What's doin in your neck of the woods today? Fall 2011

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank God we didn't go near the occupy area.
The brown building is the sewer treatment, LOL
Went to the aquarium, been there many times, it's still our favorite

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Fabulous fish!
If you ever have reason/ chance to stop in CHattanooga, do their aquarium, its fantastic, and great eating nearby at Sticky Fingers BBQ.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Never been to Chattanooga...will add that to my list....LOVE BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

lol Sally and Jen, time to join " Pig of the Month BBQ Club"


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LOL...funny...hubby loves doing his own pulled pork and ribs....mmmm mmmmm good

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

If God didn't want us eating pigs, would he make them so delicious???????????

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

lol BBQ lovers are shameless!

Sally, nice article on "composting" Glad you included what to do with all those leaves finally more than half down here,

Here is a link to the article Sally wrote

Frost is on the pumpkin here First average frost for Annapolis is Nov 17. Whoo hoo I feel normal, I mean average! For BWI first average frost , Oct 27. On average Annapolis has 232 days between frosts while BWI has only 194. That's over a month difference. Humm, have to go out and pick the last four ripe tomatoes...and eat them with my pulled pork sandwich!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Shameless as a pig on spit, if I may uber-paraphrase...

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Looks like BBQ is not just for pork any more. Might try grilling our turkey this year!


Thumbnail by coleup
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Sorry--but I did not feel like reading all that stuff on grilling a turkey.

My Son-in-Law, mark would not do it any different way. Every year--my daughter and I and him get to partake
of the best tasting turkey ever....

Here is what he does.....

1--place the charcoal on the left and right sides of a grill (indirect heat).
2--Place a foil pan in the middle to catch all the drippings...
3--Rub the turkey all over with butter. Get under the skin if you can....
4--Grill with lid down. Check now and then to see if you need to add any more charcoal.
Gotta keep the heat up.....
5--I swear! Last year, a 16lb. turkey was done to perfection in 4 hours using this method.

As always--allow the done turkey to "rest" for about 15-20 minutes before carving...
Use the drippings to incorporate in the gravy. That's another topic---HOW TO MAKE great gravy!!!!
That is always MY job--as I make the greatest gravy of all. The secret? Ad a glob of Sour Cream at the end...
Stir in the finished gravy--and you will see what i am talking about......

I have pictures...if I can find them.......Here is the turkey all done after 4 hours on the grill......YUMMMM.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I like sour cream in gravy also!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Never tried sour cream in gravy

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I never tried that either but I would think it would make it nice and thick.
So I spent a few hours yesterday working on the plant room upstairs and moving all the succulents up there. That is all but the big blue pots. They are way too heavy to move. Just trying to organize the house plants for the Holidays. Now that I have moved everything that I want upstairs for now I need to move the rest of them and clean and wax the floor and then rearrange them. In a few weeks I will need to move more of them upstairs when it is time to put up the tree.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

I was out mowing/mulching yesterday & noticed my Forsythia has a few yellow flowers & is full of buds. Also daffodills & lillies are up 4" or so. And lots of Columbine plants are up.
Anyone else having Spring in Nov????

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Ooh, ooh, I saw some little yellow flowers on my forsythia, too. I'm liking the new riding mower. Had fun mowing the leaves.

Love creamy gravy.

I went to an auction today as an observer. Learned some things. I found a seat near a very friendly woman. I was disappointed to see that copper luster isn't in vogue. Surprised that fuzzy miniature sheep are. Some quilts are desirable while others aren't. I got there about 11. It had been going for 3 hours already with a couple of auctioneers. I left about 3 and I asked my 'new' friend how late she thought it would go. She predicted til 7or 8. Of course the more desirable things were still to come. They had a lot of Christmasy things. Oh, feather trees went very well. If I had to furnish a house, I would definitely go to auctions. There were some nice dressers a d bookcases that went for a song, I thought.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow Gita, that's a beautiful looking bird! Much better than the BBQ ones I saw on the net. If turkey grilling counts for anything, I'd say he's a keeper!

Love gravy tips, definitely will try the sour cream. Thanks.

Holly, good luck on your upcoming surgery. Sounds like you have things pretty well under control. Will Thanksgiving be at your house this year? Is Ric preparing anything new this year?

