ORVG #194 Early summer crazy

Columbus, OH

Dog bathing day. Belle doesn't mind a bath, if she can slurp on her Lickety Stik while I'm washing her. I really need an engineer to come up with a suction cup holder for those things, it'd make my life easier.

what is a linkety stik ?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes Celene, you need to tell us what that is. I need something to lure Mr. B into getting a bath. Last week, I filled a big cattle feeder with water early in the morning, let it sit out in the sun until later afternoon, and then gave Mr. B a bath in that. He seemed to tolerate that better than inside in the shower. After I finished with him, gave Casper a bath. That was probably the first one he has ever had. I don't know that he disliked it, but the jury is still out on him. Then I gave DH's rat terrier a bath. She enjoys them, but she doesn't like to be held. When she was small she got a fish hook in her lip, and we had to hold her down and get it out, and she absolutely freaks now if we put a leash, a tight collar or hold her too tightly. So when you bathe her, you have to be fast.

Our family reunion was today, and it was great. A niece has it at her house. They have a big back yard with shade trees, and picnic tables under them. There was a good breeze stirring there. Plenty of food, and all of it was delicious.

Need to check another thread, and then off to bed. I have an appointment in Lexington tomorrow morning at 9:00, so will have to leave here about 7:30. Will be right in the middle of rush hour traffic.

Bonnie i googled it. Though i was afraid of what would come up . Yes i do think it needs a suction cup. that would be cool.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Carly goes for her MRI tomorrow and sees the Orthopedic Doc again on Wednesday. I'm really hoping they tell us something tomorrow but I doubt it. Her appt is at 10:30 and they said it will take about 45 minutes. I know the Doc is in until 11:00 but I doubt he'll stick around since we'll see him on Wednesday. She's missing conditioning this week. :( If things stay the same as they have been, she made both Junior Varsity and Varsity. I just wish she could play.

School starts in 3 weeks. We haven't moved of course. I keep praying things are going to work out instead of crashing down. The kids are so much happier there. I'm so much happier there!

Hope everyone is well.

Waddy, KY

Does anybody have an exellent pickle recipe that doesn't involve 12-14 days????

Columbus, OH

Sue: Lickety Stiks are roll-on dog treats. The bottles look like old fashioned Ban roll-on from the 70's, but it has bacon, liver, or chicken flavored goop inside. It's low in calories, really tasty, fairly straightforward ingredients, non-messy and long-lasting.

Kydaylily, I make fresh pickles in the refrigerator that are good in a day--is that okay?

Waddy, KY

Need to be able to can them for market.

Columbus, OH

I don't can mine, because the fresh last all winter, and stay crisp, so I'm useless, sorry :(

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

The heck with canning. We take the raw pickles to market & let people do their own.
We sell baby dills, up to 1¼" long, dills, up to 2½", & bread & butter or chunk pickle size, up to 4".
Beats canning first. Usually have 24 or more 5lb bags.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Bernie, think we have had this discussion before. Here the unprocessed pickles are called cucumbers. May just be a difference in terms. But it gives me pause when I see someone talking about pickles and they use the term for cucumbers.

Not much going on here.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Yes, but if I put just cucumbers on the price cards, nobody would buy them.
I actually have Pickling cucumbers on the tags.
Today's for sale; 9 bags of the Bread & Butter, 23 bags of Dill's, 3 bags of Baby Dills.

good morning
lots to do this week as our fair starts friday
our show chicken lost his toe ?? stupid bird.... so he needs a bath . yep i m going to give a chicken a bath.
hopefully i can get the blood off his feathers.
poor thing ... so i guess we won't have a chance at 1st place or champion :( maybe the judge won't notice ? ... it could happen ...right ?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

If I were the judge it sure would happen. Who needs the toe, he has others doesn't he?

DH and I finished putting up about 30 pints of corn, cut off. We gathered it last night, and did it this morning. I woke up to him already brushing silks off it. Nothing I like better than being hit with work before I completely wake up!

wow Bon's you are way ahead of me in canning. I just can't seem to get in the groove.
well got more of the basement done. i can see the floor !!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well after we finished with the corn, and I cleaned the kitchen, I called it a day. Until I thought of some phone calls that needed to be made, and some other things that needed to be done. However, I did find time to take a good nap.

I forgot to thaw any meat for supper, so we had vegetables and it was a very good meal. I don't really have to have meat, but DH feels like he is very deprived if he doesn't have it.

Gosh, I was thinking today that Marcy hasn't been around lately. Hope every thing is okay. I remember her saying something about her computer. If anybody is in touch with her, tell her we miss her.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

We've been in the car all darn day. I have to go back out in an hour to get Morganne.

