TEA ROOM # 112

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Very nippy here this morning, but the cold wind from yesterday has not reappeared so far.
It was a showery day too. I did manage to get a bit done but today should be much better.
I am just fixing up the final joins for the retic hose I use around the house gardens .
Once the joins are all back on , I will be right for summer.
Lots of beans & snow peas popping up now.
I have corn for later planting. Maybe a few Chinese cabbage.

Hello Karen, , such a pretty parrot. Ours are mainly crimson rosellas but lots of grass parrots seen along the roadsides. . Glad to see you out and enjoying things.

Teresa, Sugar must be getting very good by now if she managed doing new stuff.
Hope your repair problems are being fixed by now.

Hello Dianne, yes the Anzac display at Portland using the dahlias is wonderful. It has been going on for a very long time.
The blooms are picked and pegged in the ground to make large displays of the various RSL badges and flags. There are white crosses that surround the whole thing on the large lawn area .
I did take a pic years ago but cant find it now.

Hello everyone else popping in for a cuppa.
Al, Moon, Charleen, Colleen, Chrissy, and Anthony.
The sun is coming out so I am off to see whats going on out there..

Heres your morning tea nibbles. ...Raspberry and Coconut Loaf.

Happy day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all, sun is out.....hooray.
Very pretty parrot, Karen.

I have a bird pic too, every morning when Ray comes back from feeding Mick, he puts the feed bucket
underneath the car and 2 little birds are always waiting for him...
A little female sparrow and a male Superb wren....we think that it is really a romantic meeting place for them.
She hops in the bucket and collects bits of seed and he waits for her....i don't know if they talk to each other but they certainly are very chummy ...if you look closely she is on the bucket.
Lovely to watch them every morning....

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Brisbane, Australia

Dianne, makes me wonder what's going on in nature with two birds of different species sharing time together. I got a pic recently of a male red backed wren trying to court a female superb fairy wren. But its lovely to see them all getting along together instead of the usual territorial fighting.

Jean, is great you are getting the garden watering made easier. If I could water my 'gardens' here (I can't due to water restrictions) it would take at least 2 hours just for a suburban block of land.

Chrissy, the days are so lovely now. I am not looking forward to the summer heat though. If it would just stay like this I'd be happy.

Teresa, it sounds like Sugar is shaping up to be a real champion. Hope you just had a lazy day yesterday. Sundays should be spent however you want them to be spent.

Did our drive around Rathdowney and Mt. Barney areas yesterday. Didn't see any fires, but it was so hazy from smoke. Took some random shots of the views.


Brisbane, Australia

Some scenery from yesterday's drive.

1. The rugged Mt. Lindesay
2. Old prickly pear cactus in a field of very dried grasses
3. A very old disused cottage left to go feral
4. A nice rural scene
5. Nice letterbox

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Love the scenery, Karen, beautiful photos. The old cottage was likely somebodys dreamhouse back in the day, perhaps with a loving family and children in the playyard. Maybe even a flower garden. Or animals, or chickens there. We have old buildings like that here, too...it's a shame that they have to get old and waste away.


Christchurch, New Zealand

love the Aussie scenery!
I also love the scent of Australia - eucalypts in the heat just epitomise the sunburned country for me.
It's chilly here again and that makes me nostalgic for the warmth of an Aussie spring...

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

you described the scent,'to a T' Teresa-Chilly here too, but whos complainin'-fires warm, thats 1 bonus,.beautiful rain,beautiful little [and big]lily stems poking out everywhere,..,Its going to be a brilliant summer[I can feel it],.The Daffies are still blooming and the shows are over.,,.Orchid show in Hobart this w/e, will have to have a bit of a squizzy!! My red limousine[95 Commodore] is on the front lawn and refuses to start[more money.],.The ute is still cruising along, luckily for Cocky, he can still travel between houses,.,The old 57 pickup is sitting in the garage, awaiting the canopy fitment, for the annual summer lily market pilgrimage..Cmon summer..Anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dog gone, I been gone too long.
Yep Jean it is a Shredded white. I'm getting seed pods on my White monster Brug. I must have a night flying moth.
I had some snack crackers and that puppy can eat them fast as I hand them to him. My husband feeds the puppy crackers, so that is how he got started eating snack crackers. About any kind, I just had Chives and cream cheese. He loves to eat. Him and Charley are a good pair of eating machines.
Weather has turned rather cool, no air conditioners on this fine day. How about that???
Hooked my Skype back up, just have to learn to block folks that try to "flimflam me and tell me lies."
Hubby says I am too trusting. I say I'm just "too goofy!"
Take a picture of that 57 Chevy, Anthony, I'd love to see it!!!!!
Hugs and love to all....
Charleen, Charley and critters

