Appallingly bad pix volume 21

(Zone 5a)

I cannot believe I could not focus on this dumpster diving crow. It sat there for the longest time, giving me ample opportunity, yet, this is all I got. :(

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Oquawka, IL(Zone 5a)

This one made me chuckle... It looks like somebody just launched him from a sling shot! Guess I should adjust my shutter speed, huh?

Thumbnail by Rose1656
(Zone 5a)

LOLOL Rose... We call those "bird bombs" and get a lot of those on our cameras.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Bird Bombs! LOL

Oquawka, IL(Zone 5a)

I took 25 pictures today and almost all of them should be posted here!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Can yours beat these? Bad pictures, bad timing, but all and all. Still one of my fav. birds in the garden.

Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Zone 5a)

Lily, what really did it for your last two pics is the lovely, overexposed suet block. :D

1. Finally get to see a hummingbird at the flowers and we have a wingless wonder.

2. A possible Krider's Red-tailed Hawk, but it wouldn't sit still long enough to get any really good identifying shots. To keep Red-taileds from getting boring, since we see so many, we've been trying to identify the sub-species and color morphs.

Thumbnail by Chillybean Thumbnail by Chillybean
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

1 Little Grebe, doing what Little Grebes do.

2 Spotted Redshank, doing what Spotted Redshanks do.


Thumbnail by Resin Thumbnail by Resin
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Awful pics you guys...oh yes, I feel right at home here.

We must have had an earthquake when I took this shot. I didn't feel it, but apparently this little hummer did.

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
(Zone 5a)

Aaw, Resin, that Little Grebe is so sweet. :)

Yup, We have those earthquakes too in the middle of Iowa, Nuts. Just terrible.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Hmm...hard to tell if this is a hummer or a giant caterpillar. I'm leaning towards the caterpillar, though.

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
Oquawka, IL(Zone 5a)

Earthquakes in Illinois? That's a really good story! Mind if I borrow it?


Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Be my guest, Rose! Chillybean even has them in Iowa. :o)

PERTH, Australia

Quote from Resin :
1 Little Grebe, doing what Little Grebes do.


Add it to the bird files.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

ha. margaret you dag.

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Saw a bird that I couldn't ID with the naked eye. Got the brilliant idea to photograph it with my new upgraded camera & ID it at my leisure. Blur in upper right corner may have been a Wilson's Warbler. Next time Binoculars first - I can focus them faster.

Thumbnail by pollengarden
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Nice flowers, pollengarden. Warbler? Pretty awful (like most of mine).

PERTH, Australia

Dreadful shot, pollen.

1. Osprey
2. Rainbow Lorikeet

Thumbnail by MargaretK Thumbnail by MargaretK
(Zone 5a)

pollengarden, Ow, that hurts! :)

Margaret, lovely wing and tail feathers.

Here's a strange one, almost a bomb. This was taken in July, but found it again going through the folders today.

This message was edited Sep 22, 2013 6:41 PM

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Hmm, Margaret...must be shy birds.

Chilly, pretty color, though.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I thought you might all appreciate my beautiful Mallard shot.

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Quote from nutsaboutnature :
I thought you might all appreciate my beautiful Mallard shot.

LOL, N.A.N. I do, I do. Especially when comes to Mallard in general. But I love 'em all.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Here's a strange one, almost a bomb...
Chillybean, that it does. lol

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm glad we kept this thread on-going for lately most of my shots qualify to be on this post. Here's one.

Our Redheaded Woodpecker. Chillybean's child did a better photo of the bird as seen above. lol. Anyhooo, I'm so glad to have found this particular RHW this morning in my neighborhood's wooded area. That gives me hope that in early spring, the adult birds may find my suet feeders and bring their offsprings to feed.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I often lurk around this forum, and especially this posting because it makes me chuckle. I now have reason to add to the mirth.

My wife and I had the extraordinary opportunity to travel in Queensland, Australia last month. Didn't know the plants; didn't know the birds; never have driven on the left; never snorkeled. All are now checked off the list - well, at least learned some plants and took pictures of the birds.

Here's a set we captured while enjoying some very nice pastries for breakfast at a wayside pulloff up in the Blackall Range outside Montville. Still don't know the bird's identity...

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
PERTH, Australia

Hey, Viburnum Valley, those shots aren't too bad, especially considering the distraction of those scrumptious pastries. The bird is a Rainbow Lorikeet.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Well, MargaretK, you are kind.

What about this one?

Thumbnail by ViburnumValley
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Yummmm, much better focus on those creamy pastries. But what a nice bird to get even if it's blurry.
I think your last one is a Mooner, but I'll let Margaret correct me, if I'm wrong. ;)

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I thought it was a mooner too.

PERTH, Australia

Ha ha. Yes, that's the elusive Queensland Moonbird.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Australian White Ibis


PERTH, Australia

Resin, just what sort of reference book are you using; one that shows and alternative view of each bird?

(Zone 5a)

I rarely try to take close up pictures through the front window because of the bird tape, but was super excited about the hummingbird taking to the new feeder in the new location. It was a windy day to add to the fun.

The second one is another gem. I think it is a Bluebird, BUT I could be wrong. :)

Thumbnail by Chillybean Thumbnail by Chillybean
Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Tree branches, Kingfisher barely in frame
Reduced to photographing Starlings
Starlings in our first flurry of snow

Thumbnail by pollengarden Thumbnail by pollengarden Thumbnail by pollengarden
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Focussed on the grass not the bird . . . :-(


PS Chillybean - yes, a Bluebird

Thumbnail by Resin
Mesquite, TX

It's so nice to see that I'm not the only one with a full Recycle Bin on my computer. ;o)

(Zone 5a)

Taken by one of the children. He doesn't believe me when I tell him he is zoomed in too close.

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Mesquite, TX

The highly sought after and rare "Headless Egret", a quiet and shy bird that cannot stand so much as a glance in its direction before fleeing.

Thumbnail by TXSkeeter
Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Chillybean RE kids
Your kid probably got a picture of what they wanted. I remember when my kids were younger, they didn't want to see a bird/animal shaped thing. They wanted to see details like feathers, fur, toes, claws, teeth.
And I remember my husbands surprise when a hummingbird perched near the dining room window and he said "It has got little tiny feet!! I didn't know they had feet!"

(Zone 5a)

Actually, he was rather miffed at himself for the chopped-off head. Both of us have been trying to get nice photos of Jays landing or taking off because of the beautifully flared tail. We have plenty of perched Jays, so were up for a bit of a challenge. Except for the lack of head, this has been one of our better attempts. That's why I told him he shouldn't be zoomed in so much. :) I've learned when I try to get photos of birds in motion, you cannot be so closed in on the bird. You'll end up cutting something off and can crop as needed later.

That is funny about your husband. I get a kick out of hummingbird feet; they are such dainty things.

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