Who can pass a seed rack without buying seeds?

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

kevcarr59 - Congratulations on your persistence! My hubby is into "dumpster diving" but I'd be mortified to do so incase someone saw me!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I've picked up pots at the dump! The guy next to us was throwing away a huge amount of pots I brought what I wanted home. I've been accused of dumpster diving I never gave a thought to somebody seeing me.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

1lisac, I think it's great when people can salvage something from a dumpster or dump. Imagine how many usable items are carelessly tossed into a dumpster that someone could actually use. That's why I like craigslist and freecycle ^_^

Warrenton, VA

Mashed Cauliflower - for the best taste, cut it up, throw it into one of those Pyrex clear glass roundish casseroles, put a bit of water in the bottom. You'll probably need to leave the top off as you should have a heaping bunch. Throw the whole thing into a HOT oven (425 should work), and let it bake for a LONG time, I'd say about an hour, then poke into it in different places to see if it's tender.
When it's VERY tender, it should be brown or even a bit burnt on top. GOOD! Take it out of the oven, bring out your hand masher and have at it. You can add milk, or cream or shredded cheese...and salt and pepper. In other words, fix it like you do for mashed potatoes. If you want it smoother, get out your hand mixer. I use my wand-type mixer. WOW. You won't ever fix it any other way. You can even get creative with types of cheeses and add a bit (not much) of garlic powder or better still, bake some fresh garlic in the oven right alongside the cauliflower. VOILA!

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

Gracye - thanks for the recipe. Sounds simple enough.

Bozeman, MT

I intentionally left my wallet in the car the last time I went to our local nursery, as I was just there to check out their bare root stock. I walked in and froze at the sight of those seed racks. I rolled my eyes, shook my head in disgust and turned to walk back out. One of the workers saw me and started to ask if anything was wrong. I said "no I'm just going back out to get my wallet because I was crazy to think I'd be leaving here without any seeds." One of my friends says I have a problem. :-)

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

I went to a grocery store yesterday that I don't normally goto. I went there specifically to get Maltex, a cooked cereal I like and can get in no other store around here. Walking through the store I came across the dried bean section, where they had yellow eye beans. A puond of then followed me home, some of which I'll plant.

Durham, NC(Zone 7b)

I have never bought seeds from a rack but I am an internet seed junky. I went to the baker creek website the other day to replace some okra seed and by the time I was done perusing the bulk seeds I had to retire my shoebox for seed storage and get a rubbermaid tub lol. Why get a packet of 30 seeds for $2
when I can get a quarter pound for $8? (now where am I gonna plant a quarter pound of okra)


Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

I did it!

Daughter and I were in Target yesterday to purchase a gift for a baby shower and I passed by the seed rack! I did LOOK but said to myself: "Self - you don't have room to grow the seedlings you already have, so why are you looking?"

I'm still wondering if they had something I should have purchased...

BUda, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Vaughn, you JUST had to put Baker Creek website up there..LOL... Spent $30 for next years garden...

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

My name is cue_chik and I am a seed addict (hangs head in shame). I can't pass up those shiny green towers of glory, filled with all those beautiful packets of vegetable and flower seed. They seem to whisper "pick me, pick me! You don't have a pack of seeds like ME at home!". Even though I have limited space with the backyard barely big enough to hold two patio chairs, a BBQ grill and a Birdbath, I probably have enough seed to start my own 40 acre vegetable farm, yet I continue to heed the call of those little packets of love every time I walk by. I justify my purchases with the reasoning only a mad-woman could conjure - "Seeds are cheap, and it's for the good of all those that dwell within my household!" nevermind the fact that the 'household' refuse to eat half the veggies I have collected and grown.

Will it ever end? Can I be cured? No one rally knows... how it started or even why, all they know is that mom hoards her seeds like Gollum hoards The One Ring.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

cue_chik, do not hang head in shame! Hold it high, chin up. I feel spontaneous seed purchasing is a statement in hope and optimism. Yes, we can grow our own food/flowers. And from seed, too!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

If only I owned my own land... alot of it!

