Sept. - 2012, it's time for Fall, and changing colors o

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have room for all my plants. I made sure not to buy anymore houseplants this year except for the meezo. That one will need trimmed up here pretty soon. It's a good 2-3 feet long. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Unfortunately, I have acquired several houseplants this year and made 3 more SpiderPlants from babies. I don't really regret it, but now the task of finding a place for them (which I always do, well, Now that I think about it, I had to leave several houseplants in the garage over the Winter 3 years ago and roughly half of them succumbed to the temperatures, I kept them watered. In my defense, I had even asked family members if they'd keep them at their houses, I didn't have any takers. I lost a nice CornPlant and a Euphorbia that Winter, I got photos then of them not looking so good, it is grim! - That Aloe Vera, SnakePlant and Purple Wandering Jew made it, but the Aloe Vera succumbed this Summer to the heat I'm guessing, it shriveled all up and died about a month or 2 ago, stuff happens. I'm guessing Aloe Vera likes about 80° or 90° but not 103° every steenking day for days and weeks at a time! I could tell some of my other houseplants (like were languishing in the heat, they'd die way down, or I'd bring them in for a few days or put them in the shade this Summer and they'd get leaves and do considerably better. And then, some other houseplants like Sago Palm, SpiderPlant, Mother-In-Laws-Tongue AND SnakePlant and striped Wandering Jew never flinched in the heat.
And of course, my cactuses and Succulents sucked the heat up thru a straw!

This message was edited Sep 17, 2012 8:51 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm not the house plant keeper but I enjoy them and have a few.The peach hibiscus will be in tomorrow night 40 degrees coming.
Here's the ice plant in 1&2 new divisions of Stella "d" oro daylily in #3 The old timber will get moved out of there just makes it easy to mow around for the time being. Morning glory and sunflower maximillion in 4&5 Those were taken today^_^

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Nice juhur, those are some blooms there! That Maximillion Sunflower sure is thick in bloom. Nice IcePlant planting there. I had IcePlant mixed up with something else. The something else came with my little pots of Carpet Sedum. The "Carpet Sedum" that I got I believe is just a mixture of 2 or 3 different plants. The one that I mistook for IcePlant was 1 of those plants in that little Carpet Sedum assortment. But, I looked up the propagation of IcePlant and the pleasant surprise for me of it propagating by cuttings is still on, but that other one I'm pretty sure is not a hardy plant here for the Winter, like IcePlant. I'd look it up if I knew what it was.
Oh, in retrospect, I was thinking about the Aloe Vera up there that I mentioned, it also got dragged out of the pot by a cat in addition to the heat. Just a few minutes ago, I found a very small sprig of that Aloe Vera that was on the floor where a cat dragged it out of the pot a month ago. Anyway, it was still green, I ran it under the faucet and took it outside and made a hole with my finger and stuck it in a succulent dish I have out there. Maybe it'll keep going, that'd be cool, I didn't have anymore of it since that one died.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My parent use to grow aloe ,she even had a big Senseveria plant for a while.I 'm not sure what happened to those. I remember her always adding those to her creams and things. I hear they are easy to grow from seed also.
The forsythia seemed to be getting a green calloused bud last I looked a couple of days ago.I have in there with some willows and tropical hibiscus cuttings that are rooting.I have some lavender and yarrow in bags outside that are developing roots with any hope I will have enough of them to make another setting look right.
I'm going to try the salix discolor (pussy willow) next to see if that's any good (with me rooting it that is")
And the last but not least I have a clematis(the parents from earlier really) that everybody has been asking for that I wil try next spring.You tube got me wondering,I am such a glutton when it comes to plant ,always wanting to do this and that ,but then I have been like that every since I stole a tomato from a garden when I was very young.
I have little sprouts of giant red poppies at the side of the house, I have never been able to grow those as one of the easiest things they say there is to grow. Contrary to what the instructions say they like a little more shade than sun,at least here and lately anyway.
You can certainly tell when I have been doing paperwork and caffeine ,yes indeed LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I've never got the cream out of an Aloe Vera. Maybe that's why this sprig was still green after so long of being out of a pot, without sun or water for so long, maybe it was living on the moisture inside of the foliage.
Great, hope that Forsythia does something for you, juhur. Oh boy, keep your tomatoes away from juhur!
I'd like to get Clematis and poppies going someday, but actually both those plants never grew when I tried them before.
I hear you about caffeine. I don't drink coffee but I get a sweet tea from McDonalds pretty regularly, I didn't get one today but I got one yesterday.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I don't think I never did say I enjoyed your you-tube video and I really like liked those potted plants! Had to bring in a couple tonight.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hey thanks! I don't usually like to be that close to cars zooming by. I'll be bringing my potted plants in very soon myself. It is getting quite cool!

