barmera, Australia

Good afternoon everyone. Have been to Berri to do a bit of shopping. Boy the Christmas stuff is everywhere now isn't it? Makes you get a bit edgy it being so close. Haven't even thought what the boys are getting this year. Whatever they get I know that it will cost me. John usually goes halves in anything big, like the monkey bars etc. They really need a trampauline but I haven't made up my mind as yet. We're actually getting a bit of rain at the moment but it's not cold. I hope everyone is well and that Fred is on the road to recovery, Marlene. I'll be back later. This pic is the rose in Luke's Garden called "Mother's Love" Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

I am very late today, lots of things happening here.
Gosh it has been warm here today, I dread the oncoming heat. The Plants are happy !
I haven't seen the inside of a shop in over a year, I don't think I would even mind the Christmas decorations too much, I would be happy to look around and actually buy something in person. Hubby buys everything bless him but we have some hilarious but frustrating results from his interpretation of my shopping list. One day when I have time I will tell you some of the items he has come home with ...ha ha ha.

Sorry to hear you have your first frost coming in ...must be scary in places that get really cold, ah but those beautiful Fall colours must ease the pain a little.

Kiss a Kiwi Day Dianne ? ok blowing kisses across the pond to Teresa x x ^_^

Oops hubby wants food ...better go , a big wave to all our happy Tea Room gardeners, it's Friday again !!!!

Clifton Springs, Australia

Yes Chrissy, on "The Morning Show", they made it "Kiss a Kiwi" day....because NZ has had such a bad time of it over the last 12 mnths and they are in the rugby finals against France on Sunday....Just to let them know that we are on their side...

It was 31C yesterday and15C today.......I know that it's coming but I hope that it's slowly.......

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

have a good weekend everyone!!!!!!!!amazingly after about 10 years, ive got a fair old 'cold',..,i feel like 'carp',..,,.Holidays Dianne?-1 word''Casual'',.,..,Thanks for all the thumbs -up on my pics Charlene!!!!..Teresa-groovy outfit!!!!! I just received more seeds from 'Grapus'-and even though i feel crook from a cold, i still had to plant some''make hay while the sun shines'',,no beers tonight-off to bed early-Anthony

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Christchurch, New Zealand

I hope all those who made a point of booing Quade Cooper feel badly about it now...
he has had a rough time this World Cup tournament & has been trying to behave a bit better - no arrogant comments & no wayward elbows into opposition players.
Hope his knee heals up ok, I really think the Wallabies are going to be world beaters in a couple of years if they keep on the way they are going.
The All Blacks will have an interesting challenge against France - not an easy beat team by any means.
NZ has had far too many disasters this year, a World Cup win would bring some joy to balance things out.
Anyway one more pic from the fashion show, which I learned today made nearly $2000.00 to share between Breast Care & the RSA.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A very dull morning here. Looks like it may rain.
Yesterday was a mixture with a shower in the morning and cold , but warmed up after lunch with a little sunshine.
i managed to get around all the brugs with fertliser and had to spray for mites on some of them. I dont know where the mites come from as I have none on any other plants. They seem to arrive overnight and devastate the brugs they are on. Only some of the brugs though. Others right next door are unaffected.
I have lots of buds coming on my liliums too. I am so excited , waiting for the new blooms.

Hello Chrissy, I can imagine the funny items your hubby would be getting while shopping.
It seems that men and shopping dont go well together.

Hello Teresa, I guess we all have to support NZ in any sport that Australia isnt in. After all, you are nearly part of Australia, being just over the ditch.
I see that pretty lady again looking very smart . Congrats on raising so much money.

Hello Anthony. Poor you, a cold ??
Never mind, those new lilium seeds will help keep you happy.
Hope you get well quickly.

Hello Karen, Dianne, Colleen and Elaine.
Hello Charleen, Dont let Charley in the kitchen, he will munch everything.

Hello Louise, are you resting ? I see you and Hank relaxing in those lovely chairs out in the sunshine, looking at the newly weeded garden while the girls dash about everywhere.

I am going to get out the hedge clippers again and tackle the paths. Every bit of rain seems to make the plants along the paths grow twice as fast as the others. I do like going along with the clippers. cut , cut here, cut , cut there, look out plants.
I am leaving out something nice to have with your cuppa. Banana Streusal Bread
Happy weekend

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Its a bit of a cool start here though they said it would reach 25c today. Just too much cloud cover around to really warm up yet. Must be some spin off from the rains up north. I had a friend move to Cairns just in time for the deluge. Haven't heard how he is going yet.

Teresa, that is great about raising that money. All for a good cause. You look great in that outfit.

Hope everyone has a good day, and takes time to smell the roses.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

I will resist your Banana bread Jean, I have just finished a slice of cafe style fruit toast, big and chunky with lots of butter....
Same here with the weather, I will be feeding the Azaleas.....my cream Rhodo is in flower and this year it is protected by the Brugs....so it won't burn...I will pop that Confidor tablet in the soil to keep them free of the Lace bug...which affected 2 of them last year....

Does anyone grow the old fashioned Turk's Cap pumpkin?
It is a pretty thing...

Put your feet up today, Anthony..it will still all be there tomorrow.

