What's Happening in your neck of the woods...


Hello WishIwasa5!!!
I'm from Winnipeg, now living in Calgary......What part of Winnipeg do you live in? My part of Calgary is 3b, but Boy do I miss the Summers in Winnipeg (NOT the winters lol)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Welcome wishIwasa5!

Ann apparently there were 3 dogs from Alberta that won breed at Westminster- there was an editorial in the Herald this morning The 3rd was a colored bull terrier named Grand Champion Rootin Flirtin With Texas. So 4 Canadian dogs took BOB!

A bit of snow here last night the dogs are enjoying it.

MY 6 week slightly stuffy nose suddenly burst into a full blown miserable cold on Friday - don't really know if there is any relation but I was pretty miserable, getting better now. Blood work and see my GP tomorrow re the persistant stuffy nose and then Wed is a chemo day, hope the cold does not upset things. Last week they gave me Ativan to see if it would control my twitchy feet and legs ( from the Benedryl) but only made things worse so this week will maybe lower the dose of Benedryl.

I was going to go to the library this morning and suddenly realized it is closed because of Family Day.
Guess I will have to make dog beds instead - ASR has a fund raiser at a show beginning of March and we need a few more large beds- they are all ready to sew but this cold stopped me.



oh Carol - sure hope that cold doesn't stop any of your treatments, nor last too long!!
Well, it's nice to take a "breather" and get more dog beds done though, right? It's Such a worthy cause. They're lucky to have such a champion for the cause as you are.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Welcome Wishiwasa5',

Yes, sister has Inuk in Oregon for a show This past weekend I think it was..she and her sister (I) am proud of their accomplishment..getting top American Eskimo dog in Canada and USA QUITE an accomplishment..

Proud grandma I am, Jeff called, Braedon 2nd youngest grandson got notification that he was accepted for. Young world Achievement programs..will spend time in Washington DC, do the Un and if you can believe, meet President Obama..all are proud..

Spent nearly the entire weekend in bed, what a waste of a perfectly good 4 day weekend..today, moving slowly but did go with a friend to a scarf sale, ended up with 3..unique and modern...stocking up on gifts..Christmas is coming you know..hey, just had to give you all a chuckle..

I'm sure as with you all, had I sat in a corner somewhere could have gotten a sunburn, Lordy it's nice out there!

Carol, making the beds are never ending which means sales are great.
We're you able to take advantage of Fabrilands 40% off almost everything ? Would have been a great time to stock up.

Wouldn't take much more sunshine and I could rake as well, could in front gardens I guess..aren't you all getting antsy for the first flower..could it be March?


yaaaaaaaaaaay Braedon!!!!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks for the info I will look that one up too. Better get rid of that cold if you can , besides making you miserable it just is not nice! I didn't know that Benadryl can give twitchy legs? I thought it just made you drowsy and fixed the allergy's. Always something new with medical stuff I wonder how any one person could know everything there is to know about the drugs and interaction.

Betty how exciting for you to have success with a grandchild! I know how proud I am when Nicole does well so I can only imagine you'd be bustin at the seams.

On that topic Nicole's school Cheer Team and Pom Team has made the provincials this coming weekend. The girls are so excited and I am very nervous for them. A nice "icing for her as she is on both teams and being in Grade 9 it is the last year with this Coach. I don't know how I am going to say goodbye at the end of the school year as this woman has been amazing and she needs to know. I have started thinking about that now so I can be prepared by June.

I have just potted up my stored Cannas. I have 24 Wyoming or Austrailia's and 8 or 9 that I kept over for my friend Jagonjune who isn't on Daves anymore. I am going to be in trouble if they sprout out of the soil to soon as I won't have enough lights for them and the seed I will start.

Has anyone out there grown Quinoa from seed? I have some organic red Quinoa and just did a germination test and got 16 of 20 seeds sprouted in 24 hrs . I think they will be quite tall and if they are like amaranth they will seed all over but I was thinking of pots or in the background of a bed. Can always save the seeds for eating too. I have googled and there are a few tips but not a lot of northern garden info.
Bye All
Alberta Ann


I'm with you, Ann - didn't know that Benadryl gave "twitchy legs".......

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm pretty sure the nurses tell me it is the Benadryl - I get it and two other drugs IV before the chemo.Can't remember the names


I get twitchy legs without the Benadryl (I'm just a twitchy kinda gal) and sometimes it keeps me up at night. In that case, I take Ibuprophin to calm my muscles. Much as I dislike taking meds, it's sometimes the only way to settle my legs.......

