SUMMER..What's happening in your neck of the woods???

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all...

Imagine, I slept in..soon going to call me lazybones! Lol

Much the same weather for us today, I've closed all the curtains, have air on, sewing machine out so will play downstairs seeing its much cooler and I must be close to the telephone.

Send me some of your rain "M"' was out watering the gardens this morning..sure soaks it up being dry as it is, the entire region has a fire ban on!

Yes, large area without power, nothing as bad as Washington D.C. We've sent over 200 of hydro employees to help them restore power..think it's been since last weekend with no power..not sure how they can cope.

Susan, let's hope you are kept on and hurrahhhh for the municipality for fixing the founfpdation supports.

Off for breakfast


yes, hurrah for them fixing our levelling issue!!

The job I'm in is very tenuous at best, so have no idea what to expect as to length of employment. We shall see.... perhaps the prayer fire is helping? Dunno...... :-)

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Looks as though it's going to be a beauty day here in TBay. Yesterday we had a much appreciated BREAK from the heat, and, the gardens got a free watering.
If the humidity stays away we are looking at 26C .. just right for doing some outside chores.

Have hit a brick wall on the Black Bear issue, so, we are trying our best to keep ourselves NOISY outside .. Lorna is OK in the riding mower, but, none of us goes out without a call phone or a "rape whistle' .. it's not like the Bears automatically appear when we're outside, they tend to avoid contact with humans, but, if we're being quiet, such as weeding a garden etc, they have no idea we're there. Still and al, I find it rather unsettling.

Sorry to hear about the tenuous situation re your job Susan, I guess all you can do is 'soldier on' ...

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all,

you must have sent the free watering my way "M"' was a light mist earlier this morning then a good heavy rain..maybe humidity is at an end.

You would indeed have to be noisy, would imagine with the heat most of the berries have dried out, grubs limited so will be looking for food, we don't want it to be you!

Have some sewing projects to get done so best I get at it..

Enjoy the day


Marilyn - wear a "bear bell" on you when you're out and about. should be a loud one, so if you're by yourself and/or quiet, it'll still ring when you move.
Check out this site:

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Happy MONDAY everyone, hoping this week will be a good one for all of you.

Busy weekend here, lots of events taking place in Thunder Bay .. hmmm .. must be summer LoL.
NO bear troubles for the last few days, am hoping he has decided to look for 'greener pastures'.

Off to a conference /'Focus Group' today .. re Hospice and Palliative Care .. I think it'll be interesting.

Take care all


Victoria Harbour, ON


Perfect day yesterday and another today..mid 70's and gorgeous breeze. They do say perhaps thunderstorm later today but just incase we don't did grass watering yesterday and early this morning..doesn't take long to turn yellow does it.

Glad the bears aren't being a pest. Usually we hear of a lot of sighting but haven't heard anything..still early though..we deed have moose walking down the roadway last week a few streets from me.

Enjoy your day


91F here - has been for a few days.
With serving pancakes on Saturday, outside for 4 hours, at our Community Center's Stampede BBQ, and then on Sunday BBQing hamburgers for 2 hours outside, I'm wilting...........

Today work got evacuated cuz the power went off for more than 10 min - company policy..... - and when they said it would be 1 hour before the power was restored (then we'd be back for 3/4 of an hour?), and we'd have to wait outside, in the heat and paved parking lot.......NOT Moi!! I went and got an oil change, then came home by 3:30

Victoria Harbour, ON

Did they miss you while you went AWOL!

Didn't take you long to go from low temps to high temps..
You must be volunteered out


I am a bit volunteered out, but I may go to another Stampede BBQ after our church service next Sunday. One of our "fellow churches" is having Their Stampede BBQ next Sunday.