This message was edited Sep 19, 2012 8:37 AM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Breezed through at break time and put the plants back out ,too cold this morning.brrr.
I'll be "diggin sunchokes" later , maybe

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My plants are all still outside and will be for awhiles yet. Have 2 spikes, 2 tropical hibiscus, 1 meezo and a desert rose that I will be bringing in. I have a big gerber daisy I over wintered last year but it never attempted to bloom this year so I'm done with it.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

It's getting a little warmer, not much, but right now the lowest temperature here looks like 49° for the next 3 days, which could change of course. I was at school when I edited that above post at 8:37a, I get there at 8:25 or so. At 7:52 this morning I was about to leave in a few minutes, I had a few I'm lucky to have internet there, the other day he went to each student's computer and clipped their ethernet cable with scissors and we had to repair it, which is no easy task when your not used to it!

I want a Meezo now, just for the name, I don't know what it looks like!

What's a sunchoke? Is it like an artichoke?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Meezo. Here's a link for it. Very easy to grow.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

IT'S a Sunflower,Helianthus tuberosa Makes big tubers, tasteless potato, Jerusalem Artichoke.

Boo on clipping ethernet cable....not nice at all!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh I see, pretty plant, I looked at that link, I like that variegated look. It looks like a fairly vigorous plant there, I bet it makes a good trailing plant for a hanging basket maybe.
A Jerusalem Artichoke eh? I just have a regular Sunflower but it says it gets 12 feet tall, but I think it got stunted by the heat and now it's just too late for it to get past it's current foot and a half stage, I didn't plant it till June.

Yeah, clipping our cables wasn't nice, but it's a learning experience I guess. Today, he was lecturing and this one girl was playing hearts on the internet and the instructor got his scissors back out, walked over to her computer and clipped her ethernet cable, it was the first time she wasn't looking at her screen during class! This other guy told on her before that though, he says, "she doesn't know the answer because she is playing hearts". He got scolded a few days before that, so it was her
She sat there like I did saying "um, um, um", but at least I muttered out what DNS stands for! Friday is the last day of that class, man, the heat is on, I'm pretty sure he's like, "every student is going to pass these exams and each one of them will participate by gosh!"! I am an inward anti-social butterfly for pete's sake! Actually, I'm starting to not be so anti-social, because everybody is pretty much having to participate.
I mean, going up to the board or projector pc and demonstrating how stuff is done. I don't plan on refusing to go in front of the class like this one guy did today, it was funny, the instructor says, "want to come up and show us how that's done?", and this guy says, "no"! lol I'd like to say that myself, but I won't I I've already worked the computer at the overhead projector up front once, with one other student, I'll try it by myself if I have to I guess!
Oh boy, what if he comes here!

This message was edited Sep 20, 2012 12:27 AM

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Well, that class is done.. Whew!
I was at HomeDepot and I mysteriously had my camera with me! lol
Anyway, here are some evergreens they have for $49.98, they will make somebody some nice plants for the yard. - The Fall deals at the box-stores are edging near!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Got behind again. I hate sleeping in but boy, having the Grandkids around wears me out for a couple of days,

Yikes on some of those prices!

We frosted last night, but it didn't hurt anything. I had already picked most of the garden anyway. I've frozen most of the tomatoes as juice and made soup for tomorrow. I picked green tomatoes and am frying them up tomorrow too. We got all our grass back and enough rain so I get to mow now! Walnots are dropping and we get to pick them up too :o)/(o:

I'm all showered and shampooed and ready to slump in a chair and relax till bed time.

