ORVG #194 Early summer crazy

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Henry It sure is a rough time for them to have to be out doing this. I heard on the news that another of those winds (it starts with an r, I need to hear it properly and learn what it is) is much more likely with the heat and the current weather patterns. Also heard that El Nino or La Nina )don't know which) is predicted for us this winter, and it means lower precipitation and warmer temps, sort of sounds just like last year.

Janet, I think that you need to do what you WANT to do, even if it is going against your financial advisor's advice. What he probably isn't taking into consideration is that you won't have expenditures for gas, clothes, lunches eaten out, and paying for donations that they are always coming around collecting. I found that I really do have more money than when I was working. May not work that way for everybody, but I wouldn't go back to work unless it was just a dire situation.

Sorry about Miranda. Is bagging feed in her job description? Well, she doesn't need to be doing it. Tell her that working like a man is fine in the younger years, but as we age, that it doesn't always agree with our more delicate bone structure! Really, if she messes up her back now, it will probably be with her for her lifetime.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day of this heat wave. I didn't know it could get any hotter without me bursting into flames from spontaneous combustion. The county fair is going on, and there is a horse pulling contest tomorrow night. DH is taking his DB's horses and wants me to go. I told him that I didn't think I would, as I have been to them for years and I am sure that I am not going to see anything different. Besides, it makes me nervous to see my DH driving those big Belgium horses.

Off to bed. ~~~ at everybody and hope that you have a cool place to lay your head tonight.

good morning
boy i m getting lazy . i just woke up !

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Gardenwife (Kimberley) and Howie still don't have electric. I'm pretty sure she posted that AEP said they were hit harder than anywhere they'd seen. They rigged a line under a tree and got their service back up late yesterday but it only lasted about an hour an a half.

I have a friend here who's husband does the 'prep' work for the lineman. He's been gone all week. I think he made his way to WV or Virginia now. He's going wherever they need him.

Janet, I hope Miranda is feeling better. When will you find out something.

Bonnie, my Great Aunt always warned me the same about taking care of my back...

Sue, glad to hear the daylilies are doing well. I have a bunch blooming but they are mostly seedlings.

We stayed in the pool most of the day yesterday. I have a feeling we will do the same today. So much for the county helping with heat or a/c. Even though we were approved to get help, they said it could be 2-3 years and that they were running out of money when I talked to them in the early winter. Now that Morganne is working to save for a car so she can go to college, they slashed our benefits in half. This system makes no sense. I'm trying to find a job and trying to figure out when and how I can work. Always such fun.

I hope you all stay cool today. Last I heard it's supposed to get to 105° with a heat index of like 112°. Joy.

Barberton, OH

I think I better check in or people will think I have shrivelled up from the heat. Went to 99 yesterday and today. Not getting much done except watering. Dipping water from the pond and that is dropping. Everytime I empty a bucket there is sand in the bottom. I have been skimming duckweed from the pond to use as mulch.. Not sure how it will work out. So far the coon hasn't dug in it. Been picking beets, chard and broccoli. Pulled the pea vines tonight. Raspberries have dried up.
One good thing about the dry weather, I have been able to clean up the back that was under water most of last year. Even found my blueberries About 6 different types of weeds in them. the catbirds will be able to find the berries better.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear that you are surviving Herman. Won't you just start weeds in your flower beds if you are using the duckweed as mulch?

Had errands to run this morning, and didn't get home till after 12;00. Had 5 people in my pool when I came home, but it was by DH's invitation. I sat out there and talked to them for awhile, but came in and did a load of laundry and then finished a book that I had started.

DH is off at the fair tonight at the horse pull. I didn't go. Stayed here and had a big chef's salad for supper, and had one of my tomatoes cut up on top of it. It was delish!

I am heading to bed shortly. Hope you all have a cool place to lay your heads tonight.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Howdy to everyone. I've been MIA from the computer because I've spent a lot of time at the World Choir Games. I've heard some wonderful groups! There are lots of choirs from China and southeast Asia, which surprised me. I did't think of that musical tradition as being particularly attuned to choir aka choral work. But their Bach, Brahms and Britten matches or bests what I've heard elsewhere.
What's really nice is that most of the singers are young, and they're really excited about music and singing together. And lots of the groups are big: the Diocesan Girls School Choir from Hong Kong is over 60 singers, the Boys School may be about 70. The Stellenbosch University Choir from South Africa had 108! It's a lot harder to get a group that big to be able to sing in unison, and then be able to hear each other when singing in parts, than it is for 20 or 30. Most of the groups have distinctive costumes, too. Some are great, other just , uh, colorful.
Friday night I sat next to a some girls from a college choir in Brazil while we listened to some groups singing in competition. The CIncinnati women's chorus, MUSE, took their turn, and the girl sitting next to me started crying. Her English was not very good (she said, as she apologized in English), but she was moved "because they have such joy in singing with each other." Awwww.... that made me want to cry, it was so touching.
I have felt so sorry, though, for people walking around downtown in the heat. It was 105 on Friday, 106 Saturday. I went to a concert at an unconditioned Catholic Church-- very traditional, Janet, you'd love it-- but we were just melting! Groups were performing at Fountain Square and in Washington Park in their national dress, poor things. The city did put up HUGE fans that sprayed a fine mist of water vapor, but when it's 106, that's not going to solve the problem unless you live in the fan.