Qwilter, glad to have you join in. Yes, in the last three weeks I have seen dogwood blooming and some German iris in full bloom. Noticed some bud swelling on magnolias today, too. Still some blossoms on my tomato plants. Other than that things in my yard seem pretty hunkered down no forsythia here but then we have warmish weather for the next ten days, so who knows!

Jan, I love auctions. That one sounds like a biggie...are there often ones in your neck of the woods? Good plan to be an observer and to have an experienced friend. There was a really beautiful feather wreath in my favorite consignment shop this weekend.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Thanksgiving is at our house there should be 10 of us at last count. Always subject to change though. Ric did the shopping today but I do the cooking for the Thanksgiving meal. It is one of the few times I cook. LOL
Washed and waxed the floor today and cleaned and organized the house plants. A little more cleaning and I will be ready for guests.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Every month or so, there is an auction at this place. It has stuff outside, then a big warehouse type building and then the more intimate 'special' area. I guess to go to the preview time would be beneficial.
That woman invited me to stop in at her house sometime. It is an 18th century house in a nearby town. I think I've already been in her house on a Yuletide house tour. There is a whole street of these old homes. Not all are decorated to the period like hers is, though. I may just have to take her up on her offer.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Nice, there is a house tour south of here in old section...I need to find out from lady at church(who lives in the same town) if she's done the tour before and if it's worth it.
The town just north of me is supposed to do one next year...I LOVE those old victorians

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Here in Annapolis, it is all Colonial homes that open for tour at the Holidays. Really neat to wander the narrow streets and shops in the evenings when the carolers in period costume are downtown.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey Jan just saw that it is your Birthday. Hope you have a great day.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Yes, Jan, Happy Birthday! So how many times has your BDay fallen on Thanksgiving? You are a double reason for thanks and just in time for the holidays. Hope you will be enjoying some family time this year.

Thumbnail by coleup
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I like house and garden tours.

Thank you for the birthday wishes. Don't know the number of times it's been on Thanksgiving. This week is big for bdays. Me, son, DIL, GD, niece, and nephew. It was also my folk's anniv. I love Thanksgiving.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Today is my Dad's Birthday and tomorrow is my Mom's. October and Nov are big for BDs in our family.

Crozet, VA

Greetings all. I have enjoyed reading the goings on that you folks are involved in. Happy Birthday Jan. I read about your experience with the auctions. Some years back I was big in to attending auctions and then after a period of time, sending my leftovers back to be auctioned off.

I lived within a couple of miles of a Dairy Farm that had converted the barn in to an Auction House and they had auctions on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I loved being able to get boxes of things for a few dollars. Many of my kitchen items have come from auctions I attended there. It has been a number of years now since I have attended one because I moved away from the area, but I will always recall the years I did this for a hobby as being good ones.

Last winter when my hubby and I did a major de-clutter of our house and storage shed, we sent quite a lot of items to be auctioned off. A person can never count on getting really good prices, but if one just wants to get rid of things, sending to auction is a good way to go.

Anyway.....hope that everyone will enjoy this long weekend.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Ruby. I can see how it could become a fun hobby. Isn't great to enjoy different things at different points in our lives? I am including DG in that list. ;). I have found many neat friends here.

Crozet, VA

Oh yeah Jan. I agree on the points you made. I have looked back over the many years I have now lived and can see that at different times, I was interested and involved in different things. During the time I was attending the auctions, I was also selling on line and I found that to be very enjoyable. That was ten plus years ago when I didn't have as many obligations as I do these days and so had the time to attend the auctions and the many hours that are often involved in selling online. These days I have more "stock", more goodies to sell than ever before but it would almost take lassoing and roping me to make me get involved with the work associated with online selling.

I too found a gold mine when I found Dave's Garden. I have had the great privilege of meeting many of the chatters on the Mid Atlantic Gardeners forum while attending the Plant Swaps that are sponsored by the group. I came here when I grew weary of the live chat room that I had been a member of for about seven years. I too was greatly privileged to meet many of those chatters also but there came a point when politics and discussion there of sent me off in search of another place to kind of call home on the computer. Dave's has fit the bill really nicely for some years now. Never have I met a better and more giving and kind hearted group of individuals. Beware, there are wolves in sheeps clothing even on Dave's but a person with a bit of experience can begin to know them and if smart, steer clear.

I have a niece who lives in New Jersey. She lives in the same town as Wind who is a member here and I have visited Wind's lovely home and gardens in the past and was in complete awe of the beauty of her place. We used to travel and visit my niece more than we have been able to in the past couple of years, but there are several folks from Dave's who I think very highly of...such as Jen who also lives in The Garden State.