Have a good night all!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi Sally! On those prices I never really looked into those for $49.98 but I see that's the starting price so I'm not sure what everything costs. It figures, something in small print!
At least they aren't like VirginMobile, they say "unlimited data", they just lie to get customers, it's really 2.5 Gigabytes a month of data, then after that it's some charge, (but I'm sure it's not enuff data). 2.5 gigabytes sounds like a lot but it really isn't to people that surf the web and check their email regularly. Oh, and they can't sue for libel or anything because it's the truth and you can actually tell the truth also believe it or not! - Look in the middle of the page at the gray small print with the asterisk next to Sprint even runs commercials saying, "real unlimited data". Virgin founder Richard Branson probably didn't become a billionaire for telling the truth I don't think!

Here is a link to a well-regarded campaign to save bees from a chemical used in our crops that is wiping the bees out. -
Avaaz was the organization that had reporters in Syria to report on the human rights abuses when nothing could get in or out of Syria otherwise. They were in the news for that, it is a great organization and I've never heard of them (or experienced them) sharing your email, sending virii or scamming or anything like that.

Your all showered and shampooed, billyp?! I only shower and shampoo once every 6 months or so, I don't want to wash off my natural oils!
That was just a joke, I really bathe more often than that! lol

I brought in my houseplants and other marginals too, like the little succulents on the left of the first photo in that black plastic tray, don't mind the clutter in the garage, we're working on it! I intend to put all those plants back outside for a few days, it is warming up a little for a few days ( ) , unless that has changed, last nite they had forecast a low of 38 degrees, although, I don't think it ever really got that low. I'll watch that forecast close, I don't want my plants to die!

This message was edited Sep 23, 2012 11:26 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I don't think it got that low either but I brought my stuff in last night then put them back out this morning. All but the meezoo. That I trimmed up and brought inside. Oh and Will, I have a ton of cuttings from that coming to you this week. Hoping I remember to hit the post office after work tomorrow. You will have plenty to play with and send to others if they take off. Or just toss them in the compost if there is more than you can handle. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Cool, thanks Pepper! I'll send you something! How about a regular lavender Rose-Of-Sharon cutting, SnakePlant cutting, Mother-In-Law's-Tongue cutting, Forsythia cutting, English Ivy cutting, Dieffenbachia cutting, Blueberry cutting, SpiderPlant baby, striped Wandering Jew cutting, Golden Pothos cutting or Persimmon seeds?

I think I counted 32 plants that I had brought

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The blueberry would be the only one I could find a place for. lol. My table is crammed as it is so no houseplants. But I can give the blueberry a home as soon as we get done redoing the outside of the house and tear down the old shed where we are keeping the siding. I am hoping to plant blueberries there. Have 2 already but can always use another!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, it's a deal, Pepper! It kinda didn't do so well with the hot Summer, but I'm pretty sure it's alive, it has quite a few little branches that look alive. The leaves fell off of it about a month ago.
Actually, it had blueberries about May. It's called 'Duke' Blueberry - , I just went out with a flashlite and looked at the label. Oh.. it says Spring for cuttings, hope it's okay now. Please don't send more than a stamp or 2 on the Mezoo, one stamp covers up to 13 ounces if the regular-sized envelope is flat or fairly flat. -
Oh, I wouldn't put them in the compost, I'd put them together before I did that.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2012 11:29 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It's on it's way as of this afternoon. :~) And they are in a big envie. Lots and lots of cuttings. lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, and the Blackberry cuttings are on their way as well! Mine is only one big cutting and one, well, I'll let you decide if it's big enuff to plant! lol

