What's Happening in your neck of the woods?Chat with friends

Victoria Harbour, ON

That is different!

Are you finding it difficult finding fruit this year due to the weather we've had?


Marilyn - please don't say the "m" word............... I know of too many people that have them, and it's not fun, I know. My daughter used to go to bed, in a darkened room, and cry they were so painful........
I think it was just stress from thinking about applying for the position I'm currently temping in. Feel like I'm "twisting in the wind" about it. Never know from day to day which way my boss is going to be - I know she's liking me, and most of my work, but if she's stressed then I may not be able to keep her happy. There have been 5-6 in my position in the past 2 years. She's hard on herself, but equally hard on others. And I'm rather an intense person myself. Hence, I think, the headaches. Once I know, and can move onwards, I should be fine - one way or another (re:getting the job, I mean).

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Peaches are more expensive than usual and in short supply due to late frost after our early spring.

Susan - that job sounds like a mixed blessing due to the stress you are under. Sounds like that boss could use some counseling. 5-6 in the position in 2 years? She should be getting the message.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I tend to agree with VAnn re your boss Susan. That many emploees in such a short period of time is kind of a 'red flag'.
Does your boss have a boss, or, is she middle management. Middle Management positions are always tough.

ViAnn, the peach jam with ginger and rum sounds awesome. I have seen few peaches here as of yet. I like to make one pie at least.

Watched the closing of the Olympics yesterday .. all I can say is 'overkill' ... I so want to say it was magnificent etc, but, I found it almost confusing so much was going on .. nice fireworks though. On to Brasil in 2016 ...

Hope everyone has a wonderful week .. Lorna's BDay on the 17th ...

Take care


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all

No peaches anywhere here..will be on the lookout!

Just bought a muffin downstairs..buttertart muffin, still trying to decide if I like!

Ohh any special plans for Lorna's birthday..is she feeling better?

"M" if your cough continues let me know and I'll tell you what meds I took after months of hacking that rid me of it.

First morning back at work, lordy so wished I had a few days to rest but because I don't really work at work lol I'm sure I'll rest!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Peaches were cheaper today at the store, but they were also smaller for the same size basket, but not more in the basket.

Meant to say we are getting ready to take our old Porsche (1965 356C Cabriolet) to an event in Boston. Wish us comfortable and non rainy weather for driving - AC consists of zipping out the rear window. http://www.ech2012.com/ECH_2012_Holiday_Events.html It's a toy that DH picked up at the factory in 1965 and is completely original (including original stone chips) except for the soft top which we had to replace, which means lots of people who are restoring cars like to look at it.

Packing to travel in this car takes planning - can't just throw it into the suitcase as the suitcase won't fit. A couple of carry-on size bags will fit and there are nooks and crannies where things can be stuffed.

This message was edited Aug 13, 2012 10:47 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Praying for NO rain and sure looking forward to photo's
Enjoy the trip!!
Safe travels

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Travel safe and dry Ann .. I remember the pics of the car, quite compact. Enjoy the trip. I love Boston, especially the HUGE Weeping Willows!

Didn't get to town today, but, I also did NOT have a coughing fit .. so .. tomorrow I will go, and, hopefully find a basket of peaches.

Still having hot humid weather here .. a change may again pass through tomorrow. Fingers crossed on that one.




my boss is middle management, and this is only her 2nd job in her lifetime! 30 years here, and 2 at a local college.....
I spoke to others about the 5-6 in two years, and it seems the general consensus that it's poor choices/judgement on the part of HR....... Both Darla & I are intense company-oriented people, so I think we'd be a good match.
Others left the job after a short time - one to go into the lucrative Oil & Gas at more $ and two others were too immature and didn't have a strong work ethic. The last one left after 10 months. Thought Darla was too hard on her. As Linda (the EA) said, I don't take things personally - I laugh right along with Darla cuz we share the same work ethic and humour. I just hope that Darla will realize 1 month at the job isn't enough for me to know it ALL lol
Realize of course that this is from my perspective, not Darla's. I don't presume to know her mind, but she relies on Linda's perspective, and Linda is "on my side". She wants to work with someone mature who shares the same work ethic and will support her, too.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Well let's hope it goes well..been a long road of jobs that haven't panned out, am sure if you got the position it would be to their benefit!