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

cue_chik - I agree with terry - hold your head up high!

Maybe you could find a community garden in your area where you could sow those seeds to your heart's content?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> mom hoards her seeds like Gollum hoards The One Ring.

Me, too! Precious, Precious!!

I call it "Obsessive Seed Disorder" or O. Seed D.

I wish I had more land ... AND more time ... AND more sun ... AND more boxes for seeds.

Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I HAVE the land. So do the deer, snakes , bugs, raccoons, skunks,fox, rabbits.....well you get the picture.
Vaughn-I bought squash and greens blends in bulk from BC for just that reason. Maybe one year we can all go in together and buy seeds in bulk and divide them up? It sounds like a good idea anyway. Lol

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'd sign up for that ... I have a lot of shareable Asian greens (Brassicas) lke Bok Choy already.

And carrots and radishes.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

2-3 yrs ago I bought 3types of summer squash for a Market Order, I didn't need all those seeds but it was cheaper then buying what I needed to fill the order. I'll do a germination test (they grew last year). I might just be on to something but I don't think im the one to organize it. I can't even organize my own seeds. Lol

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

You're supposed to organize seeds? Not place them in plastic bags and pile them in a drawer, pull them all out New Year's Day and line them up on the kitchen counter discovering gems and "Aha's" along the way? =8~))

Wellllll, slap me silly! I've got the label maker, now I just need to organize. LOL! I really do need to get more organized. Can't use the move as an excuse much longer....

I may just discover I have room for more seeds.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

My kitchen table is still covered in seed packets. I need to get them put away, but Ive been working in the garden!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm a seed collector/hoarder but every few seasons I loosen my grip and join a big swap to clean house. Not long after joining DG and getting back into planting seeds I soon had a huge shoe box full of seeds. I finally decided to start fresh and sent them all to one lady in Colorado. I'm up to about 3 storage boxes now and two small plastic pencil boxes.

I skipped most of the seeds from work (w/mart) but they had a Seeds of Change rack for veggies and I caved. Their packaging is awesome and resealable so I like that. I started out writing to companies for catalogs before I got a pc and that was bad enough but now with GW and all the great places everyone here recommends I'm finding it harder to keep from gathering more:lol:

Warrenton, VA

Speaking for many ex-hippie/Artist types, I admit being romanced rather easily by the beautiful packaging. But, one thing - I SWEAR I remember back in the day that there were more seeds per package, and that the count was up close and personal. I REALLY dislike the new non-fessing-ability of the seed companies...you know?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> I admit being romanced rather easily by the beautiful packaging.

TOTALLY! I may not be able to GROW soemthing that pretty even after buying the seeds, but it won't stop me from trying!

>> there were more seeds per package

I try to buy from vendors like Hazards that give you a good size, and accurate count. Tainong and Kitazawa are golod for Asian crop seeds. Territorial has some big packs, but they cost more than the tiny ones.

I think that the way to save is to buy big packets, then split them up and share. Then the money goes to the Post Office!

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Many people only want a few seeds, now none of us would understand that lol. But there is a company that sells small packets for .99 on line. The catalog is down stairs and I'm not getting it now! Anyway, I have seed packets everywhere scattered through out the house. Argh..

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I like Pinetree because they don't give you excessive numbers of seeds in their packages and therefore don't charge as much as some other companies. But I ordered some fava bean and lima bean seeds from Landreth's and was amazed at how few seeds there were in each packet. It's a good thing I ordered two of each; that gave me enough for only a single row of about fifteen feet each. I had planned double rows....

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

I guess I am the oddball here. I prefer to seed shop online (and catalogues) so I can research the seeds/plants before I buy.

