Appallingly bad pix volume 21

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

So sorry about the little Barn Swallow baby.
You and your husband did everything you could to protect it. Some of them won't survive no matter what you do as sad as it is...I know...I used to do a little wildlife rehab (mostly birds) many years ago.

My husband and I also had ducks, geese and chickens at one time and even their babies can run into problems. Sometimes they may be unhealthy when they're first born which is what causes the problem in the first place. At least it felt safe when it died and that in itself was a great help to it.

Swallows tend to be very sociable and generally will go to where other Swallows are. You guys gave them a nice safe place to grow up which gave them a great start to their new lives!

By-the-way, your pics are cute. There's nothing appallingly bad about them!

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

So where are all the horrible bird pics?

Here's a couple:

1) This male Cardinal ignored my requests to pose.

2) Shy Duck

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
PERTH, Australia

OK, here's my contribution. Osprey – believe it or not.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, Margaret, awful, just awful...but the water is very pretty!!

PERTH, Australia

Ha ha. I thought so too. Nicely in focus. The osprey was carrying a fish.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)


(Zone 5a)

nutsaboutnature, Those silly Cardinals do the same thing to me. And ducks are nuts when we try to take photos for identification, they're sleeping, preeening, or their backends are in the air.

Oh Margaret, that is terrible... just terrible. :)

One of the children took this. I wouldn't say this Red-headed photo is bad, it looks nice as far as focus and such, but... This was our first day setting out bananas. Ruined a perfectly good photo. :)

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Stilt Sandpiper - Northumberland's first ever. Pity it was too far away for decent pics.


Thumbnail by Resin Thumbnail by Resin
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Resin - Congrats on the Sandpiper!! Oh, well...sorry you couldn't get closer. The closest I've ever been to one is looking at a picture in a book.

This message was edited Aug 8, 2012 8:48 AM

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Oh bad disappointment on that Stilt pic, Resin.
You have all done an awful job, on some bad shots.
I won't toot my horn cause, I'm no better than anybody else.
I'm not lying, this is a YB Sapsucker.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Whoa, burn, that's awful! Nice tree, though.

(Zone 5a)

Hey, this thread needs a good bumping...

"He has legs!", exclaims one of the children. Seriously... he said this. Makes a bad picture funny.

This message was edited Nov 29, 2012 10:05 AM

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

He sure does have some LEGS!!! LOL, thanks for bumping this thread up Chillybean. I'll have some to share pretty soon. Toot, toot, lol.

Oh wait, wait, got one!

Thumbnail by Lily_love
(Zone 5a)

Lovely ducks... not! :)

1. I think I was zoomed in a little too much.
2. It's not a great shot, but not really bad either. It was a bad day for the bird though. He has poop on his head!

Thumbnail by Chillybean Thumbnail by Chillybean
(Zone 5a)

Can you even tell what they are?

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Quote from Chillybean :
Can you even tell what they are?

Bald Eagles in fog!


(Zone 5a)

You got it! It was silly to even try, but I just never know when we may come across these birds again. If I had known one was going to land in my good friend's yard while we were visiting, I would never have taken this. That was amazing. My husband judged the tree to be about 50 feet tall and we were right below that. Children were busy being children but yet the Eagle was never bothered.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

They are really turning up everywhere now! I went to the Mississippi River the other day, where there will be lots of these soon, but on the way, I saw one sitting in the top of a tree on a farm, probably about 2 miles from the river. Still very close, but was surprised since I didn't see any at the river.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

It would have been a good shot if the head would have been there. ;)

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Bet, I know which bird that's! LOL, one of the Doves, but which?

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Right on Kim, lol Mourning Dove.

(Zone 5a)

LOLOL I love the dove. Or what's left of it. :D

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Owl. Or Decoy. Or Beehive.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Could also be a raccoon ,or porcupine lol.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

OOOOO! Porcupine. I like that.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)


(Zone 5a)

Or... I sure don't know. Funny.

(Zone 5a)

I was centered on a Redpoll. I was... really.

Thumbnail by Chillybean
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)


Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

I thought this BEAUTIFUL shot of a Hummer in flight was worthy of bumping. Now, I'm suuuuure many of you could compete with that. So come on...let's see whatcha got!

This message was edited Aug 28, 2013 10:17 AM

Thumbnail by nutsaboutnature
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Hah, let's have a contest. lol Here is one. The GBH take flight when my JB (my gardener helper) showed who's the boss.

Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Okay, here is JB in action. The GBH by this time has returned to tease the boss LOL

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ooops, I meant to upload this one picture.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh yes...those are very nice!!

PERTH, Australia

Dreadful, nuts.

Kim, no matter how hard you try to post a terrible picture, as long as you live where you do, it'll never happen. It's too beautiful.

Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Margaret!!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Margaret, it's very kind of you to say...thank you. Let's me try again. This is at the park. :)

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Oquawka, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a lot more pictures that I could post on here than the other threads...

My little hummingbird looks like he's lost his balance!

Thumbnail by Rose1656
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Rose, the little one has lost its balance, it's. Here are more of mine that didn't make their way to other threads.
1. Great Blue Heron caught him a big breakfast in foggy morning.
2. Reb-belled Woodpecker was waiting its turn to the seeds buffet.

Thumbnail by Lily_love Thumbnail by Lily_love
Algonquin, IL(Zone 5a)

Kim, I agree with Margaret. It's hard to make that gorgeous lake look awful.

Cute pic, Rose...Awful, but still cute. (actually it looks like 95% of mine. They could name this thread after me)

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