Brugmansia chat in Autumn....

I don't know why we wash the seeds, except to tell you it was the way I read it.
After washing the Aurea I definitely think the slimy gel probably prohibits germination, or the gel might stop the seeds from drying out properly (causing fungal issues) ...just my opinion.
Of course it could be so you won't absorb any strange effects while handling them too. I do it just because it seems sensible, but make sure you dry them well if you want to store them.


Merino, Australia

i am afraid I am not the pampering type.
I dont wash the seeds or soak them. I did try with some of the first ones, but found it made no difference what I did.
They will grow if they want whatever you do.
Now I just plant the little darlings . If I feel inclined, I may peel a few of the larger ones in each lot .

Ah I see, A granny moment for me. It does sound like a sausage doesnt it.

I am looking forward to seeing my Cherub x babies grow.

Just been peeping around the corner at OE & co.
Poor OE has so much wind damage and also overweight problems. She is popping out of her corsets.
I am hoping that when I take a piece of her and put in a more sheltered area ( if I can find one ) she will act more like a gentlewoman and not bust her corsets. .
Methinks she raids the kitchen at night. Tubby thing.


I was talking about the fresh seeds Jean not the ones we buy.
Some particularly the Aurea are really so slimy it clings to your fingers like Choko juice.
I am talking also about ones you want to store.
The ones that have actually shrivelled on the tree may not be slimey but since I check one in ten seeds before sending them out I like to wash off any juice that may not be good for handling by some.

Sorry to hear about your battered beauty, never mind time.Picture is my LWS seedling beautiful but needing shelter or it melts.


This message was edited Apr 13, 2012 4:20 PM

Thumbnail by
Clifton Springs, Australia

Thanks Chrissy, they really are sticky aren't they.
I left some to dry naturally and the others I rinsed..the rinsed ones dried very quickly but the natural ones still aren't 100% dry...that probably is the reason....I'll keep some of both and see if the unrinsed keep as well or will they be prone to fungal attack...anyone want seeds, lol
I have taken the un named pods off PP...way to many to plant.
Thanks for the tip on LWS too.

That OE is just too demanding Jean, I'd have a heart to heart with her.

Merino, Australia

Sorry Chrissy, a granny moment again
Ah yes, I remember when I did my seeds pods. I had forgotten. It seems so long ago.

How are all Sweet Jaffa's babies going out there ?
Mine are growing strongly just like their dad , GHA


West of Brisbane, Australia

I don't wash the seeds either, just let them dry for a long time before bagging them. None has gone mouldy although I don't know if washing them would make a difference to germination or seedling-survival rates. Must confess, I am well and truly seeded out.
Chrissy, Fernando looks apricot-orange in the third photo of Post #9080427--just a quirk of the camera?

In full sun it is like the first shot but in the shade it is a strong coral colour. When I say shade I mean underneath shots which are in the semi leaf shelter of the canopy. My camera washes colour out because of the flash though, it is a lovely intense colour.
I think fresh seeds germinate easily if they are fertile regardless, but I read somewhere that the seeds can cause reactions, so because of the sliminess I washed them, it was quite hard to get it off my fingers.
My first venture into brugs showed them being washed before drying when freshly harvested, so that is why I do it. The seeds in most pods feel dry so I don't bother washing those, it seems to only be in the Aurea that you find that sticky slime.
Edited to say three Knightii crosses of yours popped up today :) I hope they can get enough roots on them to survive Winter, I might nurse them inside.


This message was edited Apr 13, 2012 7:52 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, mine are all still going but evidently I'm doing something that they don't like, because they are dragging their heels a bit...
very slow in fact....but as I have said previously, I am not a good seedling mother...because they germinated very quickly, but they will be ok in Spring.
Sounds as though yours will be the first of SJ's to flower.....just out of curiosity, which pod are your seedlings from or did you plant some of each? Mine are from pod #2......cestrum did you plant some too?