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its only 2C here at the moment.
Yesterday was cold wet & windy, but today looks like being very nice once the lazy sun gets up properly.
Hubby says the forecast is for 27C on Thursday.
I cant believe it after all the cold.
Nothing done outside yesterday I may get a few things finished today but Hubby has a friend arriving early this morning so I may not finish all I want .

Hello Charleen. I bet T bo & Charley end up good mates as they both get about looking for nibbles...lol
Love your brugs and that shredded white is so unusual.

Anthony, I like the sound of your red limo.
I had a beautiful car before I met hubby. It finally died after many years of carting me around the country.
It had been around Australia 3 times and across the Nullarbor about 4 times. It was originally a light blue Ford wagon that had been painted a dark blue on the lower half with chrome rack on top.
Beautifully done job too. Noone had ever seen any other car that color.
I was so sad when it finally died.
We do get attached to our vehicles dont we ?

Hello Teresa. I like the eucalytus smell that you get when driving through the bush too, but I definitely do not like eucalypts in the garden,
They shed contiuously .

Karen, lovely pics. I do like seeing the old buildings dotted around the country side
When travelling through Qld years ago, I was amazed at the amount of prickly pear allowed to just grow everywhere. I would have thought councils would be more strict on control.

Hello Al, I guess you would see many lovely old buildings around your countryside from the days of pioneering .

Hello to all looking in. I had better see what is in the kitchen for morning tea, then move myself . Visitor will be arriving soon.

Hers a treat for today.....Cranberry Lemon Slice.

Keep warm, dry and safe everyone.

happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

lol - Jean - there is a huge list of trees not suitable for suburban sections...
shame people don't pay any attention before they plant that lovely sapling.
Eucalypts get so big - and that habit of dropping big branches is a nasty one!
Silver birch - allergy central, I had one huge one taken out for free by the guys trimming excess foliage from power lines not long after i moved in here.
they were so nice, even cut the thing up for fire wood.
that was when I still had a log burner.
That wood was stored in my shed for a couple of years & burned so well when i finally got to using it.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Im burning it now!!!! Highlands bluegum-dry as it comes,.,No starting at work tomorrow[ no deliveries for me] ,.Much that I can do around here, so thats a bonus!!-Anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dahlias, so pretty now.
The boys Kaluha and Radar "guarding" their bones from...
T Bo, he doesn't guard, he eats, see Jean just like Charley....
cypress vine with old wind chimes
Durn, I posted wrong picture but still pretty. You all have a Great whatever time of day ,it is...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Very windy here this morning after a lovely day yesterday.

A bit of trimming along the paths to do today.
Once spring growth starts, the plants certainly grow fast.

Anthony, enjoy your fire. I hope the sun gets to you soon.
Charleen , that T Bo is definitely a cutie.
I suppose he will be following Charley to the Tea Room later for cookies.
Love the dahlias.

Teresa, you are so right about there being a lot of choice for trees in streets & yards.
Hamilton has streets full of Plane trees which are a bad thing for anyone with asthma / hayfever, They also make large humps with their roots everywhere.
I see large eucalypts around Melbourne streets too.
There are so many beautiful smaller trees .
I often wonder at the designers, do they ever look at what the results of their silly planning will be ?

Hello Dianne, Karen, Al, Moon and everyone else popping in for a cuppa.