But y'all have me curious. I know many of you insist on heirlooms but do you not save your seeds for the next years' crop? If you do so, it will improve the crops that are best suited to your growing conditions rather than just buying new and more seeds.

Just curious.... Kristi

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

I do the growing. I'll let an expert come up with the new varieties. Most of the time things recommended for my area work real good.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

For the large scale that you grow, I can understand that.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Pinetree is the small packet Co I was thinking of...

Bernie-Texas is a huge state and nobody can seem to agree on what grows here, lol. Its a lot of micro climates and trial and error.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We experiment every year. That's why we use on line ordering. Way more information.
Tried a new company this year, Neseed.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Personally, I'd prefer to get more seeds in the packet and usually buy one size up. That way, if something really works for me, I can plant more right away. Also, I can share or save some seeds for next year or fall. I'm not a seed saver, but maybe some day when I'm "retired".

I've found that Willhite's a really nice, full packet. And, yes, I do think the amount of the seeds in the packets have really gone down with some of the seed vendors. I find it anoying unless I've ordered the sampler packet.

Kristi, as a seed saver, I think of my seed stash as money account, to withdraw, add to, and a percent saved :0)

I thought I'd pass along an experience concerning heirlooms. My first year really getting into veggies, I made a huge expensive purchase from Baker's. I researched all the seeds, found the ones that would do well in my area. Only, to find the same seeds at my local farm supply. Three dollars would buy me a packet from Baker's, while the same three dollars would buy me a pound of the same seed at the feed store.

I still support Baker's, I like their business principles. But in tight times, I thought some people might need another option. Heirloom doesn't always mean 'rare'.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> the same seeds at my local farm supply

I agree! If a local co-op or "feed store" carries a variety, that's a strong reccomendation for it being suited to local varieties. And you don';t pay postage, which helps if you're buying a pound of beans or a cover crop.

Terri, thanks for the tip about Willhite Seeds. They seem to have GREAT prices and many articles. Johnnies, Hazzards and Territorial used to be my favorites for crop seeds, but now I'm going to compare them with Willhite.



Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I save a lot of seeds from year to year, but this spring some of my peppers never germinated; I'm not sure why. I contacted the person I got them from and he's going to send me a few more. If they sprout I'll have to read up on how best to save pepper seeds. Some of my saved seeds germinated, but my favorite variety didn't.

I always save tomato seeds, bean seeds, and pea seeds.

Ah, Rick. I should have been clearer. Our co-op sells prepackaged seeds by the pound, but two of our other feed stores sell 'by weight'. These are small independent type feed stores, not the chain Tractor Supply (which has a lousy seed and fertilizer selection.IMO).

Charlotte, NC(Zone 7b)

greenhouse_gal - my own saved "California Wonder" pepper seeds didn't sprout either. Fortunately, I purchased some "Ace" from Johnny's and DG members had sent me some that did.

I've had to replant twice already because slugs and sow bugs think our garden is their very own all-you-can-eat smorgasbord!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Our co-op sells prepackaged seeds by the pound

Other than peas and beans, that would be too m uc h for me. And even peas and beans, I would be buying mostly for the "New Bee Stash".

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Diatomaceous earth will stop slugs and sowbugs but you have to be careful not to breathe it when applying it. They attacked my beans last year, for the first time ever!

Warrenton, VA

Podster! Where's the fun in saving seeds? I mean, where's the PRETTY, PRECIOUS packaging, where's the mighty dilemma of all those packages and what goes with what... yep, you are DEFINATELY (laughing very hard here) the oddball here, but then, by the posts, I'd say we're ALL oddballs!

HoneybeeNC - is THAT why my carrots and marigold seedlings up and disappeared on me one day?

Greenhouse-gal - will Diatomaceous Earth hurt plants? We used to throw it around horse stalls when mucking out... with abandon, I'd add.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Grayce ~ no offense taken, I've lived with my idiosyncrasies for years. LOL

Sometimes things just make me go HUH? Kristi

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