The second flower on my Autumn Sunrise is a single with lots of petaloids in the throat....which makes it handy for pollinating...
My Tantra does the same thing, so does PP and Knightii....
Both of the Knightii pods that are growing were from single flowers....
I know cestrum...more seeds :-)

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean your plant flower bud looks like it's had a herd time trying to get out it looks like the sanguinea yellow trying to struggle & Gen x Roth looks like much potential there

Dianne its so funny that your seed got here from Ibrug before mine as i was the first to order from there and help get some of the glitches out of there systems, wonder what has happened lol but they do have some interesting crosses there hay>
i was going to send some of my seed to Ibrug till i found that they are selling them at $3 each i don't think that it is fair that they make so much $ when i (we) whom may supply them with seed have to pay large amounts for the privlige, so it seems like BGI will be getting majority of mine.

Chrissy Fernando looks Hot and the others look good also

I have just received a pack of arborea (Wildform) Wohooooo i have not had a wild form of anything just waiting on a little more info about them

BGI draw seeds are free Shaun. You are paying for your draw if they charged you $3.00. at the other place.
I have the wild form Arborea, so if your seeds don't work out I will send you some of mine when they are ripe. Mine were from Alistair and they self seed,smell just like 4711 cologne.
Fernando is hot Shaun ! I hope he will make beautiful babies next year.
It isn't so much the money but the principle, it's supposed to be for your membership draw isn't it ? were you charged post too ?


Clifton Springs, Australia

I'm very lucky that they got thru at all, Shaun..
I asked them to put Brugmansia candida on the outside declaration as well as per pkt, so the seeds wouldn't be held up by customs..
They did neither....luckily they weren't inspected....if they had been we would have had to go thru all the rigamarole again..
Maybe that's where your's are...

Are your seeds an Arborea T, that's a self fertile wildform?

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy the seed cost $3 each & the P&H cost $5
QUOTE::Proceeds from the sale of seeds benefit the International Brugmansia and Datura Society, a 501c3 non for profit organization. hahhaha

I have just confirmed that they are wild form weather 'S' or 'T' i have no idea can you tell???
Wayne got if from Kew Gardens labelled as Wildform? if not i have no idea about it first Arborea i have so i'm not to fussed at the moment

I did ask Fred to label them all as candida or they would not get throw but the seed was coming from another member whom has probably no knowledge of the process for sending seed to Australia but most places know this by now also with so many of us getting seed sent from overseas.

Thumbnail by SolMan
Clifton Springs, Australia

Shaun, just been over to BGI and looked at your Knightii vs Tutu forum......kind of Alice to try to cross them for you.
We have Tutu genes here through Charleston, he's Tutu x Kascade, he's a big beautiful double white.
My first seed purchases were all Charleston crosses, just coming into flower now.

Re the Arboreas, this from Alan "Hurstwood" a while back.
Arborea 'S' which is a non self fertile hybrid from Stybrig (?)
Arborea 'T' which is a wildform self fertile
Arborea Ida x which is a self fertile cross fom Arborea Ida
Arborea 'Euro' is self fertile but I have no history for
Engelsglockchen which is a on self fertile hybrid
and now the Australian Arborea which is self fertile.

So if your's is the wildform it has to be "T"

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 1:19 AM

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Dianne i have seen this and find it interesting to see, im not 100% sure of what variety it is but it dose look like 'T' so i have to just grow it out and see what grows,
Chrissy thank for the offer of the wild form from Alistair's original seed lots from your pod i may look forward to some seed ?/?

they sent some seed in 2 packages 4 seed were is a moist towel in a plastic bag and 10 seed in an envelop the moist seed were squashed and no longer viable so this is a method that should not be employed to help your friends with promotion of germination in mail

Sent in moist paper towels ??? what the ?????
Never heard of doing it that way, it does not sound right to me.
Of course you can have some of the seed from here,
The Australian ones in the UK were mine via an ex member here (from the seed bank I had going).


Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
West of Brisbane, Australia

My arborea is on its last legs; just doesn't like it in my garden so I won't try growing it again. Not unless I move back to Melb :-)
Moist towels? In years of buying (mainly non-brug) seeds from overseas, I have never received any this way. Failure to write the botanical name is the most common problem I've encountered; the inclusion of surprise 'bonus' seeds was a long second.