Carly had he appointment with the Ortho at 10:30 this morning. It was after 11:30 when he finally called her back and told her that her ACL is torn and that she has to have surgery, especially if she wants to play sports. We both bawled. He put a call in to the surgeon and got her an appointment this afternoon. So we had to drive from Hillsboro back to Lynchburg to pick up the rest of the kids then we drove to Chillicothe. The MRI images weren't good. She has a torn ACL, almost all the way gone and also a sprained MCL, which will mend. She is having surgery next Thursday. They are taking a piece from her hamstring to build her a new ACL. She'll be able to walk immediately and start physical therapy right away. Originally they said recovery would be about 6 months but the surgeon said 4 months. Needless to say, she is devastated. It's going to be a rough fall. :( We stopped on the way home and ate dinner and then went back to the hospital to get her blood work out of the way. She's got a big honking ACL brace now but I believe it's better than the other one she was wearing. She got measured for another brace which she will get after surgery. My heart aches for her. Things were finally going well for her again.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Doggone it Chele, it it weren't for bad luck, poor Carly would not have any luck at all. I will put her on my prayer list. Cute young things heal very quickly, so maybe she will surpass the Dr and the surgeon's estimates of the time it takes to heal and rehabilitate. I know that she is so disappointed. Give her a great big hug from me.

Went to the grocery today. I just hate that job, but got home around 2:00 and put every thing away, then just sat and rested. It was hot and I was tired and hot. We had Bible Study tonight, and just got home from that.

I thought I had enough tomatoes to make some roasted sauce tomorrow, but looked and will have to wait another day or two to have enough for a big big batch.

DH and I are going to the church tomorrow to set up the fellowship hall for the retirement reception for this Sunday afternoon. We will do some cleaning and straightening of the church, then the shrubs need trimming, and the flower beds need weeding. So we will be Jack of All Trades tomorrow.

I'm trying to keep up with the Olympics, but I am not doing a very good job of that.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thank you Bonnie.

Waddy, KY

Sure sorry to hear about that Chele. She surely does need to take good care of those joints and ligaments though. They've got to last her a lifetime. I know a lot of folks that played sports as kids and got hurt and are undergoing joint replacements now. She doesn't want to go there. But I also know that playing sports means everything to a lot of kids.

Going to try to work up a bunch of bruised apples today and get a bunch of cucumbers ready to go. I've got 4 five gallon buckets of slices in the cooler in salt water. I think it's gonna be dill today.

Chelle so sorry to hear of the ACL. That is not a good one.But Bonnie is right . the young ones heal quicker. Will send her healing thoughts .

Columbus, OH

Turns out you can eat enough fresh cucumber pickle to make you pretty nauseous. I ate a bunch of fresh pickles that I sliced up and brined last night, and a pot of coffee. No chance of that making me sick, eh?? lol I bring it on myself.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Dill pickles and coffee? Yikes, Celene, I'm not sure how you counteract that, lol.

Chele, I'm so sorry for you and for Carly! It's not exactly good brace-wearing weather, on top of everything else. Are they able to do all the repairs endoscopically? Hopefully.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks. She's not going to give up sports. Between sports and being on honor roll every year she's been in school, she's planning on getting into a good college and doing something good with her life.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, that is a lot to be proud of, her determination to further her life and career. I am hoping by the time she finishes college that the economy will be much better and jobs will be plentiful. I don't think anyone should discourage her plans, even playing sports. I would much rather be running myself silly taking them to games and practices than later on running to attorney's offices and courts. As long as she is interested in sports, she will not have any time to get into trouble.

I wish Gabby was able to play sports, but she is lucky to be able to walk, much less try to do something athletic at the same time. I don't know who she gets that from, as both DH and I played sports when we were in school, as did my DS. It is probably her DM's side of the family, as I don't recall hearing her say anything about sports in school. She is artsy, and can draw like you wouldn't believe. So she is gifted. (I am talking about DGD's DM) DGD is just smart, a little overweight, beautiful and has a heart of gold. All good characteristics, but not something that you win trophies from, except the smart part.

Just back from 4 hours work cleaning the church. We took Mr. B with us and he had a good time sniffing out new territory.

