What is happening in your neck of the woods???

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

wow really amazing pictures.. we were there back in 92' hubby was competing in 'truck
driving roadeos' he was on the manitoba team. we had a blast ! the best part was every- thing was arranged including a trip up to banff. had lunch at the chateau..
susan are you happy with the move ? it's tough here..cold winters and mosquito summers ! but right now...this is really unsettling. actually warm and humid today.
it's still been cold up towards churchill..thankfully for the bears.
oh and the seeds we're talking about are columbines.
B. hubby made it done the ladder ok. :]
made him a nice dinner,
have a safe, happy week all

Thumbnail by lindypuddin
Victoria Harbour, ON

Truck rodeo?? Sounds interested .. How far are you from Calgary..

Hard to believe you are about mid point between Susan and I..must check on more specifics

Feels like rain here, must go pick up tools I've left dragging in the yard..wish restaurant next door was open Sunday's..going to starve. Lol

This message was edited Mar 18, 2012 6:17 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ok, it's 22 1/2 hrs to you Lindy and about 37 hrs to Calgary..now that is a longgggg ride..one of these days. Lol

Been east but not west!


Betty - Lindy's just north of Winnipeg....... is it that far from you?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yep, post above yours says 22 1/2 hrs..


I didn't realize it would take that long to get to Lindy's from your place!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, guess if we all enjoyed our weather this weekend we are in for even higher temps the next few days...would be a good time to take a sick day wouldn't it?

Yes, Susan makes you realize just how vast..could travel to Florida in almost same amount of time..

Birds are chirping, must go fill the feeders before heading out.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Everyone should make the DRIVE west at least once if at all possible. You won't save any money over flying, but what an appreciation you'll gain of the vastness of this country. Amazing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Travelled north into Wisconsin and Minnesota, that's about as far as I've been west on Canadian side..guess we crossed over at Sault Ste Marie

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

morning from stony.. had a cousin come from austria....she thought we could go for a short drive to see the polar bears.lol i guess in europe drive for a day and you've been
through 3 countries !
another warm one today....25 with winds @ 60, humidity is still high @84.
have some peonies poking up..........going to start tomatos.
this seems so wrong !!!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

WE ARE GOING TO PAY for sure..can see all the shrubs and trees with buds..will be wonderful to see all the pretties but be by July/August our gardens will be done. So hard to predict isn't it..it's nothing like we've ever experienced..some say it will be so hot/humid entire summer with no rain..won't be fun then.

Yes, have some friends who visit from USA with large expectations of what they can do in 2 or 3 days..see east coast harbours, Toronto, Vancouver etc.

We in school did learn so much about USA but I'm not sure that USA Schools teach must about Canada/Canadian history..I could be wrong though.

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

B..it really seems that way doesn't it...
saw a butterfly yesterday.. hubby got a lot done yesterday, sure enough needed an advil.
has some spurs in his neck that get sore sometimes.
i need to get back to the doctor and see about a scan.. found out in 02 i have a 'chiari malformation' had surgery in 06 but still get alot of pain. had a headache yesterday and threw-up, ears are ringing....not a good sign. the singer roseanne cash had the surgery..
i should e-mail and see how it worked out for her.
well, need to get up and move around, i feel for those with desk- jobs !!
ttfn L

Victoria Harbour, ON

nothing like growing old 'gracefully' who in the world came up with that phrase..so many aches/pains..

They've come up with such hi tech proceedures you really should check out what is possible. You wouldn't want to live with such pain only to find out it could have been remedied..


Yes Lindy - research is good to find out what can be done for you.

