December 2011 - Snow and Christmas!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Yesterday rainy and warm, today sunny and cold? Huh? LOL.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, what a turnaround in weather we've had! Now it's cold! But, at least my plants in the window get some light!

I think my friend appreciates having a somewhat handyperson around. Hows the saying go? I'm a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none! I'm pretty handy I guess. By gosh, I can use a circular saw and a drill!
Hehe, I HAVE saved her a bunch in time, money and trouble! Sometimes, I have to remind her that I've given her over $8,000 since I've been here, that usually brings her down a couple octaves!

I am feeling quite a bit better, I guess I'll see if the betterness is genuine! Night time Coricidin eh?
I was thinking about something that I typed up there. I was thinking, "oh no, it looks like I'm saying my armpits were sweating"! Haha, everybody's underarms sweat! I was talking about the tops of my forearms even were sweating in bed! Today, at the bank, I told the teller that they should have hand sanitizer out in front by the counters like other places do in the cold and flu season. I told her, "no big deal, just everything I touch has the flu on it". Maybe they'll all get sick and then get the hand sanitizer out there! I'm getting a flu shot asap! I always worry too about passing on the sickness. If your grandkids get it, it was bound to happen, anybody close would be at risk, it wouldn't be your fault Sally. I always looked at it like there's a 50/50 chance somebody close would get sick from me.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I am doing nothing, not that I don't have things to do I am just not doing them.....getting really lazy. Must be winter.... ;)
I still have a cough but that is it. Be glad when it is gone.

Well the "nice" couple who said they wanted the puppies, who asked my husband if he would be home on Thursday (which he waited all day for) didn't come by and didn't call. I am not sure why people either don't honor what they say or at least have the decency to call and say we have changed our minds. This makes the second set of folks who have done this. Sure hope no one calls DH and says "Will you be home on such and such day"? cause they may get an ear full. Well I am glad they didn't take them if they didn't really want them. They are such sweeties, I just don't need 6 dogs again.

Guess for Christmas I should ask for dog food...rofl.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

People do that on craigslist ALOT too, it's like they want to hold you up so you don't sell it to someone else while they shop, or in your case so you don't give the dogs to anyone else while they look around maybe. What I put in my Craigslist ads now is "first come, first serve". I think that thwarts quite a few people! Before I did that, I'd literally be waiting on "buyers" for cars or something that never would come.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Money is about as dirty as the kitchen sponge. They SHOULD have hand sanitizers! Good idea!

The kids and other family members all get flu shots. DD has done it since the oldest was born because the Dr. reccomends it. I had the flu as a kid and wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Try Mucinex. It really helps break up a cough. Even the Dr. said it does what it says. I can give the Grandkids a kid's version. It lets them sleep.

I wonder what happened to them? A phone call sure would have been nice.

I think that's smart. Why let people use you?

Well, grandkids tonight so no time for me unless I take it this afternoon. I have more gifts to wrap and hide, or at least hide, LOL! Still waiting on a final order so I only have to get the mess out one last time.

I'd like to mix up sugar cookies of they aren't sneezing and coughing.

Have a good day everyone!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

The really stupid thing about these folks calling and not showing up is we have their phone number. I wanted to call and ask what time they would be out, but DH wouldn't let me...LOL Just be nice to hear them tap dance...rofl. Oh well, like I said I want the pups to go to good homes not to some nut cases. I thought DH had learned his lesson about not getting a time, the last time, but I am pretty sure it won't happen again...rofl.

I am going to finsh shopping this weekend....period the end of the subject. The decorating is done, well not really but this is all I am doing this year....LOL The next week I am just going to be lazy...which I am getting very good at I must say.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Last day of shopping? YEAH RIGHT!!! LOL!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Money is as dirty as the kitchen sponge! Haha! I sometimes microwave it for 30 seconds like they say to do! Not money, the Wouldn't that be funny if they put microwaves on the counters at the bank?!