I have left you all some tasty nibbles for your morning tea.

Try this yummy Banana Caramel Loaf..

Enjoy the day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

I have to wonder sometimes about landscapers...
they plant trees in silly places & don't seem to think about the effect of pollen, falling leaves, brittle branches & just how big it will eventually get.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
After a very windy & cool day yesterday, today looks promising.
Shopping day and we have to leave earlier for hubbys blood tests.
One has to be first in line there or wait for ages.

Hello to all and I hope the sun is shining on everyone.
Looks like being an awful weekend for all the footy fans.
Rain, hail , wind etc.

Enjoy this ...Plaited Fruit Loaf...
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all,
Yes Jean, it does look promising....have a good trip....
Ray and I have the same thing to do tomorrow...
T.Bo is a cutie as are your other dogs....
Hope you had a good day Anthony....
Liliums everywhere here too, lots of things that I haven't labelled popping up...must do it this year.
It's been a very good year for Azaleas and Cyclamens.....
Yesterday I put copper bands on a few things to stop the snails....be interesting to see if they work.
Its on the Cherry, Pear and Nashi, also a couple of Brugmansias.
Have a great day everyone.

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning everyone. A little crisp this morning, but the sun is shining and it will warm up soon. I say, if anyone has any rain to spare, please send it our way.

My 30 year old Azalea, "Redwings", is so dry the leaves look dreadful, but it is flowering away anyway.
Some Davidson plums I missed, so some already turning into prunes.
Is this 3rd pic an Elkhorn? It was a stray seed that took hold on the pot and now more seeds are starting to grow in the pot. The pot is not strong enough to hold a big plant so they'll have to be moved eventually.


Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

Yes Karen, it's an Elkhorn, get some tree fern and start them off on that......
Isn't Red Wings the toughest and one of the best flowerers of all the Azaleas!!!!!
I had one for years too and they seem to thrive on neglect...
We decided to walk along Geelong's waterfront today and take Tilly with us...we lasted 30 mins...the temp was 25C...It's funny but the first warm day in Spring always takes it toll, even Tilly was panting....Kids everywhere having a lovely time now that the holidays are on.`

So we went to the gardens instead...it was lovely there.....lots of mothers and smaller children having lunch on the lawns and there was a group of young mothers with their babies sitting on blankets with a picnic...the babies were all lying together and having a lovely kick in the dappled sunshine......
it made me feel quite clucky watching them.....

Remember the wattle bird who wanted the jam, well he was there again after the jam from the scones and cream...but something I thought was more amazing than him, was a raven who came down to the table next to us and drank the milk out of the small jug......what does a bird want with milk?
No camera.....I was so sorry that I didn't bring it.....I didn't even have my phone...
I love that park....

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Very warm here today, Dianne,..,too hot.. I was in a T shirt, this afternoon..What does the bird want with milk?-they feed their young with a pulverised mixture of 'all sorts',.,.I moved a few seedling boxes to the rear of the house,because its cooler around the back,.everything is looking very good here for summer,..-Anthony

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its quite dark here this morning. We had a bit of a thunderstorm during the night.
Not too much though. Sometimes its a good thing to be only on the edge of the weather here.
Not much rain but enough to water the plants.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day.
Its odd how we are having such opposite weather every few days.

I found no plants to bring home yesterday.
I did get a pack of bamboo stakes for my climbing beans.
I will put them in today if the rain has gone.
Its a bit windy out there too.

Dianne, watch those copper bands as sometimes copper will leach into the surrounding soil or tissue .
There are plants that dont like it.
I like your colofrul blooms. I see my Dutch Iris are opening here.
Sounds like you had a lovely day even if a bit warm.
Crows like milk. We used to see them getting at the milk bottles many years ago when milk was delivered in bottles on your doorstep. The crows would peck holes in the foil tops.

Nice to hear you are getting sunshine too . Anthony
The vortex will be looking like a small jungle by now.
Lots of lovely lilium blooms just waiting to pop out in summer.

Hello Karen, Teresa, Moon , Charleen and everyone else popping in.