We got not a drop of rain Sunday. It looked so promising, we had a severe thunderstorm watch, and it all went south of us. gggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Gotta get some sleep.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Pat sorry that you didn't get any rain, but thanks for sending me some of it. Didn't get much maybe .02 but every little bit helps.

Sounds like you have been truly immersed in the music. I would have liked to hear some, but not in an unairconditioned venue. Just too hot for me to concentrate and enjoy it properly. Our temps are cooler and it is overcast. WL's are saying we may get some more rain.

Yesterday started off with a bang. I took Casper's food out to him on the front porch, and some other of DH's dogs came up. I was trying to keep them away from his food, when all of a sudden one of the other dogs jumped on Casper, and I of course got right in the middle of that fight. Got bit pretty bad on my right hand, and after church went to the ER to have it looked at. Got 2 stitches, they cleaned it well, and gave me antibiotics as there were puncture wounds.

This morning took the bandages off it and it really bruised.but doesn't look as bad as I thought it would.

Not a thing planned for today, but maybe some laundry and paying some bills.

Waddy, KY

This weekend was beastly. One of the Louisville markets is in a church parking lot and I got the sunny side. Kate's market is totally under mature trees and you just can't believe the difference it makes. Came home and got a bunch of beets ready to can and made 4 batches of blackberry jam. The blackberries are pitiful this year. I should be picking 20 gallon and instead am lucky if I get a gallon. Just pitiful.

We didn't get any rain either night. I've got squash and cucumbers that are blooming and they aren't going to make anything because we're too far from the hydrant. One of the other market guys said his pond is about to dry up and said that when that happens his water bill will go up to $3000 a month. You know, it takes a lot of veggie to pay that bill. They've got around 25 acres of produce but still...

Got to run. Maybe more later.

Barberton, OH

Bonnie, duckweed is thick enough to supress weeds and it doesn't make seeds. It just grows. but only in water. Cooler and dry again today.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, At least when someone asks you what you did over the weekend, you can, "I got in a dogfight."

Most of the venues for the competitions are in air conditioned venues (including the Episcopal Cathedral). But the Friendship concerts, which are free & open to the public, are open where ever they can find the space. I must say, I have never seen downtown look so occupied and purposeful.

The heat broke last night and today is eminently bearable. No Choir stuff today, so I'm doing the stuff that's stacked up-- the usual laundry, dishes, plant watering, bills, grocery kind of stuff. The cat just threw up in my bed, so laundry is first!


Bon's i hope it heals quickly for you.
Pat sounds like a good time and yes that was very touching to hear from the young girl. The music must have been beautiful.
Ky i hate when i get stuck in the sun side of our market ... i never got around to berries this year. :(
Cookie and Bertie are coming over tomorrow. hooray. love to visit.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue enjoy tomorrow. A good break in the week.

Janet, would Kate consider trading spaces with you? Hehe the young can take the heat better than the oldsters.

Herman, since I have no ponds I am unfamiliar with duckweed. Thanks for the explanation, and it sounds like it would make good mulch, and the best part is, it is free!

Pat, how long will the choir series last? Yuk, I do not miss having a cat when it comes to cleaning the upchuck. Hope your day went well. Loved the "dogfight" comment, literally! I took the bandages off this morning, and my hand is bruised but it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. It is swollen and red, and really sore, but that will go away.

Today the temps and the humidity was really nice. Although I couldn't take advantage of it, as I was stuck inside paying bills and balancing check books. Got it done, so tomorrow I am free to be out and about and it looks like the first thing I need to do is weed.

DH and I harvested the garlic today, and man, I have bunches of it. Evidently it was a bumper crop. It is in the barn drying for a few days, then I will actually go through it and see how much there really is. DH was digging and I was just carrying the buckets of garlic to the barn, pouring it out to dry on straw.

Need to start thinking about going to bed.