Got about 1 hr sleep last night..... maybe 1 1/2 - so tired........
Cooking at our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Lunch today (go there at 11am). Hope I can do it while "sleeping on the job!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Had my pancakes and bacon from McDonalds this morning, easy part..tomorrow is the harder part, lent?? What to give up that makes me happy..now that is a challenge! Susan, off to bed you go the minute you return home, what's keeping you from not sleeping?

Alberta Ann, congrats to Nicole..isn't it funny, never heard of cheerleading groups let alone pom pom groups in our schools, perhaps in large high schools...odd the boys never mentioned it lol
I can see how moving on and leaving friendships behind at the end of school term will be difficult! Let's hope they do well..Maybe you can volunteer to keep in the loop. Thought you wouldn't plant your canna's until they are ready for the ground come spring??

Carol, did you manage to do more beds over the weekend?


Betty - one word - Bob.......

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ohhh sometimes 'men' can result in sleepless nights..sure miss mine but don't miss the sometimes drama lol

this too shall pass

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty no I was pretty miserable with this cold so I just sat around and watched TV -starting to dry up now thank goodness, hope this does not mean my chemo is cancelled - won't know until this afternoon when the nurse calls. Made it to the library this morning - always like to take a book with me.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Let's hope it's not cancelled..know what you mean by cold having you down and not doing anything..I feel as though I lost 4 days!!

Would imagine you get a lot of reading done while you are there...

Weather co operating

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Benadryl will make you drowsy .. but .. another side effect is 'excitability .. which I would imagine is what your legs are reacting to .. have has 'restless leg syndrome' crop up (sneak up) on me a few times .. NOT a nice thing to deal with .. makes me want to just walk instead of sleep to keep that horrid feeling at bay.

Welcome to the forum wishI ^_^
I'm Marilynne and I hail from Thunder Bay (actually a small community west of TBay) .. I garden in a 3a atmosphere too ..

Alberta Ann .. congrats to your daughter .. my granddaughter starts high school this fall and is ALL about cheerleading right now !! She's athletic, but, cheerleading sure ain't what it used to be when I did it .. 'rah rah sis boom bah' LOL ...
Sounds as though Braedon is in for the time of his young life Betty .. something he won't forget :-)

I have YET to find the Westminster on Bell or Shaw .. have watched all I could online .. sure do feel those judges must about go crazy trying to pick BOB .. just amazing animals to watch ..

My physio assessment went well .. it is felt I am far 'too young' for a replacement, so, they are going to work on making my hip as pain free as possible .. I;m all for that !!!

Expecting 2-5cm of snow, but temps are mild .. so .. it won't stay ..

Off to rattle some pots and pans ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well I always take a book although I have not been reading much because of my twitchy legs which really bug me!

M interesting what you say about walking because it stops as soon as treatment is finished and I get up to leave - maybe I should just take my IV pole and walk the halls!

Saw my GP this morning and told her about my stuffy nose so she took a look and the first thing she said was - all the hair is gone from inside your nose! So of course there is nothing there stopping germs,dust , etc ! I realized right away what she meant - she had me get a dry nose nasogel which I apply several times a day and hope that will solve the problem.

Cold wind today

This message was edited Feb 21, 2012 2:20 PM

This message was edited Feb 21, 2012 2:21 PM


Betty - why is it always "this too shall pass" when kidney stones "pass" and it hurts like HE**............

Victoria Harbour, ON

That it does Susan, wasn't making light of the situation..you've had so much to contend with of late that it is amazing you sleep at all..how many attended Shrove Tuesday pancake feast?

"M" sure hope they have alternatives to ease the pain! Mild here today, started to snow on my way home but as you say was 1/2 rain/ 1/2 snow and was melting as it hit the pavement..

Carol, would never had thought about the nose hairs filtering out germs..should you be wearing mask when out?

Bought seed packets today, isn't that exciting?