I too, have thought about calling people that said they were coming to buy something (and never came), just to listen to them squirm!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

How about my mound of potted plants and leaves? I raked and covered these pots up with leaves, I hope it works for the Winter!! I got Heucheras in there, Hostas, a couple of Plum trees, Grape plants, a Porcelain Vine,
a Rose-Of-Sharon, even a cheapo Yucca, a Fall special $3 Leyland Cypress from 2010. That's a pile of cheap plants! The most expensive plant in there is the 2 Plum trees, they were half of $19.98 each back in the Fall of 2010. They mighta been cheap but I do want them to come thru the Winter. I have plans for many of them, I just ran outta time to get them planted this year or the place to plant them isn't really ready, (like Hostas, Heucheras and Hyssop around the shed, but I haven't painted the shed yet).

This message was edited Dec 17, 2011 8:12 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I made a big pot of that running Bamboo for my tropical area! It won't be running far in that big red planter. it doesn't have big holes in the bottom of the planter like those black plastic pots. I feel pretty confident that any rhizomes won't get out the bottom, because the drain holes are just little drill holes I drilled in there. They can't get over the top of the planter either because it's soil stops about 6 or 8 inches from the top! If it don't look right in the "tropical spot' or it don't take for some reason I can just move the pot.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well, I shopped and shopped and Pepper you are right, rofl, not quite done, but pretty darn close or closer... ;)

I have been wrapping.

Someone is suppose to come meet the pups tomorrow, we told them to call before they come because we have waited for way too many people and they were agreeable so we will see.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I can say that I am done shopping!! LOL!! I still have stuff to sort thru to give as gifts but that's easy.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I should be wrapping but I am stalling, not sure why. Think I am returning two gifts I got yesterday after reading the reviews on the products. Darn I hate that....LOL It would be nice to have a smart phone to look that stuff up while I am in the store.

Last night sounded like I might get snow up here this week. Pepper you will have to come north to play in the snow.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I heard we could get a mix now. I-70 will be the border. Again.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Tonite, Gary Lezak, the head meteorologist on NBC news says we have a 40% chance for a white Christmas! It might not do anything that day, but it still could snow before Christmas.
I-70 is the border again eh?! I live about 4 miles North of I-70! They are always saying 70 is the border, or the Missouri River, usually I-70 tho! It's funny, alot of times they are right on that!
I'd love to have some snow! Tho, not really looking forward to shoveling it and cleaning off car's windshields!

I hope this upside down trash can provides some decent Winter protection for the Banana 'basjoo' underneath it!

Boy, is it ever raining steadily today, glad it's 36° now, and not much colder yet!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

teeny tiny bit of snow at my house last night....just a drop of two.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Nothing here except rain. Today we got a drizzle all day and that's it.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

It was a heavy drizzle here today, pretty gloomy. Now, Lezak has changed the 40% chance for a white Christmas down to a 2% chance as of today!
I need to get the thermostat in my car and fast!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Don't listen to him!! LOL

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Will, today is the shortest day of the year. The Winter Solstice begins tonight at 12:30 AM.
We've had light rain and mist. Our average rainfall is about 47 inches. We have received about 73 inches. It's a light, misty rain, so that's okay with me.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Oh good, come on Winter Solstice! Spring is getting closer! Haha, I think it has to be a little higher than a 2% chance of snow by Christmas myself, but I'm not a meteorologist like Lezak, so oh well! I think just being cold enuff to snow should be more than a 2% chance! I got out and raked up a couple more yard sacks of leaves, oh joy, 30 to go!