Heres something to nibble on with your morning cuppa......Passionfruit Sponge ( with cream of course )

Enjoy the day and I hope any storms pass you by

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning all. Another crisp morning before a warm day ahead. This is really the best time to go walking, before the heat hits but there is always too much to do before I can get away. Waiting on a load of washing then more to go in and get done before I can get away.

Dianne I've been told not to give my bird milk as dairy is no good for her, but she sees me making a cup of tea and she knows the milk is going to come out of the fridge, and she will beat me with her wings until I relent and give her a sip on the end of a spoon. Don't know if it does any harm but we've been sharing our 'cuppa' for years, as I put a few drops of hot tea in with the milk to take the cold edge off it.

Anthony, glad to hear you are set up for the summer months. It is at this time of year when we get a sudden heat wave that some of my plants burn. I get virtually no sun in winter so the plants are out to capture any stray rays of sunshine they can. They love the gentle Spring sun warmth but a sudden shock of heat is too much for them. Doesn't kill them but makes them look bad.

Jean, you'd think there would be so many plants available now Spring is here, wouldn't you? I don't dare go near a nursery as the pots of colour I am seeing in the advertising leaflets are too much of a temptation for me and I really don't have room for any more pots and they won't grow in the ground.

Dianne, thanks for the heads up on the ID. I am afraid to move them yet as I won't find out until the end of October if I am going to be kicked out of here. I think it will happen, and then the developers will move in and bulldoze down all the trees here. Nothing will survive them. So I'll let them stay in the pot where they can get a little bigger then maybe have a garage sale or something and see if they can find new homes.

Hope everyone has a lovely day.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, you jogged my memory...of course the birds used to peck the bottle tops....
That copper band is just like kitchen foil Jean, it comes in a 4mt roll and can't hurt any plants...The company also makes a spray that you can use for the base of plants........I haven't used the foil before, but it works so far....no snails on any of those trees I used it on.....I did a test with 2 snails and they crawled on it then turned back....it's supposed to give them tiny shocks....

Karen couldn't you go to the council or someone like that and get a permanent home for yourself.....
My husband has an aunt in Bendigo and she lives in a lovely unit with a reasonable back garden and a small repayment...might be worth a try for you...something similar in Queensland.

We have had thunder, lightning and pouring rain this morning, now it's starting to fine up....

Vic, Australia

It’s been raining here YAY, even had heaps of thunder.
Must be because I decide to dig up some saffron bulbs!
They will be put into pots next year.

I have 5 or so Iris flower spike appearing, they look white, but will have to see.
The rocket one that flowered last year has heaps of side leaves branching from the main tuber, but I don’t see any flower spikes.
And I have seen quite a few have purple to the base of there leaves, so no guessing what the colour the flowers are.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I am so saddened by the pointless murder of the lovely, young, irish ABC lady.I saw her father on TV tonight and my heart went out to him..''BRING BACK CAPITAL PUNISHMENT""-a sad Anthony.......I can see his defence lawyer in court''This man has had a hard upbringing, his father was taken by a 'ocean gull' 25 yrs ago and his mother perished to a plague of locusts when he was 13'',-enough said ,[Im not allowed to mention 'govt']...Orchid show to go to tomorrow in town, but Ill go to Salamanca first and get another big sausage, radishes and baby silverbeet for the birds..have a look about, then back home to weld some of my neighbor 'Brians' security fence and gate and posts, 'as long as it doesnt rain too much'..Dianne ,Hakws by 29..although, id love swans to win.,.$155riding on the result

This message was edited Sep 28, 2012 5:31 PM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Donkey, mule adventures this morning. Took the dogs out for walk. have to put little black chihuahua on a rope. T-Bo Loves pulling Kaluha along. He has taught TBo how to be on leash. But T Bo minds and Kaluha doesn't. He like to run up road to visit dogs there. too dangerous. I have to walk by pasture fence. when I got around to where the long ears were. Annabelle didn't have her halter on. So, Of coarse, I blamed AT.
Put the dogs back in house and went into pasture. I did my "walk About" in search of the halter finally found it. Had a parade be hide me. The donkeys followed. Charley was in his "mood" today. I found the halter by the hay trailer. I got a string to tie it back on. Halters are getting old. I was putting the halter on Annabelle and Charley wanted me to scratch his rump! Annabelle and I started backing up. sure din't want any feet flying. I finally got it on her but need to go back out and do it better.... Yes, I did finally scratch his beautiful rump....
You all have a great day. Hugs and nuzzles...