Bonnie sure wish i had a bumper crop ? mine was so small . all i can do with it is garlic powder. not big enough to save seed for next year. Glad your had is doing better and not as bad as you thought ? but i sure hope no infection sets in .
weather feels nice.

Waddy, KY

Bonnie, shame you didn't have a garden hose to put on the dogs instead of having to wade in there yourself. Breaking up dog or cat fights never go well. I remember one time my Mom broke up a cat fight with a broom. Unfortunately while she was doing it she must have hit one of the cats in the head just right and he fell over dead. And she wasn't even swatting that hard! I never did like that Tom anyway!

I'm starting to round up hoses to see if I can stretch to the garden. I'm about half way there. I've located two more hoses in the barn and the kids say there's another hose out behind the shed where they were watering heifers. Got my soaker hoses lined up. If I wait on DH to get the job done it'll be January of 2020.

Turned in the retirement paper. Now I have to figure out the insurance. I still have another week to mull that over. I doubt that I'm going to be happy no matter what I do.

Is garlic hard to raise. If it's not any worse than onions I might give it a try this year. I was very pleased with my first attempt at onions. I usually use minced garlic or garlic powder just because I'm lazy but I wouldn't mind trying it for market. Where do you usually get your seed garlic?

Kate's gone to 4-H camp as a counselor until Friday afternoon. That means nothing will get done in the garden unless I can squeeze it in. Oh well. In another couple of weeks that will be my new job.

i grow garlic. easy easy
no bugs
deer don't eat it
plant in fall and let is sleep all winter under straw.
water when needed.
doesn't need much fertilizer or any , i have never fertilized mine
this year was a bust since we had no rain . but it can still be garlic powder

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, forgot where I got this. It is just individual cloves of garlic, and you can even plant the kind you get from the supermarket. How much were you planning on planting? Call me, maybe we can work out something on me supplying you some for planting. Since we dug it the other day after some rain, we put it in the barn on some straw to dry out from the rain and to dry from being in the ground. I order my onions from Dixon Dale in Texas, and I believe they have garlic too. Their onions plants are really good. Grows the biggest onions I have ever seen outside the supermarket. The plants they send look like our young green onions! Lots better than from the sets that is about the only thing we can buy around here. They would probably sell well at the market too. And they also ship at the proper time to plant the onions. If you look at their website, they will get the garlic to you at the appropriate time too.

Sue, hope you had a great time today with Bertie and Joyce. Wish I was closer as I would enjoy lunch with that group.

Gotta get up early in the morning and ride to town with DH as he goes for his Dr appointment. Will have to leave here about 8:00 or earlier.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Just a quick picture before I head off to more choir games. These children are from the Guangxi Children's Choir, China. I saw them perform and then caught up with them while still in costume. I have no idea what the little knee things are, but they sure look hard to keep in place!

Thumbnail by goshsmom Thumbnail by goshsmom Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Pat I heard them this morning in a piece on WNKY.

Just got a new PC this afternoon so I'm moving stuff from my Laptop over..... gonna be a long weekend....LOL!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Yes, but Ric, just think of the faster speeds you are going to experience. Did you by chance get Windows 8, I think it was just released.

Pat beautiful costumes. Bet that you have really had a treat getting to hear the choirs. when will it be over?

Well I have a PET Scan tomorrow morning. When the results of the CT scan came back they saw about a dime sized spot on my lung. So they ordered the PET scan. I would appreciate all the prayers that you can muster, as they are saying suspicious for malignancy. I am not worrying yet, that accomplishes nothing except give you ulcers, and I will deal with the diagnosis when I receive it. I am hoping that it is histoplasmosis and nothing more.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

This just in from Sue at ATP on the trial.
The primary co-defendant in the Jessica Rae Sacco murder case pleaded guilty to aggravated murder during a final pretrial hearing Wednesday in the Champaign County Common Pleas Court.

Matthew S. Puccio, 26, also pleaded guilty to felonious assault, abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence and two counts of gross abuse of a corpse in relation to the murder of Sacco on or around March 22. Charges that were dismissed in the case included three counts of possession of criminal tools and one count of tampering with evidence.
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Puccio pleads guilty

The primary co-defendant in the Jessica Rae Sacco murder case pleaded guilty to aggravated murder during a final pretrial hearing Wednesday in the Champaign County Common Pleas Court.

Matthew S. Puccio, 26, also pleaded guilty to felonious assault, abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence and two counts of gross abuse of a corpse in relation to the murder of Sacco on or around March 22. Charges that were dismissed in the case included three counts of possession of criminal tools and one count of tampering with evidence.
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Puccio pleads guilty
The primary co-defendant in the Jessica Rae Sacco murder case pleaded guilty to aggravated murder during a final pretrial hearing Wednesday in the Champaign County Common Pleas Court.

