CLOSED: 5th annual 3 B-House Swap

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Happy Day, Stu! And many more. ^_^

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Got my name...this is going to be fun!!

Effingham, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks all for the BD wishes

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Susan, what a little cutie! I scream like a maniac with critters moving about in the middle of the night, too!

This nosy little stinker and I scared each other half to death one night. I went to let the dog out and she started wagging her tag (meant she saw someone to play with) and when I looked up, all our eyes met, and then we all screamed. I slammed the door, the dog peed in the floor, and the little skunk skedaddled out of there!

Thumbnail by Sundownr
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

And you weren't sprayed? I don't know how true it is, but our ex-mail lady who loves and raises all kinds of critters, both tame and wild, told us if you hold a skunk off the ground by it's tail, it isn't able to spray but it could still bite. True or not, I don't ever want to get that close to one.

Hubby is notorious for leaving the back door to our garage open all day when the weather is nice. So far this week, the cats have claimed three baby trophy moles, and are excellent mousers. Earning their keep or else I'd be dancing on the closest surface again. What I don't like is when they capture baby and adult birds :(

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Ewwwww skunks, lol one night my mom came home from bowling. She walked into the laundry room to go in door to kitchen, when opened the door something ran in ahead of her. She kept calling "MIA!!, MIA!! come here (my grandson's cat) Well, Mia was not coming so she walked down the hall towards where "Mia" went except only it wasn't Mia! Yup here was this skunk walking towards my mom, she ran out the side door, left it propped open, ran around the house to my bedroom window, told me don't go out your door there's a skunk in the house. My bedroom door was not shut tight and it could have wandered in there!!! How my mom was able to walk into the laundry room and not get sprayed is a wonder, the skunk was eating the cats food and when she opened the door to go into the house she must of scared him and he ran in, trying to get out of her way.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

I don't remember any spraying, but we didn't go back out that night either. The next night he showed up again and I tried to snap the picture through the crack in the door (sorry for the blurry pic). We decided he might be after the pizza boxes the boys had shoved into the recycle bins, so we removed them and haven't seen him since.

Send those kitties over here, we have plenty of moles and voles for them!

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh Cindy, how crazy!! How did y'all get it out of the house?

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Well when my mom told me there was a skunk, I pounded on my bedroom door to hoping to scare it out, must of worked. Mom and neighbor lady looked in through the windows and didn't see it so he must of went out the side door my mom left open when she ran outside.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a great recollection, Cindy. I felt like I was right there with your Mom. Have you seen the commercial with a lady who has bad eyesight thinking a skunk was her cat?

Bev, I named our runt kitty Round-Up since she was the last of of four born, rounding out the litter so to speak, plus she was born the same day we held our RU last May. How original a name is that? Anywho, she's prego. Her mom is Siamese and her dad is a black & white Tuxedo. Hubby saw a big Tabby at the edge of our field when she was in heat. She may literally have a mosaic litter. Who knows? So be careful what you wish for or I'll bring one of her kitties to you at this year's

(Cindy) Auburn, CA(Zone 10a)

Oh my gosh!! Mom and I laugh every time we see that commercial, but it's not really funny to my mom. She has 3 fish ponds in her yard 2 100 gallon and a 250 gallon which I dug the hole for, Oh my aching back. Anyhoooooooooo one night we came home from bowling and noticed the cement walk in front of laundry room was wet. At first we were puzzled then it hit!!! I ran in the house, got a flash light, ran out to fish ponds................