I got an old window from my Mom! I plan to do the idea that I got from happ and put it on the old red shed here eventually. My Mom coincidentally was gonna use that window for that very reason, but she found out her shed is made of metal. She had asked if I wanted an old window and I said "sure", it hit me what happ said to do with an old window! Here it is in the photo. That shed needs a window bad, it is windowless, with the door closed or close, it is too dark to see in there. I plan to cut out a big rectangle in the side of the shed and put that window in there! And below that will be a flowerbox.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here's at least a couple more sacks of leaves, under the deck!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Rusty!!!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I was dong some shopping this afternoon and it was blowing and spitting snow, not enuff to accumulate, dangit! I was at Walmart in line and this lady set off the alarm. I don't think she stole anything, I think it just goes off all the time. Anyway, she says, "I paid for this stuff!", she says to the old greeter lady, "come on!", it was pretty pathetic, the irate lady was soon swarmed by Walmart people. I couldn't believe it, she was gonna let the greeter have it! Tempers are short at Walmart. I even got verbally abused, when I knocked some stuff over that was stacked in the aisle. This lady (or young adult lady) didn't give me enuff room to get by, so I hit the Walmart stuff with my cart accidently. I never said anything. I was bent over picking it all up and she tells somebody "I'm not in the way, he is". In the checkout some rude guy in line had to let a lady know she took too long. I told my cashier, "I want to get outta here"! I sat in my car at Target so I took a photo at my Target stop. JC Penney and it wasn't nearly as bad as Walmart. I guess Christmas makes folks mad!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm not a big fan of Walmart. The people in majority of the ones I go into are rude. Not all but alot of them. And I found out yesterday that they are remodeling the Blue Springs store....again. Crazy!!! Hope we can find stuff this time!!

Madison, IL(Zone 6b)

I'm so sorry to hear about the rudeness you've experienced at Wal-Mart. I try to go off hours on week days & avoid the 1st few days of the month. I was shopping at the Granite City, IL Wal-Mart on Thursday evening & the atmosphere was friendly. I believe that the mood was set by a cute little girl who sang (very loudly) one Christmas carol after the other while she walked thru the store with her dad. She was dressed very festively & it was hard not to smile. : )

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Well, today was a good day until it was time for me to get off work. I was trying to move a case of canned tomatoes and had a can fall out and hit me above my left eye. It cut me in my eyebrows right where the bone is. Had to go over to customer service where one of my bosses helped me stop the bleeding and write up a report on it. My eye is now swelling and bruising. lol. I got lucky though. Was able to stop the bleeding with some strong pressure on it. I was shaky for awhile afterwards and my main boss followed me to my road to make sure I got home ok. I gave him quite a scare. Even when he got home he was still checking in on me. I won't need stitches or anything either so I got lucky. Just have a black eye to show off tomorrow!! lol

Hope everyone else is having a much less eventful day!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas!

I read, but won't comment since I'm behind.

Except to say, I hope your eye feels better Pepper. That's a terrible thing to happen!

Well guys,
In March when my subscription runs out, I'm not going to re-up. I just don't have time anymore since I see the Grandkids four times a week. Something has to give and I just decided this afternoon I have to let this go. I'm not using half of what I'm paying for, LOL!

I'm sure I'll see you around.

Anyway, I'm not gone yet.

Have a peaceful day!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Eye is much better. Still hurts and is still swollen but the bruising is gone.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm glad Pepper.

Will, how is your friend doing? Has sister gone home yet?

To comment after all, our Walmart has good checkers. Always cheerful even if they are having a bad day. They don't take it out on us, but shake their head at themselves. I feel lucky. Most of them are older women who have been there awhile they recognize us too. I think I make them smile because I walk in with a clothesbasket full of cloth zippered bags. Then I pack my own stuff. All they have to do is set it on the table.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Eek pepper, that sounded painful. I hope it heals up nicely for you.

Thanks greenbrain, that rudeness is pretty unusual even for a Walmart. I think the crowd and the Christmas pressure had something to do with the short tempers there. Though, I couldn't imagine any reason to be mad enuff to challenge a greeter. Man, that chaps my hide when I think about what they say about the Walmart heirs. They say six Walmart heirs have as much wealth as the bottom 30% of all americans.

Oh, Sally. I hope you'll change your mind about not renewing when your subscription is up, that's just 2 months away. You are such a great friend to everybody and me. You can't cancel so close to Springtime! You have pretty flower beds and all and you have good knowledge for others, (like me) to soak in! You are very dedicated to flowers and plants, your knowledge would be sorely missed. People do have lives I suppose.
Thanks for asking about my friend, she is fine. The Sister has gone home.

Here is me petting our cat Grubworm! Like my friend's Grandfather's WW1 helmet and old framed photos?!

