Lilies blooming this summer

Merino, Australia

Beautiful, Anthony.
I do love the spotty ones. That orange is very bright , but dont you have to love the delicacy of the whites with the yellow.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Ooooh yes, Jean!!!!-but wait til' i flower some of these darker babies...

barmera, Australia

We're waiting Anthony. They're all beautiful. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

Are those spots bolder than usual,? Anthony....they look big to me.....gorgeous....
Yes, the yellow is very delicate looking....can't wait for your other dark ones, now
Colleen, have you grown any of the liliums from seed?

barmera, Australia

No Dianne mine are all bulbs. I did grow a couple of different hippies last year so now I have quite a few 1year old seedlings of them. If any of my lilliums have seeds I might give them a try. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

Hopefully, mine will have some seeds this year, so if yours don't, I will send some.
I was nervous of them, when Anthony gave me some...but I found that they are very forgiving.....and grow very quickly....

barmera, Australia

I couldn't believe it when the hippy seeds germinated for me. I would think that the lillium seeds are similar so hopefully I'll get some. Will let you know Dianne. Thanks for the offer. Colleen

Vic, Australia

Pretty Pretty flowers ♥

sunset is flowering
it only looks orange in the middle when it’s in the sunlight, when is in the shade it just looks like a red flower.

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia


Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia

Purple prince?

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia

Tropic Diamond

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia

And the fantastic Tiger Woods YAY it flowered true to type.
Most have the light white background but one has extra pink.

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia

Tiger Woods

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia

Tiger Woods close up

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Vic, Australia

Tiger Woods extra pink

Thumbnail by aussie_flower
Christchurch, New Zealand

more lilies opened during the day while I was at work...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I like this one-

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

The famous 'black heart' strain

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Clifton Springs, Australia

Wow what fabulous flowers, you all have.....
Jean, I think that I could be tempted with Tiger Woods.....what about you?

I know it's not a Lilium Anthony, but you like them too...
Gloriosa rothschildiana

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

Really beautiful flowers everyone.
Dianne, fancy saying I would be tempted by a spotty lilium flower..
You know I have a will of iron...LOL....

I like that 'black heart' flower Anthony.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

3 similar lilies -Tiger Woods-Dizzy-Wildfire......yes i do like the Gloriosas,but it looks like i'll have no flowers this year

Christchurch, New Zealand

I thought this was another Xmas lily but when I wandered down to have a closer look I realised it isn't white...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

LOOK AT THAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!-what a beauty[Henryi-Rubellum cross] absolutely no doubt,.,.whos a sleeping giant then?Happy New Year!!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

Happy New Year!
wonder what 2012 will bring, lovely lilies & no more shakes would be fine by me...
we had another 4.8 aftershock today while I was at work.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

rained over night & still cool & showery but despite that & all the quakes over night this lovely lily opened & stood out like a beacon in the garden...
really brought a smile to my face to see such a cheerful yellow

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Lovely & bright, Teresa.


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Conc-D-Or,.,.9 inches across

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Merino, Australia

Wow.....Anthony a giant ..

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Rio Negro

Thumbnail by g_whizz
barmera, Australia

Anthony your place must smell like a perfume factory at the moment. Keep showing us. They're all so beautiful. Colleen

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Acapulco-also massive blooms

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Clifton Springs, Australia

Gorgeous colours, Anthony....good luck at the show.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Regal star

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Merino, Australia

Pretty, pretty.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Anthony, look at this little's from one of your seeds...

Look at it's little throat whiskers...what are they?
The colour isn't is exactly the colour of a normal tiger....
I like it's green throat...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Here it is again.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

Very pretty , Dianne.

Andebu, Norway

It seems to be a seedling of L. henryi or L. rosthornii. A few years ago I send some seeds to Anthony, L.rosthornii x various trumpets. Could be one of them. Really liked that green throat.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Yes, grapus it would be one of your rosthornii x various trumpets.......Anthony sent me some of those.
Glad that you like it....The throat is a really good distinct green...not wishy washy.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Grapus .!lurking about there,.. like a shark off a Sydney beach[or even a east coast Tassie beach]..He dont miss much!!Man alive Dianne, that looks good,.,.I have -aurelian 'Louise X Tetra white Henryi out,..,thats where ive been, in the garage, moving things/staking and shaping,[people think i get lost in there].,.i still have 2 black beauties that refuse to bloom,..,I have Henryi v Citrinum,Leslie Woodriff, Cam Criterion, Starfighter, Acapulco,Lombardia,Starburst Sensation,Aktiva,Trumpets,.,.Oh man, this is stressing,, I'll start bottling tomorrow night..excuse me for not taking any recent pics, but i will get a heap of them after judging on Saturday.. I think i have 1 ace,Maybe 2... and with a entry 5 minutes b4 cut off, maybe 3,.,.but you need 4 aces for a winning hand,,so i might fire in a prize dahlia as well,.,.I ve never taken so many phone calls on my poor old mobile as i have this week,, and i had an enquiry from the Glenorchy Gazette manager, can i contact him regarding a follow up to the show story,.,.? whats the friggin point,,,its not going to help us 1 iota..The damage has already been done,.--Anthony

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