finally another year on the January homestead

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Diabetes is the one thing in my life I could do without. I have survived cancer, although I lost a kidney to it. I've been shot, stabbed, fallen three floors and had to get both knees redone-one rebuilt, the other replaced. But I could deal with any of those. The diabetes is the most serious niggly little PITA condition. It drives me nuts. The thing is I have always led a pretty healthy life. Never drank to excess, was never a druggie, used to run Marathons. I ran the Irish Crossing when I was 42. I was never enamoured to sweets or junkfood. I never even liked soda pop. I used to smoke, but not lots. 3-4 cigs a day, a cigar-and being a world traveler, I could get the GOOD cigars-when I was barbequeing. That was pretty much my only vice. I quit all that 10 years ago. The Navy took credit/responsibilty for the diabetes. "Diabetes Mellitus due to overdose of steroids during knee replacment surgery" is what it says in my Med records. I have to take 5 pills in the morning and 3 and a shot in the evening. And I hate taking pills and testing my sugar. I like to bake my own bread, pies, scones, biscuits, etc. But I seldom do anymore cause of the diabetes. It really sucked alot of the fun out of life.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yes, I would say it sucked out a lot of food joys, Nik.

I'm not diabetic, nor does it run in my family... but I can tell the ill effects of all the grains and sugars on my body, energy level and disposition; I'm trying to quit them. Lying to myself (maybe), I'm going to try some sprouted grain flours and see what happens...

Speaking of disposition... mine is in the pits right now, due to my half-sister who shares this house. I'm even thinking of moving, not that I can afford to, but maybe I NEED to... living with an active alcoholic is the pits.

Cajun i do live in the woods. YOu were right. The barn is in the front fields.
dairus that is a hard one. The up and down of it can take a toll on a person.
well i m sick again ! just darn alrat annoying i must say. . i think its stress related.
i believe quiting sugar is harder then most things to quit.
broccli just don't have the right taste for me compared to a pie. :) LOL
but i do like soup's i make them daily this time of year.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

I make soup almost daily this time of year, too. Split pea and barley with sausage tonight. I had abunch of alchoholic kinfolk when still we lived in Eire. But my Da and brothers never did have a drinking problem. My younger sister has always been a bit fond of the creature, but not to where it gets her in trouble. I'd through her out, before I moved, though.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Nik, I'd throw my half-sis out if I could, but she co-owns this property with me.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)


that's is all i really had to say and I hate that when you get the message that someone has commented and you spend the time to go find out what it was=====it was only an eeeeeeeekkkkkkk.

and to note that im just being a dork.

taynors....looks like thats gonna be a really nice barn. happy for ya.

thanks i can't wait to get the crap in the basement out and into the barn LOL still crap but in another area LOL
still sick
very cold today
light light snow dusting
other then that ? not much to report or exciting
i need to look for laying hens

Dayton, TX(Zone 8b)

Cajun you have my sympathy and prayers for what you and your husband are going through. I can't even imagine all that you must be dealing with right now. You are one strong woman!

I just got the first of the medical bills today - from my week long hospital stay. I am dreading seeing the rest of them. I was told I am just over the limit of income for any kind of medical assistance. Always something.

I agree Nik, of everything I have been through in my life (And I too have been through a lot.), diabetes is the worst. I hate needles, even the little ones used to test with. I have always eaten healthy foods, so nothing much has changed there - except for maybe my portion control. I seem to have the most problems when I lose my appetite and don't eat. A & D and sugar? I don't keep sugar in the house, so will have to look into that one. Thanks for the info.

Hope you are feeling better soon Sue?!!

Darius you have my sympathies as well. It's got to very very frustrating sharing a house with an alcoholic. Been there, done that, and will never do it again. I hope something changes for you soon too.