Damp here,lordy, as you walk the floors it feels so wet, dehumidifier can't keep up..

Hope it's a sunshine day for you all

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WELL ... we WERE getting ready to head into the city, but, I just spoke with a Gas company fella and they are ripping up our driveway at the end to replace the culvert .. now, I could have gotten dressed and bee bopped out and moved one of the vehicles, but, any of you with dogs will know what an EMERGENCY it was having this fella (And the others) on THEIR property !! They were jus barking like mad .. and really, I do not totally NEED to go to town .. I am due there tomorrow with the dogs for an 8am grooming appt, and Gord has an 8:30am docs appt .. so .. anything that needs to be done, can be done then.
Looks like another 'stay at home day' .. maybe I'll make more blueberry pies or whatever :-)

Susan .. I was 'middle management" for my Head Nurses Mat Leave one year .. holy cow and good grief, what a job I had pleasing EVERYONE .. those in my classification and those above it .. some days there's was more back stabbing going on than working .. very stressful indeed .. sometimes the increased wages didn't pay for my ROLAIDS LoL .. but, I learned a lot, mostly ..'keep quiet, and follow your gut feelings'

Lotsa back up beeping going on, and 2 wound up Westies 'ON GUARD' .. gonna be a barky day :-)


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

OMG!!!!!!!!! I'm sure this will be on the news in your cities (maybe) .. but .. we have a COUGAR loose in the City of Thunder Bay.
3 hospital staff out for a smoke this morning behind the hosp in a wooded area got the scare of their life when they saw it, and, it was being aggressive to boot !!
As well .. there is a black bear hanging about the same area with an injured leg. Supposition is, the cougar attacked it .. so .. lots of folks on the lookout and taking care with their kids and animals ...
Animal lover that I am .. I concede that this migration of predators is OUR fault .. we have built far into the country, forced the deer into the city, and, with the deer, their predators .. it's only natural ..
Cruel lessons to be learned.

On a happier note .. we did get out today, got gas, and treated ourselves to the DAIRY QUEEN .. first time (and likely the last) this year .. love the Strawberry blizzard ^_^

Off to make a meat loaf .. about all the culinary OMMPHF I can muster tonight ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm sure you are taking precautions with your furries, best you keep an eye out when you are out and about n the yard have to agree, we are ruining our planet, sad isn't it!

Now you have me craving a strawberry sundae

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Just watched the local news, now they are thinking the COUGAR is likely a LYNX .. either way .. best beware..

Off to watch Corrie ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Both a danger..yep best beware!

Drats, wish it wasn't tv bingo tonight, sooo want to go to bed early..am sure it will take me a month to recoup.

Off again this weekend, gluten for punishment

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Yes, beware and stay safe. Keep your animals safe too.
We are off tomorrow in this car to Boston. Challenging to pack it and get everything in. We will leave the top up - no room to put it down when fully packed. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain. The AC consists of zipping out the rear window.

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn

a lynx? Yikes! and we think We have problems with coyotes!!

Well, got some more thunderstorms today, while I was at work. Close on to being a tornado, the weather network said....
We had quite a dust storm - looking out from the 8th floor, we couldn't see the parking lot for the dust! and the windows were shaking! Then we got rain, and tiny hail. Glad it wasn't worse, but I think there must have been a car accident in the worst of the dust-up cuz an ambulance went by shortly afterwards.
Anyway, again no damage at home.
However.......... came home to having the water shut off at home. It was planned, and to be for 4 days at least. Not happy about it, but what do you do?!?! There's a leak somewhere in our neighbourhood, and the City can't find it so they're excavating....