How could they miss me? The Chief Fire Warden at work got on the bullhorn and told everyone it was better to go than to stay and wait outside for an hour. We would only have 3/4 of a hour's work we could do afterwards, and I know I would have melted by then!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan .. having had those kinds of temps for awhile now, all I can say is UGGGGggggggg .. we looked forward to them all winter, but, when they come on with a vengence our bodies just can't handle the change, ESPECIALLY when in a parking lot .. TBay has had a day of 'seasonable' temps, and we are expecting another heat wave to commence on Thursday.

Lots of coverage in our news re the Stampede .. I went once many years ago .. so many people .. nice to see your 'groups' are benefiting from the event .. I'm going to be volunteering at a Hospice 'tag day' July 28th .. am hoping the heat will have toned down a bit by then.

Hope everyone has a great day ..



Hiya ~M~! When I got to work today, I was told the brownout only lasted 15 minutes......... so I lost 1 1/2 hrs pay, oh well...!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, now this is the kind of weather we've all been waiting for..perfect humidity but understand by the weekend the humidity will be back!

So quiet at work that I almost dread going in..makes for a long day..looked around to see what I might be able to bring in but nothing light and simple so sit it will be.

Oh no, we're they wondering where you got off to Susan?? Know when we've had to evacuate for different reasons it was always a must that we stay onsite.

"m" how is Lorna doing?

Looking at the clock, best I get a move on

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Good morning .. kinda cruddy to dock you 1.5 hours because you sort of HAD to stay out of the building .. seems to me going back in after the time spent outside would have been a waste anyway .. sometimes the time it takes for computers to re boot and come back online takes more than a few minutes ..

Lorna is doing well (ish) .. still awaiting her appt with the orthopedic surgeon re her right knee .. she got a letter yesterday informing her she would have to see a physiotherapist prior to the appt to ensure she actually NEEDS to see a surgeon. I find that rather silly as she has had 2 MRIs and a 2 sets of x-rays that show a torn meniscus. I guess we should just be happy she can get around with little discomfort. She certainly is a trooper.

Looks to be a lovely day here .. off to town to do some grocery shopping.



Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" think in order to appease the ill they keep referring from doctor to doctor so you don't feel it's been forever! What a waste of time and $$$..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty, our Canadian Health Care System is in real trouble .. I think that when you are not a consumer of it's services you rarely think about it, and, when you become a consumer you start to relaize the HUGE amount of 'paper pushing' that goes on .. and .. the ineffectiveness of most of it.
I went to a Conference the other day .. it was headed by 3 Professors of BUSINESS from our University. Basically they were interested in learning the thoughts of health care providers on the proper MARKETING strategies for making the public more aware, and educated, re Palliative Care. Kind of odd to see business working with Health Care, but, it is BIG BUSINESS ...
Anyway .. today was a good day .. Lorna is gaining more confidence re walking with her prosthetic leg .. and, her knee wasn't giving her grief.

It's 34C here .. gag me .. happy to be in the AC



Betty - each 1/2 floor has a fire warden, and ours knew all those that were leaving, and those that were staying. She left.
It was too hot to be outside for an hour........!!

My car's thermostat said it was 34c when I left work today, and it's pretty accurate. It may say 32c on the TV, but that depends where you are in the city.......

Our internet provider is also our phone provider, and they had a fire in one of their transformers this afternoon - causing us to lose internet & phone for a bit. Then the internet came back (that's when I last posted) but our phone didn't - Bob was under the desk trying to get it sorted......... Well, we have our phone back, and the cables are all sorted again - drives him nuts, but I think we have cable gremlins!! I don't do anything with the cables, but everytime he has to get the phone or 'net back up, they're all tangled again!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Cable Gremlins', I think we all have them to some degree. Whenever our desktop computer went out for repairs, the homecoming was fraught with re hitching nightmares !! Makes you wonder how those lines get so confused.

We hit 36C here yesterday, very uncomfortable .. same expected today and I am on my way to a dental appt at 2pm. A filling, but, I am taking a little something prior to the procedure. I have had enough dental work to keep me quite paniced this year .. hate that feeling.

