Fall Swap at Sallys- DISCUSSION about your haves and wants

Crozet, VA

Speedie, you are learning fast. I don't actually need five boxes, cut two or three might be nice if you will have room to transport them. I especially liked the way that Gita did her box at the last swap, the one I got anyway. It made for good transporting as well as good display.

Critter, have you down for the Purple Wandering Jew. Maybe it will bloom a pretty lavender bloom for you. All others, I have noted most requests, just haven't updated my HAVE/REQUESTS post yet, but will do so soon.

I watered houseplants last evening and see that I am going to have a lot of of Begonias to share....hint, hint, hint...ya'll. At the moment most are blooming their little hearts out. Also wanted to say that a two leafed stem of a different sort of Begonia that I got from Ric and Holly some time ago is now busting out of its pot with growth. I sure did baby that thing over the winter and it sure has paid off . I am also amassing quite a few Angel Wing Begonias too if anyone is interested in one.

Holly, I had John take a look at this picture and he doesn't recognize it right off. He has a catalogue of Day Lilies that he will bring to the swap and let you look through to compare and see if any of ours are like yours and hopefully they will be labeled with a name. I was kind of sad to see the Day Lilies go this year. A few stragglers hanging on and blooming a bit though.

Hope that everyone is having a decent enough week. RrR, if you can make it to the swap, that would be great. I know that your presence will mean a lot to your ill friend.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


If you want to save some of the plants you are offering so you can sell them--I have enough
W-Jew and AW Begonias to share. Plenty of Swedish Ivy too.
I really do not want to find room in my house for all these cuttings i am rooting to swap.

That's what happens---
--I get a plant from someone (like the campanula Elizabeth) and now I have
10 new cuttings to share.
--I decide to trim back my Wandering Jew--and now I have 12 pots of rooted cuttings to share.....
--I decide that the World no longer even knows what a Swedish Ivy is--so now I have 12 pots of that to share.

Such is the obsessive life of us gardeners....

****What's with the NEW format for replying and uploading pictures????? There is NOWHERE to reply!
It does not seem to have an open area for a reply.....am I the only one seeing this????

Then it says that "You may upload up to 5 images. Press Control to upload more than one image....???
There is NO LONGER a "BROWSE" option!!! Just a little window that says "Upload"...

When did this happen? I noticed it first early this morning....

What's happening??????? Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Gita - The box for "Your message" is only faintly outlined, with no delineated bottom as of this post, but it still works the same. The "Upload" button works the same as the old "Browse" button. Haven't tried to load multiple images yet, but I'm assuming the instruction to "press CTRL " will get the job done.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I just uploaded 5 photos on a Post. There was no text. Pressed "send"--and they all went in a flash!
Not 100% sure all the photos were ones I chose????

Maybe this is their new way with dealing with problems uploading photos.
What do you think???? They finally figured something out?????

However--when I click inside the "barely visible" Reply window--the cursor does not show.
HMMMM.....I AM replying to you! So--I guess i am looking at the wrong window.....
I HATE changes!!!!! I get used to things one way--and then it all changes....

Like yesterday--I went to work and sat down by my phones (I am the phone Operator at my HD)
and--WHAMOOO! There was a whole new Phone System! New equipment! New phones!
NEW ways to route calls! Tell you! I freaked out!
OH! They had a small pamphlet on how to work everything--but the calls were coming in--and i was like---
"Whoops! I think I pressed the wrong button!!!".....
They just spring new things on you--without someone showing you how all the new stuff works.....:o((


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

That's very odd Gita, 'cause on my screen here everything looks the same as before, a clearly outlined box within which to type, and the "browse" button where it always was, next to the little box above which it says "First Image". Hmmmmm Maybe you could ask about it in the computer help forum?

Roses, I am soooo sorry to hear about your friend!! =( I will keep the both of you in my prayers. While I was looking forward to meeting you at Sally's next month, your dear friend is your top priority and I'm sure we all understand if you're not able to make it. We support you 100000%. Please pass along a warm gentle hug to her for me?

