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Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 112, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 112

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 112
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
So far it is a good morning here. Very cold, down to 2C.
We had about 10 mins of thunder & lightning with some hail yesterday , but it vanished over the horizon .
I would have liked a bit more rain but am grateful the noisy thing went elsewhere.
Hubby always gets worried when we have thunderstorms because of all his radio antennas around the place.

I did manage to get out in the morning and plant my climbing beans.
I have all my little tomato seeds up in the mini greenhouse.
My broad beans are full of flowers and doing very well.

Anthony, its always sad when people like Jill are killed so senselessly , but it seems to be such a violent society now.
I think when we grew up through the 50s & 60s , we were enjoying the end of an era of manners, courtesy, respect and safety.
Kids could play outside, walk to the shops alone and roam around freely in the evenings.
People had those things that seem to be missing these days.
RESPECT for people and property, RESPONSIBILTY for their actions LOVE of family.
Sadly we are now a society where too many couldnt care less about any of these things.

Off my soapbox.. Enjoy your show today Anthony.

Hello Charleen. You must have had some fun looking for that halter while Charley was around. He is a big mischief maker.
T Bo will be the boss there when he grows up, but a lovable one .

Hello Moon an Al. Hope all is well in your part of the world.

Kim , you will find that Irises can be erratic with their flowering. Some will flower every year , while some like to put up new shoots and flower the following year.
Mine are growing well at the moment but it will be a while before I see flowers on most. Usually around the middle of Oct through to Dec.

Hello Karen. I only look for orphans in the nurseries . There are so many pots of lovely things in bloom , but I never buy annuals. Too much bother for one quick show. I think they are more suited to the suburban gardens where things are smaller and tidier.
I love the look of that instant color but to get any sort of show , I would need so many here.
Hope you are enjoying your walking.

Dianne, I have never seen that sort of copper foil. I dont have snails here just lots of slugs.
I just know, that of I put anything like that around here, it would be instantly grabbed by the magpies. They love stuff like that.
They are always in hubbys shed looking for things to play with.
Nesting time , they take anything they can carry.

Hello Teresa, hope all that cold is missing you. Give the spotty ones a pat for me.

Hello to everyone else popping in.

I have put out some nibbles for morning tea...Pumpkin Teacake

Enjoy the weekend
( not a footy fan these days , but I hope the swans can stomp on the hawks )