Anyway......good chatting with you, hope you have a great day and wonderful weekend.


Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I've met a few DGers and I couldn't agree more. I'm hoping to be able to visit more, now that my time is more flexible. Jen is one i've met several times and hope to continue. She lives about an hour north of me.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I believe Critterologist is planning on hosting the annual Seed Swap sometime in Feb...so something to look forward to this coming year.

Ruby, how did Thanksgiving go for you and yours? Miss hearing from you since you are spending so much quality time with the Grands. Bet they are growing like weeds (or should I say, like the beautiful flowers they are)!

Do you all agree that some things and traits and traditions get passed on from generation to generation and some of this passing on skips a generation?

Jan, are you looking for something in particular at auctions? I love having a much wider selection available at auctions as opposed to the latest showroom styles. Guess I'm just eclectic that way.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

When I was a crafts person, I did a lot of bartering and trading. Here is a link to 50 bartering sites


"What ever you want, what ever you need, somebody, somewhere is throwing it out" John Holt

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Coleup, not looking to buy, but just getting an idea of value of things. I have a bunch of mom and dad's things that I need to find homes for. Am currently waiting on the results of an appraisal, but I couldn't help myself, so I went to an auction. Just trying to educate myself on what is out there.

I'll go look at that site, now. Thanks for the link.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Lookie! My Brug cuttings are going gung-Ho!

I think keeping them under my seed set-up lights is a great idea. They love it!

Here is a mix of my Pink Brug cuttings and my Dr. Seuss cuttings...
I stuffed a pot-full and now I need to separate them and plant them in individual pots...

Better get ready to take some at the spring Plant Swap!!! I will have loads!!!

Here is a mix of the pink ones and Dr. Seuss....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is another picture of just the Dr. Seuss cuttings.

See the scalloped edges on the leaves? That is the defining difference between the
Dr. Seuss and the Charles Grimaldi Brug. It's leaf edges are smooth.

Otherwise--they are pretty identical. Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Crozet, VA

Oh yes, I have met sweet Jen too. She attended a tour of Longwood Gardens that a group of us took a couple of years ago. She is a real sweetie. Her mother in law was along that day also.

Oh yeah, I know all about being the heir to family items. In both cases of my parents and my husbands parents the better things were all kept by the children or grand children. What was left at my folks place I did arrange to have auctioned off. Last winter during a de-clutter of our house and storage shed I found enough items to also piggy back on another person's auction and made a few hundred bucks from that. If the truth be known, here a year later I could probably get together as many items again as I sent last year to auction. I believe I will skip at least a year though.

Coleup....thanks for the link...will check it out. You find some very interesting websites that is for sure. You are so gracious in your sharinggg too, so thanks again.

Gita, the Brugs look very healthy. Yep, I would say that you may have some extras come spring. Oh yeah, now that I know that Jill's home is not too very far away, we might try to attend the seed swap this year. I know that the fall plant swap was a lot of fun once again to attend. Never been to a bad plant swap.

Yesterday afternoon I spent a bit of time gathering seed. I will have loads and loads of Celosia and many, many yellow Marigolds which originated at Holly and Ric's place. That will be something to add to my to do list, getting them cleaned and sorted to trade later on. John saved some Cleome seed too I believe and I will need to find out what he did with them. Not sure what else we will have but I am one that really gets a kick out of saving seed and using the next year to start some lovelies.

Thanks everyone for sharing. I like this thread.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Could the weather be any more beautiful today?? Nope . Gotta get back out there!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, I was outside all day long! Raking dry leaves so much easier than when wet. Big piles in a thirty by 5' area that because of neighbors downed huge poplar tree is now a possible planting area if i can get some soil going there! Raked off the roof and put hoses away. Moved all of the container plants, bushes and trees to their winter quarters but will wait for cold weather befor I mulch them with the willow oak leaves waiting in bags. Still was rarin to go when it GOT DARK AT 5:15! Yikes...

Lots of baby and large "red " maples half price at HD...the graft very obvious on the babies. Am considering what if anything I may plant in the 30 x 5 foot strip I mentioned above.

In a wilder portion of the culvert that runs the length of my front yard about ten poke berry bushes greww up this year. Actually to me a pretty and easy care plant in my colors. Now, as the stalks are drying and turning light tan, I went to remove them as part of yard clean up. OMG! Had to use a saw as my nippers wouldn't do any thing to the 2+ inch stalks. Interesting plants. Wonder if wildlife depends on them for winter food.