Girlfriend just called, dropped off craft supplies, she was purging..omg everyone who purges drops their boxes off here...best I go check what there is, might be some goodies I want before the other girls check it out. Lol


We had 29 attend and 5 of us in the kitchen - all with our own duty, mine was cooking bacon......
At the stroke of 12, one of the elders wanted his pancakes Now, Please!!
Sorry Betty - I was feeling rather snarky yesterday. Even when I phoned the Church to say 'I'm not feeling up to helping as I've only had 1 1/2 hrs sleep' the secretary (good friend of mine) said, in her own snarky voice, 'Well then that leaves Marlene and me and I'm working in the office'. I was not happy about her tone and said 'well, I'll do my best and be there'.
Later on, at the lunch, she came over and apologized for her attitude. She knows how hard I work at the Church, but she said she was on her last nerve. It's true what they say - you hurt the ones you love and she knows how dedicated I am to the Church so guess she thought at the time that she could act that way to me........... She, when she's thinking straight and not stressed, knows this - really she does.........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ahhh Susan, rough to be talked to that way especially when you are so dedicated. 25 now that's a good number for your congregation, were you expecting more? At least Susan she had the good manners to apologize!

Bought 5 more packages of seeds today..starting to get quite an inventory..don't do well with pre-starting of seeds, I just scatter and hope for the best..usually do quite well with that method.

Some just throw seeds on the snow where their gardens are and get growth..have any of you tried this?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

I'm a 'seed tosser' as well Betty .. but have had 'hit and miss' results.
Never have tried throwing them on snow, would think the seed might die ? Most packets say to plant in soil and cover with soil .. but .. who knows.
The front of our home faces south, so it gets VERY warm .. can imagine if a seed sucked up enough sun it might burrow down and set itself ..
I have a packet of Forget Me Nots, perhaps I'll have at'er ^_^
When they seed the plots for deer in this region, they sow the clover seed on snow .. and .. it works ~~

We got quite the lil dump of snow over the last 24hours .. happy to say the warm temps are making short work of it !
I see Edmonton got some snow too, Alberta Ann will be happy :-).

Visited my Hospice client today, she was having an UP day, so, the visit was good for both of us ..

Time to go and work a culinary miracle ..



Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Snowing as we type! Seems like it just may stay for a bit now as it's supposed to get colder for the weekend.
Alberta Ann

Victoria Harbour, ON

Am sure "m" your visit was a blessing to her, glad she was up to it!
My sister Sharon volunteers at a hospice and she was telling me there is a young man, father of 4, all under 10 at the facility..apparently he is one of about 36 inthe entire world with this particular cancer..he is so disfigured by growths that barely a spot can be seen..it always surprises her of how jovial and positive thinking he is..says it breaks her heart to see him..

No snow here, mild as can be...please please don't send me your snow. When I drove in tonight I could see all the front gardens bare..if it stays like this I could actually rake this weekend! Imagine that

Sooo what did you cook for supper?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann do you have travelling to do this weekend for the competition? Again, don't sent the snow my way...

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Nope it just happens to be in Edmonton this year, Big banquet Friday pm for all the teams ( boys and girls) then the competition Saturday. Our team has done so well this year it's great to see my Daughter so successful and Happy. She has some super friends too so that is just icing. Lots of her friends are heading into grade 10 in the Advanced Placement program and we were talking that she didn't have to do that but she wants to because her friends are going to be there. Whew that is a good way to have friends influence her.

Carol how did you make out?

Snowing on and off here just enough to make the roads mucky. I'd best fill my windshield squirter stuff.
Alberta Ann

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Did fine today. Nurse offered me the Ativan if I wanted and I said no it did not work last week and I understood they would try lowering the Benadryl dose but she said that was not reflected in the orders but she would page the doc. and ask if I wanted. I figured it was worth a try since they suggested it so we did and it worked. I don't know how much they lowered the dose, forgot to ask. Anyway no overt twitching but oddly enough I intermittently felt like my legs wanted to twitch but didn't! Strange. Otherwise no apparent side affects - that Benadryl.


Glad you're not getting 'twitchy legs' Carol - I know they are SO annoying!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, asked that you didn't send snow my way but ground is covered...only a skim so I'll forgive you ! Lol

Carol hope you managed a good night sleep..was this the last treatment? Is there but check ups in the future?

Ann, wonderful when peer pressure leads the kids in right direction, not always the case...you are blessed..anxious to hear how they make out on the weekend..photo's please

Didn't want to get up this mornimg, not sure why, laid down as soon as I walked in and slept, tossed turned most of the night, kitties took over the bed but still, should not be tired.

Off I go to start the car, gab later!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Had a good sleep with a little help from the little blue pill! MY cold was not bad yesterday and so far this morning feels pretty good.This is my dog walker day and I have laundry and dog bed sewing on the to do list!

