Appallingly bad pix volume 21

Mesquite, TX

Re: zooming in too much.
I believe that to be an issue all amateur photographers face at times (me included) and while irritating when you miss that really good shot you've been trying to get nigh on FOREVER, it happens. Nowadays with digital cameras though, at least you don't have to wait and then pay to have the film developed just to see if you got the shot.
Been there... done that... on a fairly consistent basis... so don't feel bad. Just go try again and eventually, you'll get the exact shot you're looking for.

ps: between yesterday's and today's bird outings, I've taken well over 2000 images, fully half of which will go in the delete/recycle bin without a second look and probably half of those remaining will be saved but will be unusable for all but the most casual purposes. To that end, you can't make a few great images without messing up a whole lot of other ones.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Magpie, wrong position, starting to fly away, and blurred . . . everything that could go wrong, did!


PS this thread's getting very long, a volunteer with a dreadful pic to start Volume 22 of rubbish, please!

Thumbnail by Resin
(Zone 5a)

Here is the new thread:

Come and see my headless Junco and add your amazing wonders to the new collection. :)

Mesquite, TX

Seems we just had a conversation about proper framing of an image. Did that also include any tips about allowing the lens to FOCUS before pressing the shutter button all the way down?
This was a Turkey Buzzard that I was thrilled to see because I don't have a single decent image of a Turkey Buzzard that is more than a dot in an otherwise cloudless sky.. Apparently, I still don't.

Ummmmmm... the Goober on this end of the keyboard just posted to the last thread and not the new thread.
Sorry bout that.

This message was edited Nov 21, 2013 6:46 PM

Thumbnail by TXSkeeter
(Zone 5a)

LOL That's ok Steve, a fine finish it is!

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