Boy, paying personal property taxes before the end of the year crept up on me this year, I'm just tonite getting the check in the mail, actually, it even made the photo, along with Christmas fudge and cookies and the SliceOmatic!

We saw Sherlock Holmes today. It's a good movie, it's neat how authentic they are to the period also, 1891.

Oh, another Christmas has come and gone! And now on to the New Year and the resolutions I never keep!


Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Here is some plants that I got in the window! See the Banana plants? I'm going to try to grow them and do the digging them up and growing them in the house even! They are such a nice tropical plant to have! Makes you think your in the tropics somewhere on the beach! Like my desert terrarium? I think I'll get a Skink Lizard in it to keep my $2 cactus company!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Plants look nice, what is in the fish bowl below? I can't spell aquarimun and too lazy to look it up...rofl.
Oh BillyP, give up sleep...rofl. We can't lose you. You will have to do like me and just hit and miss when time allows. I love the pics of your garden and get great ideas from it.

Christmas was great. I didn't shop the day after, cause that is when the crazys are really out. Looking forward to the calm of January, I have some things I want to do. I put up most the decorations yesterday, so I will be ready for the calm of January.

Good weather coming our way.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks. Haha! That IS an aquarium, but it is now a desert! I found it in the basement so I asked if I could use it for a terrarium. It used to have a plant over on the left and another one over on the right and they both died, I have yet to get all their remains out. It is wedged in that bottom shelf good, not enuff room for cats to get in there and mess around! That little round cactus is tough, it hasn't had any sunlight since I bought it at Home Depot in June. It seems to be plugging right along, it's green, so that always good! I only water it once a month or so with that red squirt bottle, it seems fine with that schedule. It is called Mammalaria marksiana, it gets 6" in diameter eventually it says. I'll prolly need to get it some quality light before it takes off like that, (all it has, is those skinny fishlight bulbs in that cover) it's supposed to have a nice flower too.
That plant in the middle is cut flowers that are looking pretty bad, they are flowers my friend got on the passing of her Mom 19 days ago. Like my former dishsoap water-bottle?! Haha! No need to answer, I just like pointing stuff! I keep all the glues in that basket too!

Yeah, billyp!

They said on the news that the day after Christmas was record breaking for returns and even people shopping for great deals, I'm not braving the crowds either! I can just see the customer service line at Walmart!
AND the moods of the people in it!

60° F Thursday, they say!

Just edited to say those are roadside limestone rocks in the photo too, aren't they lovely?!

This message was edited Dec 28, 2011 5:14 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I too hate to see you, billporter, leave DG. You have great ideas. I use DG website a lot and sure enjoy reading other gardener's comments and questions. I have learned a lot by belonging to this website, and it is well worth the money. I am always researching some kind of plant and ending up on DG to find information regarding the plant I am interested on that day! Grandchildren are special.

Pepper, so sorry to hear about your accident. My daughter has had accidents on both brows and has a scar on them. Her eyebrows are not real dark, so the scars don't show up very much. Man, it seems your job is hazardous!

We took our son to the St L. airport yesterday. My daughter wanted to stop at one store in a mall on the way back home. We drove into the mall and stayed on the outside circle road. The traffic was HORRIFIC!! We could not get into the parking lot and my daughter ended up getting out of the car from the outside road and going into the mall only to find out the store she wanted to shop in wasn't even in that mall. She came back to the car--we had only moved about three car lengths. People literally pulled in front of us, and we would have hit them if we hadn't let them butt in. We spent an hour going around the outside of the mall trying to get back out. Many times, we just turned off the car while we were waiting to move forward. It was raining and getting dark. It was a horrendous experience and we still had a two hour drive home.