Ruby, ... heeheeheee, I can't help but giggle thinking about you and extra boxes now. =) It will be no problem at all to bring extras, for you and whoever else might need them. Driving a pick-'em-up truck (with a back seat) has its advantages. =)

Hope someone will need growers' pots as well, 'cause I'll be bringing a small army of those too. =)

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita David and Speedie, None of us is imagining things. Seems Terry (Admin) and tech team has been fooling around again!

Hope my old browsers will continue to work here...

Roses, you are a friend in deed. Prayers all around.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Apparently I've exited the Twilight Zone since my browser now looks the same as it did two days ago. Perhaps yesterday was a "test drive" of changes to come.

Edited to add: What a great name for a musical group, Terry and the Tech Team. (Techno rock no doubt.)

This message was edited Aug 17, 2012 1:27 PM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

do,do doot,do,- do. do, doot do Seems every one is wondering that!!lol

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Coleup, thank you, for a minute there I thought a few of the members got started on the Mint Juleps a little early. ;)

Terry and the Techno Team, excellent name! I want a CD!! =)

Crozet, VA

Yeah, I missed all of that too David, thankfully. Coleup, I am so glad that you spoke up. Heck lady, you almost got a phone call yesterday asking where the heck you have been. Too quiet here with out you. So good that you reported in.

Gita, hmmm.......The Wandering Jew I am speaking of.....the solid purple is not the striped zebra sort. This is solid purple and often gives off a pinkish bloom. I have had the plant for years and years, receiving it from Wind a million years ago. I didn't know until last year that it was a Wandering Jew. I will try to snap a photo and post here in case Jill wants to change her mind and in case you do have some of that, and then I will take back my offer of it and hold on to it.

Thing with selling this year, is that instead of Farmers Marketing, John spent most of the summer roofing. I think in September he might go back to the market a few times, but I have loads of the things I offered, so no biggie. Thank you for thinking about me though, appreciate it.

Off to snap a few photos and hopefully post here.


Crozet, VA

Hawaiian Spiders and Purple Wandering Jew

Thumbnail by rubyw Thumbnail by rubyw Thumbnail by rubyw Thumbnail by rubyw
Crozet, VA

First picture is of a type of Zinnia seed from Jill and Joyanna. They are so very sweet and I have loved them. I sure hope I can figure out how to save the seeds, because I will definitely want to grow these again.

Second picture is the Begonia that Ric and Holly gave me a couple of years back.

Thumbnail by rubyw Thumbnail by rubyw
Crozet, VA

First pic is two unnamed Coleus that I have loads of. I can start rootings for anyone who is interested. These things have grown like crazy this summer and came from rootings I started last year.

Second picture is a Green Oxalis that I have loads of to offer also. Just let me know.


Thumbnail by rubyw Thumbnail by rubyw
Crozet, VA

Bloody Dock from Ric and Holly which has amazed any visitors I have had this summer. Everyone loved it.

Thumbnail by rubyw
Crozet, VA

Last pic. Elephant Ears from Coleup.

Thumbnail by rubyw
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


What you call solid purple Wandering Jew is NOT really a Wandering Jew. At least that is what I think...
Of course--people call their plants whatever they want to call them.
For one--the WJ trails and yours has rigid, upright stems.

Maybe someone else can chime in....

The ONLY Wandering Jew i have ever known is the one with the stripes.....and it roots like crazy in a matter of days and
is used as a HB or as a trailing plant in Containers.

http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/596/ This is from PF.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I almost included in my reply that Ruby's looks more like a "Moses in the Cradle"----but deleted it.
Do you think it may be closer to that one?

I even Googled it and looked it up in PF. But--i was insecure that my opinion would have been valid....

Thanks for jumping in! Do you think Ruby's plant is a "Wandering Jew"????


Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh boy! I'm really not the one to ask about houseplants, but I would say that the plant in question is Purple Heart/Purple Wandering Jew, a Tradescantia species. I believe that with Moses-in-the-Cradle the topside of the leaf differs from the under side, but I'm sure that others on this forum are much more qualifed to address your questions.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

My 2cents. From pictures, Ruby's plant via Wind is a wandering jew. I call it 'setcretsea, Purple Heart'

but there are several varieties some of which are winter hardy to zone 7b! and are starting to show up in some mass landscape plantings around here. Easy to grow and propagate, loves the heat as is native to Mexico, I think. There are multiple other 'regular' wandering jews (trandescantias) grown as house plants as Greenthumb has linked

Gita, look at Ruby's second picture to see those trailing stems not so apparent in ist pic.
'Moses in a cradle' or 'Moses in a boat ' (Roheo http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/650/} is similar in leaf shape. color, flower form but grows more from a rosette base of multiple leaves rather than single stems that wander out. It. too, is grown as a house plant.

Ruby, not guessing here, your unnamed coleus on the left is named 'Henna'

Edited to say that Greenthumb, as our 'zones' continue to warm, more and more 'houseplants ' will become regular garden plants! lol. get ready!

This message was edited Aug 17, 2012 9:29 PM

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Coleup, thanks for the ID of the coleus in Ruby's photo. Can you make an educated guess as to the coleus on the right?

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Best guess just for you David coleus to the right is "Electric Lime" a relatively new introduction. Both E Lime and Henna are sun coleus. Cute aren't they!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Warning - ignorant question ahead: 'Sun Coleus' = coleus that does well in sun? If so I'd love some

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Ruby - I would love a false shamrock and the red coleus if it isn't too much trouble.

- Paul

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell: Easy answer: Yes Ma'am, that's exactly what it means. =)

I'm with Coleup, Ruby's "Purple Wandering Jew" looks to me like a Tradescantia variety, aka: Setcretia, also known in many circles as a type of "Wandering Jew". I've got 2 lovely Setcretia (ie: Tradescantia) Purpurea on my shady tables out back... I'll get a pic or two later to share. =)

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I am very interested to see the differences.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


This weeks ad for "AC Moore" Craft store has all their clay pots and saucers on sale at 50% off.

This add runs until 8/19.

Not sure AC Moore is too wide a spread craft store. May be just in this area.
I like it better than Michael's. M. is too junky for my taste.....

Here are two locations nearest to you. Rockville and Bowie.

Others: Mileage is from SS. MD. Gita

Rockville, MD

12013 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 881-5081

Store Map Store Specials Class Schedule Coupon Store Hours ACMoore Rewards Store Contest 6.25 miles

Baileys Crossroads, VA
5800 Crossroads Center Way

Falls Church, VA 22041
(703) 578-1401

Store Map Store Specials Class Schedule Coupon Store Hours ACMoore Rewards Store Contest 11.19 miles

Bowie, MD
3861 Evergreen Parkway

Bowie, MD 20716
(301) 262-3672

Store Map Store Specials Class Schedule Coupon Store Hours ACMoore Rewards Store Contest 16.04 miles

Fairfax, VA
9650 Main Street

Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 764-2004

Store Map Store Specials Class Schedule Coupon Store Hours ACMoore Rewards Store Contest 16.97 miles

Sterling, VA
20020 Ashbrook Commons Plaza

Ashburn, VA 20147
(703) 858-9565

Store Map Store Specials Class Schedule Coupon Store Hours ACMoore Rewards Store Contest 24.2 miles

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Good morning Terp! =)

Let's see if this can help any at all... http://www.bhg.com/gardening/plant-dictionary/houseplant/tradescantia/
You can see at that website some of what are more "commonly" called Wandering Jews (like the ever-popular striped variety), but also there's that "Setcretia" (sp?) as well, (like the ones that I've got).
Then there's this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tradescantia_pallida link that Coleup was kind enough to provide for us.

... or, did you mean, you'd like to "see" them, like, in person? < =D If you really wanna start seeing, then I can bring you a cutting from one of mine! < =D That can at least get ya started from somewhere. =)

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Good morning! I think I am good thanks. It is not a hard thing to believe especially considering those plants with thousands of cultivations, self prescribed experts for certain plants often can't tell the difference. I have had this discussion once or twice and it appears the rush for commercialization and lack of long term study of new cultivars has diluted the pool and led to the.oversight of the better performers.