No Betty-nowhere near finished yet. This is the 4th of a presumed 6 cycles - each cycle is 3 weeks of chemo and then a week without.This drug ( Taxil) is less harsh on the body but requires a much more intense and prolonged treatment .It is the drug that was developed from the bark of the Tamarask(?) tree.10 years ago I had 4 chemo treatments once every 3/4 week( depending on blood results) so much the same period of time just less actual treatment time. And then 6 weeks of radiation which I do not have this time.

And I do not drive my self s to chemo so always have to arrange transportation. I have a wonderful group of neighbors, all retired who do most of it - I try to spread it around! - and 2-3 others who can step in at a pinch if things are not working. with the regulars.And if all else fails I can walk 2 blocks over to Crowchild Trail and catch a bus that stops at the hospital. If there are transport issues it is usually the morning drop off not the later pickup because my day is Weds. and one neighbor has commitments Wed AM! But she is always waiting outside the door to pick me up when I am finished.

I think I will have to buy everybody a tank of gas when this is finished! Although more likely I will take them out to lunch at LH!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Carol, good to hear, sleep is very important. Sounds like you have some super friends you sure get to find out when this kind of stuff happens. I think lunch at LH is an excelent choice.
M with regard to the seeds sprinkling on snow , don't the mice and birds eat them?

Warm again here , not much snow at all , just enough to make a mess and run you out of the windshield washer stuff.

Betty photos will be taken by the million so I hope to get a couple of good ones, I just love the new cameras.

Alberta Ann

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

AlbertaAnn .. yep .. I think perhaps the seeds would be eaten by 'critters', and, not be be indelicate, if the seeds made it through their intestinal tract, they might just get deposited somewhere all together NOT where you expected, making you scratch your head as a beautiful flower popped up out of no where LoL

Went to our annual Outdoors Show last night .. very nice .. no flowers of course, in my neck of the wood it's ATVs, Skidoos, Boats and motors and absolutely beautiful travel trailers .. met lots of acquaintences I hadn't seen in a bit .. generally a great time.

Waiting patiently for our turn at the snow fall .. temps have gone down, and 15-20cm is expected :-(

Have a nice weekend one and all ^_^


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Most of the big storm was north and east of Calgary although we have had a small amount of snow, temps have dropped so not very pleasant out.

Been watching the curling and sewing dog beds. This morning cleaned out the fridge. Having problems finding things to eat/drink that taste OK and often buy something and after a taste it is not OK so have to learn to just get rid of it ( which unfortunately means waste) rather than tucking in the fridge. Candy/sweet things like cookies /puddings,some fruit apparently are always OK! Not exactly a nutritious diet! I picked up a can of V8 last night when I went to get milk - don't think I have ever tried it - not bad although too strong a taste of celery for my liking - maybe will try straight tomato juice - I least I can just buy small cans of some of those things so not much waste if I don't like it.

Our rescue dog Kobe in Edmonton has been adopted by a family here in Calgary -they were going to get him today until the weather people started warning yesterday to stay off the highways today! So we just have our shy guy Teddy looking for a home Katie went to her new home last week.

This message was edited Feb 25, 2012 12:45 PM


Carol - glad you're finding Some things that are to your liking. Yes, celery is not everyone's "cup of tea" but tomato juice has wonderful anti-cancer properties I hear.

I spoke to my sister, Alice, today and her lung cancer has come back and it growing. Her surgeon asked how Alice is liking her oncologist to which Alice says "not at all". The oncologist just says "there's nothing we can do for you". Alice is now seeing someone new (recommended by her surgeon). Alice says if chemo is the way to go, it's what she'll do. Her previous oncologist said "no" to chemo, on Alice's behalf. Alice is 70 yrs old, and can surely speak for herself!
She goes March 14th for her test, and will know further after that.
She's told my sisters Evelyn, Ruth and brother Stan, but not Mom, cuz would get all confused and upset.
Alice says "I'm really fine". She hadn't expected to see her 60th, let alone her 70th birthday.........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Ann, how did the competition go??

Took Noah and a friend yesterday to the city, 3 hours just to get there, kept myself busy, they got to ride for 7 hours, don't know who was more tired, grandma who had to fill in the 7 hours or they riding their bike. Thankfully wether lads were in good shape coming home.

Susan, let's hope something can be done for Alice and she will make her 80th. Think so etimes it is the luck of the draw which specialist you get..

Ann, not fond of v8 either but do love tomato juice..go for the sweets, am sure you could do with some fattening up. Your group has done very well with place,eats.