Speakin of wild life, early Sun am as I was delivering the Sunday paper, I noticed a leaf pile as I walked a paper to a handicapped customers door. It was back lite by a street light and looked funny as at the very top were two leaves sticking straight up! As I turned to return to my car, those leaves popped up with a fox head below it! Fox seem frisky this time of year: are they breeding now? Another beautiful day here hope it finds us all well and doin!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wish you could have gotten a pic of that!!!!

Love meeting all the DGrs, great bunch of people!!!!!!!!!
Super busy that's why I haven't been posting but am perusing

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi Jen! Hate to tell ya but with Christmas coming you're probably going to stay busy . I need to do some online shopping asap.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Peruse away Jen. Aren't you all in the "heating" business also? Busy time of year as people crank on their furnaces. Haven't started mine yet but looks like soon we may see first freeze here.

I'm looking for a space heater that can warm the rooms we use without heating the whole house. All the rage seems to be some called "eco heaters" which mount on a wall and use only 400 watts to run. Sounds great , but the product reviews sound like lots of "lemons" and "buyer bewares". too. Any one here have one you like or would suggest?

Sally, I like internet shopping but hate paying on line. This year I am using a reloadable "gift" card from my bank that is not tied to my personal info to purchase items rather than a major credit card.

Having trouble finding "Made in America" items, especially toys.

I am definitely not the average American who will spend $700 this season on gifts!

Gita and Ruby, seems we will have plants and seeds to swap soon. Looks like the brugs are doing well and those marigolds sound great. Do they come true from seed?

Seems none of us can be lonely this time of year when our homes and gardens are populated with living reminders of good times and good friends. May we all be fruitful and multiply and bloom where we are planted.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Seems none of us can be lonely this time of year when our homes and gardens are populated with living reminders of good times and good friends. May we all be fruitful and multiply and bloom where we are planted. I LOVE that saying!!!!

Judy! Nice thought and comment....but gardens cannot fill the loneliness many of us feel without
another person to "do for" in our lives....I know I miss the "busy" days in my life...
Busy with family and kids and husband. Not doing so much just. for myself....

Seems I have way too many remnants of "THAT" lifestyle still in my psyche. Life is lonely without someone to talk to
and to share my life with. Someone to be the "Handyman" to fix things. To cook for an fuss over....
So many things have gone downhill....

Been on my own now for 20 years...I cannot believe it! The people at work are a semi-pseudo "family" for me...
At least there is a level of socialization....acceptance--and appreciation of all I do. I am glad I still can work at this job.
Mine is easy--and boring. Sitting in my high-walled enclosure (aka my "cage") and answering the phone calls to our HD.

I cannot leave--except for my lunch. I spend hours there--sometimes with not all that many phone calls....
Then--there are days when the phone rings endlessly.....Have to make everyone "attended to" and also "satisfied"
with MY kind of customer service--silent to the rest of the store and the management.

I am, almost, looking forward to April, so I can, once again, be in Outside garden with all my table and advice....
Thought I was going to give it up---but now we have a new manager--and he seems excited to have me doing all this again....
He is great! Young..friendly....gives me lots of hugs (!!!!), and fun to be around. VERY savvy at his young age
of under 30. He is a newly-wed and they are expecting their first baby in July.

I keep thinking--Is Curtis for real????? Kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop.....Not going to happen--I think...
Four years with Donn had me in a completely different mind-set. Now--he almost seems "Bah-Humbug"....

What a difference in Donn--the Manager I lived and died for.....and the one we have now....
He hugs me almost every time he sees me. There are NO ETHICS rules in HIS mind...Just--they may be different....
Donn was very "offish" in this respect....He "played the role" of being needed and "appreciating" me for all I did for him.
But--now that he is gone--He has never even answered the 5 e-mails I have sent him...
I cannot believe I am saying this He sure has faded in my memory!

OH! I know he will be calling me in April or May to get advice on plants. He has ALL the info he needs.
He just has to use the Album I made for him with all the pictures and the information in it. He has not!
I will have to just read the Album instead of calling me....All the pictures--and all the growing, care, and propagating
info I included in this Album for him on every plant---and he NEVER took the time to read it....Bummer!!!

I will deal with all this as it arises.......kind of a weird "AHA" moment right now.....


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