June 2012- Feels way too much like July!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

We got torrential rains here. I drove thru it coming home. Saw one tree down and leaves all over the roads but no damage other than that. Just heavy rain for a few minutes. No complaints here!!! lol

Here is Red Dutch lily. It is a Oriepet or Trumpet lily. Something like that. I haven't checked for scent. Keep forgetting too. My Royal Sunset is STILL blooming it's head off. It's almost done though I think. That thing has been blooming for several weeks. Definintely a keeper!!

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Nice Lilies there, Pepper. So, that is the parent plant of my Royal Sunset eh? Pretty plant, mine still has a couple blooms on it.
The one on the left is a nice color too.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I have no idea if it is a parent plant or not. Red Dutch is on left and Royal Sunset on the right. I have another Red Dutch blooming but it is much smaller. This one is about the size of my hand.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hmmm.. I see. They aren't too similar after I put them side by side. I got a Red Lily from you at the Fall 09' RU. Here is mine - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=9148481 and yours - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=9167979&extraimg=0

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

My Red Dutch is an Oriental Lily. The one I gave you is a daylily. Same family, totally different plants. Red Dutch is more like your lily trees.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Pretty pics pepper. I love lillies. I have been digging up some pink trumphet lillies. They spread like crazy. I have so many things that need to be moved. As soon as everything gets in the ground I'll worry about moving them...I know that sounds stupid but first things first. The lillies I dug up I am saving those for our plant sale next year. Boy it was hot today.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Weather liars said high of 96.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sorry I have been MIA for quite a while! Been a busy month and I wasn't able to get to read my threads. I did receive the starts from you Will. I haven't planted them yet, I have them in water. I will try to get them planted pretty quick.

Got to go now. Getting late. See you all later.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Glad to hear they made it, Crit. In a few years they will be big and nice! I can cut some more for you if those don't take. I know they grow from a cutting because I did it too.

Man, go out of town for 3 days and my Elephant Ears have shrivelled up for lack of watering. I watered everything before I left, it didn't occur to me that the Elephant Ears must be watered every single freaking day.
I think they woulda been alright if they were planted, mine are just in a big pot, there isn't much soil in the pot either. I got a photo, be warned it is pretty pathetic looking! -

I too know about digging and moving plants, it seems like it's never done!

We went to Bennett Spring State Park here in Missouri, this weekend, it's a neat place. One unique attraction in Missouri is the nice, big springs. I've seen four springs I believe now. Technically, only 3 of those Springs were in MO., Mammoth Spring is right across the border in Arkansas, it is real nice too. Spring water is beautiful, crystal clear water that comes out very cool and stays cool. Canoeing a spring-fed river is the ultimate.
On a scorching hot day you can still get in 60ish degree water if you want. Several of the great canoeing rivers in Missouri are spring-fed or partially spring-fed. For example, Bennett Spring drains into the Niangua River like a tributary. The Current River I think is entirely spring-fed, there are several rivers like that. Anyway, flyfishing at Bennett Spring is a big thing. I think alot of that fishing is catch and release but Rainbow Trout with a few (or many..lol) drops of lemon juice is a delicacy! Here is a photo of Bennett Spring, that fisherman is standing out in the Spring! I saw a rendering of the spring in the nature center, the spring water comes out at an angle or something, I don't think you can stand in the spring's hole.

Here is that divider I erected for the Purple Prince Lily Trees. The Summer Carnival Hollyhock down at the end has turned a little nice while I was gone, it has a pink flower. So far it is living up to the multi-colored picture on the seed packet! I see there is quite a few more buds so maybe those other colors will show themselves this year. I expect next year they will have reverted back to the normal maroon color, we'll see. I'll try to remember to get the seedpods pinched off and put down at the ground, if it doesn't come back in any form that would be the worst! I got the divider screen up just in time for the Lilies to stop flowering, boohoo! Oh well, there's always next year. - Here is a better photo with the Purple Princes at the other end. - Haha! You can even see my bent lawnmower blade on that green cart! I'd like to get some other climber or two going on the divider also, it looks a little too big for the plants on it now.
Here is my other single Purple Coneflower plant. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

Sounds like you've been busy. I also hate to say this but it looks like your purple coneflower may have aster yellows by looking at the lower blooms. Are they really leafy and green looking?