I think I may need a little nap to counteract all that activity this morning, just as soon as I freeze the broccoli that DH brought in from the garden. He brought in a 2 1/2 gallon bucket full.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Not all kids enjoy sports. Some just haven't found the right sport. Others have been discouraged by kids, adults, parents or coaches. There is nothing wrong with being artistic. Many people have gone far on music and art. :) Maybe she just hasn't found her *thing* yet. There are all sorts of clubs and activities outside of sports. Carly was in band too. She gave that up to take Spanish. There are only so many hours in the school day. She gave up volleyball to play soccer. And she gave up spring soccer when she was younger, to play softball. Sometimes the running is a bit too much but I didn't want to discourage them from trying something they might be good at, may come to love or possibly even build a career on. At that age, it's good to "fit in" in some type of group and I was trying to avoid the bad things they could get involved with that might get them into trouble. We of course learned that all the sports kids aren't all that great either but I think that was more a small school thing than a sport thing.

Your DGD will figure it out. :)

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Michelle, I hope she can stay upbeat and get into a good routine in the new school. It's a shame, but sometimes these things work themselves out.

I'm enjoying the summer from my back patio. I had an episode of being extremely sick and passing out totally. Dave had to call 911 . They took me to the local hospital ( which I have no use for). They did all the routine tests and CAT scan. Diagnosis was a big long name I don't remember for extremely low postassium. Said potassium level was 1.6( which didn't mean anything to me). All I know is, that I was in alot of pain, and lossed use of my legs. I went in and out of conciousness(sp?) and they gave me two horse pills of potassium and started an IV of potatassium. I quess they usually administer it slowly, but some -- decided I needed it fast. I thought they were killing me!!! I screamed at them until they slowed it down some, but it still felt like they were burning my veins out. I was discharged and have an appointment for follow up blood work next week. In the mean time, I'm not to take any supplements as it would give a false reading next week. So, I'm weak and my stomach has been upset since I got home. My poor garden needs deadheading and weeding so badly, but I don't have the"Get up and go" to do anything. Hopefully next week, I'll get something to get myself back to normal lazy. LOL

Celene, I've been meaning to ask you if the cute little succulent I got from you at the RR, would do good in a terrarium. It is so cute. I love it!

Stay hydrated and cool everyone so your potassium doesn't get low! Lurker Lou

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Lou. She has some really good coaches now and it seems they will serve her well and keep her in shape for the long run. I just have to get her through the next few months.

I'm sorry to hear about your illness. :( I do know that you can get wicked leg cramps from low potassium. Have you tried eating bananas? They are also good for you. :) Technically that would not be a supplement but it might help. You might also try drinking Gatorade or Powerade or one of those type drinks to keep your fluids up.

I looked up potassium level to see. It should be 3.5-5.0 normally. I found this article for you. http://www.emedicinehealth.com/low_potassium/article_em.htm

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Lou, that's pretty strikingly low! Potassium is needed to make muscles contract, and that includes the heart muscle. Early symptoms are feeling faint or shaky, and irregular heartbeat.
It can also make you crazy! I know, I know, it's a little late for that (hope your sense of humor has survived). Low potassium was the most common medical condition to produce psychosis when I was working on a psych unit, but also the easiest to fix. It should, however, be administered SLOWLY IV so that the heart can adjust. I hope you feel better soon!


Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks! Good article. I have been eating bananas and drinking lots of liquids. I had a lot of heart tests and I wondered why. Now, I know.

The humorous side to my episode is a 'small town' typical gossip story. The day Dave called 911, we were having the dining room carpet taken up and tile installed. This meant that everything had to come out of that room. Our house is small so we had the hallways filled with dining room chairs and my two large lighted plant stands and other stuff. The EMTS told Dave they couldn't get a gurney thru the house, so they lifted me up in to my computer chair , which has wheels, and wheeled me outside to the guerney. A second crew of EMTS came to Seymour Hospital to transport me up to Columbus hospital . (My family Doctor is in Columbus). I was feeling great by the time they loaded me up for transport. Outside the Ambulance, I heard the one guy say to the next" This is the lady they had to wheel outside because her house was such a mess they couldn't get thru the house. " LOL When we got underway, I told the guy I overheard what he said about my house and I wanted to explain. He reddened and said" That's what they said , Maam, honest!" I explained my mess, and he got a kick out of it. When I got home I had an e-mail from a friend asking me if I need help cleaning my house since I was sick? She had heard that perhaps I needed a cleaning lady. LOL I wonder how many people think I'm a hoarder now.! Lou

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Lou, hehehe, that is a good one, and yep, that is the way gossip starts and the rate at which it travels. I sure hope that your appointment with your Dr gets you on the right track. Dont worry about the garden, it is almost fall, and all the stuff will soon croak, so no need to stress over it. Maybe Dave could go out and deadhead, my DH could do that, as he is good at destroying things.

Celene, forgot to comment on your unusual diet last night I hope you don't do that often. My late DMIL used to love to eat sweet pickles with cake. I haven't tried it, but she said it was good. You may want to try it and let us know about how it tastes.