Merino, Australia

TA DA>>>>>>>>>

Opened this morning, my new double baby... Genevieve x Rothkirch..

Isnt she just lovely ?

I measured her from the top of the calyx...9".
Not huge , but I dont want huge..

I will go down tonight with the torch to see what her perfume is like..

Still 2 buds to open on the plant..She had that cheeky aurea habit of looking at you but has hung her head a bit now with the flower opening.

Meet Senorita Rosada......

( edited to change name , spelling etc was wrong )


This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 4:31 PM

Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

I also had a peek up the skirts of OE. No wonder she is so tubby, I can see what looks like a third skirt hiding in there.

It will interesting to see her next year when she is more mature.
She is still struggling to get herself looking decent this morning , so no pics.

Shaun, I also have 2 of the wild form courtesy of Chrissys seeds.
They both flowered this year but are having a sulk now due to the spider mites . I found they do quite well here .

Sending seeds anywhere even a short distance in anything damp is plain stupidity. Seeds are meant to be kept dry until planted.
I would be complaining if I paid for them.
At the very least the person needs to be told before they send more to others.

I have had no problem with any of my OS seeds as long as they are labelled brugmansia on the outside .
Fred and other reputable sellers like Arghya do this. BGI also.


Oh Jean Congratulations !!!!
She looks very petite is she ? and she has dad's green throat ...lovely !
Senorita Rosada ...welcome ...looks like we are building quite a collection of delicious double/triple pinks.
I am so pleased for you have waited so long so this is well deserved ! ^_^

Yippeeee !!!!!!

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 7:28 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, I knew that someone so slow getting dressed would turn out to be spectacular...
She is a beauty.....and where did Fraulein Rosado come from, I must say that I do like it.
Sounds like the heroine out of a book....I can see the blonde plaits.
I won't be forgetting that name in a hurry.
A third skirt to come as

Ivoire wants to be introduced, he's in love.

*Our lovely double/triple Pinks*

Senorita Rosada
Autumn Sunrise
Twilight Time
Opale Etoile
Pink Knight
Peanut x Ruffles and Flourishes - cestrum
Phanomenal x Superspot x 2 -cestrum
Salmon Perfektion x Dorthea -cestrum

Wow they are adding up aren't they ^_^
Plus whatever Alistair has besides those two Pinks from Monika.
Congratulations everyone !

You can do ...
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This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 10:08 AM

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 7:24 PM

Merino, Australia

Dianne, I was telling her that she was such a pretty pink lady and Senorita Rosada is the Spanish for that.
Sounds so much more refined than pink lady ( she didnt want to have the same name as an apple anyway )

Now if only we can get OE to get herself in order and lower her skirts properly I may have my first triple.

I can see the skirt up there, but it may take her a while to learn how do behave.
Last flush she couldnt even get her second skirt out right, so we live in hope.

Its all so exciting , considering the short time we have been playing with our brugs.
Now I can be like Chrissy and look for that elusive bloom I really want.
A smallish creamy apricot double. If I can get a flower just like Senorita Rosada , but creamy apricot, I will be in brug heaven.


This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 4:32 PM

Clifton Springs, Australia

I must admit, looking at all those doubles does your heart and eyes, good.
When you think about it, we were lucky coming into Brugmansias, when we did...
The hard work has been done in Europe and the US, so we can just play...
What a way to play...all those wonderful genes at our fingertips...

Chrissy with her white double, Jean now has decided on a creamy/apricot double, everyone else with whatever they dream flower changes every week.
At first it was one like Charleston, hence the Charleston seeds, then it was one like Fernando, Lemon Meringue
and a shredded pink..... Jacayna is one that I have always liked, so I always look out for it's seeds...
What a dilemma.....what fun..........

Merino, Australia

i had to remove a flower from OE. It was bulging in all the wrong places and was never going to open properly.
Inside were three skirts all sewn together at various places. The long outside corolla was about 10" long when unravelled.