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

One cutting is fine and I will do my best to get it going.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Cool, hope it grows for you! I also am curious if it succeeds as a cutting-grown Blueberry Bush. Here it is today, this is the Blueberry Bush that I got your cutting from, Pepper. - This is the majority of my houseplants/tender plants. - I put them all back out to enjoy a few more warm days, I'm thinking that unless the forecast changes, I can leave them out for another week, they might even get rained on. The Sunflower in the photo is all drooping like it hasn't had water in forever when actually it's only been 2 days I believe. I watered them all tonite, you can see water all over the place! I forgot to bring a Coleus in the other nite when it got down to nearly 40 degrees, but it's fine now. I am glad, I want to make more of them from that one.
I just got back from Walmart, I got me some new glasses! I got some genuine "horn-rimmed" spectacles all on order! I think I'd make a fine Clark Kent, haha, well in theory I guess! I can pretend to be Superman and leap tall buildings, save busses full of people and such! I'm getting bi-focals for the first time, no-line even! I just need to part my hair now like the Beav on Leave-It-To-Beaver and oil my hair down!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Got the cuttings and have them sitting in water right now. Thanks!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Cool, all I got in the mail was something from unemployment, dangit! It'll probably come in tomorrow's mail, I'm looking forward to it. A big ol' branch fell off overnite off one of the Pin Oak trees in the front yard and I cut it all up today and put it out with a "free" sign on the wood. I got a before and after photo of it, it's really not that small, it broke this pig-iron connector thing on the fence, now the top-rail just sits there, fortunately it doesn't fall off. - A neighbor down the street gets wood, he has came by several times, he recycles metal too, I've given him quite a bit of miscellaneous metal and stuff, his wife and him are nice. His wife and him do that for a living, recycle metal, they use a fireplace at home.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I unintentionally removed the before photo, I clicked the red x and poof, it was gone, when I really just wanted to look at it. Here it is again!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Wow Pepper! Do you have any left?! I made 4 pots of different sizes with those cuttings today! The cuttings were so thick it looks like they've been growing already!
Here they are in their new pots and hanging planters. Don't mind the funny effects, I was just having some fun with the photos, that's not really a water-ripple!
Thanks again, Pepper!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I told you it was long!! LOL!! I still have a foot or so all around. I cut off quite a bit so that it would grow thicker as well as longer. It is like wandering jew in a ways. You have to trim it up sometimes to keep it from looking ragged.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

It was indeed! It's a nice variegation, I can't wait to see it all growed up! It should make a fine hanging basket flowing look.
Want to see my new lawnmower? My friend and me went halfsies on it, so it is half all mine! But, I get to do all the mowing, yippee! If we get in a big fight, I wonder how we're going to cut it in half! I get easily excited and for gosh sakes, it has a 22" cut and big back wheels!

Boy, my big SpiderPlant has just exploded in growth and babies since it has cooled off and started raining a little. Anybody want a baby, it's not too late! You know you want one to hang on the porch!

This message was edited Sep 26, 2012 8:46 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

You realize temptation is torture with the best of intentions!!lol

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

You're tempted by that SpiderPlant aren't you juhur?! I'm going to mail you a baby!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Just know if you do I have to send you some of next years sedum, or ice plant seeds ,something like that
and further as to the baby plant I promise not to throw it out with the bathwater only feed it with some than has been filtered! tee hee

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Haha! I'll see if I can find the little washcloth and towel to go with it! I just squirt dishsoap on the leaves for soap! I'll have it in the mail tomorrow! I just looked up your addy in dmail.
I'd love to have any of that stuff you mentioned.

This message was edited Sep 26, 2012 10:11 PM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

If I had a porch it would be littered with spider plants thanks to you and my grandma. Good thing I don't!! LOL

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

It doesn't necessarily have to be a front porch. They could hang from the backporch or even the eaves! That's what I did, drill holes in the eave front board (the actual eave is too thin) then hang hooks from the holes for plants!
I even used a studfinder to find the rafters in the living room ceiling and I drilled holes in the ceiling to hang plants from them!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have 2 spots out front that I can hang from and I do hang stuff there every year. But they will be disappearing in the next year as we make our way around to the front with new siding and windows. Right now it's just a picture window but we are putting in a bay window eventually. So my hanging space will be gone.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I usually have 20 or so houseplants in the living room window in the Winter myself. Today, I bought 2 shoplites and 2 bulbs for each of them, I already have 1 shoplite and plant-bulbs in it. I want to make a contraption out of a baker's cart, (one of those silver rolling carts that are so popular, anyway, we have an extra one here and I have the go-ahead to use it for my plants. I plan on rigging it all up with shoplites and such, it will be quite the project, but this is one project that I need to finish and hopefully by this weekend.

Oh, I forgot to say that I saved $17 on that lawnmower by buying it in the I just had to say that!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey a Mr.Jackson is a Mr Jackson I have a 55 gallon tank I keep mine in till spring ,
We have a large wooden deck here lots of places for plants if one has the energy to do so.
I have been putting the garden to sleep and building a "lean to" for next year, a 10 ft fence and angle iron.

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