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Dry travels Ann .. most of all .. have fun ^_^

Saw some footage of the Calgary rains yesterday, including the hail .. awful ...glad you're OK Susan, feel bad about the water situation though.
Also saw footage of the fires raging in Washington State and California .. WOW !!!! Devastating to say the least.

Off to the groomer with the dogs, they are WAY overdue !!

Take care


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh ViolaAnn, how much fun it must be to travel down the highways in such magnificent wheels..mint condition for sure! You can always purchase what you need enroute..

Yikes, quite the storm for sure!

Sunshine here but they are calling for rain in the next few days..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Quite the day .. it was funny though ..
The dogs were booked for 8am, and Gord had an 8:30am docs appt.
I remember commenting that this was odd as our doctor has never had appts that early. He was SURE .. I was good with that.
Dropped the dogs off, and sped off to the docs office .. pulled into the lot at 8:25am, Gord ran (as much as his knee would let him) into the building.
10 minutes later he's back to the car .. says no one is there .. I asked him if he had a slip with the date and time on it .. yep he did .. I looked at it and LOL .. here it was the dog groomers reminder card he had been looking at.
Long story short .. he saw the doc about 9:50am .. after that I demanded he buy me breakfast ..
Got home, searched through his paper work, and, sure enough, there was the proper appt reminder .. his appt was at 1040am !!

Warm/humid day here .. thunderstorms in the forecast for tonight ..

No Cougar as of yet, just lots of people noticing the leaves changing on the trees.
There's one particular Maple I watch by the University .. looked at the tippety top today, and, sure enough .. several bunches of burgundy leaves .. Made me want to stop and yell 'HALT" !!!



Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG, lol, leave it to a man!!!

Noticing some of the trees here as well, usually it's mid September and here it is August and they are starting..wondering if some of it is just brown from being dry?

Your furries look pretty?

Hopefully that's the end of the cougar!!!


lol Marilyn - yes, just like a man lol
I noticed some leaves falling here.......... from the hail LOL There are wet leaves all over the place!!! and some tree branches of course, from the wind.
Seriously though, I did see some yellow leaves about a week ago, on the ground. Enough to think - "getting to be fall already?"

One of the workers at the excavation site said water leak fix and water tested for use, etc, should be done by suppertime Friday. Hope so. City will issue passes to the neighbourhood swimming pool to have showers, go swimming and their fitness center! I like that, but still........... to have to have a shower a couple of miles from home.......... siiiiiiigh.
Well, I'm going to have a shower at work in the am, then go swimming tomorrow evening. We get one per day, so need to get a new one tomorrow after work.
Tonight Bob went to the water truck and got 2 camping size water bottles filled, then I cooked corn on the cob, and then I made a cold pasta salad.
The salad is going to work tomorrow. One of the ladies last day is tomorrow as she's going on Matt Leave. Due on Labour Day - Sept 3rd lol labour day......... lol Think she's going to be earlier, and she's carrying very low.

Well, going to sleep early, so I can get up early to shower at the fitness center at work.........

Sweet dreams everyone, and Betty......... get over that bug, please!?!?!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning, guess laying down after work and sleeping doesn't make for a full nights rest. Already watched Law & Order, now NCIS!

Susan, what an inconvenience,,let's hope that was the only leak and you've water by the weekend.

FAll is definately in the air, hard to believe we will soon be talking about winterizing everything..not for a bit but it is coming quickly.

Susan, I'm not ill, just tired from little sleep and long drive over 9 days...not as young as I once was!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan, it's such an inconvenience for you and the others to have to go out to shower .. sure do hope the water fix is quick !!
Enjoy the 'Pre labour Day birthing party' .. would imagine if she's carrying low she doesn't go anywhere unless there's a bathroom real close by.

We are celebrating Lorna's BDay today, one day early .. having Swiss Chalet and a cake .. tomorrow we're just going to do some shopping and take it easy .. does anyone EVER 'take it easy'? LoL

Waiting to hear what's up re the 'Cougar' situation .. one of the Malls we are going to is in the 'RED ZONE' of where its been seen ..