Matthew S. Puccio, 26, also pleaded guilty to felonious assault, abuse of a corpse, tampering with evidence and two counts of gross abuse of a corpse in relation to the murder of Sacco on or around March 22. Charges that were dismissed in the case included three counts of possession of criminal tools and one count of tampering with evidence.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Windows 8 Preview has started.
I can get the upgrade for 15 bucks but
I'll let them get the bugs out first.

Bonnie it's BLAZING FAST! Absolutely silent running 18 windows. Surround sound and TV out......
And, after I get done reconfiguring, I'll have 5 Terabytes of storage.

Barberton, OH

I just read something in the paper for anyone who has a pet afraid of loud noises. Look at "thundershirt". This is a notification, not a recommendation because I couldn't get my cats to hold still long enough to put a collar on, never mind a shirt.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

There are very good reviews for Thundershirt.
We're thinking of trying one for Dru's Separation Anxiety issues.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

We finally got some rain this afternoon. It started raining very hard, then slowed to a nice steady rain. When it was over (about an hour) we had 1 1/2 inches. The grass is already looking greener! I took my hanging baskets down from the front porch and set them out where they could get some of the "good rain". DH and I sat on the porch and watched for awhile, as most of the past rains we have had this year come as storms accompanied by thunder and lightening.

Janet, hope you got some of the rain too.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Bonnie, Hope you get good results from your scan. Prayers flying in your direction! And congratulations on getting some rain. We had a couple spots of dampness here today but nothing like what we need.
The World Choir Games ended today. The last few days had been mostly sold out, so I was glad I'd gotten most of my tickets last week. I am so sad to see it end! It was wonderful to see downtown so busy, and cleaned up, and people being so unabashedly friendly. And I will really miss having the younger people around. When I'm on my scooter, I'm at the perfect height for kids to talk to. And having no common language didn't stop us from conversing, for the most part. " Hurt?" was pretty much their biggest concern. They were sweet about posing whenever a camera was on hand. " Zoom, zoom" was the request to see how fast it would go... at least, that's what I took it for. And for the most part, the musicianship was excellent. I heard so much good music, much of it religious music that you don't hear from a 40 or 80 or 120 voice choir in person anymore. It was a very, very moving experience. My sister and I went to half a dozen events together, and some separately, but we'd get together and compare notes afterwards. It was just nice to have something different from the usual grocery/ movies/ school/ TV conversations. And tonight we talked, without joking, about maybe going to the next Choir Games in Riga, Latvia in 2014!
We'll see.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi to all! Just thought I'd check in and let you all know I'm still alive and lurking.

Bonnie, I'm praying for the results of the test to be good. Let us know when you know.

Pat , I love your new fence! It's great, and the choirs sure sound like something we all would like to attend one day.

Sue, I think the shawl is fantastic. I hope it gives you confort for the remaining court dates and forever after in your quiet times of reflection on Gigi and her life.

I am not a real gardener, I just love to grow flowers. Everything I know about flowers, I learned here on Dave's Garden. So I have another (dumb>?) question. The heat this summer seems to be taking a toll on the daylilies. There are lots of brown leaves on all the plants. Do I need to remove them all , or will it be okay to wait and cleasn them up in the fall with everything else. I don't want to lose them even if they are just noids.

I try to deadhead a little each morning. I can't do much in the heat of the day. I have been enjoying our neighbors swimming pool. We are welcome anytime and we don't have to do the maintenance! A good Gig!

I'm still having trouble with my legs. Ugh! I had bursitis so bad in both hips that I could hardly walk. I got cortisone shots and they didn't help but for a few days following the shots. I had a full 12 session series of accupuncture, chiropratic adjustments, ultra sound treatments and a month of physical therapy. They are better, but not 100% yet. I'm still doing the therapy everyday at home. Then I got a baker's cyst on my knee and tore some cartilage in the knee because of the pain from the cyst. All and all, I'm discouraged and just want to be able to walk without pain. I'm going to the ortho doc again tomorrow. Maybe he'll come up with something new that will cost a fortune and not remedy the problem. Ugh!

Stay cool everyone if possible. Lurker Lou

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Lou, I am so sorry to hear about all the problems you are having. Sounds like you have tried all the remedies. I am hoping that the ortho will be able to suggest something else. I am not ready for a wheel chair yet, and don't wish one for any of my friends. Sending prayers your way.