Betty - age old story of people who cross the border into Canada, in July/August, expecting to go skiing and want to know where the snow covered mountains are in Winnipeg............. lol Mother Nature doesn't pay attention to our borders, so it doesn't snow in the summer just because you cross the man-made border LOL

Victoria Harbour, ON

had similar Susan, couple travelling north with skiis asking where the nearest ski hills are. Guess we have misconceptions as well.


s'funny, eh? Had a neighbour fresh over from Scotland (when we lived in Edmonton) who when they flew over from the east coast to Edmonton couldn't believe how long it ltook to fly across Canada. Guess they thought it would be less than an hour?!?!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Betty - growing up in the USA, I learned NOTHING about Canadian history. But the USA is so large, it's hard to understand why anyone would think they could cross Canada any faster. Last time we drove it, was 1986. Drove to Calgary for inlaw's 50th anniversary. Then out to Vancouver Island where DH's cousin lives. Then back to Vancouver for Expo. Then we put one kid on a plane to Calgary and drove down to Seatac to put the other on a plane to Alaska to visit my sister (my mother was also visiting and the two flew together back to Rochester). Then we had one whole week to drive across the continent and meet the kid visiting Calgary at Toronto airport. It's an interesting exercise and a real awareness maker of the vastness, but unless one wants to make a vacation out of the trip, once you count real car expenses (well over $. 50 a km) plus lodging meals and time, it's far more affordable to fly.

Another eye opener was our trip to Alaska in 1980. We flew to Calgary and took DFIL's truck with camper and drove the highway. Realizing how long you can keep going north and somewhat west and still be in Canada was mind blowing. We took ferries on the way back but it was so foggy we didn't see much.

And yes, Susan. It takes nearly as long to get to Vancouver as to fly to UK from here. And the International Viola Congress was held in Guelph in June 1979. One gal from CA had to go out and buy clothing as she had NO idea it would be so hot.

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

hi gals, watch jeopardy and have to laugh when a canadian question comes up.
are we just a low profile country that doesn't get much notice ??
weather hit 24 today, humidity is high making it uncomfortable.
calling for rain tonight, barametric pressure is low.. no wonder my head hurts !
got a plug tray of perennials going..will prep the trays for tomatos yet.
would love to have a real toasted tomato sandwich. i'll have to see if 'starfire' ripens first
again this year.
susan are you getting the snow i'm seeing on the weather channel ??
betty see you have fog...

Victoria Harbour, ON

ViolaAnn you are so lucky to have seen much of our country and that of the USA. Memories for your family for sure.quite an experience I'm told to visit Alaska!

Friends did 3 months driving to Alaska and spending time fishing and canning. Loved it..did it pretty economical having their own 5th wheel..would imagine the cost of as now would just break the bank..sad isn't it..one never knows, this fall could go to stampede, stop and visit all along the way for a few hours..I drive to Florida without a thought so wonder why I think it would be overwhelming to drive to Calgary?

Just did another 1/2 hour in the garden..sooo taking my time, can't believe I'm doing what is best for these old bones..

So want to go throw seeds in the gardens, really tempted, hmm wonder how they would do or if it would be wasted? Could try a few packets ??

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty think of it this way - if you had annuals in the garden last summer and you let them go to seed and it dropped on the ground and came up next spring - what would be the difference between throwing it out now? A few weeks of really cold weather I guess. I have had some annuals do exactly that! In any case if you want to try just use have the package and keep the rest to put out when the weather is warm.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Going to give it a try Carol..how are you feeling? Not overdoing it are you?


Lindy - we were supposed to get 70% change of "isolated snow". Bob went out of town to help a friend move today, and he said it was a bit on the ground, but not much, and it's gone now


Got a joke for you:

Little Carol came ....
into the kitchen where her mother was making dinner. Her birthday was coming up and she thought this was a good time to tell her mother what she wanted. "Mom, I want a bike for my birthday."

Now, Little Carol was a bit of a troublemaker. She had gotten into trouble at school and at home. Carol's mother asked her if she thought she deserved to get a bike for her birthday. Little Carol, of course, thought she did.

Carol's mother, being a Christian woman, wanted her to reflect on her behavior over the last year, and write a letter to God and tell him why she deserved a bike for her birthday. Little Carol stomped up the steps to her room and sat down to write God a letter.

Dear God:
I have been a very good girl this year and I would like a bike for my birthday. I want a red one.
Your friend, Carol

Carol knew this wasn't true. She had not been a very good girl this year, so she tore up the letter and started over.

