Brugmansia chat in Autumn....

Clifton Springs, Australia

It's getting cold very quickly this Autumn, so our Brugs flowering now will last a little longer....hopefully.
Get out your cameras and keep snapping, pods, leaves, flowers, buds, anything to do with our favourites.
Autumn Sunrise hasn't dropped it's skirt, like someone I could mention...but hopefully it will next year..
Still it's a pretty colour and took the strong winds of the last 2 days and it looks very attractive in the garden.
Thanks for all the chat and pics, last month, it makes great reading.
We came from here.

Thumbnail by Seachanger

She might be shy Dianne but she is still beautiful ^_^
I see a full intact skirt there no worries, she might just like different conditions in order to fully drop.
I don't mind that look at all anyway.
We have semi doubles too, ones that probably won't ever fully drop and I quite like that "teenage" look.
I have two far.
HOPE (yellow/ orange) Pic 3/4
Melissa Amy (Pink) Pic 1/2
Both chopped up so no recent pics.
I have better pics somewhere but too many to go through.
Marrying these to doubles might be interesting too.
HOPE was chopped in the hail before the 2nd Picture of it.
Does anyone have semi doubles ?

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Merino, Australia

I'm not sure whats going on with PP. I have 2 which were cuttings from Wayne back in 2009. They have been very slow growers . On ewas badly affected by the spider mites and I had to cut it back, It is growing well now but no buds at all. The one which has flowered had a few buds which fell off about 3 months ago It put out more but all fell off except this one. It has taken so long to open and has been a very limp bud & flower.
I will cut the whole thing back to the base and see how it does after that. If it doesnt improve, its out.

Sorry to say Wayne, but none of your babies have done anything much here. They grow slowly and poorly. Maybe too used to the warm..
It could be that the PP gene is causing the poor performance. They are very attractive to the mites too. More so than some others. Mea Culpa nearly succumbed entirely, I had to cut all the leafy growth off and it hasnt recovered well.

Chrissys TT , Hope etc went to brug heaven .
I think the cuttings may thave been not old enough growth to survive here. Older wood seems to do better.

I am finding that the aureas and any with aurea in them are doing the best here.

It may be the longer cold spell or the continuous changing of temperature . We have had quite cold then warm every few days right through from spring last year.
All the plants get the same treatment ( water, fertliser, etc )
I will see how everything performs after winter when they are all cut back to the base.
I will repot and move all down the back so they are in the same area where I can judge their performance.

"Merino Idol."

I will be a hard judge, Any brugs wanting to go on to the finals will have to put on a great performance.

Hopefully most of the spider mites have gone now. I sprayed over the weekend and it seems only the arboreas and knightiis are affected. They survived the worst attacks without any at all, now the darn things are testing them for taste.
Maybe a chilli spray may deter them.


It's freezing but look what I found blowing in the wind ...I think I will make my special double white this coming Spring, I have some pods on this one crossed with T T (and hopefully coming soon ) Fernando.
You can hardly see the branches for the trumpets looking up will make a great parent I am sure !
no.4 is Maya chatting to Heart of Gold. The perfume is amazing from both even in the day because it is cool.

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Jean could it be the bore water ? more likely lack of rain ...
We all know different Brugs like different conditions, I guess that is why we test them.
If a cutting has white dots it should grow regardless of age. I only send cuttings I see nubs on with newer wood, the logs or trunk cuttings don't need to show nubs to work.
We have been warned many times that sending from warm to cooler climates can be unsuccessful, while cool to warm is almost 100 %. I am so sorry to see you having such problems ...maybe the cool climate babies will be a lot more successful.
I have Wayne's cuttings grown out with no problems.
Watching failed cuttings from down in the cooler places is why I chose to only send rooted plants there. I note it takes three days to get to your garden even though I send overnight, same here.
BGI is telling us that dipping the cuttings in paraffin wax stops any dehydration in transit, it is something I intend to explore next Spring.
Love these ...blowing in the really nasty wind but still going !

Stay warm everyone ! Soup day ^_^

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OMG it's freezing here to find a Hoodie Lol .