We're selling our old 22' travel trailer .. Murray and wife Alison came over yesterday and cleaned it out for us .. I had thought it was pretty much empty, but, it wasn't. Anyway .. Murray took some pics, and put it on Kijiji .. and, by 7pm I had had several calls .. so we'll have to see how it works out.

Have a great day


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, for any of those who took vacation weeks the past few and for next week they sure hit great weather..Jeff/Julie are doing their annual Kayak trip starting Saturday morning, looks as though they will have great weather!

Watering ban still on, was up early and put hose on to water all the hanging baskets..put too much $$ into them to let them die and the trip in and out to fill a watering jug is too much. A quick thunderstorm would be greatly appreciated, perhaps over the weekend.

Ohhh "M", wouldn't it be a good time to go camping?? I bought that little travel trailer and NEVER used it, almost tempted to do the sense letting it rot right? Let's hope by tonight someone picks it up and will be off enjoying it this weekend.

Here's hoping your appointment with the dentist goes well..

Drats and more drats..this morning was rushing to get out to the car, hands full, Sailor was sound asleep so I thought I'd quietly climb over her and what do I do?? startle her, up she came, I didn't want to hurt her so fell into the table, think I sprained a few toes as well as one being cut so now I'm hobbling around..and I talk about my mom and her dog, first thing I did was call myself stupid and Fran...

Sure do miss Carol..

Susan, hope you get asked to lunch today..would be nice to make friends..

This message was edited Jul 12, 2012 7:55 AM

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We're heading back into the heat and are about to get a watering ban as well.

Victoria Harbour, ON

ViolaAnn, I can take the burning ban but the water ban isn't easy..not sure but think they are calling for a passing thunderstorm over the weekend, perhaps it will head your way! Hosta's seem to take the dry weather..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Woo Hoo .. the dental appt was a breeze .. the med i took beforehand worked very well ..don't have to go back for 6 months ^_^

The 'bans' are slowly creeping in here .. nothing full tilt yet .. but the mention of forest fires in the region is becoming more pronounced.

Think I had mentioend my Hosta bed became a bunny's breakfast .. very disappointing .. it's slowly coming back, but doubt it'll make a full recovery.



Victoria Harbour, ON

Glad all went well! They will come back next spring though wont they?

Think someone was saying unless we have three consecutive days with some rain the band will remain.

Think I'm going to make changes to my flower beds come fall..quite the mush mash right now.


SO glad your dental app't went well, Marilyn!!!

Bunny fodder, eh? too bad......... Have you ever seen a product called "paws off"

I may be able to become friends with the "other" MacKenzie lady in our office.....
NOW - mentioning that "other' MacKenzie - here's a funny for ya! 1. She & I spell our last name the same (NOT McKenzie - don't forget, we need the "a" eh?! LOL) 2. She lived in Winnipeg same time as I, 3. Is a MacKenzie by marriage. 4. Works about 10 ft from me and is also an EA (Executive Assistant) 5. born in the same decade. Here's the "kicker" - 6. her middle name is Joan, same as mine!! Talk about coincidences!!! She & I are both flabbergasted by this!! Dare I say we're both brunettes? LOL

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I hope that thunder storm gets here. Not sure they are predicting any. Rain barrels are getting empty though mine will go awhile longer. No official watering ban yet; so I've been watering all day which should keep things going for awhile longer. Hostas actually need quite a bit of water. They will survive w/o rain, but might be smaller next year.


I hope you get that thunder storm too, Viola - with loads of soaking rain for gardeners!
Seeing you just reminded me - I haven't stopped in on the Parking Lot for quite awhile - guess it "dropped off my radar"!!

Here's something I learned just now - Canada's Most Beautifully Built City:

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Susan .. that's quite the coincidence .. as is said ..'small world' !

