Fall Swap at Sallys- DISCUSSION about your haves and wants

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Urk! Too bad Sharon can't get a new tenant who loves the gardens... on the other hand, now you can take whatever you want and not feel like you have to leave it "pretty" when you go. Does your new place have better garden space, too?

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

It does have a larger yard and a goldfish pond. I will have to see what kind of trouble I can get into there, haha.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Anybody want seed trays or liners? I have a stash and I think it is finally getting cleaned up and developed. I plan on one more visit. Place requests but I can't promise anything.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Whoa Robin- . Hope that all works out OK. You can drop things here for babysitting if you'd like, if you want to store them and see if you can use them. Or maybe holler next week, I can run down and help you dig--? next Sat ? Sun? Need pots, run by here and steal them- in back under the trees, by the bench.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Paul..can you post a picture of what you are talking about trays and liners?

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Not really because I don't have them yet..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

If you're rescuing them from somewhere, Paul, I could use some 1020 web flats if available... They're nice for when I want to carry half a dozen plants across the yard at a time but don't want to get out the wheelbarrow. I've also found that they let me keep my "nursery area" sort of sorted out (grouping similar plants or keeping starts of the same plant together). For liners, I confess I start new each year rather than washing & bleaching the used 6-packs. (So if anybody wants "gently used" 6-packs next spring, just let me know.) I don't usually bother bleaching nursery pots, but the liners are used inside, and those little seedlings just seem more prone to "issues" if I don't start fresh.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, How tall does that grass get? If it is less than 3ft I would like some if there is any left.
donnerville, Is that variegated dwarf sweet flag? I could use some of that for the new water feature.
Greenthumb, I could use some of the Platycodon ‘Astra Semi-Double Lavender’ if you have more.
I will try to get my have's and wants list up by the end of the week. I did post a few things.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

UMD_Terp...I found the posting that you showed how you did your cuttings/rootings of Azalea or Rhodies..the wrapped wire..do you buy that from Home Depot or Lowe's or a good hardware store? Does it have a plastic coating on the wire? What gauge of wire is it?
The gallon size plastic bags..are they like ziploc pr Glad type bags? It is hard to tell from the picture..I would think the plastic bags you get in produce dept. would be too thin, unless you doubled them.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Pippi- any gauge wire will do it just has to be pliable (to make the hoop) and covered in plastic (so it doesn't corrode). The bags can be anything that will cover it and seal. You are creating an environment similar to a greenhouse.

This message was edited Aug 12, 2012 6:16 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


You can buy any grade of wire in a craft store.
Look in the aisles where jewelery supplies are sold.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita..went to Michael's yesterday afternoon and found the terra cotta pots but didn't get them because I didn't know what size yours were, but now I know where they are/with saucers. Also saw the Greek Yogurt that you showed in the photo..Have an 8 oz. sour cream container about ready to throw out so I will wash it out and save it. I noticed now the Greek yogurt is now coming in a variety of flavors so I will try it probably next week. We just went to the grocery store and I loaded up with some portion control snacks.

I remember when I first started wintersowing 3 yrs. ago, I walked through the grocery store and in doing that realized there were a lot of food items that came in plastic containers that could be used for WS along with plastic milk jugs..Guess I'll have to do the same with the cuttings project.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


The first time I tried Winter Sowing--I went by the advice of some of those that had done it before.
The MILK JUGS!!! UGH! Hard to open once cut. Hard to water. Bulky.
Hard to remove the seedlings....etc.

There are better alternatives--like the perforated (top and bottom) containers that grapes and
strawberries come in. Also--other fruits and veggies.
Containers that cookies and finger-foods come in. Party serving trays with dome tops.
So--you may have to melt a few drainage holes--but the top will open easily.
Water drains out the bottom and rain dribbles in through the top. And--because these are clear plastic--
light filters in at all times.
Just walk your grocery's produce dept. and think "outside the box".....


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Holly it is under 3'. If y'all think it would be ok to divide the plant I'm happy to do so.

Crozet, VA

I just wanted to comment that I really like the idea of trading or giving away gardening items other than plants to other gardeners here. Ric and Holly with their bamboo stalks is an example......extra nursery pots, seedling trays.....love the idea. Heck, might even motivate me to go through my garden storage some time and see if I have things to offer too.

Please start your week by knowing that each and every one of you are the very best.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

How sweet, Ruby. And right back atcha. Looking forward to getting together with e eryone.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Quote from HollyAnnS :
Chantell, How tall does that grass get? If it is less than 3ft I would like some if there is any left.
donnerville, Is that variegated dwarf sweet flag? I could use some of that for the new water feature.
Greenthumb, I could use some of the Platycodon ‘Astra Semi-Double Lavender’ if you have more.
I will try to get my have's and wants list up by the end of the week. I did post a few things.

Holly, I have a loads of this plant. I will bring some for you to the swap.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Geee Ruby, how sweet of you, thank you!! < =D Of course you realize you fit right into that "best" package. =)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Was someone asking about Burgundy Glow Ajuga? I have some.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Ooh me me me! :)

I'd love some burgundy glow ajuga, Holly. Thank you!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I knew someone asked just couldn't remember who. I'll put you down for it.

Crozet, VA

Have to admit that I had to do a search on Ajuga and Brunnera which I have heard mentioned here recently but I am not familiar with. Thankfully, I am not interested in either. John will be happy to hear that. Before each and every swap he says to me that we won't be bringing anything home with us....with a plea in his voice. Anyway, this may just be a time that I won't have a car load coming home, but it is still early I realize.