Brisbane, Australia

Good morning all. Lovely Saturday here. Agree with you, Anthony, re that journalist. The whole randomness, criminal background and the fact that the face of evil looked so normal. The video clip brings it home..

Went to an orchid show last Saturday..wanted a big Dendrobium Speciosum Grandiflorum..haha..there's no buying one plant! There are orchid shows all over the place for the next few weeks..not game to go again!..but.I'm sure I will!

Have had a wonderful week working on the garden..parts I'm usually not game to touch!! Thinking of getting high fencing materials but that will spark an outcry so best left for now..maybe have them on hand for future "absences". A lot of treasures are still alive but a lot of things have disappeared..even compost heaps vanished!!! If they are within reach of the fenceline..or even a metre from it! I'm enjoying the freedom..like in "Malcolm in the Middle"when his family goes away and the street has their annual street party to celebrate..only I have two lots! The clivias are doing well..flowering at the moment. The epies have started. Innis Free and Born Free have done their show.

Youngest son has gone off overseas for uni break. It's really only a week but he has extended it. He went to London..from hot and humid here to 6C when he landed, a few days there, then joined a schoolmate studying in Paris, and is taking a train trip to Zurich and Frankfurt,then back to Paris, then Brussels, then seeing another mate in Singapore for four days. Not his first trip overseas but he's doing this alone. He even changed his plan and tickets as he's not doing any tours but finding his own way. We have always called him our human GPS unit, even as a little kid he could navigate us anywhere.!!! Only 20 but thank goodness for iMessage, Facebook, Skype etc..as long as there's wifi nearby, we can chat to him free. The beauty of Apple!

Hope you are all having a beautiful Spring..or Autumn for our northern hemisphere friends. Have a great day all! Cheers, Kat

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
So far it is a good morning here. Very cold, down to 2C.
We had about 10 mins of thunder & lightning with some hail yesterday , but it vanished over the horizon .
I would have liked a bit more rain but am grateful the noisy thing went elsewhere.
Hubby always gets worried when we have thunderstorms because of all his radio antennas around the place.

I did manage to get out in the morning and plant my climbing beans.
I have all my little tomato seeds up in the mini greenhouse.
My broad beans are full of flowers and doing very well.

Anthony, its always sad when people like Jill are killed so senselessly , but it seems to be such a violent society now.
I think when we grew up through the 50s & 60s , we were enjoying the end of an era of manners, courtesy, respect and safety.
Kids could play outside, walk to the shops alone and roam around freely in the evenings.
People had those things that seem to be missing these days.
RESPECT for people and property, RESPONSIBILTY for their actions LOVE of family.
Sadly we are now a society where too many couldnt care less about any of these things.

Off my soapbox.. Enjoy your show today Anthony.

Hello Charleen. You must have had some fun looking for that halter while Charley was around. He is a big mischief maker.
T Bo will be the boss there when he grows up, but a lovable one .

Hello Moon an Al. Hope all is well in your part of the world.

Kim , you will find that Irises can be erratic with their flowering. Some will flower every year , while some like to put up new shoots and flower the following year.
Mine are growing well at the moment but it will be a while before I see flowers on most. Usually around the middle of Oct through to Dec.

Hello Karen. I only look for orphans in the nurseries . There are so many pots of lovely things in bloom , but I never buy annuals. Too much bother for one quick show. I think they are more suited to the suburban gardens where things are smaller and tidier.
I love the look of that instant color but to get any sort of show , I would need so many here.
Hope you are enjoying your walking.