Gord just informed me that the Willow I planted some 3 years ago, and that I removed the chicken wire cage from last month, has also become 'deer munchies' .. NOW I am just plain furious !!! My spin on the chicken wire caging around the trees is not the same as his .. I say, and feel that they trees and shrubs cannot flourish inside that caging .. remove it and what will be will be .. I guess I found out what the WILL BE is :-(
Dang critters ...
The DayLillies are out now and I am guarding them as much as possible .. deer SCRAM coming up ...

Off to a lab with Lorna for her bloodwork .. then on to the licensing place to get her license renewed .. her BDay is in August .. seems license fees are going up in Sept. My BDay is in Oct., so I may try to renew mine as well even though I haven't got the forms.

Missing Carol's posts ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, another gorgeous day, watered the hanging baskets, many throughout the yard, few of the brown spots on the lawn and was enjoying being a bit sure I should be putting air on but it feels so nice to have the windows open!

Guess with so much acreage and being in far north with little food in the forest, critters see your yard as a prime buffet..not so good for the tree.

Enjoy your morning out, here is hoping you will save more dollars than you spend, is that possible?

Touch wood "M" no critters here this year, only thing different is the increased population of blackbirds, Lordy they are a size!

ViolaAnn, hard to believe that we could get thunderstorms with such blue sky. My hosta's are large this year, few smaller ones but guess they may be a smaller breed.

I'm all gung ho to revamp the gardens this fall while I know where what is.

Not much planned for the weekend, relaxing for sure. Jeff and Julie will be leaving here tomorrow morning for their 3 week Kayak trip,then take Sailor in for her monthly grooming ( somebody should be taking me for a grooming as I'm in need of pampering) lol

Might help SIL Suzanne finish a stained glass lamp she started 5 years ago for her sister's 60th and now it's her 65th, always wanting to do it but never enough time so I'll see if I can do it..would also like to take on another major project as a Christmas gift, always gets here before we know it so I don't want to leave it like I did last year, work day enough then get sick and not be able to travel over Christmas holidays. That's my plan but plans can change.

Been playing the nice grandma with Kyle..he will be going for his G2 at the end of month and needs driving time, last night when he dropped in I said I could do with an ice cream sundae..drove me into Midland then we washed the car, there went the evening and he was thrilled as he left for doubt he wil be back a few times over the weekend.

Breakft time

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - if you had a lot of rain last year, that helps THIS year's hostas to be large. And yes, they come in all sizes; so your smaller ones might be smaller varieties. Do you know what they are?

Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm the worse Viloa Ann, only one I took notice of is the blue gourd cup hosta I bought thus year, the rest normally come from trades ot church plant sales..the 2 near my back steps are quite a size..even though there is. Band I usually give them a little drink..maybe I'll make it a garden goal for next year, try to find out their names..bought a journal and promise myself I will shortly sketch the gardens, mark which plants are where so that come sprung I can do some major revamping of the gardens..such a mush mash right now but a pretty one. Lol

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

O K A Y !!!!!!! UNCLE !!!!!!!!!! Phew .. another hot/humid day in TBay. Feel SO bad for the folks working out in this .. as a Canadian, I know it's '6 months of winter, and, 6 months of road construction .. and this area is no exception. Drove by a crew working at laying asphalt and the sweat was just streaming down their faces .. not to mention the flag persons who, even though they are mostly stationery, must stand in that sun.

Bought a bath mat for the main bathroom, and, I'm having second thoughts .. it's by Nautica, quite a heavy mat and the salesperson told me it would not 'slip' because of its weight .. there is no NON slip backing on it. She said if it did slip, I could bring it back. Well .. I think I'll put it somewhere else. Looks nice, but I am too leery re Lorna slipping on it .. I stood on it and was able to move it about :-(
Typical me, bought for the COLOUR LoL

Am hoping to do some perennial planting as the summer goes on .. my hip just MIGHT be coming around (I whisper types that comment)
Has had me in its evil clutches since November .. bout time it gave me a break !!

Hope everyone has a beautiful weekend .. Betty, the though of my GDD DRIVING with me SCARES me half to death LoL She still has a couple of years to go though.