I am quite interested in starting various penstemon from seed via winter sowing. If anyone has any info on the best penstemons to grow in the midwest, please share your knowledge. One of my favorite flowers is the tall snapdragon. I have a hard time starting them from seed and by the time they are big enough to set out, it's pouring spring rains, and I wait until the soil dries out--then, it's too hot for the little seedlings to do well. So, I am looking into growing penstemons and foxgloves. Foxgloves are biennials and although I really like them, I want to grow Penstemons as they are perennials. I like planting them once, and you are done other than plant care etc. I do grow foxgloves via winter sowing every year also. I have very good success with them. They grow all summer, then, I plant them into my gardens in the fall. They stay fairly everygreen all winter long with beautiful large textured, fuzzy green leaves. Thus, I have better luck growing biannuals and perennials from seed vs. annuals.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I have a friend who loves penstemon, I have never grown them, if I can remember which is a big if. I will see if I can find out which ones she has success with. We are one zone colder than you so they should do fine at your house. I haven't really started anything from seeds.

Pepper did both eyes black or just one? Wowzer, those cans are really heavy. You have wacked your foot and now your head, you really otta stop while you are a head....wonk wonk, no pun intended... ;) You know there are easier ways to get out of work...rofl, just kidding you. Nice of them to check on you, my boss probably would of sit me back and my desk until time to go home... ;)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

It was just a regular sized can of tomatoes not the big ones thankfully. lol. It just got my left eyebrow and that eye bruised up for a couple days but now the swelling and everything is gone. I just have the cut and it's healing nicely. I'm not sure if it will scar or not. I personally don't care if it does or not. lol.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

The scars on my eyebrows haven't given me any grief. When I was 5, I rolled over on a cat and it scratched my face all up. In the above photo even, you can see the scar on my left brow, it's pretty noticeable.
It's in the middle, on the top of that eyebrow, eyebrow hair doesn't grow there. As far as scars on my face from that, I got lucky, only my eyebrows got one scar each. If you get a scar on your eyebrow, Pepper, your not alone! : )

edited for changing right to left, or the one in the photo..haha!

This message was edited Dec 28, 2011 12:42 PM

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you, whoever paid for another year for me here.

Thanks Will,
This will be one of four threads I keep up with.

I love Sherlock Holmes and have four books with a lot of the stories.

That's a good picture of you!

Love the plants! They all look nice. A neighbor gave me a really nice Diffenbachia, but with kids and cats I had to run it down to my SIL's. I can't take the chance of any of them touching it.

Yeah, a skink would be cool!

Yeah, the rocks are lovely!

Thanks Happ,
We went shopping today and it was nice.

Thanks, I'll be here another year :o)

That was a nightmare!

I love penstemon, but don't have much reseed on it's own. I've never tried any either.

I got a big laugh over the cat scar, but I'm sure it hurt like the dickens when it happened. I remember catching a wild kitten. Never again!

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Cool Sally! There is an anonymous DG'er here somewhere! I too, was paid for by a generous sort here, a while back. My friend here, did something like that at her work, she was "Secret Santa", people were even crying because they really wanted the stuff she got them and they were touched, it's a nice feeling to be able to get something you want.

Thanks, a good picture of me?! Hehe! I was all in mid-sentence or something in the photo! My head is like 5 shades darker than everything else, and I wear a straw hat whenever possible, I think that's just a sign of being old, getting all sun-grizzled and stuff!

Thanks on the compliments on my plants billyp, they need more light, poor things, until Spring anyway! I might get them a shoplite if their good! Altho, I believe Walmart has jacked up the price from $5.96 or so to $9.96, up $4 a bulb! They get pretty decent Winter sunlight, but it isn't nearly as much as they'd like I'm fairly sure.

That cat's scratches DID hurt I remember, it was a bad ordeal at the time, there was blood everywhere, I was mortified when it happened. I thought that I was playing with the cat, it wasn't playing with me! I got lucky, those eyebrow scars are as bad as it got, my eyes were spared. Back then though, my face was just all scratched up for awhile, I remember, which stunk when your in kindergarten. I won't even say what my Dad did to the cat.
Yeah, feral cats aren't that good until they've been housecats awhile or something. Back when I lived in a mobile home, this stray cat was always crawling thru my ducts, tearing it all up. It was meowing at all the vents in the middle of the nite! I let it in eventually, where it wanted so bad, and it bit me on the chin and drew blood again! I took it to a neighboring mobile home park about 5 miles away and turned it out!

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