A raccoon had pulled the wire apart on the cover of the pond, got in there with her babies (at least we think) and ate all but 2 goldfish. There were about 50 goldfish in there. This is not the first time it has happened but it is the only time they ate that many fish, so that is why we think it was a family. All ponds now have new wire covers, but not many fish left. We had at one time 300, we are down to about 80 - 85. I have to go to moms soon and get them cleaned for spring, they start laying eggs from April - July, mom is constantly watching and waiting for them to lay so she can snatch up the eggs before the fish eat them. She puts silk lily pads in there too. Out of thousands of eggs, only a few hatch, but they still get eaten. So mom raises them in the house until they get too big for tank, then out they go!! But the last couple of years have not been to good so maybe this year!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Those are nice size ponds. No wonder your back hurt after digging them. It sounds like your Mom really loves her fish, and I hope she has a bumper crop this year, Cindy. It must be a thrill for her watching them grow. Sorta attune to growing seedlings when we can hardly wait for blooms or a harvest.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Susan, If I thought a RoundUp, Jr kitty would take out the moles, I'd gladly accept one, but we live near a campground and people leave/lose their pets which run wild through the woods. The dogs are easy to catch and can sometimes be placed in local homes, but the feral cats have just about cleaned out the bunny population and don't seem to have discovered the tunneling ground critters. We figure the moles are after all the worms in the raised beds and compost piles. The voles use the mole tunnels to chomp the roots and stems off my seedlings! Aaaah, Mother Nature! Surely a natural balance will be struck before long!

Cindy, I love that eyesight commercial, too!! Now I'll think of you and your mom every time I see it, LOL. I sure didn't need to hear about the goldfish-eating raccoons though!!! I have 5 goldies in a 100+ gallon pond that I have nursed through 4 winters under a mesh cover. The feral cats, a skunk, and one of the neighbor's dogs have all tried to get to the fish without success, but I'm really worried about hungry raccoons and black bears. My fish are too big for the fish tank now, so they're stuck out there to fend for themselves!

I sure hope your mom has lots of baby gold guys this year!!

Here's a pic of my little pond with it's cover in the fall.

Thumbnail by Sundownr
Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

I need to clean out our pond this weekend if the weather is nice. I hope they are all there!

Click here to play "Find the Fishies":

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So what's my prize for finding all five fishes...a loaf of bread? lol

I'm going to bed and will see ya'll tomorrow.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Haha, I can get ya some bread!

I'm down for the count too, g'nite!

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I got sprayed in the face once by a baby skunk... it's yellow blobs and you can't skitter back far enough , fast enough. First clue should have been my dobie wouldn't go anywhere near it. I was so sick from the smell and then the shower made it worse. Horrible memory that

It was many years ago but I remember the "blobbie mist" coming at me clear as a bell... too close.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

OMG Julie, what an awful experience!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Julie, Terrible!

Got my buddy's boxed up, hope to mail today!!!!!!!!!!


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

WOO HOO! Look out Buddy, PO says they will be delivering your box today!


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow, Joy, you're speedy quick. I think I will be mailing Monday or Tuesday. Hopefully. ^_^

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm not usually this quick but I had stumbled on some really cool bird houses the day before we got our names and I bought them because it was a win/win situation. If my buddy wanted something else I got them, otherwise my buddy would get something good.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yes, the perfect win-win, I'd say. I was sort of indecisive as to what to get this time so I've been slower this swap. I finally found it though.

:-D Well, it wasn't me who got your b-house ... our mail just came. No packages.

Win Win is right,, Cause Elfie done hit the jackpot!!!

Pardon me if I beez mumbling around the sweet hot fire goin on in my mouth,, cause I got a wonderful jar of candied hot pickles!! I have never had these before and I am hooked...sigh.. My My,, these are great.. And a jar of homemade strawberry jam too. I will eat these both slowly as I do love them and know that I should really be careful with my sugar intake!! Still,,,, ahhh,,,,,, they are good!!

Oh yeah,, there was more right???? LOL

Wonderful pack of sweet note cards, wacky pen ( soooooo cool ) and pink aloe socks,, I like pink, I like aloe and I love socks!!!