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Ack, I hope they don't have that. I'll get a close-up shot of the Coneflowers. They are pretty well isolated, I hope they didn't get an infection from somewhere around here. I don't think there is any other Coneflowers around here, maybe in somebody's backyard. I guess if birds and bees can pollinate plants miles apart, bugs can spread disease too, dangit. I'll go get those photos right now. I know they also balk but not as much as the Elephant Ears on lack of water lately. Here is my other Coneflower plant, it even had a visitor on a flower when I took it's picture! The 2 after that are the Coneflower plant up there. Here is that Elephant Ears, it's gonna hafta regenerate some new leaves because I think these are done now.

I need to take a roadtrip soon and see if my vacant lot in Kansas needs mowing.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

You can really tell on the second picture, the lower flowers toward the right of the picture have the green or abnormal (extra) leafy growth. That is a sure sign of aster yellows. Sorry:( I'm getting pretty good at recognizing it, I've had to chop out about 7 plants so far this year and still waiting to tell on about 15 more:( It's been a rough year for coneflowers. i still haven't had the heart to tell my sister in law that all her coneflowers on infected. I'm hoping she'll look it up on her own since I've mentioned all mine had it and what the infected ones looked like :S It looked like her whole bed, about 30 coneflowers had it about a week ago when I stopped by (just shocked she hasn't connected the dots especially since she lives about two blocks away.) I'm probably not going to give her to long before telling her, I don't want it to keep spreading elsewhere.

This message was edited Jun 20, 2012 1:38 PM

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hmm.. well, that stinks. I only have 2 plants, I can't really spare any yet. Maybe it'll go away or something. I'll just water them regularly so they can keep their strength and defenses up, maybe they can ward it off.
Wow, your SIL has a big bed of them sick with it, that would really stink.
Are the seeds okay to spread to have plants the next year or maybe they'll also be infected?
Thanks for the heads up mclowdis.

This 'Nanho' Butterfly Bush started out small and is it ever growing up quick! When I got it from Pepper it was quite a small plant, even small plants grow up eventually!
Here's that Purple Coneflower plant, I think it's a different photo. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

The seeds wouldn't be infected but I'm pretty sure aster yellows is suppose to make a plant sterile, unfortunately it won't go away the only way to deal with aster yellows (what the extension agent told me that came to look at my plants) is to completely dispose of the plant (do not compost it), there is no cure:( Its carried by leaf hoppers so if only one of the coneflowers has it, spray for bugs asap to at least prevent the spread.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is my Penny Lane blooming!!

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I officially don't like Aster Yellows! I'll see if I can locate some spray to treat them.
Wow, Penny Lane has a pretty flower, maybe it'll turn more Apricot color like the photos. It's a nice shape and white though. I wish mine hadn't expired, but stuff happens.
Is that the same Penny Lane that came in the mail this Spring, Pepper? If it is, that was fast for blooming already.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It sure is!! Yeah, it isn't tall but apparently very happy since it is blooming. lol. Westerland isn't showing life but I'm leaving it for now just in case it's working on roots. I'll order another one this fall if I need too. Penny has a nice scent too. Almost fruity. I have salvia all around them to act as companion plants. They just need a trellis now but I doubt I will need it this year. Just gotta have it up before next year.

Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Wow, that was fast for it to bloom already, Pepper! A fruity smell would be good. Salvia around them sounds nice to complement them. I bet Pickering would replace the Westerland if you have the rec't.
Yeah, I know what you mean about needing trellises. I have several plants that would be much happier climbing on something.

Here is my 'Luna Red' Hibiscus with a big flower. Something has been chomping on it's leaves I think, they have those round ate parts. I saw some Luna Reds at Lowes and they were all red, even the leaves, I wonder what is going on, my Luna Red foliage isn't red. I hope mine is a Luna Red, the label is still on it. Maybe it's those Leaf Hoppers hopping all over, some Hostas also look like they have bites out of them.

Haha! Well, the wind took off the tallest big leaf of my TropiCanna, but NO stalks this time! lol

I had to dig up my Colorado Blue Spruce Globosa, I could not keep it straight. The top is bigger than the rootball and I'm guessing the wind kept pushing it over, so I'll just put it in a planter for awhile.
I don't know what that stick in there is, some plant stick that was used before, maybe to help keep it straight, well, it doesn't work anymore!

