finally another year on the January homestead

dehydrate them in slices . i eat them like a potato chip . when i dehydrate them i sprinkle some garlic powder on them
thanks for the kind words on the barn . we sure are excited.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

That is a GREAT looking barn. Are you all building it yourselves, or is a contractor putting it up?

we have a contractor doing it. We are not that good at carpentry LOL
well the inspector came out to do the final inspection and said, he will do the check off when we get a concrete floor in it........have you seen the cost of concrete LOLLL i guess we will never get the final check off on that LOL ....* wipe tears from face. *
rainy and cold here today

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

WHY does a barn have to have a concrete floor???????

Richmond, TX

To reduce dust and erosion. I had a dirt floor in the barn for years; I finally put down asphalt - Wow! What an improvement.

we are going to do a gravel floor and on the animal side do rubber mats for easy cleaning or so that is the theory in my mind .
i think inspectors have some weird agenda ? they seem to make this stuff up as they go ??
we do have a big gap in some area's . so we need lots of dirt and gravel to backfill in the lower lying parts.
their is a 4 " gap in some parts from the ground to the barn.
wish it would freeze . we just had a good freeze and then it melted a gain ? so its all mud . can't do much n mud.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Oh, I do understand why a floor in a barn would have some preference, but my question was really why it is a "requirement".

I have no idea why darius ? they just make this stuff up as they go i guess ? . not an actual requirement, but if we wanted the final inspection done. then we need to do that .. why i have no idea. DH didn't say nor does he know either. kinda crazy ,
when Ric was building the GH onto the house , inspector came out and we had to do a 2 " frost expansion .... really ??? a 2 " space LOL we are not in Alaska but we did it anyway. kinda over kill , IMHO. :)
Lucy our dog was eating a tack tonight... ? weird dog... you would think that would hurt to chew on ?
down pouring rain here tonight.
is anyone else getting pounded by rain or snow ?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

No weather pounding here... in fact it's midnight and the temp is 61º. Unbelievable!

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

It was in the 40s as it rained here all day and well into the evening. This morning it is a bit cooler and we got better than an inch of snow on top of all the rain. The ground is a boggy mess. The contractors are here to finish the deck. It still needs a roof and a handrail and the anchors need to be bolted onto it. I got the 4 foot anchors for it with augers almost 1 foot across. This deck ain't goin' nowhere!!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I have been MIA for a while. I been hoppin' like a one legged man stompin' out a fire. But the weather is nice. Getting a bit of rain but I'll take it over cold and snow any day.

Sue, that barn looks great! So happy for you. I know you will put it to good use. I don't understand about the concrete. It's hard on animals legs.

Darius, I don't know that I have ever eaten parsnips. Are they like a radish?

Cricket, so glad your son did not have a worseproblem with his knee. I will say a prayer for him. Hope he is back to his old self soon.

Nik, is the new deck hooked to your house?

I have to tell you all my good news! With all the sickness poor DH has had to endure and all the expense it causes, I was not going to be able to renew my DG subscription. I could still come here to the homesteading forum but not much else. I would have missed it so very much. It is one of the highlights of my day. I have a lot on my plate keeping everything together here and it gets stressful. I am not complaining because I know so many others have it a lot worse. But it does get to be a heavy load at times and when I can sit down here with my friends at DG and let go of that load for just a little while, it means the world to me. I was really going to miss that but some kind soul renewed my subscription for me for another year. I am so very happy and thankful to whoever it was. I am sure they do not know just what a wonderful and meaningful blessing it is for me. God is so good and I pray His richest blessings on the person who reached out to me with such a gift. This is such a special community of people.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Parsnips look like a long, white carrot, and to me they taste like a cross between a carrot and a sweet potato, and the texture is more carrot-like.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't know why I thought they were hottish like a radish. I have some seeds and may plant a few. I like to try a couple new things every season.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

Parsnips are good for you if you have diabetes. Both the roots as food, and the tops as tea. The roots are rich in food value and nutrients without causing sugar spikes/ The tea will actually lower blood sugars. I first learned that reading a scific book (Island in the Sea ofTime, by S.M.Stirling) and did some research on it. It happens to be true. I have always liked them, but lots of folks think they have no taste.

The deck is not anchored to the house. It has 8 screw in anchors holding down. The screw-ins go over 6 feet into the ground. I didn't want to have it attached as I want to turn it into a small barn, or maybe a chicken coop when I get the real house built. I am going to give the mobile home away to anyone who will come get it, but the deck will stay. That's why I had it put on skids.

Congratulations on your subscription extension. One less thing to worry about, eh?

This message was edited Jan 27, 2012 2:42 PM

Cajun so glad an angle came to your subscripion .
well very muddy here
hmm parsnips sound good.
not much else to report.
glad everyone is doing well.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the info on the parsnips. Now I will surely plant them and see if I can get DH to try them. Maybe I will fry them like Darius did. He likes nearly anything if it's fried. :) Since you are anchoring your deck so well, can I assume you have lots of wind at your place?