Dear God:
This is your friend Carol. I have been a pretty good girl this year, and I would like a red bike for my birthday.
Thank you, Carol

Carol knew this wasn't true either. She tore up the letter and started again.

Dear God:
I know I haven't been a good girl this year. I am very sorry. I will be a good girl if you just send me a red bike for my birthday.
Thank you, Carol

Carol knew, even if it was true, this letter was not going to get her a bike. By now, she was very upset. She went downstairs and told her mother she wanted to go to church. Carol's mother thought her plan had worked because Carol looked very sad.
"Just be home in time for dinner," her mother said.

Carol walked down the street to the church and up to the altar. She looked around to see if anyone was there. She picked up a statue of the Virgin Mary, slipped it under her jacket and ran out of the church, down the street, into her house, and up to her room. She shut the door and sat down and wrote her letter to God


Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg Susan, you've got me laughing!


lol Yeah, me 2, which is why I posted it........ and isn't it nice to see it isn't "little Johnny" this time?
I should send it to my sister, Ruth Carol LOL

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

S. really cute joke !
just rained buckets here.. lots of boomers.. sattelite kept going out, missed most of
dancing with the stars.
got my tomatos started finally, 35 varietys alot of them are new, but repeating the old
favorites. 3 types of roma...need those for sauce .
wish we could skip all this and just go straight to summer..
have a good night all

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everyone,

Housework done, almost ready to head out and pick up breakfast to eat at the office, have a hungering for pancakes..

LINDA we did skip from spring to summer 70's today and tomorrow!
35 varieties of tomatoes, Lordy you are ambitious....nothing like a half ripe tomatoe ready for a BLT.

See a couple of local nurseries are open..think I might drop in every Thursday and pick up a shrub, would have a good selection when time to plant..might just have some lilac bushes! realized I bought and forgot to plant a rose of Sharon ..looked at it last night, container did it no harm, full of buds.

Birds are a chirping, garbage day so best I get a move on

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

B.. have a great time at the nursery !
i keep seeing all the new hydrangeas advertised, such beautiful blooms !
i'm really happy with my ninebarks in the front, south side and it gets blazing hot in the
summer ! it seems to just deepen their color.
we put in a row of cedars along the driveway last year, took the walmart flyer in to home depot and saved 65 $. hubby covered them with burlap, but want to wait yet...i've heard
it's the spring when they burn.
anyone have cedars ? any good tips ?


ninebarks? What are they? Any pictures?

Victoria Harbour, ON

I've about 6 ninebarks Lindy, actually just pruned the top right off of it as it's grown beyond belief, about 7' tall and 5' wide..normally I'd love it but I have a large frame in the garden and with it being so high couldn't see the hanging basket cascading with flowers, it will either live or die.. Some are Dart's Gold Ninebard and a few Coppertina Ninebark..

As for cedars I bought from Home Depot about 8 last years, from the looks of them I think I've lost about 5, of course I should have put burlap around them..will learn a lesson

I bought a Grace Purple Smoke Bush about 3 years ago, looked like it might not make it but it's about 5' so am thrilled with it...I've also had a lot of luck with burning bushes and gold tide forsythia, those I have here and there, must be 2 in numbers. So hard to tell if something is dead or alive when it comes to shrubs, some it's not until late May before they take on an "I'm alive" appearance.

Planted miniature snowflake mockorange shrubs and bridal wreath spirea, hope the are ok..

lordy think I must have 100 shrubs in total, no wonder I'm tired out trying to get gardens in order.

On my WISH list for this year is an Ivory Silk Tree Lilac

This message was edited Mar 20, 2012 11:34 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I love the Tree Lilac! Mine was probably planted about 1992. Seems to alternate between huge bloom and not much bloom but in any case the scent is fabulous.

I like the Ninebarks, Darts Gold is my favorite, I dont have Coppertina but a neighbor does and the color is great.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG Carol, love it, just not sure where I will put it when I get one. Think the last time I priced one they were about $150 for fairly large size..will check on my way home tonight when I stop in to pick up a shrub. The area you have it is it mostly sun??