I am gonna try to rehabilitate this James Montgomery Lilac. Things I do that with perk back up, it is usually just a lack of water I've learned. Where it was planted wasn't exactly a water-every-day spot.
I also did that with the Mini Penny Hydrangea in the photo, it was bumming too, a couple weeks ago, it's to the right of the Lilac in the photo. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Well, my Elephant Ears are losing some leaves, it looks like 5 or 6 are going away, but big new ones are coming back in other parts, so hope it's not a total loss.

I am on the lookout for a place to plant this Dogwood on the remembrance of my friend's mother in Dec.

Some wild critter dragged my bulb of hardy waterlilies out of the big planter of water they were in last nite! When I discovered them on the ground today I immediately put them back in the water, hope they'll be ok, I think they will, we'll see.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi happ, if your still out there, I did four cuttings of Blackberry plants. That is a thorny proposition! They want to come right out if you get clothes or anything dragged over them, the thorns catch every time I found out.
I'll try to get them to grow, they are supposed to grow by cuttings, so I don't know why I've never had any luck with them by cuttings.
Ot oh, I read now that it is root cuttings not regular cuttings. When I go back out in a bit I'll dig a sprout up for it's roots and see if that works. I'll also try growing them from a berry when they turn black, there is some red ones on them now. I can easily spare one or two for root cuttings, they are all over back there, I'd say 1/5th of the backyard has got Blackberry sprouts in it.
I'll try all 3, I'm not sure which way works now, different sites say different stuff.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I am out here Will..rofl. I have a black berry and a raspberry starts. They both have/had berries. One is thornless and one has thorns...rofl. Mine have not grown any at all for some reason. I know about the thorns catching everything...rofl. I plan on running them on metal farmer fence post and keeping them tied. Yeah everytime you look up something you find 20 ways to do it and never know which is right, guess which ever works is right...rofl. You are a sweetie for doing this.

I am always leary of saying thank you due to the old wives tale about receiving plants and saying thank you and they will die....LOL So just in case you all haven't heard of the wives tale....

We actually have had some light showers this morning and I am so happy even if it is my day to play in the garden. I can't find any more soaker hoses, everyone is sold out...

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Ok our short shower is still going on. I am happy about that but the 40 mpr winds are ripping everything up. All my tropical leaves are shredded....

Minneola, KS(Zone 6a)

Been working out in the garden and thought I would post a few pictures. Everything seems so early this year but last year was my first year gardening so a lot of the garden was already established a bit this year.

Thumbnail by mclowdis Thumbnail by mclowdis Thumbnail by mclowdis Thumbnail by mclowdis
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Awww.. thanks happ, it's no trouble. I hope at least one Blackberry start sprouts. Very nice flower beds there, mclowdis.

I went to a baseball game here in Kansas City tonite. Actually, Kansas City, Kansas, it's not the Kansas City Royals, it was the Kansas City T-bones, the minor league team here in KC. They were playing Amarillo, Texas.
That Amarillo team is terrible, the score was 16-4 T-bones. I don't mean to be nasty on them because it isn't the home team but they couldn't catch popup balls, for example, they'd just stand under a popup ball and let it fall to the ground, (thinking somebody else had it I guess), things like that.

Here is another pic of the Blackberry cluster. I hope the neighbors like Blackberries! For the first time, today, I noticed a few Blackberry bushes on the other side of the fence, with red blackberries even.
See the red berries down low in this pic on the other side of the fence? If you look at some of the other plants you can see more Blackberry bushes, three leaved. lol! The birds are gonna love that area! That's mainly what it's for is the birds, we got it for wildlife food. I'm sure we'll eat some if there's any left.

In this pic you can see the holes that are left where other stuff used to be and I've dug them up and relocated them or just put them in pots, they were getting overrun by Blackberry sprouts. From left to right, the first hole was a Hydrangea, the second hole a Goldflame Spirea and the third hole a regular Lilac.

Here is my Luna Red Hibiscus doing a red flower. -

That's an old wives tale eh?!

Dangit, the showers your way happ, never made it here!