Dianne, I have never seen that sort of copper foil. I dont have snails here just lots of slugs.
I just know, that of I put anything like that around here, it would be instantly grabbed by the magpies. They love stuff like that.
They are always in hubbys shed looking for things to play with.
Nesting time , they take anything they can carry.

Hello Teresa, hope all that cold is missing you. Give the spotty ones a pat for me.

Hello to everyone else popping in.

I have put out some nibbles for morning tea...Pumpkin Teacake

Enjoy the weekend
( not a footy fan these days , but I hope the swans can stomp on the hawks )


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Hi guys just popping on for a cuppa and to find out
If any one knows what this is
I know is a pea member also an Australian plant but that's about all
I know

Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan
Merino, Australia

Cant help, Shaun, but it is very pretty.

Brisbane, Australia

Hello all. Another fine start to the day. Rain is predicted for later, so I hope we get some.

Hello Shaun. Can't help with ID-ing the plant, sorry. Nice to see you popping in though.

Jean, I don't buy annuals or colourful pots, but don't knock them back when given as gifts. They take up too much water which is a no-no here.

Dianne, this was supposed to be a permanent home. I've been here 35 years now, brought my kids up here. The new govt has changed the rules, and thrown thousands of disabled, elderly, and sick people into chaos. Some will get coffin sized accommodation offered, others will literally end up on the streets. They'll let us know where we stand after October 31st. Tent cities are already growing around Brisbane as the disadvantaged can't find accommodation they can afford. There is so much involved, and I get sick when I think of it. I know of one elderly, chronically ill couple who are praying for death rather than have to move at this last stage of their lives. Frankly, I can see where they are coming from myself.

Anthony, I believe this would never have happened if the justice system did its job in the first place. This murderer is a repeat offender, so why was he out on the streets so he could do it again? We don't seem to have a justice system in this country. My neighbours 20 year old daughter and a girl friend were killed by a drunk driver. He was jailed, not because he killed two young women, but because he tried to leave the country! By the time his trial came around, the justice system virtually said he'd served his time, and set him free. Its so wrong! My heart goes out to the family and friends of this poor woman, and to a nation that is shocked by this tragedy. I truly hope her death is not in vain, and that this time something will be done to shake up the system and get real criminals to get punishment that will act as a deterrent to others.

On a lighter note, it is shaping up to be a brilliant butterfly season. So many flitting about now. Wish they would pose for pics more often. Such busy little creatures.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend ahead.

This message was edited Sep 29, 2012 6:30 PM

Merino, Australia

I dont think it is the broom, Chrissy.
Shaun , your pretty plant seems to have the flowers in little bunches, the brooms, or all those I have ever grown , have the pea flowers along the stems.

Karen, I just hope all the young women out there will PLEASE, PLEASE, either go home with a friend /friends, or ring a spouse/ rellie to pick them up. Sometimes, one is not left with enough funds for a taxi.
Not my experience talking, but my daughters, who always rang Mum to fetch them if needed.

Its a sad blight on todays society when a person is no longer safe on the streets at any time of day or night.
I can remember walking alone with no fear when I was young on night shift.
I used to walk from RMIT at the top of the city when attending night school too.
If someone stopped in the street near you , it was to ask if you were okay or just to say hello.
No fear of fiends back then.
As I said in a previous post, those were the last days of the safe era.

Yes, I know predators were there back then, but not in your face like today.
It was a shameful hidden thing and we as young people had no fear of being attacked.
The odd flasher may have been talked about but that was all.

I feel so sorry for people especially the older ones who dont understand how bad it is out there now.
The younger ones dont seem to be aware enough that it could so easily be them next.