When I think back 7 years ago there was perhaps a couple of Iris on side of house, nothing more, if I soon don't stop there won't be grass..lol

The year before last I purchased a ??? Goat's beard I think, it's grown by 2' since fall, can't wait to see it in bloom, not really any scent thought..what I'm looking for are shrubs that have scent.

Victoria Harbour, ON

forgot the photo

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Japanese kerria is also a new shrub I purchased last year, anxious to see how it will do this spring..actually, it's grown in almost corkscrew branches and maybe several feet taller than last year..it just might like it's location..does say prefers light shade, it's in the sun much of the day so we'll see..

This message was edited Mar 20, 2012 2:10 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I have several Goatsbeard ( Aruncus) Great for shady areas. Yes the Lilac is in full sun.

There are shrubs you can grow that I cannot or at least not so well.

Do you have Weigela?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

G R O A N !!!!!!! Because of the amazing temps here .. we went out and gardened to THE MAX today .. right now I am a hurtin unit !! Ahh well .. at least we got a fair amount done. I am NOT convinced we will not have another snowstorm .. it won't stay, but it'll bring back memories .. suffice to say we have NOT put away the shovels or snowblowers.

Beautiful shrub/tree photos .. have plans to purchase a couple this year .. have always liked the look of the 'Snowball Bush' .. have plenty of Lilacs and Spirea .. and a 'SAD Wigella' :-( I kinda think North Western Ont. is perhaps not the place to grow one .. DANG IT !!!

Stay well all


Victoria Harbour, ON

Ahhh "M" remember I said it was ok to do little blocks of time but you did not listen. Lol. Sorry for the hurts, am sure tomorrow you will feal it even worse.

I did stop at the nursery, 6. Silk lilac. $95. 10' $135..wonder if I hinted enough the kids would get the hint..did buy a nice lilac called French primrose (hybrid). Produces yellow buds which open to single flowers ranging from pale yellow to creamy white..attracts butterflies because of its fragrance..only had the one, said he would order a few more for me.

Yes, I believe I've about 16 weigelia..I have to watch myself as they look dead till late spring then spruce right up...love the deep maroon the best,fine wine and the wine and roses

This message was edited Mar 20, 2012 6:01 PM

stony mountain, MB(Zone 3a)

the ninebarks i have are 'summer wine' and 'hot chocolate' bought them from costco
i think there's another new one out this year....amber something..

Thumbnail by lindypuddin Thumbnail by lindypuddin
Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg Lindy, your gardens are spectacular! Love the ninebarks..when they are set where they love to live they sure put on a show! You've a lot to maintain as well. You will have to post other photo's of your gardens so we can ohh and ahhh

Working from home today..more out on my back deck than anything else..took the enclosure down (watch it snow now) washing everything and getting ready for new patio settee Greg will deliver in a few hours.

What is presently in the secret garden furniture wise will be burnt, back deck set put in its place. Will look out of place until leaves are out but don't want to store them until then.

I'm sure from the weather this mornimg that you all are enjoying this glorious weather..

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Oh my .. have looked up 'Nine Barks' and am now thinking that THAT will be my choice .. either with, or, without the Snowball bush LoL
As most of you know I am becoming a VERY perennail gal .. with flats here in TBay at $20./flat .. annuals are few and far between ..

Went to physio today .. and the therapist noted I am tanned !!! I wear shorts, and I guess my legs aren't 'fish belly white' anymore LoL
Feel I have turned a corner re the physio .. am finding my movement is better .. still can't bend down unless I hang onto something though.

OMG!!!!! We have rain today and the M U D is atrocious on the driveway!! This summer is most definitely the summer for the laying of the gravel or crusher fines, whatever .. looooooooonnnngggggggg driveway .. but .. as long as the part up by the gate to the dogs enclosure is done, I'd be happy ..

Guess I should figure out something for supper .. I think it may be a fish 'n chips kinda night :-)



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