Sue, it's wet here too but not muddy. I am glad of that. I can still do my chores in my hiking boots and not have to lace on the rubber boots.

We had a good supper. Since we are doing the Daniel fast we are not eating bread, meat or desserts so I have to get creative and try some new things. Tonight I coated thin slices of eggplant in a mixture of corn meal and flour and fried them. I topped them with sauted tomatoes, onion, garlic and mushrooms. Then I grated Monterey Jack cheese on top. We had it with Uncle Ben's wild rice. It was all very tasty.

Cajun that dinner sounds pretty good. yum
well our zones changed ! Ohio is more of a 6 A zone ? we were a zone 5 b . ? well ok so they tell me.
so not much here.
been on comp most of the day and cleaning

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Lots of reading to catch up on here. Everyone has been busy in spite of the winter season.
Very mild here with a fair amount of rain. I hope it will continue into summer.

Cajun ~ glad you received that pleasant surprise and will continue to enjoy the respite from the daily troubles. Hopes and prayers too for your husbands' improving health.

Those Daniel meals you fix sound good and make me hungry all over again. How long does this fast last?

I get a MEN newsletter and have noticed this on their newsletters as well as many other sites.

There will be a topic of discussion on DG (irregardless of what topic) and it will be written up in their newsletter within a couple of weeks.

Look what y'alls vegie chips inspired... lol

They do sound tasty!

I've been harvesting currant tomatoes and cucumbers in the GH and will start my spring garden seeds this weekend. Hope everyone has a nice one...

those do sound good podster. i love roasted veg's but didn't think of chips ?
oh and malted vinager tooooooooo mmmmmmmmm
woke up to snow
will melt by 4 pm today i imagine.
dh is off to a gun/ knife show. with the son.
so its me and the girly home.
off to feed chickens

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Podster, those chips hold lots of possibilities. Mmm The fast lasts for 21 days. This Thursday is the last day.

Sue, hope that nasty white stuff is gone.

I am going through my seeds. I am deciding what I am going to plant and getting my planting calendar made out. I am also having my community swap again in April. Last year was the first year. Nobody here had ever heard of one and the weather turned out cold, windy and rainy on swap day. But low and behold people are asking me to do it again!! I feel like that is a victory for gardening. It got a few new people gardening last year and that was one of the things I hoped it would do. So many people here on DG were so good to donate seeds for my cause and I still have lots of those seeds because not many people could make it out to the swap. Another thing I was hoping to accomplish with the swap was to get good food on tables of families who are very low income. I hope to accomplish that again this year. So, that's what I have been busy with. My legs have been hurting pretty bad the last couple of days so I am putting my down time to good use.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

malted vinegar???? that does not sound good

i want to ask questions and comments but it is so late. i gotta go,,,,hopefully i can later.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

There are so many kinds of vinegar I have never heard of and that is one of them. I used to think there were only 2 kinds, white and apple cider.

Cajun sounds like a great idea to do again. we do somthing similar but we plant a row for our local food banks.
Malted vinager is more of a vinager used with fish and chips. i love vinagers so i love any kind. don't see it to often around here
i also have a white apple cider vinager i use to make my garlic jelly. its very sweet
well i got word of my mom , she has liver cancer, and well being the drinker that she was , not a mean drunk but a person who drank every night after work. never a sick day in her life ! but well it will take a toll on a liver after 50 yrs of vodka and wine.
So i m a bit still in shock. i guess. she seems in good spirits and will do a procedure where they go up through the groin in a vein and do the chemo that way ?
so she is a trial thing at Stanford .
they caught it early so they are very optimistic, but she does need to loose weight also. so she has her work cut out for her at the age of 77 yrs.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I thought a glass of wine was good for the body with your evening meals?
I only drink a wine cooler once in a blue moon.
Sorry about your Mom taynors. She has a rough road ahead of her.

well she drinks a bottle a night.. LOL i guess i should have specified. LOL
well this weather is crazy ain't it ?
woke up today to wonderful crisp morning full of sun , warmed up in the 50's and by 4 pm it was cold windy and raining grrrrr.
many of my plants are heaving out of the ground with all this freeze, thaw and rain. spent most the day digging them back in .
so i think they will be ok. hosta and astilbe are pretty die hard plants
chickens got to play out today
got 7 eggs today
i did make it to the gym today LOL and i m wiped out !! they worked my butt off ,

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

taynors, with all the work you already have to do, im surprised you find time to go to a gym,,,,,and work on top of working too.
I'm staying home.

LOL a bit of the slow season at present moment. for my business, i get a bit antsy . the hips start to grow outward and not inward :(

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

And now off to February....

see you there

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