I finally sat down and made a readable list of plants offered and to who, and plants I have requested. Until now, they were scrap pieces of paper with jotted notes on them sitting on my desk. Next step will be updating my HAVES list and then I need to set about getting the things I am offering in to a traveling state for their ride in the car.

Without going to actually inspect my house plant collection and just recalling from memory I have the following things to offer:

Hawaiian Spider Plants
Pink Wax Begonias
Solid Purple Wandering Jew
rootings for small house plants sedums
Coleus rootings
Mother of Thousands plants

I will list them here as well as on the page where they are supposed to be. On the Thursday or Friday before the swap, I will write a list of what I am bringing and to who, and also list the things I have requested of others and then ask for no more requests as we will probably pack the car late on Friday. So, here is hoping that I can share some of these with you good folks. Have a great day all.


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Quote from Ruby :
John will be happy to hear that. Before each and every swap he says to me that we won't be bringing anything home with us...with a plea in his voice. Anyway, this may just be a time that I won't have a car load coming home, but it is still early I realize.

LOL, I don't know why, but cracked me up BIG TIME!! < =D

I was wondering, would there be any need for me to bring extra boxes for people to take home their new babies? I could snag some from work if anyone thinks it would be helpful to bring extras. Lemme know and I'll start confiscating today. =) (and I'll be sure to bring FIVE extra boxes for Ruby!!) < =D LOL!!!!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, Here is a pic of the Wine Red Daylily I have to trade. Probably came from John & Ruby. I don't know the name but if anyone can ID it for me I would appreciate it.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just reminding everyone that I am rooting a lot of Wandering Jew and also Swedish Ivy.
Also Campanula Elizabeth (from Greenthumb as well as 2 yr. old CC's.

Any requests???? Gita

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'd love some purple wandering Jew from Ruby, and Gita I think you've got the "regular" one? I'd love some of it, too, please. They would be wonderful growing near each other, either in a hanging basket or as "ground cover" in a larger pot. Thank you!

Holly, you mentioned that's a smaller bloom on your wine DL... does it ever rebloom for you? Reminds me of 'Little Grapette', which is a rebloomer. Fewer rebloomers = easier to get a probable ID.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita, I'd like some of the Swedish Ivy.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

No doesn't re bloom. I guess it would be more of a medium size than small.

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

I would like an ivy and a wandering...if you don't mind me regifting it to an apartment bound friend.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Got you all down....

Terp--would you like to have my ONE Dr. Seuss Brug cutting that is growing nicely?
It is just a small stem piece with nice leaves on it. Everyone else that wanted any got them
at the spring Swap at Holly's.

You asked me about my Brugs on another Post...now you can have your own....LMK!

Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita- Of course that would be excellent! I figured one spring sooner or later there would be one available. Great!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I just checked all the "Wants" ans "Haves" Thread.
You WANTED A Frans Hals" Day Lily. Donner has offered you some.
I could share one with you as well. Would have to dig it up. Let me know.

You also mentioned starts of Th-Giving cactus. Did you see my offer of many?
I have them in 4" pots and they are all growing well. Let me know on this as well.
I have the usual Fuchsia/White--Red--Salmon (only a few)--and Pink--not yet bloomed..No pictures...

From you--I would like to have some of your "Basket of Gold Alyssum".

Terp--Got you down for my one and only Dr. Seuss baby brug.....


1--Here are all of my Baby CC's growing....ALL doing great!
2--Terp--Here is my baby Dr. Seuss just waiting to be adopted by YOU!

Thumbnail by Gitagal Thumbnail by Gitagal
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Holly, I just saw that you're offering alocacia. I'd love one, please! It's been so much fun growing my first elephant ears this year. :)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)


Central, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita- that is great, thank you. What's your secret with pickles? Mine came out too salty.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Just checking in to say that several things have kept me from participating in this thread. Lots of extra baby sitting for my kids (happy thing) and crushing news that my best friend has been diagnosed with a really mean type of breast cancer and will start treatment after more tests and surgery in early September (very very sad thing). We have been friends since Kindergarten and in each others lives constantly and forever. She confessed to me all her fears and one of them is the fact that she will be released from the hospital after an overnight stay and then alone at home for whatever follows. I told her that I would travel to her on the day she is released and will be staying with her until she feels well enough to be alone. There will probably be other people to spell me on the weekends, but I'm not sure what the situation will be by September 15th. I'll keep you posted.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Roses, so very sorry about your friend. So sad for both of you. Please keep us posted when you can.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, honey, big hugs for you both. You are such a good friend!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Just sent you a D-mail with my pickle recipe.

Yours are too salty???? Don't know what you do---but you CANNOT
use regular, iodized table salt.
Need either Kosher salt or Pickling Salt. NOT sure if/how Sea Salt would work?????
My recipe is from before Sea Salt became "the salt" to use for everything.

I will re-pot the little Brug in a bigger pot for you so it can grow bigger over the winter.
You will need to treat it as a houseplant--in a nice, sunny window.


Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, I have Basket of Gold alyssum on my Wish list.(wants)..I do not have any to offer.

I don't recall reading where Donnerville offered me any Frans Hal..I think it was SallyG who wrote that she had a Frans Hal look alike.

You must have mistaken me for somebody else because I did not request a brug.

Yes, I did ask for a Holiday Cactus from you. I said I wouldn't be picky about color.

Hope this clears up the confusion.

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