Janet, so you are officially retired, or just taking some sick time off? You will never miss work and all of it's hassles, you will be so busy with the garden and your farmer's market activities. Have you gotten the sheep yet? You will need to let us know how that goes. I can't say I don't like lamb, as I have never eaten it. My neighbor and I go to an Indian restaurant once in awhile, and I told her to point out the things on the buffet that has lamb in it. Just one of my quirky "can't eat it" type things. I think I could easily be vegetarian.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

ROTFLOL Lou, all your neighbors probably think you are a hoarder now.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Yes, Lou, now you'll have to be "Lou the slob" instead of Lou the Lurker. LOL. Those Fire and EMT guys have big mouths. Ages age, when Josh was in 7th or 8th grade, he and a friend of his discovered a secret door in the knee wall of the third floor bedroom. The cats had already discovered it and had been using it as a large cat box. Josh and friend took a candle with them to explore the secret hiding place, which had an old foam mattress in it. Long story short, they set the house on fire with that mattress, and I created abackdraft by opening the door to find out what that smoke was.
A couple hours later , when the firemen were in the final stages of cleaning up the mattress and flaming cat poop, I asked one how much would I have to pay them in hush money to keep the cat poop out of the story. He laughed and said I didn't have enough money unless I'd just won the lottery.
Oh, I was so mad at my son!

Bonnie, there's a great restaurant in Blue Ash called Through the Garden. They have meat on the menu, but tons of vegetable dishes and they grow their own herbs and many of the veggies themselves. One of my friends hates vegetable and whined about going there. Said he wanted to go to someplace more like "Through the Stockyards."

Columbus, OH

Lou, it should be fine in a terrarium!

I am over the pickles today. lol

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Sue. Hope you have a great day, doing what you really enjoy.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Chele, so sorry to hear of the ACL problem. Hope she heals quickly.

Lou, oh my gosh! Glad it wasn't anything more serious! Now take your potassium like a good girl and get better!

Happy Birthday, Suzy-Q...hope you have a great day at the fair!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

"Through the Stockyards"! ROTF I love veggies but I have to have meat too.


Thank you Joyce.

Waddy, KY

Lawsy Mercy! Can't miss Sue's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUE!!!!

Ran behind all morning. I guess that sleeping in is going to be out for retirement. It puts you behind all day. I did get the kettle of apples ready to cook off for apple butter but need to bake tonight so it'll have to wait until tomorrow afternoon. Got so darned many cucumbers I think I'm going to start pans of pickle relish so I can get them out of the way. I already have 5 buckets of pickles soaking in saltwater in the cooler. I start the rest of that 12 day crap on Tuesday. Just too darned much stuff to do....

Bonnie let's plan lunch in about 2-3 weeks when things hopefully around here settle down. Kitchen inspector comes next Thursday so I'll start cleaning full time probably Monday or Tuesday morning. Just what I need.

The sheep are here. 19 sheep don't take up a whole heck of a lot of room.

Chelle i believe several Olympians have also had the ALC operated on??? and look where they are in the Olympics.
Woohoooo America won gold in Judo !! and womens !! and she is from OHIO woohoooo.
sorry have to make it quick

Austin got Best in Show on his scrapbooking in his age group !
Savannah got 1 st place!!! for her scrapbooking in her age group
so far no other silkies chickens are entered and we have had many offers already on our birds ! wow. they will be great breeders . We already have a waiting list of people who want the babies.
we bring rabbits on sunday .
sorry i have to make it quick but i m one tired mama
thank you for the birthday wishes , can you believe i forgot !! LOL i m 45 today. but i know i look younger, so don't be all jealous , *snickering * .... i know i look 29 don't i ???? ...... *snickering again * ..... *snort laughing*.... ok ok you caught me and all that..... well a girl can dream can't she :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Sue, Congratulations on all the fair awards, and having people on a waiting list for purchases of silkies. And a belated Happy Birthday. Sounds like a great week!

It's windy here today, but no rain yet. The rain guage on my home weather station has stopped working-- but I can testify with my own eyes that we've had no rain. I'm currently overdosed on the olympics. There's plenty of other stuff I should do but I'm feeling lazy. I think lazy will win today!

Ooh-- that's a thought. I think I qualify for at least a silver medal in lazy--maybe even the gold! Janet, you are easily the winner in the pickling category, with a new entry in Sheep.
Celene, gold in soaps. Chele, I think this year you may have had the gold in all around mom, including kids' sports commuting, with a special mention in the emergency room visits category. Bonnie, what categories do you want to medal in this year? Bernie, gold in strawberry production. Lou, gold in single event of most dramatic ER visit!


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