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

You all do have some of the nicest pic's and cottage garden displays on this thread . good conversation too!
We have had 3 one -hundredths of an inch of rain here since May 31st. How dry it is! How dry it is!

Thumbnail by juhur7
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Wow juhur, that's pretty dry. It has rained a decent amount here lately, probably up to average or near it for this time of year. I say that, now it won't rain until August! They said on the news lately that even the place around here that got the LEAST amount of rain was nearly an inch. Thanks juhur, lots of nice pics, not mine so much, my stuff in general is still kinda small, I just need to wait until it all fills in or I get more plants. I also have a ton of clutter to find places for, it makes the landscaping look bad but I am reluctant to get on it. There is just so much to do! That's not conducive to someone that only wants to do hard labor for 10 minutes a day! By the end of the nice weather I plan to get it all sorted out. Haha, just kidding about the labor, I can usually eek out an hour or 2 if there's something that just has to be done, like getting free rocks, my car is full as I speak, of 7 kitty litter buckets full of them!

Nice pic of your Coneflowers, juhur. That's one plant that I'll be waiting to get big because now it is quite small and the other Coneflower plant of the same size has Aster Yellows

Oh, something else that I wanted to mention about the nincomepoops from Amarillo, Texas that came to play the Kansas City T-bones. This one Amarillo player actually accidently threw his bat into the stands!
I mean it went up high, you could see it against the blue sky. I guess he just swung and couldn't hold on, hope nobody was hurt, they didn't say, but I saw security and other game people over there.

I have a pic of the divider screen that my 3 Purple Prince Lily Trees and a Hollyhock down at the end! That's my shade garden behind it.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Mclowdis, you have beautiful gardens and I can tell you everything in my garden is fast forward a good month. Thank goodness for the hosta garden and tropicals because that is the only part of the garden that will be decent to look at by July, everything else will have been bloomed out.

Juhur7, you can't beat cone flowers, I have been potting them up for the garden sale next year because they have spread into areas I don't need them. But they sure stand up to the heat and dry. Wish the hybrids did half as well. I just haven't had any luck with those.

Green Mountain Hosta is having a hosta sale and I have ordered from them and the hostas were beautiful and even before the sale really reasonable, now 20 percent off.

I have been very good and not buying much and not participating in plant swaps....told myself everything I have in pots need to be planted before I buy any more and for me I have done great, but our little home town store had a sale I couldn't resist, gallon perennials for 50 cents! I got 3 munster lavenders, 5 hardy salvias, and 3 of something else and for the life of me can't remember what they are...rofl. Actually should of bought more, they did have columbine. Problem with columbine is like the hybrid coneflowers they throw seeds back to their native state which annoys me....rofl.

Sunday was so hot and the wind did die down at my house and the ducks were even panting it was so hot. When I am home I sprend the majority of the day outside in the garden, by majority I mean from about 7am to 5pm or later...rofl but yesterday it was hot enough it kept running me back in. I did plant in the shade garden, ran some more soaker hose, mulched, played with the ducks, cleaned some stuff up and tore some stuff up....rofl. I don't know if I ever make any progress.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Will, try putting some moisture crystals in the soil of things that need watered daily. They swell up and are gel like when they absorb the water and will help keep the soil moist longer. I put them in my tomatoe plants soil so I can water them when I water the other plants. Ususally every other day. I have some potted plants and plants in my new garden I am going to do that to as well. Anything to cut down on the watering and still have/enjoy my plants!

I bought 2 hardy hibiscus at Lowe's last fall on reduced price. One had a Luna Red tag and the other had the Luna Swirl (I think that's the name) on it. Well, the one I had the red tag on bloomed and was the Pink Swirl, so I thought I got the tags mixed up. So I switched the tags and when the other one bloomed, it was a pink swirl too. Although they are pretty, and are on opposite sides of the yard, I was very disappointed that I didn't have the red. Where I planted it I wanted a red flower. Oh well, need to check my stash of seeds. I may have some there.

I'm with you happ on not saying TY for plants. My mom told me that some 35 years ago when she gave me something. Soooooooooo, I say much appreciated or something like that. ^_^

mclowdis .... everything was early this year. I think it was because of the unusually warm winter we had. A lot of people have talked about having so many things early this year, and wondered if they would last the normal season for them.