Last but not least I got not one but TWO bird houses!! They suit me to a tea,, Teapot birdhouse that is!! And the other one is just the coolest flower shaped one!! I love the colors I love the quirkty shape and well I just lov them all!!!!lol

Thanks so much Joy for making my day!! I will now go try to put out the fire in my

This message was edited Mar 10, 2012 1:22 PM

This message was edited Mar 10, 2012 1:32 PM

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Kris, love those bird houses!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

The old license plate made into a flower b-house is great! Like the both. Don't blame you for celebrating, Kris. ^_^

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Yea!!! I am so glad you like them, they were sure hard to part with. You have nothing to fear from the jam, it is low, low sugar and the strawberries really pop. The candied hot pickles, not so much, sorry. They start out as hamburger dills and sweeten up from there so try your best not to overdo.

A person can never have enough funny pens, it brings a smile to your face each time you pick one up, and makes writing more fun.


My Ralph wants them!!!

Cannot wait to hang up the birdhouses and windchimes. Waiting on Ralph to take a day off and set the 4x4's in the ground so I can hang everything!!


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Another wonderful box as usual, Joy. Your homemade goodies are some of the best I've ever eaten.

The birdhouses are neat and colorful, Elfie....right up your alley!

What a good eye spotting the license plate 'petals', Carole, or else I would have missed that clever detail.

Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Kris, Those are gorgeous bird houses! What a clever use of license plates, cool! The tea pot is so precious and cheery!

Joy, You're going to be a tough act to follow on this swap! Candied hot pickles? Wow, you might have to share that recipe!

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ralphie found the pickles,, he wanted to know where they came from and so I told him. He decided to try one and he loves them,,,,,whaaaa... I am going to wake up one morning and discover them all gone. He talked about them all night,,sigh,,, I knew I should have hid them!!

PS he likes my new pretties too as he calls them..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those hot pickles, and her sweet jalepeno's!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

No problem guys, they are very easy to make, I have been making them since college adn they don't require any cooking skills.

Jar sliced hamburger dills
Jar sliced jalapenos (equal size)
Bag of sugar

Drain pickles, discard juice. Drain jalapenos, keep juice. Repack the jars, mixing a few jalapenos into the pickles, or 50/50. More peppers mean hotter pickles.
Gently pour sugar into jars, shaking and using a slender knife to work the sugar all the way down. Continue until you cannot add any more. Gently pour most of the jalapeno juice into the pickles, the rest into the jalapenos. This will help the sugar to dissolve.

Screw the lids on tight and invert several times. Set on counter, turn upside down day 1, right side up day 2, repeat until all sugar has dissolved. Refrigerate for at least a week or cold pack canning jars and water bath process.


Southwest, VA(Zone 6a)

Joy, It sounds like a really good and easy recipe. Thank you!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

It is very easy. We keep half gallon jars in the fridge all the time. The peppers are great mixed in chevre, cream cheese, on hamburgers, casseroles, straight out of the jar. Remember not to skimp on the sugar, and I haven't ever tried them with stevia so I can't say if it tastes as good. What is nice is the fact that you can do any size jar, so you can try a small one. Some folks just throw away the jalapenos, I find that they go faster than the pickles when set out at a function, they are quite addictive.


We just lost a huge tree off the west side of the house with all this rain the past two days. Very fortunate that it fell straight out and only did a little damage to my side fence, of course I don't know how my blackberries and grapes fared. Evan was out there the last break in the rain working on cutting a few of the branches off the fence but we are now back inside watching it pour.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Wow.. those pickles are making my mouth water and I haven't even tasted them! lol.. definitely going to try those :)

You sure got some cute birdhouses, Elfie.. I like those!

I found the one I want for my buddy and hope to get the box in the mail tomorrow. I've never seen a birdhouse like this one before LOL.. Hopefully my buddy likes it too!!

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I've got mine boxed up and ready to go.

Really like that license plate flower bird house!!!

I got mine ordered,, My buddy is in for a real surprize!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yay. I have the contents of my box together Now to get it boxed and in the mail. :)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

In the mail and on its way. Someone should be receiving their box on Wednesday ... so be on the lookout, ya'll. ^_^

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