Clifton Springs, Australia

This is one of the critters chewing my Sphaeros...
looks as though he is ready for a fight.
Chopped out the white Versi yesterday, too much like Topsy...Topsy is better.

This message was edited Apr 11, 2012 10:08 AM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

Keep that critter there Dianne. I have a few mites still here that I can send you.

Cold here again today. It may improve a bit later.
Hubby keeps telling me that it is going to warm up again.

My buds are getting bigger. They are entirely out of the calyx now and just hanging around teasing me.
One poor girl has been banging her head on the shed wall.
I think it may be frustration at not being able to manage to move about in the two


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Just to help Wayne from BGI
Brugmansia Dwarf pink'n'Green

This message was edited Apr 16, 2012 11:28 PM

Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan

That little grub looks like he has had a feast Dianne, hope he didn't do too much damage to your cold kids. I feel bad when I have to squish them but, I don't use poisons (though I admit to being tempted).

Jean those poor poor things, I hope the cold does not ruin them, usually the ones knocking on things wreck their tendrils, I hope your poor baby is ok.

Shaun ...???? do you mean our Wayne or the Waynes (2 of them over there at least) over the pond at BGI ?
nice pics of the teensy one ^_^

How are you pods holding on everyone ? is will be a waiting game now to see what happens with the frost ...might be early ...dang !!!!


This message was edited Apr 11, 2012 11:48 AM

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Wayne from England he has some of my seed from my blog so he wants to see more pic's

I lost a pod the other day with the heavy rain & strong wind from 'DRC' X.'Old Apricot' but there are 2 more of them on the plant thank me hahahah
all other pods seem to be doing alright

i have had success crossing GHA X.aurea(form) so they are different varieties i am still crossing the aurea's so i will have some more results in soon

NW Sydney NSW, Australia

Sorry to hear Jean that my plants have not done so well for you. I guess just a bit too cold.

Here is a little 'Bucks Fizz' x noid.

Pink 'Bucks Fizz' = Pink Champagne?

Thumbnail by WayneCarter

wow ...isn't that interesting and pretty too !
These Brugs are real packages of surprises ^_^
Thanks for showing us ...learning every day !


West of Brisbane, Australia

You've done it again, Wayne! Or rather, the bees in your garden have :-) (They have terrific instincts ...)
Such a cutie, and the name is perfect. Congratulations!

Shaun that is great ...we will be watching those Aurea crosses for sure !
We know there are 3 different ones at least.
Lovely to know those seeds got over to England, I hope they do well for him.


West of Brisbane, Australia

Did you send him some Aztec Gold seeds, Shaun? As I gather they were rather interested in AG in the UK--an Aussie cultivar--because it seems to flower quite well in cooler weather ... (Compared with many of the other warm-climate brugs.)

Merino, Australia

Shaun, very interesting to hear you have crossed the two aureas. I may try it myself here.

Wayne, its been real up & down weather in my particular area for a year or so . I will cut all the brugs back hard and see how they do after that.
Yours are all still all here, just very slow growers . I am hoping that a repot and a move to a different area will move them along more.
I do now have a Y on the 2 Pink Panthers. One was very badly infested with the mites but the other didnt get any
Sister Bertrille has now put on a spurt of growth.
Mea Culpa was very badly affected by the spider mites.
I am sure they will make up for their slowness now they have reached a decent size.

It isnt a matter of the cuttings coming from a warmer to a cooler place, as the early cuttings from Chrissy , Alistair and a couple of others from up north are doing well.
I think its just like people, the individual pieces are themselves a bit temperamental. .

I am still getting those darn mites despite it being colder now.
The arboreas were the last to be affected and are finding it hard to shake them off no matter what I spray.
I suppose the real winter cold will kill the mites eventually.

Its all about the joys ( and pitfalls ) of gardening.
No good everything being perfect.
What would we have to complain about ?


NW Sydney NSW, Australia

It is curious, the colours that come from a batch of seedlings. That little 'Bucks Fizz' x noid was from a batch of ten plants. Two were pink, the rest white. No orange. This one, like its pod parent has plenty of blooms. See how it goes Chrissy. Just a curiosity I guess.