I still have 2 blooms that may open better so I can get a look inside. Hopefully next year the whole plant will be stronger and I do hope the frumpy, tubby girl can diet and learn to control her underskirts.

Senorita Rosada did have a whisper of scent when I stuck my nose right in. . Nothing heavy and rich like GHA .
Elusive, as it was morning.
I'll definitely get out there tonight. I dont have Chrissy's nose, but I will try to describe what she smells like .
I threw some GHA pollen at her as a double GHA would be nice.

I did manage to rescue pollen from the OE bloom I operated on.
It will be tried on the next SR bud to open.


This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 4:34 PM

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean congrats on SF she is a beautiful Spanish
Lady. I hope that she drops her under skirts so
That you have your triple
I can't wait till my seeds from spring bloom in
About 12-18 months so still a long wait as I see
I'm not really that far behind the rest of you guys

Those arborea seed were more of an experiment
From the person that sent them that is why there
Was an envelope with fresh dry seed also. I have
Been doing gardening and a horticultrlural gardener
(Australian native) is why I'm not interested in at all
For over 25years now and have never sent see this way
Ever, but oh well just a chance that it could have
The collection of doubles are growing by the day if not weeks grrr
I'm praying for all of your babies to do well because it will help me in the
Advancement of my seed and crosses that I may get

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 4:52 PM

Jean some doubles take a little time to get themselves sorted, some of the very best started out in that way.

Shaun yes I know you feel you must rush to catch up, but we have been at this OS hybrid growing for awhile, it didn't happen overnight (though I think we are making rapid progress, now we have some good Genes to mix with the really strong genes here).
Think of it this way, when we first started out we could only imagine pink doubles far off into the future).
Well it wasn't that far after all. Fernando is a very fine start for you, we certainly had nothing like that when we started swaps. You are coming in on a few rungs up the Brug double ladder.
Funnily enough I do not think that doubles are better than singles, it's just at the moment they are rarer, as specially here, but that will change pretty fast no doubt.
I think Alistair has a few surprises up his sleeve too. ^_^ meanwhile it's been like Christmas as each new seedling blooms.

Edited to say I meant doubles are not really better than singles oopsy !


This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 10:37 PM

Merino, Australia

Everyone please note that I made a mistake in the name of my new baby. The translation wasnt right so I have edited my posts.
Chrissy could you edit yours too please..
Its now been checked and is ... SENORITA ROSADA.....
She has a spanish dancers costume and senorita sounds very ladylike.

Sorry for the mistake.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Senorita Rosada is really flicking up her skirts in the 2nd and 3rd pics Jean...
What will her daughters be like.....
Can you see her parents in her?
Fingers crossed now for Opale Etoile...

Jean Senorita Rosada is looking like you can both grab that pollen and dab some pollen in that bloom.
It is such a great advantage to have access to those reproductive parts easily.

This is for your beautiful Angel.


Back there ...somewhere during a grannie moment I said something silly, re doubles and triples, this is what I meant, I went back and edited it but in case you missed the edit.
Doubles are not really better than singles oopsy ! just rarer right now, always loving a beautiful single very much too.
The spiral opening on a single is very hard to beat.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Wow, Jean, Seniorita Rosada is a beauty! In fact, I have enjoyed all of the beauties on this thread! Nice to see you, Wayne! And how ignorant of me not to realize that you can plant brug seeds! Live and learn all the time. Thanks to you all for the lovely parade of blooms!

barmera, Australia

Jean congratulations . Senorita rosada sure is a beauty. There certainly is a lovely lot of brugs coming on. Well done everyone. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Just been down to see the Senorita.
She is shy with her perfume. I had to wait until about 10.30pm last night before she decided to share it with me.
To me , a very light scent , maybe baby powdery. Not as strong as her neighbor OE.
The perfume on OE is more like a lovely whiff of Tabu.
I am still waiting on the other blooms to open fully. Senorita Rosada is quite shy about coming out in public but she looks quitw flirty when she does.
I love her twirly skirts and those tendrils.

