them. We can hope spider baby enjoys the trip only I doubt it gets to enjoy the views.
The bamboo is fargesia rufa clumping , it is hardy to zone 5 like Michigan
My trellis is built from an angle iron bed frame from the garbage, and an 8 x 10 piece of 10 foot galvanized fence.
The weather here is suppose to be warmer the next 8 days or so 80 degrees for next Wednesday.
Not many house plants here but bunches of outdoor flowers this year,,I am thankful for a few more warmer days to give the seedlings time to grow to size to return next spring.
All kinds of little daylilies ,lupines, poppies,hibiscus, and the iris are just getting going with their new fan shoots.
Lots and lots of "nothing to do? you know. A couple of the Daylily seedlings are from my own seeds so I am really looking forward to seeing them do well.

Remember this? it is still blooming.

Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks, that's a nice red Hibiscus! 80° next Wed.? That's kinda far away to rely on that forecast! I don't bank on any weather forecast more than a day or so, it always seems to change here!
I like that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry David says the weather-man is predicting rain on Sunday so he can have the golf course to himself!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That's a good one ^_^

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

This arrived today to show!!! I thought I could not imagine what it was or who had sent it. Did you know? LOL!! and thank greenery!
All kinds of things to do,poetry here's the lean to. Second of a penstemon plant ,not sure of how I just did

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here's my new trellis and where I plan to put it, below the chimney.

P. bissettii in the ground in kitty litter buckets, I've covered them up with mulch, the kitty litter buckets showing wasn't a very good look!
I'm not expecting them to get very big, their roots are pretty restricted on space!

Wanna see our new clearance lawnmower?! -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh good, really, that's a sigh of relief! I was worried it wouldn't arrive on Saturday then it would sit in the mail all weekend. That occurred to me after I mailed it! I talked about one shouldn't mail something at the end of the week and I do it myself! That's a nice pot that it's in. It'll bring you many years of enjoyment, mark my words!

Nice Penstemon there, juhur.

This Groundhog was in the backyard enjoying some weeds and tall grass! It was nice seeing it, isn't it just precious?! It just makes you want to pet it and give it a great big hug! And then, it would probably bite you once or many times and give you rabies, but it is cute anyway! I can see why they made a holiday after it, it's a cool animal. I zoomed way in on it, I wasn't really that close. I was first in the kitchen window then when I saw that it wasn't leaving, I went out to the deck and got an even closer look. Our cat Bucky was out there staring at it too. The local accurate news channel here in Kansas City even forecast for a high next Wed. of 83°, which I expect to be about ten degrees less than that when the day actually gets here! - That's the way it usually happens, they forecast way in the future for it to be nice, prolly so people will tune in, then when the day actually gets here it is MUCH different!

This message was edited Sep 29, 2012 8:22 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

First thing Grandma said Oh that smells good!!! Like green perfume! Thanks again for the the plant , it will return to you as something other.Then you will wonder how it changed into that and returned!lol
Always liked Bamboo and Willows ,they waft around so peacefully in the breeze,wonderful !
How about that ,did you ever have a Big wheel? You do now, only this one you push instead of pedal.About the same amount of excercise?lol
My bamboo is yet to go in the ground ,then I will post a pic,
We have an occasional Groundhog I hear they can be mean if bothered or upset,Really strong I know they are as years ago I chased on with a pole, it turned grabbed the pole and threw me over and 5 ft, away like a karate flip, lol that thought stayed with my memory.^_^

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

A little bit of Minnesota beauty.
And a couple pics of my Hostas from my deck.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens Thumbnail by CountryGardens
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Aren't the fall colors wonderful! Hosta garden looks peaceful , and country quiet . Looks to be in good shape around you after a year that it has been.
Ground there looks dry in the pic, plants look good !!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Your welcome Grandma! It smells good?! I hope it's fragrance brings you many good times and good fortune! I'll have to go get a whiff of it sometime! It's usually money that gives a good smell of green! I like that Geico boat insurance commercial where the man is made of money, even if it is Monopoly money, I'd still grab for the falling money!

I like Bamboos and Willows too. I grew this Weeping Willow starting from a cutting in 2003, it is now at a Sister's house. That's it in the corner. - It started out as this, it'll be the second - Yes, that's a seashell and a one foot ruler with it!

Nice Fall color on that tree, Country, my guess would be an Ash or a SweetGum tree, but nice color whatever it is! It looks like some White Ash I've seen around here in Fall color other years. And your Hostas are holding up better than ours, here they are kinda shriveled up and/or discolored, nice arrangement there, it looks good. Sorry to hear the drought lingering on so much up there. Minnesota is nice, that's one of the states that I want to visit on a vacation or something, it and Florida! Minnesota isn't that far away though, maybe 5 or 600 miles.

A BigWheel? No. A BigWheel was kinda too expensive growing up. I always admired the kids who had a BigWheel. I remember, 2 cousins had one each and would ride them around their basement when we visited, today they are a doctor and an engineer! Is it too late to get one?! I'll settle for the danged ol' pushmower kind! Haha! I'll always get a non-self-propelled one tho, better exercise and less work when you have to actually turn it and move it.

A Groundhog did that to you?! I've been robbed! This one only stood on it's hind legs and said, "what's up doc'" then walked away with my sombrero on it's head!

edited yet again for typos! My friend said she saw the "Groundpig or whatever it is", I politely told her it's a Groundhog! Anyway, she said this time it was in the front yard and it was running as fast as it could to get away from her!

This message was edited Sep 30, 2012 12:33 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

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