I stopped into a fabric shop yesterday while trying to fill n time..yikes and double yikes, who can afford to sew at 18.98 - 24.98 a meter..not I..but their material was gorgeous..sewing machines to drool about. I thought of you Ann, they had the most beautiful oval and round kitty/dog beds but not big enough for my Sailor..should have bought a patter. Julie has her store about a mile away, might send her to pick one up for me...knew I would say I want one, why didn't I listen.

Sunshine city her today..just got back from groceries..decided I just had to cook a turkey dinner..not easy to cook turkey dinner for one. Lol. Guess lots of leftovers

Off to sew for a bit..really got nothing accomplished the last 3 days, I was either socializing, away or doing nothing..now time to get energetic. Lol

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Our girls won the Provincials in both Cheer, Div 1 and Pom. What an amazing day. The girls looked great on the mat and the parents all did their part by cheering from our seats. As the awards went the Pom girls were called up first and that was exciting. Then we waited for the Cheer div 1. A team we are always neck in neck for points/scoring were called to be third place so we thought we were 4th which was ok as the other teams were very good and most went off with out a hitch. Then we were called to be 1st. So amazing! We have had a very emotional journey this season with lots of reasons but with the girls just pulling together, working hard and the coach leading the way through all the "stuff" it was well deserved. I will try to get photo's from someone else as there was a pro videoing who will share with all the coaches and some of the other moms were taking photos with fabulous cameras so I just enjoyed the show.

Wow do we have snow. Almost a foot of it. From nothing to this ....... All is well in my plant world now as they are all covered.
Carol keep trying different cakes, does carrot cake count as a vegetable? Your tastebuds sound like they have a mind of their own. Maybe a sweeter soup like a squash or carrot may do the trick.

Susan Sorry to hear about your sister , I would change doc's too so she is on the right track.
Bye for now.
Alberta Ann

Victoria Harbour, ON

wooo hooo, can you hear me chearing from here..what an achievement, bet there was some celebrating going on last night!!!

Sunshine city today but lots of snow over the weekend..got say sure looks beautiful, even 7 deer in my yard enjoy snacking..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

ABAnn .. congrats to all the girls, and of course, coaches and parents!!

TBay is in the midst of a HUGE storm .. have already gotten 15cm and are to get close to 20-25cm before midnight .. AND .. Gord left for the US (Wisconsin) yesterday for 10 days .. so .. I am trying to keep up with the snow removal as I can .. Lorna tried to use the snowblower, but, it;s just to heavy to manage .. at least the farmer will plough the driveway out tomorrow. I have cancelled my physio Monday, but could sure use it !!!
Guess winter was just lazy !!!

Susan, your sister is a great advocate for herself, and, that's a good thing ..

Off to shovel for the 4th time!!!



AB Ann - Congrats to the girls!! woo hoo!!

Ann, Betty, Marilyn - thanks, Alice IS a great advocate for her cause, and she hadn't changed oncologists before now because she didn't think there Were any to change to, until her surgeon said he'd recommend another one. Alice would have to be recommended to one. Alice is a great person for Not Giving Up.

Please send prayers for a friend in church (Helen) - she's in her 80's and went into ICU yesterday. Apparently her tubes to her colon are blocked (for the 3rd time since June) and it's said there's nothing more they can do for her. She got moved to a room late last night. They can't put a stint in, because the tube is so blocked. Her DD and DSIL were in church today and her DD kept breaking out into tears. Her DH is a member of our choir and he wasn't at church today - obviously by her side. She's such a sweetheart, and has gone through so much in the past years.........

Victoria Harbour, ON

Yikes "M" of all times for hubby to be gone..always the way isn't it..shovelling 4 times, you will be in pain tonight. Can you not wait till storming stops and have neighbor come and clear it? Guess we all got hit...Greg DS left Friday morning for Newfoundland, snowmobiling in the mountains, we have had no snow, wouldn't you know he drove in bad weather all the way..over 10 hours longer, missed the ferry, next ferry cancelled due to storms..was hoping to cross this mornimg..I'm thinking this will be the snowmobile trip from hell!

Susan, sending prayers for Hellen..Let's hope Alice is given some options...

Praying as well for those that lost their life in the trail derailment this afternoon in Burlington..3 known deaths, many injured..still not sure because of the leak if they will have to evacuate..2nd time a train derailed in almost same area in several years..think that area should be checked don't you?


oh my........ those poor people/family/friends of those in the derailment........... so sorry to hear of loss of life.
Here's hoping there is no cause for evacuation!

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