I hate where the world is heading. but we cannot stop it and it will run its course.
I see closed communities and many outcast slums being the future for a time .
Those old Sci Fi writers knew what the future was going to be.


barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. We've had a very busy week with relatives here. The weather hasn't been real kind but have had a couple of nice days. A windy cold day yesterday and then a heavy shower last night but all is clear and chilly this morning. If the cold wind would just disappear it would be lovely. The garden is starting to come alive now and there should be lots of flowers in the coming weeks. Do you remember the Arborea that I pollinated with Lucas' pollen, then got a pod and then planted the seeds, well I have two plants with a bud each on. I have one other plant but that hasn't any buds as yet. Dianne, Jean and Shaun I sent you all seeds from the pod. Have you got buds too? I hope so. I have sent Lucas a D-mail but he hasn't replied yet. I do hope that one of us gets something special. John made up some frames for me to make a living picture in. I have been waiting for months for them so must get busy and fill them up with succulents. It might be a way to reduce the pots of succulents and free up some bench space. I know I have too many pots but the succulents and cactus are very dear to me because that was Brian and my quest so can't just dispose of them. I'm still waiting for the council to okay the memory garden. They certainly are making a little decision into a big one. It has been over 2 years since I first approached them about it. Brian will have been gone 2 years next month and I spoke to the Mayor before that so that Brian would know what I was going to do. The cactus are all coming out with buds now, so it's not a good time to start moving them nor with the hot weather coming on as they will only be watered the once when they are replanted and then have to fend for themselves unless I go and hand water them with buckets with Lake water. I think that might be a bit much for me but you never know I might be able to get some of his mates to give me a hand. Make a day of it with weeding etc. Time will tell. Well. everyone I must go and do some things. Hope you are all well. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

Colleen, I've just planted the seeds and they are tiny yet....I had too many last year....
But it's nice to know that they flower early......please post pics.
It's been pouring and freezing here......good footy weather.....

Hope you get your money Anthony, my barracking for the Swannies won't make any difference...lol
Go Swans.

Merino, Australia

Colleen, I have 7 growing and they are a bit slower here as are all my brugs. Healthy though and I may see flowers next year.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Back from my outing,Salamanca was starting to pack up, well b4 noon, because of severe weather.,,.I still managed to buy the vegies, 2 pork bratwursts and sample some' Nant' $185.00 a bottle whisky-whoooo/hoooo!!'litnin'.,anyway, I staggered back to the car and went to the orchid show.,.'somehow!! an orange and a yellow Mansdevillia hitched a ride home with me!!!!!-Anthony

Yes you are right Jean ...I thought it reminded me of a Genista, ...been so long since I grew things like that I can't really remember.
We need someone who knows the natives I guess.

We are being blown away right now ...undoing all the good we got from the rain.

I don't get into anything Political in these forums due to the rules here at Daves.

When I first started, the posts would just disappear if you broke the rules so I don't go there.

If I get cranky about an issue I go to a suitable Blog or site and have a go.

I hope everyone is enjoying their day. Too windy out there so I am off to have a rest after a busy morning.

Take care and enjoy.


Have fun Anthony ...good on ya mate !

Merino, Australia

Chrissy,I always try to abide by the rules anywhere and I hope noone thought my posts were political.
I was just remarking on todays society which I think would be going much the same way whatever political views were held. Its all due to larger populations , greed and plain stupidity.

I was hoping to add a warning to young people from an oldie who has been through some of lifes perils.
Even though life was definitely safer way back when, we still heeded our mothers warnings regarding bad people.

With much larger populations now, there are many more of those "bad people "out there ready to pounce on unsuspecting innocents .

The idea of our Tea Room was to be a place for friends who can discuss anything ( except political views ) that affects our day to day lives whether good or bad.
I am sure there is nothing for the DG moderators to censure.
Usually any discussion airs a few views and goes on to the regular chat.
Its healthy to air an opinion where we know we are all listening.
Going to a blog somewhere is more for some serious long discussion and how would we each air our view if it were somewhere else ?

Anyway, enough said on the subject . When in doubt , discuss the weather ...lol

Its still freezing here but the plants are enjoying the rain.


I was only concerned to see actual names mentioned, I was not having a go at you Jean or anyone, just a friendly reminder that it is against the rules, I experienced it myself in 2007 ...we were removed from a forum.
General conversation is fine. Even a bit of the Old Soapbox is great. Just tread wearily re names.Difficult when people are upset, I know, commiserations.


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