Victoria Harbour, ON

Kyle is a great driver,I'm probably safer with him than me driving.Lol

Is your decor nautical throughout the house "m"? Best not take any chances, imagine how you would feel if she did slip..Lots of sales going on..I was at the mall yesterday, had pillows that matched the quilt I bought to a "t"' regular $24.99 on gor $5 each!bargoon and dresses up the back bedroom.

I thought if temps were a certain temp (like we have now) companies would have to send their employee's home..lucky there aren't more deaths due to heat exhaustion.

Being last, just laying on the couch, should be out fitting the grass but it's burning, might be better to eave it longer until we get rain!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

ANOTHER scorcher!! Was up early to make a pie and cook it before the MAJOR heat of the day arrives. Air is already on and, it's set to come on when the inside temp hits 71F (20C).
Lorna is going out on her machine to cut the grass, she LOVES the heat .. I will attempt some watering .. Gord is off to the huge Farmer's Market ..
As always the 'BUZZ' words in this District are 'FOREST FIRE WATCHES' seems we have about 15 burning in the area, none near us, but most everyone is being vigilant re bonfires etc. I expect a Fire Ban will be in effect soon, may already be.

Read an article in our paper about the folks working outdoors in the heat. They are told to slow down the pace, take breaks and drink lots of fluids. The Emerg has had a few incidences of heat stroke come through their doors ..

Bring on the rain ... LOL .. after a flood in May I NEVER thought I'd say THAT !!




Marilyn - I hope you get rain soon. Doesn't look like it's in the forecast however.
Apparently there are a whole bunch of forest fires up north in Alberta......... Some areas of Calgary are getting the smoky haze, and I can only wonder how Edmonton is doing (4 hours north of us)! The fires are north of Edmonton.........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Afternoon..much too hot to be Sailor groomed, drove Jeff and Julie to the lake to start their kayak adventure 2012! Did deadhead for a bit, playing with stained glass and contemplating going out for supper"that is providing the couch doesnt call!

Area starting to look like hayfields..Lordy no wonder they have a fire ban,.what damage a fire would do.

Hope fires stay far from your area "m" ' must be a in between, always feast or famine..we need a day of soft rain..hate having my grass not cut but leaving it might stop it from burning.

Susan, let's hope they get Edmonton fires under control quickly.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

We had a band of Thunder storms fly through a bit ago .. it's 36C right now and SO HUMID!! Gag me !!
Another line of storms is coming in from the west .. looks like we'll get away with not having to water tonight .. just SO hope there is NO lightning !!

Yer right on with 'feast or famine' Betty ... never a happy mix it seems

Hope Julie and Jeff have a good trip. Will they do the locks again ?



Victoria Harbour, ON

yes, doing the lock system but they are not going by a schedule this year, will just play, stop when they want to, see a bit of the towns on the Trent..

Where they said rain tomorrow it's been changed..drats so looked forward to rain..if you've too much water send some down my way..


we had "70% chance of rain" today........ yeah, sprinkled for a few minutes (2?) then stopped. hardly touched the ground and it dried up!! Bob Didn't do some work on our friend's roof because it was supposed to rain hard (thunderstorms) and he didn't want the roof open! oh well.......... first "spit" was 5:30pm..........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, heavy out there, humid so likely will find something indoor to occupy my day. I've been up since dawn so all my housework done, gardens got a sprinkle of water, furries fed so I'm in for a long

Don't you find that you spend more days inside due to humidity than you do from blizzards

Hear a kittie crying, best go see what is up

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

RAIN glorious RAIN arrived last night .. we had about an hours downpour .. we'll take it .. what we didn't want thoug was the lightning!!
Like you Betty .. it's 'heavy' outside this morning .. windows inside are actually wet .. so .. it looks as though we'll have another hot and humid day .. with more rain predicted later on.

Going for gas this morning, then to the cemetery to see if the flower seeds I planted have bloomed out.

Hope everyone enjoys their day ^_^


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