Pictures of more progress on the pond. DH thinks he can have it ready to go by next weekend. It has been so hot here, by the time he gets off work (the building he works in has no AC or exhaust fans), he is a front end alignment specialist and Service Technician for a Chevy dealer here, he doesn't want to be out in the heat any longer, and I don't blame him. Now when he gets off work, the pond is in the shade so not so bad, except for 104* temps!

Then we had some laying hens given to us, so I had yet another project for him. (We were given 4. One diappeared and one I caught my rat terrier with dead. So now I am down to 2, but want 12 so we are working on things for them. He hung up the nests for me. Then we got to thinking they needed something to keep the weather off them. Here is a picture of the 'roof' he built for them with a pully for me to lift it up to check for eggs. Now we are going to have to build a chicken wire enclosure for them at night about 10 x 10, they are free range during the day, and in bad weather and at night. I just KEEP getting projects for that poor man to do for me. And he does them all without any complaining. He's a keeper!!!

The new flower bed is done and I am getting the plants planted as I can. It is in the sun until about 5 o'clock everyday when I start to get some shade on it. I'll have to post pics of it in the next post as I don't have enough room on here. I'll do that next post.

Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Boy do we need rain!!!!!!!!

Here is the new flower bed. The lighthouse I wanted to plant low growing blue flowers to make 'the ocean with a few white flowers to immulate white caps. lol I used blue and white lobelia, but think I spent a lot of money for something that isn't going to grow there. :-( When I first got them planted, DH took a broken flower and wrote "LOOKING GOOD" on it, before he left for work. lol I don't know if they are in too much sun or what, but they are dying off one by one. Anyone have a suggestion as to what I might use that likes full sun?

I am so proud of what he did, I just love it!

Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The humidity was unbearable today!! I went to a coworker's house after work and hung out in her pool and cooled off. By the time we got out the humidity had gone and the breeze had picked up. Not good when you're wet!! LOL

I'm having issues with my tomatoes. Does anyone know what the problem is here?

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

More pics. I have started using Miracle Grow hoping it will help but I don't use it everyday.

Thumbnail by pepper23 Thumbnail by pepper23
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Moisture crystals eh? Thanks Crit.

This Bumblebee likes it some Blue Fortune Hyssop.

I got a hitchhiker Elephant Ear in this pot with a Hazelnut plant it appears.

In the foreground is a big pot of a Blackberry plant that I'm trying to start. That one is the roots and plant from a sprout, hopefully it will do like a root cutting and take off is the idea.
The other ones behind it are above-ground cuttings, not sure how they're going to do, they seem to be shrivelling up pretty good. Although, the one over to the left still has a green stalk so maybe it's gonna take.
The first big one up front I did yesterday, the others I did 2 days before that.

Well, I put yet some more rocks to use in the yard. -

I don't have a single steenking Peach on my Peach tree now! A squirrel has relieved me of them all!

I always thought Hibiscus was a nice tropical looking plant for a sunny spot. I was gonna do something like a beach looking spot complete with a couple bags of seashells even, I was gonna run a little pump to look like waves and water in the ocean. A while back I saw a big lighthouse of lkozarksgarden's - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=7827112

I have a Luna Red Hibiscus, it's in flower up in that June 24th post, it's not flowering right now. Actually, I had 2 of them but one didn't come back after Winter for some reason, it wasn't that cold, it probably just wasn't gonna make it anyway. It came from Lowes too, one thing about Lowes, after you buy something from them you must follow they're very frequent watering schedule for a long while, or stuff dies I found out.

I attributed my tomatoes not doing well last year because of the heat and dry spell myself.

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is a Coneflower of mine, it has Aster Yellows but it's so doggone pretty still! That's quite a cluster on it!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Anything recently famaliar about the pic.

Hi ya pepper; Those look like normal stress for high humidity and heat . Mine do that I mulch up where those root stubs are and water when cooler when using any plant food. That can sometimes be a mild onset of powder mildew in high humidity and heat stresses.The tomato plants can actually outgrow that though without much trouble.Almost all tomato plants will get some leaf curl in high heat and direct sun.

Thumbnail by juhur7
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunny. Winds SE at 10 to 20 mph.

Boy did I get behind!