Went out on the front deck today. The sun sure felt good!! I brought in a lime, and cinnamon, basil that had both set seeds. As well as a pot of amaryllis that were in bloom. DH picked me a bunch of paperwhites that are blooming here now too. I am just itching to get back to the garden! BTW, Cajan, if you still need seeds for your veggie garden - I would be happy to help out. I think I will have more seeds than I need this spring, especially heirloom tomato, corn and bean seeds. lol

The house sure smells good right now. I am baking apples with cinnamon and raisins. Yumm. Like to have a 'treat' to put into DH's lunch every day.

You all stay warm and safe!! ~Diana

Diana i love the smell of apples cooking. i do alot with apples in the fall. Thank you for the kind words. i m still feeling the crud.
i just can't believe i got sick for another bout ? just got over one two weeks ago and was feeling great for 5 days and then bam got hit again with another one ?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Well, today the sun is shining... and I feel less discouraged. The situation is what it is, and positive changes can come from me. How's that for Homestead Philosophy? LOL

Sue, you must not be getting enough zinc, the right kind of calcium, and Vitamin C in your daily food regime. Or maybe the pH of your body is too acidic. That happens too easily with our typical diets, and then we don't fight germs well.

hmmm could be right on the zinc darius.
i do take vit c, d and some mulit's too
feeling a bit better today
got some things done.
snowing out today
got 8 eggs today

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Get Well wishes for everyone. Spring is around the corner.

Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by CricketsGarden
Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

There is a vicious respiritory virus making the rounds here. Lots of people hospitalized with it. Praying DH does not pick it up while he is at the hospital. Lord knows he has enough problems without that. Hope you are doing better, Sue.

Darius, I hate that you live with no peace. A price cannot be put on peace. I sure hope things get better for you. Stress is a killer. Did the daughter and the boyfriend stay in Fla?

We had a good supper last night. DH fixed it while I was feeding. I didn't get started feeding til nearly 5 yesterday because I had to go to the hospital with DH. It was his day to see the foot doc and he likes me to be there. His foot is looking much better but he still has a month of HBO and 2 weeks of infusion left. The long daily trip and all the hours at the hospital are really beginning to wear on him. He doesn't do much else but lay on the couch. He has not been to the barn to see the horses since Christmas. He really misses that. Anyway, back to supper. He saute'd a bunch of veggies and then added canned cream of mushroom soup. He cooked some rice with saffron and we ate that with the soup. We are doing the "Daniel" fast with our church right now so we are not eating meat, breads or desserts. The soup was good with the rice and very filling.

Nik, are you still at the hatchery are or they closed for the season? Did you sell the rest of your ducks? You are lucky that you don't like junk food a lot. I am a sugar addict. I know it's not good for me but I can't seem to give it up. When I finish a meal I do not feel satisfied until I have something sweet. I can eat salty food until I pop but never feel satisfied without a bit of sweet. And I overeat if I don't have the dessert. If I can't have chocolate I get the DTs. LOL Fruit does not feel sweet to me. Guess I have just upped the sugar ante too long.

TX, I may take you up on some seeds. I need to go through mine and see what I have. I would like to raise some corn this year if I can manage it but I'd like to be able to save seeds from it. Any suggestions? Medical bills are a killer and the price of meds is through the roof. DH got his insulin yesterday for 2 weeks and it was $150. He only makes $350 a week and he has other meds too. You'd think we'd be skinnier from not being able to buy groceries. LOL Some of his other meds are on the $4 list at Walmart. His doc tried to give as many of those as he can. It helps.

The woman who was supposed to get the doe kid was a no show. Guess I will go ahead and contact the other person who wanted her.

Picked up 7 eggs yesterday. So glad the girls are getting back with the program. Only got 2 the day before so they are a fickle bunch.

Cricket, did you find out any more about your fan?

I got some money for Christmas so I ordered myself the Foodlovers Fatloss plan. I cannot exercise and I need to lose some weight because of my muscle weakness. I have gained quite a bit in the last few years and it makes life harder. The plan came in the mail Wednesday but I am not going to start it until after the fast. I'll let you know if it works.