Betty .. Gord got some of that 'magic cough syrup' yesterday .. I have yet to try it .. he slept ALL night .. no cough !!!
I have to be a bit careful as I am on high blood pressure meds .. not sure if I should take it ...

Off n running


Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm on blood pressure pills and was able to take it..didn't take as much as they recommended, didn't need to but Lordy it tricks the brain

Yummy Swiss Chalet, can't go wrong with that meal..have one across from mall here..expensive for everyday lunch but do treat myself from time to time.

Have fun shopping!!

Took my car in for oil change..doesn't take me long to get those miles up. Lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Swiss Chalet was nummy .. and the cake was awesome .. fresh strawberries and custard filling .. don't have to make supper tonight ^_^

SHOPPING .. akkkkkkkkkk .. I feel Thunder Bay is a HUB for bad drivers !!! Lordy, passing on hills and double lines, veering out of side streets .. glad to get home in one piece..

Spoke to my Pharmacist, he feels I'll be fine taking some of the cough concoction LoL .. probably have to during the night sometime ..

WINDY and cool here .. maybe 15C going down to 7C tonight ..

Attaching a pic of the BDay cake an Lorna and myself, and, of course, the 2 VERY hungry pups who shared a small slice ... LoL


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

Happy Early Birthday, Lorna!!
lol hungry pups wanted cake, eh?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Believe it or not, both Lilly and Piper KNOW what a birthday cake is, and, that they can expect a treat :-)

Whoa .. it's 6C this morning .. talk about a shock to the system .. sure hope the veggies are going to be OK .. so many tomatoes yet to ripen.

As always, off and running here .. who said retirement bring boredom !!

Including a pic of Lorna with Brooklyn and Austin .. great kids ..

Betty, hope you are feeling more rested


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

~M~ the kids look great, and Marilyn looks happy to have them around!
it was 7c this am when I woke up, now it's 28c! I really don't know how the plants here take this up/down in the weather. It's crazy!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Goodness those kids have grown..adorable.
Would think they are very special to Lorna and Lorna to them...almost like having 2 grandma's!!

Worked from home today, got housework done by 1:00 and sewed till 3:00 when my shift was over...wind came up, think it got to 76 but I felt cold. Lol. Imagine!

I hadn't cut grass for 2 weekends as I was away, with leaving once again for the weekend it just had to get done..back had thick long grass, had to do some raking..by the time I got the back done my body said 'enough'. Talk about sore..

The front and sides will have to wait till I get back Sunday unless a little elf comes and surprises me..just check the weather channel calling for rain Sunday so guess I should have finished the job

Ohhh well, not the end of the world.

Can't believe how late my phlox are, some still flowering..not much else in the gardens, all the fall mums wont be in bloom for some time yet..imagine the splendor if everything bloomed a once.

Susan, was hoping water problems would be over by now seeing as they found the leak..drats, long time with no water.

Well, guess if I want to get up early to pack and be ready by 9:30 I'd best go to bed..


Letter came tonight saying they'll have our water back on late tomorrow afternoon. We can't drink or use it for cooking though. BUT can use it for all the washing up we need - dishes, laundry, us............and the toilet, of course lol
Silly City - wrote their letter, and enclosed information from Alberta Health. City says - once water is running again, run it for 1 hour before using. Information from Alberta Health (stapled to the letter from the City) says - run it for 1 minute or more before using..............
City = ONE HOUR???? I don't think so..............

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

ONE HOUR !! Boy oh boy .. I tend to think that is more the a bit off the wall Susan.
Here it was 3 minutes.
Just nice to hear your water will be back ^_^

I mowed inside the dogs enclosure Betty, lordy, had to rake as well and it's only been 6 days since it was mowed!! I put 'winter rye' seed down and jeepers did it take on the winter , and doggy burned out, places! Course this cooler weather is very good for growing grass ..