It would be interesting to do one hanging pot with all the wandering jews in it.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I think a cutting or two of each in a bottle or vase hanging in my window for the winter would look good , too.(along with some coleus cuttings)


Below a pic of my setcretea 'Purple Queen'

from Plant Delights site, two larger cultivars for use in landscape plantings

Thumbnail by coleup
Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Coleup - I agree with your winter arrangement
We had such an awful year with impatiens that were going to switch to a combo of vinca and coleus next year.

Do you grow them from seed every year? My only successful seed attempt other than squash and beans has been blanket flower.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I like your idea of mixing up all kinds of trailing plants in one HB--or vase, as you stated---
would look good. However--I just do not have room for any more HB's or anything else in my house.

As it is--I just added another one today. One of my cuttings of Epi #2 (the gorgeous, pink one)
has been growing in a 4" pot for 2+ years. I decided to "liberate it" to a 10" HB for future happiness.

I know it will be a couple years, or more, bf this becomes pot-bound and blooms.
Then--maybe NOT!

If you would. please, check my Trade List--you will see the amount of different seeds I have to offer.
Some can be planted NOW (biennials)--some in early spring, grown from seed.

I have grown soooo many plants from seed!!!

--Here is my Red Epi in a new pot--with lots of room to grow.....
--Her is what it will look like, hopefully, in a few years....

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

gita..thanks for the information. Yes, I know where the new A.C. Moore store is but I haven't been to it yet. Does that sale say it will be good through tomorrow? That's a great sale..but there's always 'another sale" going on..Michael's is 1 mile from me. I'd say I'd run there today but it's almost time to start thinking about fixing dinner. Tonight the ladies are having a dessert party in honor of my #70 tomorrow..it's tonight at 7 and the store will be closed when we disband..Thanks for thinking about me though. I really appreciate it.

Last Fall at Jill's you gave me a spider plant and it's got lots of babies..I've had it outside all summer under the dogwood tree..can I take and break some of those babies off and transplant them to another pot? Maybe I should just bring it back inside so the babies can hang down and we can enjoy seeing all the "kids." I just dug up a celadine poppy aka woods poppy and was shocked that I could make a lot of plants out of the one..and did for the plant swap. I'm hoping to get the pink/purple coneflower dug up and hopefully I can divide that into at least 2 plants. I don't have a lot of large pots..
Will order some more to have on hand but they won't get here in time without me paying extra for shipping cost. Defeats the purpose. I will see the man that does my prunning and mulching and see if he has any large pots in his trailer next week. He gave me a bunch of 4 in. nursery pots that he said he would be throwing in trash. I may know where another stash might be..

This message was edited Aug 18, 2012 4:45 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Chapter #2 to today's doings here....

In the last week, I have done a lot of cutting-taking and rooting. Some of these will be for our spring Swap.
Some of them--for now.....claim yours!!

My Spanish neighbor, Olga, has 3 different Fig trees/shrubs in her garden.
Each one is a different variety. Very sweet---Sweet--and not so sweet....
Her husband died, suddenly, 2 years ago. These were ALL in his "domain" to care for.
Olga has knee and hip issues--so she cannot do much of anything....
Half of HER garden--is also MY garden....as if i did not have enough to take care of....

I have taken several cuttings just now from all 3 of her Fig plants.
Some I took a few weeks ago have already rooted and are growing.
Took a new bunch today. These will root in their own time.....soon!
Figs are borderline hardy in our area. It is suggested that they spend their 1st year in a Green House...

OH, well......My potted cuttings will spend the winter in a protected bed, next to my shed--
facing East, under a pile of leaves---pots dug into the bed to make sure.
Should have some of these for the spring Plant Swap.

I have also taken a zillion cuttings of my Endless Summer Hydrangea. I know most of them will root.
Just now--they are not ready. If you want to continue the care of rooting them...waiting....watering....
--I can bring you whatever you want. They always look great...
Even if they do not have roots--the tops will put out new growth and leaves.
Makes me think they are well on their way--but some fail the "tug test".....This is the deceiving part.