Cajun what type of goats do you have , i know i have asked but have forgotten. We are in the market for some goats for our kids 4 H but am looking for a good show quality begginer goat ? is there such a thing ? LOL we have friends who have goats and show in the 4 H but honestly i don't like how they raise there goats . they are kinda hoarders in the animal way . They also don't seem to care how they breed. For just regular goats i would get a goat from them for meat of just a milk doe . i just thought i would ask , i don't mean to offend that your goats are not good goats .
We may be doing a KY road trip also in the next few months.
I would think with the fast you would loose weight ? i hear you on the sugar. i m there with you sister.
i m looking for also 10 laying hens . just can't seem to find any at moment.
darius how are you doing today ?
cold day here only 11 out and some snow brrrr
Barn is looking great ! wish i did more pics but my camera just won't work in the cold ? i guess its to cold ?
i will try again soon, but they are almost done. monday should be our final construction on it.
i m very giggly inside about it too.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Still at the hatchery. We are only hatching meatbirds for a customer in Southern Ohio right now. Every week I take him a couple thousand birds. However the RIR, New Hamps, and Barred Rocks are all starting to lay, so I imagine we'll start setting some of those in the next week or three. Also we started our first batch of Pekin ducks this week.

Of my own ducks I still have about 8-9 drakes to either eat or sell. As soon as they start laying full time I'll be setting a few dozen of those for my own sales. I bought a new sportsman incubator and with it and my other older 'bators I can set 406 eggs at the times. Of course, I won't; I'll set it up so that I am hatching about a third of that each week. But Nik's Homestead Hatchery is pretty much a reality now. I got the wood together to start the greenhouse frame, too. This year it won't be much, but next year after I get it all finished this summer, I'll have a nice greenhouse with wood heat. I love my life....mostly.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Doing okay here, making a list of perennial vegetables I want to try. I have a few already growing for 3-4 years now: rhubarb, Jerusalem artichokes, sorrell, asparagus... but there are a few more I want to try. Welsh onions, skirret, malabar spinach, 9 star broccoli, and a perennial kale for starters.

Chickweed has taken over 2 huge flower beds and 1 vegetable bed since early fall. Thankfully it's both edible and medicinal!

Richmond, TX

How do you eat chickweed? I have a banquet in the backyard!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks darius. That was very interesting.

Richmond, TX

Too cool! I can't for morning so I can go out and harvest some.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

So.......I am writing a book and I have been really frustrated with the ordeal you have go through to get it published.
I felt like writing this book was actually going to be a bigger burden getting it published than it was worth. Then my sister the homeschooler told me I could make my own book using Binding Machines. I have no idea what I am getting into but she is willing to help
me through the process of printing and making a binding book. She knows a few people who started their books out like this and their books gradually made it to the big publishers easier than going through agents. She also told me that I can get the book copyrighted at the court house
some how.......I do not know what I am doing.......but I guess I will learn as I go which is going to take a while.
The book will look like those pretty little recipe books with the wire binders. Or something like that.
Now I have to figure out which equipment to buy, printers, software....etc...? and once again.......i have no idea what i am doing.
Do you know what I am doing?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

There are self-publishing sites that do it all for you, all except the writing. Might be a lot less hassle, but not cheaper. Even the UPS/Kinko's stores will do it for you.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Right. They are not cheap. I been checking out AuthorHouse too. I think I'm scared of getting ripped off, or signing a contract that has small print that is not always understandable. They always twist words around to sound good but hang you later.

cold and snow here
off to a convention
won't be back until monday
until then have a good day

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

TXbabybloomer, Happy Birthday!!

Sue, be safe... have fun. Is it tomorrow (Monday) you will be beck, or a whole week to the next Monday?

monday night i will be back.
happy birthday TX

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday TX

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I just made some parsnip chips, wow! I only had 2 parsnips left from what I added to a roast, so I didn't make much. First one I sliced down to the core with a potato peeler, and those just taste like most chips... fried and salty, but good. The 2nd one I peeled, quartered and cut out the core before slicing thinly... MUCH better, and they have a hint of natural sweetness from the parsnips. I fried them in my home-rendered tallow.