It was to have rained here last night and most of today, I am typing this as the dogs lounge around in their compound and the sun pours through the window behind me .. as always, the bad weather slipped south of us during the night ..

Best get at the laundry .. enjoy your mini holiday Betty :-)

Have a great weekend everyone



Marilyn - I just checked with the office - they still say One Hour. They're going to run water out of the fire hydrants, then we need to run for 1 hour, too. Get rid of the e-coli, and wormy things....... yuck.
gawd, I feel "skanky". It's so hot. Think I'll pop down to the swimming pool. It's going to be 30c today and must be most of the way to that now.....geeze, it says 19c now........ I don't Think So...... It's 11am now.
Only thing about the pool is it's Saturday, and all the kids are going to be there, as it's so hot......

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

5C this morning, I was afraid I'd see FROST when I went outside, but thankfully NO !
Seems like summer ended on day at 4pm and fall arrived.

Susan, I just can't imagine over 100 people running away water for over an hour .. almost seems immoral with all the droughts going on.
But, I guess it must be the way to go, as wasteful as it is.
Hope the pool wasn't too full of kids.

Have a SUPER Sunday ^_^



Marilyn - 180 homes....... x 1 hour running water - hot & cold, medium pressure.
Haven't been to the pool - it would be crazy busy with the temps in the 30c's...... (with the humidex)
We just "toughed it out" and I had showers at work. Poor Bob though......... he just used hot water in the sink.....

Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful fall day here "M", finally talked myself to get off the couch (was away for better part of weekend' tired/tired) started to rake, grass was long as it I cut grass weekend before I left on vacation, so more like 3 weeks not cut..thought at same time I'd burn the pit filled with weeds/stalks/branches from a storm, started to light it, down comes the rain for all of 5 minutes, just enough to make it damp and I cannot burn..back to the couch.

So hoping next weekend will be filled with nothing's

Susan, here is hoping water issues will be behind you. When is your last day at work?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I meant to ask you Betty .. how's your son, Jeff and friend Julie doing on their adventure? Is Julie's back still bothering her .. hope not ..

A brisk fall like day here today. Was nice to be able to get out on the MULE and drive around a bit. Boy is there ever lots of grown up areas .. when the leaves fall and the foliage is lessening we are going to really have to look at making more trails .. it's impossible in the summer. Then, we get way in the back, and Lorna says,"did they ever catch that Cougar'!!! LoL .. suffice to say I wanted to go back to home base.

Nothing much I can say about that water deal Susan .. if I lived there I'd be calling my local Councilor or the Mayor to ask why.

Busy upcoming week, Betty, I hope you're able to get at your grass ..
Am attaching a pic of part of the front of the house after Lorna mowed and trimmed it all out .. takes her about 4-5 hours to tackle the lawns and do the trimming, but, she LOVES it ..



Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" Lorna should be a professional landscaping..that is some acreage she tends to. Lol about the cougar..bet it didn't take long for the Mule to reach home. Tremendous amount of work clearing trails but so worth it to get to ride them..when I was at the farm we had acres of trails leading to a huge pond,had a trailer there and we would head off on the weekens to the tailor..took us all of 5 minutes..miss those days, well parts of them anyway!

Julie did have mega problems with her back, they kayaked about a week, then took pontoon boat out for the better part of a week then took their bikes to Niagara on the lake for several days..holidays over and they are back into busy schedules.

Holidays just don't last long enough do they..

Did get front/side yard done, 1/2 of the weeding then realized trimmer was out of cord so guess yard duty is over!


My last work day is Friday, and I'm taking off at noon to go camping.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Another majorly nice day .. NO appts and beautiful temps .. 21C It was nice to get out and enjoy the yard, even got some windows washed.

Betty, the inevitable part of holidays, is, their END .. it's such a bummer to have to go back to structured life.

Hope your week goes fast for you Susan ..

Messin about with a stir fry, best get to it


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