I will be needing a machete to get through 'Mea Culpa', 'Giant' and 'Sister Bertrille' come the end of winter. All big growers here. I guess local conditions - where they were raised, well suits them. No mites thank goodness.

I have taken Alistair's advice and pollinated 'Tantra' with the seedling, 'Musketeer x 'Fernando' and visa versa. 'Tantra' is not only mite resistant, but has the propensity to throw doubles. So fingers crossed! :)

Cold here! :(

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Cestrum i have only sent over the aurea group to the UK he was not interested in an other,,,

Wayne i have found that Tantra is not Mite resistant and have had problems all summer with it but still dose not detur me from crossing it with others like EP, aurea(form) and a few others it will help as it has a yellow aurea in it genes ad that means there is a good chance of doubles & yellows also.

Jean i have about 2 pods on it so far and im keeping fingers crossed for a mature pod because the 1st pod was aborted for sum unknown reason

Clifton Springs, Australia

# 1 FFA, gorgeous in gold and 2 skirts under the corolla
# 2 Autumn Sunrise
# 3 evenly it flowers, almost a straight line.
# 4 PP....beautiful in winter cream...just a bit early.
# 5 Clementine.....No 1 in perfume for me.

This message was edited Apr 13, 2012 12:14 AM

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger

ohhh beautiful Dianne, I am so happy you are getting the gold coppery colour on FFA it actually had some 4 skirts last Autumn, it goes a richer shade than that too and the inner skirts look lit up by an inner light.
Your Autumn Dawn is lovely and who can resist that spinning bud effect on a PP bud.
The ever Beautiful, ever fragrant Clementine is a joy !
The glorious GHA what can we say they hasn't been said about that lovely thing ^_^
Fingers crossed for your FFA X double white ...yay crosses with doubles !!!

Wayne your Tantra crosses ...fingers crossed there too, sounds wonderful.
Thankyou for the bits today Wayne's very cold here, but I will do my very best to give good results. I have more time to do the nurturing now.

2012 is the year our doubles commence for real in Australia ...what a great thrill.
Watching all the new generations is so exciting too, seeing all these lovely Grand kids coming through ...who ever imagined a Champagne Pink Buck's Fizz ? Love the sound of that, looks like it will have the energy of BF in it's flushes.

Looking forward to seeing the blooms from cestrum's knightii crosses too.

I see Alistair has two stunning pink doubles from Monika, I am not sure if they are here in Australia, or across the pond.

Exciting times ...hopefully the weather won't be too cruel in the next few months.

Enjoy your cocoa everyone !


NW Sydney NSW, Australia

That was quick Chrissy! Glad that they arrived OK. Sorry to be so skimpy on the 'Musketeer x 'Fernando' - as I mentioned, waiting to see if the x pollination with 'Tantra' took. If not, I will grow a few "Y" pieces here and post off bare rooted come spring.

Lovely pics Dianne. I am with you on 'Clementine' for fragrance! Thanks for the note on the various aurea plants. Of the three we have here, the best bloomer is what was known as "GK"... Huge amount of blooms and full on fragrance - honey and almond. The Yamina plant tends to be heavy on foliage rather than flower. Sadly "GHA" has not done well for me. Maybe too much shade. I will take some tip cuttings Jean and try again in another location.

Darn cold here too! Must get the fires organised - usually ANZAC Day in these parts.

Shaun, not good to hear that 'Tantra' is troubled by mites down your way. My mistake - "mites" should have read "virus resistant" - apologies! Mind you, 'Tantra' here is vigorous and very healthy. A lovely plant full of potential.

Here is another pic of that little "pink"... lots of blooms (if somewhat plain) for a seedling, first flush.

Thumbnail by WayneCarter
Merino, Australia

Just been out checking my flowers. Still not open as yet. It is quite nippy here, almost a frost.
Lucas, the other of your aureas is open and I was able to pick up the pot to smell it. To me , it is the same as GHA.
I see the stigma sticking out from the anthers as was it sibling cutting.

I looked at just about every bloom on both plants of GHA and all have the stigma hidden among the anthers.
The very odd thing is that I have a cutting from GHA flowering ,which looks exactly like aurea Lucas.
The stigma is sticking right out past the anthers as aurea Lucas does.