We've been on the run, had the kids, all four, a lot, and I've been out to DD'd a lot. Then there were birthdays, anniversaries and a late graduation party.

We are still watering. The bit of rain we got didn't last long. I have one more nice day today to move more plants. I have some I potted for myself to be set back when I make room and more for the free pile. I brought everything and the sign back over so the property owners can mow. I hope they do pretty soon!

My garden is really looking good. The potatoes now have flowers, and the tomatoes and peppers have fruit set on. My Dad dug a few onions already. I got one last picking off the spinach and pulled it up. I foundas bag of very loooong sprouted potatoes in a cupboard. I planted them and a couple actually put up leaves, LOL! One was already growing tiny potatoes. All shriveled, but I keep them waterd so we'll see. These will be Russets. I'm eating beets and their greens and am watching the Brussels sprouts get bigger, LOL! Oh, and the peas put on a second crop, but I let the Grandsons pick and eat them.

We live trapped and relocated three large raccoons over the last couple of weeks. Luckily we have nice creeks in three directions so they should be able to relocate with no problem. A person really needs to take them 12 - 15 miles away so they don't return. I think once trapped tho they will not come back around.

It's been hot a few times, but mostly beautiful out. I'm moving plants and watering every day. Today is our last good day and then it's the 90's.

Have a good day!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi billyp, welcome back. Your up early too! I'm going to the motor vehicle office as soon as they open at 9a, (if there's alot of cars there usually I'd tend to keep on driving other times..lol) as soon as they open.
Wow, 3 large raccoons eh? We need to get 3 of them too, they are going in the fireplace and rooting around in there for months every year. I dislike going on the roof tho, I have a fear of falling off!

It has been warm here lately - http://www.kshb.com/subindex/weather/forecast/7_day_forecast 94° today seems a bit low but that is better than 100. Tulsa would be stifling at 104° One good thing, I found my sweatband looking for something else I lost.

The Pink Swirl looks pretty too, but getting the wrong plant at the store would stink, I'd take it back, myself, with the rec't if it's less than a year.

Are the R.O.S. cuttings still green, Crit?

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I finally got around to painting the decrepit shed today. I called my friend at work and told her, "this color is appalling, do you want me to continue, wait till you see it, it's pink". Thank goodness she said don't finish!
I just had to share 2 photos of it, it's disgusting! We came across 2 gallons of red deck latex, I think we better just go with that instead of trying to match the house colors! Man, I used an electric paint sprayer, that is nice, you can do a 10 foot square section in like 10 minutes. Just be sure to run water (if latex) thru the sprayer right after you use it. It was the first time I used it, the water to thin needs to be plenty or it sprays out too thick.
See that Hollyhock flower, it is roughly the same color as that!

This message was edited Jun 26, 2012 2:23 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

The curling of the leaves and whatever else it's doing has been going on since they were only about a foot tall. Indirect sun, mostly southern exposure thru some trees. I'll just keep watering everyday and miracle grow when I remember. lol.

Will, that color is flat out ugly. lol

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I am SO glad I scrolled down to the birthday list!!


suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes happy belated birthday happ! Hey, I think POSSIBLY my Blackberry starts might be taking off! I'll know more in a few days when these little wisp-of-leaves looking things either get bigger and look like leaves or they were just whatchacoms to deceive me! I know you don't see the full size photos but maybe you can still see the little nub looking things about halfway up the stems? Maybe this crazy heat made a big difference this time, maybe they really love it or something. I water them every day too. It is now 98° - http://www.kshb.com/subindex/weather/forecast/7_day_forecast It is forecast to be in the low hundreds all week except one day and that day 99.

My Grandparents are such misers, I called my Mom and told her it is real hot in their house, I was over there yesterday taking them some groceries, even at 7p I was sweating in there. They have 2 air conditioners but they are so frugal (cheap) that they keep them off! I told them to turn them on all the time, it is going to be stifling hot. My Mom was over there this morning, she got my message. I'm going to have to keep going over there this Summer and make sure it's on. They both have Alzheimers, my Grandfather pretty bad. He doesn't even realize it's real hot I don't think, and my Grandmother is the person that keeps the ac off. She says he turns it off but I don't think so. They aren't broke or anything, their just frugal as heck! They are from the day when everything cost a nickel.
Oh, the life of a Grandchild!

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