You don't have to do anything with the daylilies, it won't hurt them other than being unsightly. I just usually do a general clean up in the fall,

Been doing domestic chores today, so my house is clean and I am super tired. Did all the laundry too. I have a hair appointment tomorrow and a Dr appointment on Wednesday, so thought that I would prepare for the unexpected and have everything done in case I need to go/do something else this week.

Waddy, KY

Lou, sounds like you've had your basket full of troubles. Sure hope some relief can come your way.

We got some of the weekend rain. I got totally drenched in Louisville Saturday trying to get the truck loaded after market. Then I had to go to Sam's and Wal-Mart and liked to froze to death. I was pretty much wet from the hips down and air conditioning and cold shoes and shorts are not complimentary. The gauge at the garden said 1.5 inches to go with the .5 inches on Thursday and the home farm had 2 inches. Didn't even make the creeks trickle. The kids did a lot of weeding yesterday since the ground was prime for pulling weeds.

Bonnie, I hope all your tests come out fine. Hopefully, it's nothing.

What I wouldn't give for a nap right about now....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Lou, check down in the daylily foliage to make sure you don't have any kind of critters. Most likely your daylilies are turning brown from lack of water. If that is the case, they will grow all new foliage when it cools off or when they get a good drink.

I hope everyone gets to feeling better and keeps cool. This weather is so bizarre. Carly has soccer 13 out of the next 16 days. I feel bad when it's so hot but she loves her sports.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the advise. I cleaned the lilies in the front yard garden up just because they were unsightly and that was what got me to wondering. I'll check them and probably let them go til cooler weather. Dr. appointement this AM. Typical Dr., Waited an hour to see him for 5 min. I am scheduled for an MRI on thursday and see him again next Tues. Maybe then I can get whatever is wrong taken care of. (Excuse the grammar)LOL. I have no ambition to anything the rest of the day. It's already 97% !
I guess I'll read and do some house work. Lou

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Just got a call from my Dr and the PET Scan shows I HAVE NO CANCER. I am doing a happy dance.

Waddy, KY

YES!! YES!!! YES!!! God is listening!!! Such good positive news. Now you're all dolled up with a new hair do so you might as well go out somewhere to celebrate.

Lou, they're probably just going summer dormant. When it cools down and there's some more moisture in the ground they'll put out new growth. Mine look so raggedy that I hate to ship anything in the fall because the tops look so bad. You can clean up the foliage or leave it, your choice.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Good going, Bonnie! Yee-haw and Amen! Good, good news.
Lou, I hope you get some clear cut results so your doc will know what to do to give you some relief. I had bursitis and a few other "itis" s while I was out every day at the choir games, and it really makes it hard to sleep and hard to concentrate on anything else except I HURT. I have some lidocaine patches, but they don't stick very well on a body part that moves or flexes (like hips and shoulders).

My hydrangea flowerheads are turning brown and wilted. Should I cut them off so the bush isn't trying to spend its time making blooms instead of just surviving? Opinions welcome.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks everybody. I do attribute the good news to answered Prayer. Have bunches of churches praying, so now I can tell them to change that to praises.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Excellent news Bonnie. Glad to hear it.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Bonnie -Great news. My happy news for the day.!!

I was going to leave the hydrangea blooms on the plant to dry, but they are turning real brown too. I guess it's the heat and drought. I have been watering it everyday, but it seems to droop everytime our temps go over 100. I droop too at those temps, so I can emphasis with it.LOL

Have good day all. Stay cool however you can. Lou

i had my cousin and her step sister come and visit.There is nothing like family to perk up a person. Even my family. LOL I have not seen her in 20 yrs !
she had her two kids and then her step sis has a dd . We had a great time !!
i hid the fairys that i have in Jessica's garden all over my back garden. Girls had a blast finding them ! I had the convinced they don't move when boys are in the garden. LOL truly fun entertainment.
i m sad to see them leave. I have not seen my family in so long. 12 yrs My parents did come last fall for a 5 days.
well its pouring rain here !!! a good rain too. and it feels good ! the ground is actually wet !
sold most of my plants too. so i don't have to worry about watering them .

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue that sounds like a good time. We got some rain too, but don't know how much as we don't have a rain gauge.

Lou, all I am doing is keeping my hydrangea watered and alive. The blooms on mine are all brown, so no trying to save them for dried flowers. I really don't know the proper thing to do with them. I know that is no help to you or me either.

I am going to be making roasted tomato sauce tomorrow, so need to head to bed shortly to get my rest for an all day work fest.

Bonnie i have had hydrangea's go completly brown but have come back to life the next year. Have you done a scratch test on the limbs. ?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue the plant is doing fine. I was trying to save the blooms for dried arrangements and it is only the blooms that are brown. I did loas a lilac bush during this drought though.

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