Dianne, I love all your pics. So beautiful.

Wayne, its a shame GHA is not doing well for you as he seems to love everywhere he has been grown .
Mine does get full sun most of the day here.
All the aureas I have are so great at growing here. They are very hard to tell apart.


NW Sydney NSW, Australia

"GHA", is just shaded out Jean. I will get those tip cuttings going before it gets too cold. The little 'Tintarella' - GHA x BB is fine. So, as I say, just too much shade.

Must get a move on... into town today to SLNSW,
then lunch at the Royal Bot.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Wayne, don't forget that Alistair told me on BGI that the Aurea being sold at Yamina was different to GHA,
he said that it was the closest to GK here in Australia and well worth Lucas' one will be different to GHA and Macedon

Sorry Wayne, this message wasn't intended for you, I know that you are familiar with all the Aureas.

I meant to remind Shaun.....too much Brug gazing I think... :-)

Personally they all look the same to me.....I need something very obvious to differentiate..
That's why Ivoire is the best, sorry maybe not quite the best, looking at this pic of GHA.....

This message was edited Apr 12, 2012 11:01 AM

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger

Dianne you might get a surprise with Ivoire ...Heart of Gold is pure White and changes colour with different conditions, it may colour a little during say 4 seasons, Heart of Gold is a lovely clotted cream today after the icy cold wind. Some Brugs go yellow in Winter and are white in Summer, and visa versa. You have seen the difference in FFA now.
Those pictures are beautiful, you have to love them both ^_^

Have fun at your event Wayne it looks Fab !
How could you call a Champagne Pink Buck's Fizz "plain" Sacrilege !

Just received my seed bank draw ...I won't plant until Spring despite itchy fingers.

Brugmansia Vixen x Rosabell

Karoline x ( Earth Angel x Sam)

KBS x Rosalie

Karoline x Fleming Island Rachel x (pod 1)

Inspiration x Orange Parfait

Thrilled !

I have definite pods on my doubles, that is such a dream come true ...I will get my special double white out of them for sure ! ^_^

What pods are you dreaming about on your trees huh ?
It is going to be wonderful !

Jean have you thrown some potash at your big plants ? that would be my next step on a huge shy bloomer.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy, not only did I get a surprise with Ivoire, but also Topsy and Zabaglione....
With the weather being so changeable, I couldn't tell if it was the heat or the cold that caused it, but one day a couple of weeks ago, those three were all apricot and stayed like it for a couple of days...
it was especially noticeable with Topsy, because he is snow white all the time...
Even now the Pink Panthers are all white...
I think that is a big part of their just don't know, do you...

I am hoping for something special from the GHA x Angioletto, maybe something yellow...
PP x Ivoire = a pink Aurea?
White double x RFP, = who knows
White double x FFA = something gorgeous
FFA x white double = ditto

And don't forget the PP fasc twins x RFP = whatever grows, should be big... lol

Jean, is that flower out yet?....I feel as though I've had my fingers crossed for weeks.... :-)

I know Sugar Pink has orange in her because I have seen her turn orange pink under different conditions, Lipstick Pink does too.
Zabaglione does too. Topsi has a Versicolor look and probably has Apricot/Orange in her.
It's very interesting to see these changes.
GHA x Angioletto will give you yellows for sure ! If possible in the future I would say to try it with FFA too for possible yellow doubles.

New doors open after seeing A Buck's Fizz in Champagne Pink as well, I thought I saw a pink stain around the rim a couple of times and thought I must be imagining things.

Lots to look forward to.


Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Dianne All your Babies look so good FFA Looks like orange swirl lice cream mmmmmmmmmm did some one say Ice cream!!!!!
Autumn Sunrise looks nice with the inner skirt being a little darker then the outer skirt WOW
I also hope your crosses do well also looking forward to hearing about them

Wayne Good luck with Tantra cross she can be a bit picky with what she takes on but she is fertile from what i have found
sorry about the confusion on FB about Champagne Pink Buck's Fizz she is pretty
Chrissy those crossed from BGI are quite nice especially Vixen x Rosabell i think this could come out with some thing nice for you

I have been out side today there is not much happening lots of blooms and Dr Seuss [pic 1&2]is looking AMAzInG