The sliced chips are better still warm.

Thumbnail by darius
Dayton, TX(Zone 8b)

Thank you all for the birthday wishes! I had a great one. Kids gave me a lot of garden related gifts, which made me very happy. Now I need to plant strawberry plants and onion sets. lol

Darius, I had never heard of skirret before. Sounds like something I would love to try too. Amishland Heirloom Seeds has some of the seeds. This last Summer, I ordered seeds for some Welsh onions. I will be planting them shortly, as soon as I get all of the onion sets planted. Here Malabar spinach is an annual. I LOVE the idea of planting perennial veggies!! Now I need to research the kale. lol Yum on your chips!!

Cajun, I haven't saved seed since the 70's. I don't recall saving corn, so I will be learning right along with you. This year I am going to plant some popcorn too, and I will need to figure out how to use it too, which will entail saving the seeds. lol Here's wishing us both luck!!

Cricket that is so cool that you have written a book!! What is it about?

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

At the moment, my book and everything that surrounds me is the last thing on my mind. My 12 year old son was rough playing with his big brother and fell to the floor on his knees. It swelled up pretty bad just below the knee so badly that it looked like he had two knees. We took him to the after hours clinic and they did an xray but nothing was broke or fractured but he has a bubble in his bone near the area that was injured.
Bubble looks just like an Aneurysmal Bone Cyst to me. Of course the clinic didn't want to say what it could be, just that it is an abnormal bubble. My son has to see an Orthopedic ASAP. The clinic sent a CD home with us of his xrays to give to the Orthopedic. I loaded it on my computer so I could see it. It does not look good and I know that bone tumors can be cancerous but mostly not cancerous and I am terrified . I cannot explain my emotions right now.

Richmond, TX

Best of luck!

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

We survived the thunderstorms during the night. At about 0230 this AM the wind started howling and the lightning started flashing. It's supposed to be breezy today with a high of 50. I like the colder, more frozen winters alot better than these 50 degree winters. Besides all the other things that go with a wet warm winter; it doesn't kill off the bugs. The bugs this summer are probably going to be horrendous. I went out along the fenceline yesterday and picked out all the preying mantis chrysalises I could find. They eat so many bad bugs that I want to over populate my garden with them. Going to be a weird spring.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

Thank you.

Chad saw an Orthopedic this afternoon. The bubble is an Aneurysmal Cyst. The doctor said no doctor knows why they form....they just do. Sometimes they gradually go away and sometimes they get bigger. When they get bigger the bone is more fragile to break in that location. He also said that a lot of people have them and never know it unless they break a bone. The doctor is setting up an appointment for Chad to see Childrens Hospital for a second opinion to verify his diagnosis.

My book : You can find tons of books about gardening but there isn't very many specifically on growing Tomatoes. There are some good books about growing tomatoes. I started working on mine 6 years ago and It seems like every time I get in the rhythm of working on it, something happens and I get distracted. A really good tomato book came out 2 years ago and it is the best book on tomatoes I ever read......which kinda be-littled my efforts. LOL. I will still put my book out. It will take some time, but I hope to have it out sometime this summer. Tomatoes, A Gardeners Obsession.

Nik, I agree. The bugs are going to be bad this year.

hi folks
well here is the barn so far
should be done tomorrow

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kids in snow, wth the dog
dog likes to chase the kids down the hill .

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close up of the barn from the side

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can you believe i m digging up plants in the middle of january in zone 5 ??? we should be under 8 " of snow and the ground should be frozen solid !
this is so wrong in so many levels ???
darius never heard of parsnip chips ? but i do like my tomato chips yum.
well not much going on here

Richmond, TX

Looks like it is going to be a great barn!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Barn is looking great, Sue! Never heard of tomato chips. How do you make them?

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