There is definitely a third skirt in OE but we wont see much of it this time. Maybe with a bit more maturity.
Now I have the next brug with a bud , Mango Cornet.
We know this one so not so exciting.
I still have Super Pink x Apricot Queen buds to open.

That will be the end of all the new blooms but then I will be watching to see if I get any pods from my pollinating efforts.

pic 1.... Senorita Rosada this morning.
pic 2 ... 3 skirts on Opale Etoile ( poor battered baby )
pic 3 ... another wind damaged bloom on OE.


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset

Well Loise found our Brug thread, Welcome to Brug nutsville ^_^

Jean the sweet Spanish lady is lovely in her swirls ...dancing a flamenco !

I wanted to show you all just how teensy this little dwarf Pink and Green is compared to a medium sized bloom.
I think perhaps it is probably too small to be what we hoped it might be (Rothkirch) however I believe it is a real rarity.
Just the " dwarfed " size alone makes it unusual and rare.
I see a resemblance in the side ways shot to Sugar Pink ...wonder if it is in SP who is a very petite trumpet.
Look at shot 3 SP except for the calyx. SP is a bit larger but also very petite.

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
Merino, Australia

Just the smallness is a bonus to try for nice pot sized plants.
I would cross sit with everything just for curiosity to see what comes .

Brisbane, Australia

Jean... I just love your delicate little double pink Renorita Rosada!! I agree with your thoughts about being a good plant for pot growth.
Dianne..I have seedpods forming on my Fernando and Mango Cornet using your PP(fasciation) pollen which you kindly posted to me. Sadly the attempt to pollinate FFA was not successful. In fact I am having trouble getting ANY seedpods to form on FFA. Has anyone else found FFA to be a reluctant seedpod setter or is it just me?

This message was edited Apr 14, 2012 8:08 PM

I haven't been able to reach mine Allan, but a shorter above y piece bloomed recently and I had a choice to pollinate it or use the pollen, I chose to use the pollen and it was successful as a pollen parent, next flush I will try it the other way.
In some plants the Brugs require coolish moist conditions for success, I do not know if this is the case with FFA, cestrum may have some results.
They love your Fernando over at BGI.
More please sir !

Thumbnail by
Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Chrissy there are just early blooms they do get bigger when it is in full bloom about 5-7" not hugh but a stunning desplay.

here are a few comparisons to think about with this babe
yes it's not Rothkirch but i think it may have some of it's genes in it

Chrissy comparing it to a different species cross is lick comparing (Apples & Oranges)any thing can look hugh or tiny if you put it against something from the opposite end of the scale
So i thought that many of you guys kknow BB & GHA this is a better comparison

Jean Senorita Rosada is dancing like she never danced before hahah yeh cos there were no other flowers Duh, and poor OE he needs therapy befor spring so he can straighten him self out, but looks like some potential there

and i have another cross that could be as small as DP'n'G but have to wait to see when it blooms again i cut it back and took a trunk cutting stupid me so got to wait it is a cross between Tantra X aurea(form)

This message was edited Apr 15, 2012 11:33 AM

This message was edited Apr 16, 2012 11:30 PM

Thumbnail by SolMan Thumbnail by SolMan
West of Brisbane, Australia

Great comparison shots, Shaun. That must be the dwarf pink before it colours ...
Have two small pods on the bucket-grown FFA (i.e. the reachable one) that were pollinated in late summer, but won't know if they're viable until harvest. (Although no reason to suspect they aren't.) Didn't seem to be a hard one to pollinate, so long as the blooms were within reach, unlike my Dr Seuss X which bloomed relatively well over summer but would not set a single seedpod during the period.

So are you saying the bloom gets bigger after some more growth ?
That is different in itself, quite unusual for me. Most of my brugs give the size straight off.
You had better go to BGI and tell them the blooms get bigger, I have just asked for comments, but did not know the blooms get bigger. I kind of like it as it is. Does it lose the greenish parts as it gets bigger ? my Tenshi starts out with green rimmed skirts and throat but loses it later as the colour intensifies.
Thanks for that info.


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