In case any of you missed this on my haves---I have two SMALL starts of the Dwarf, Purple Iris.
I also have 3 small pots of Euphorbia. These are growing all around my decaying Birch tree stump.
Multiplying by crawling under all the dead stumps and popping up wherever.


I WILL have a Red Easter Cactus for you after all. The cuttings are rooting well.
You will just have to be patient.....More, for sure, at the Spring Swap....Do you want to wait until then?

And-PLEASE---liberate me from all the Spider Pant pots (reg. ones and the Curly ones)--
and the Swedish Ivy pots.....Such a lovely plant in a HB!
I have already posted pictures of these--so I will not d o it again.

_AW Begonia---so you can see what it can look like in a couple of years....
--Endless Summer Hydrangea
--Dwarf, purple Iris
--My ONE, available, 8"pot of Purple Ornamental Peppers. WHO wants it????

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You can ALWAYS pull off the "babies" from a Spider Plant. They will make more...

Put the "babies" in a glass of water--for just a couple of weeks---to plump up the dry roots--
and them pot them up in small pots--or group them (2 or 3) in a small HB.

They WILL also root if you put them straight in soil---but the couple weeks in water gives them a head start.

Spider plants, after a few years, become severely root bound. They will still grow---
as the roots make these bulbous, translucent "bulbs" that store water.

To "refresh" their growing--remove the whole plant from the HB and get a sharp knife.
Cut the outer layer of the root-ball off--maybe 1" or so--and also the bottom.
You can also cut the whole root-ball in sections--like an apple.
Be brave!!! This WILL NOT hurt the plant!!!
Re-pot each section in a new pot in fresh potting mix. Water sparingly until it settles back in.

These will all re-grow as new, wonderful plants.....Trust me!!!!! Also a good way to propagate and share...

I will have a bunch of new Spider Plants to share at the Swap. Both regular--and the curly ones.
If you would like to have some--post your "Wants"...Be glad to share.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ruby, thanks for posting that photo... I do have that Tradescantia (solid purple), so you can give mine to somebody else.

Zinnia seeds are easy, just pluck off the dried flowers... seeds will be mixed with the petals. I don't bother separating seeds from chaff with zinnias. I've had some folks start second generation Zahara Starlight Rose, and they seem to come true, at least the F2 generation. :-)

will try to catch up more later... busy busy with my birthday girl this week! today was party day. :-)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Speedie. Ruby - if you have enough, may I have a bit of your Sun Coleus'?

Gita - how old (large) does the figs need to get before they produce fruit?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I do not know.....maybe you could Google it?

My neighbor's BIG tree grew up to her 2nd story window. As wide as it was tall....
It has been there "forever"--so I do not know how long ago they actually planted it.
This big one makes the sweetest figs! The tree was cut back last year--so not too many
figs this year.

The other two she has are much smaller. One is smack against the house--and almost
under the overhang. This one makes very lg., purplish figs.

The third one is more a bush. Extremely prolific! It is totally covered with figs!
Olga says these will ripen in September.

The root easily...They are just like any other Ficus....Her husband used to just stick pieces in the ground...

PS--in case you are wondering what i am doing up before 5AM--we have a store meeting today at 6AM.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Figs will fruit even when they're just a couple feet tall (maybe just 2 or 3 figs, but still). Ours didn't give us many until last year, when we got a couple dozen... and this year it's loaded. They're just starting to ripen, so I picked 11 this morning -- enough for everybody to try one at breakfast. Yum!! There is just nothing like a fresh fig. I wrapped it in burlap last winter, not that it turned out to be necessary given our mild temps. This year, it's gotten really big, so at best I might be able to wrap the bottom part (if it dies back, maybe it won't die back all the way to the ground? or maybe it's just big enough to not die back over the winter now).

I took a couple little shoots from my bay tree, looks like at least one is rooting well... anybody interested? It's tender and will need to come in for the winter, but it's so nice to have a couple of fresh leaves to toss into soup or stew...

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita..made it to A.C. Moore's and bought 6 of the small terracotta pots/saucers for 50%. Thanks for letting me know about the sale. Saw it in newspaper yesterday morning and went after we got home from church..

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