Here is my first bloom of Munchausen [pic 3]still in Pale mode but nice tendrils looking at crossing with BB

BB pic 4
aurea (Barkley St) pic 5

Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan

Lovely Pics Shaun !
I love Dr Seuss with his tendrils flipped up ^_^
Good luck with your crosses,
Yes I like the seeds, but you don't have much choice though I am very grateful,
I wish we could order specific crosses don't you ?
Never mind, we are almost to a point where we can just cross our own for great Brugs.
Edited: to say that we don't have Munchausen Pink in the BGI Gallery so take a full face,and a side on picture tomorrow, and we should get it into a slot there. Meanwhile the Others are good to go into each existing place there. When you are ready, show them off.


This message was edited Apr 12, 2012 11:59 PM

Merino, Australia

Lovely pics everyone.
I have been out telling my blooms to get a move on and open.
Just a sneak peek at the two flowers slowly opening

Pic 1.... OE you can see the pink already but all these blooms will be badly damaged from the continuous wind.
I think with further flushes , OE will drop her skirts properly as I can see them coming down more this time.

pic 2.... Gen x Roth 2 skirts plainly visible .


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Whoo's about time, but I think that the wait is going to be worth it, on both counts.
Perfect weather, now Jean.

Wonderful Jean ...the second shot looks very promising !!!! can't wait ^_^

So sorry you have the darned wind, it does so much damage, we have had it here for two days, lovely sun but cold wind.
Cool temps slows the blooms right down. They seem to stay Green for ages.
Edited because I forgot to say ...can I see a bit of pink in that second shot Or is it my screen ?

This message was edited Apr 13, 2012 10:10 AM

Merino, Australia

There is a tinge of pink on the Gen x Roth, Chrissy. Maybe by tonight I may see a bit more.
I am so glad that OE has decided to stop being bashful and drop her other skirt.
Maybe not a perfect flower this year with the windbashing, but augers well for the future.

I had to laugh at PP.
As I said, the flower totally collapsed and is hanging there like dead fish but the darn silly thing still turned pink. .. weird....

Clifton Springs, Australia

Just received the pollen, Shaun...thank you.

Also some seeds from iBrugs....
I am very fond of Angel's I ordered these.
Rosalie x A. Goldface
Ludger's Windsong x A.GF
Inca Sun x A.GF

As a bonus I received Ludger's Windsong x ?
Brautwaltzer x Ludger's Windsong
I didn't know Brautwalzer so I looked it's a double white.
Bridesmaid x it's got a double dose of Rothkirch, then some Charleston and Ecuador Pink...
as Chrissy said, roll on Spring..

I must be crazy, I have a little GH full of seedlings already..everywhere you look there are seedlings.
I know you are all the

Merino, Australia

Dianne, you are definitely going brug crazy. Not like little ol me. who NEVER buys any new brug seeds ....LOL
Who am I fooling. I just received about 50 . I may have to save up to buy another greenhouse or move out of this house and let the brugs in...
I like the sound of the Bridesmaid x Rubirosa..
Shaun, seeds are popping up from the DP&G cross. I am very pleased to see them .
I think its so cute.

Still watching my flowers and also the pollinated ones on GHA


They sound great Dianne ...too many ? never.
Love LWS needs shade though, one of my Ludger's Windsong seedlings is almost an exact copy but it hates heat, should do well for you down there.
Not too much to show today thanks to the cold wind and now heat.
pic 1 2 3 Fernando 4 Heart of Gold turning a creamy colour now, and 5 look at Calamine ...lovely colour ! not pink but melon ...very pretty !
I am impressed with Fernando it lasted very well, even after being torn up for pollen. It's a real beaut !

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I hide on Friday the 13th :(

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Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, I just knew that you would want some of those.....but I think that I confused you...
What I have is Brautwalzer x LWS...the Brautwalzer is the Bridesmaid x Rubirosa baby.
Fred has a very high opinion of it the text...
Translated it means Bridal Waltz...feeling romantic?...what a pretty name for a white double.
I though that it sounded like a

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy a technical question for you.....
Why do we wash the seeds?
Don't they keep as well if we don't...

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