Have a good gardening day everyone...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Good morning! Yes, Jean, I'm doing some resting between Tarzan exploits in the Jungle. We haven't had a chance to sit and enjoy the chairs yet, but the girls have now had some play time in "their" yard. They love chasing the tiny chameleons, and I'm just hoping they don't catch one!

Karen - you are on the money....I'm finding all kinds of surprises growing under the jungle. Now that we've ripped out so much, it's looking pretty dull. I'll take care of that quickly! :)

My dear hubby went for a bike ride to the golf course today and came home with a dozen gorgeous roses of gold tipped with red. Delightful surprises are the best, aren't they?

I'm trying hard to pace myself with using my hands. You know how it is....you see so much that needs to be done, but your hands/wrists scream, "No, NO!!!! Take it easy on us!" You keep trying to find ways to do it anyway. That's where Charleen's bracelets come in. Thank you again, Charleen! Frost already? Hope Charlie has a warm blanket and your brugs are snugged in warm!! You stay warm too!!

Teresa - 42 inches of rain in such a short time!!! My goodness, I can't even imagine that! Did you have much flooding? Your fashion show photos are gorgeous! Lookin' GOOD!

Colleen and Dianne - such pretty flower shots from both of you! And Colleen - your rooster is very handsome!

Anthony - what is that pretty flower you posted? Very pretty! How is Cocky??

Hello Chrissy and Elaine and everyone peaking in! "Jungle" is the magic word, Chrissy! LOL

Here's a photo of our girls during a visit from their sister, Roxie Pauline. Carli is in purple, Bailey is in red, and Hank's hair is standing straight up from the wind outside. HaHa.

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

That is a seedling asiatic from a 5oz mix, from Hudsons Seeds in California-so the name is ??????-I have a lot here to bloom, so its very exciting...Cocky is spending the night with me tonight,[as his caretakers are having a 'garage' party]-he sleeps in the garage laundry,.,.All fun and games!!!!!!!

Good morning -well it's almost afternoon !
I thought you dog lovers may like this ...it made me laugh and we all enjoy a good laugh don't we.
Loise that little one on the floor looks like it's saying "what about me?" such pretty little girls and daddy loves them by the look of things don't overdo it ...it will still all be there waiting .
Here is the link ...I hope it works because it's very funny ...

Oh dear poor Anthony, chicken soup and bed mate !
Ditto what I said to Loise, take it easy.

Teresa you look wonderful and how good is it doing someething for charity ...NZ is part of Australia and Visa Versa as far as I am concerned ...ANZAC says it all.

Karen we are finally having sun, I had to give up and come in because it's too hot ! the plants are loving it, the bugs are loving it and the birds are going nuts over the feast of wild grass seeds down in the paddocks and all the insects. The blowies are now out in force,frogs are croaking ...it's all happening. The big wet isn't over yet -I hope they are right when they say it will be milder El Ninya than experienced up QLD last Season, who will ever forget it and many places are still trying to get back to normal. Hope your friend is ok.

Dianne I have grown Turk's Cap pumpkin in the past , it is very attractive and keeps well. Hard to peel so I bake it whole in the oven.

Jean have fun chopping the triffids back, mine just laugh and come back with renewed vigor.

Well time to cook ,so enjoy the arvo everyone waving to Charleen, Moon, Marlene,Pam, Colleen and friends who just peek,don't over do. ^_^

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Louise, Love the picture of Daddy and The Kids. He looks so happy with them all. You take it easy and if you need another bracelet, just holler. Charley has a nice winter coat growing and so is not suffering.
Yes, it has gotten cooler, no frost yet to really harm, so all is well, got a couple to come in yet.
Waving back at you Chrissy, It is so nice to be with friends.
Hang in there, Anthony, been loving all the pic you have been posting.
Beautiful flowers are always welcome.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks, Anthony, for the info on your pretty bloom! Cocky is so fortunate to have multiple caring humans to watch over him and give him love.

Yes, Chrissy, Bailey was trying to find room on Hank's lap to join the gang! You read her mind. :). I should have come in from the garden sooner to read your "Take it easy". I did overdo it a bit, and had to stop before I would have to beg dear Charleen for a carload of her pretty bracelets! It is just so hard to see the plants sitting there wanting to find their winter home!

Charleen, I was never really worried that Charlie would get too cold....His Mom takes great care of him and all of us!

Happy Day also to Jean, Colleen, Elaine, Karen, Sue, Teresa and every one stopping by today!

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. This morning there is fog. Next thing it will be snowing. Talk about all weathers in a day.
Yesterday was showery in the morning then a bit better after lunch.
I planted some salvias around the base of the brugs in the ground. Should help with keeping the weeds down and also keep the ground moist .
Hubby has just come in after feeding the "children: ( magpies) He saw our little resident wallaby in the yard. The little fellow must know his way around by now as he has been here over a week. He may have been here a bit longer as there are lots of hiding places in the jungle.
He has eaten leaves from the loganberries and also some of the camellia leaves. I see also where he pruned one of the taller roses I had not done .
Helpful critter. He never seems to damage any plants and I hope he stays around. Nice having him out there even if we dont see him much.
Wallabies are shy creatures but not so skittish as kangaroos. You will often see the wallabies sitting sitting on the side of roads. They look up from their munching but dont hop away unless frightened. Kangaroos will usually take off as soon as they see you.

Hello Louise. so lovely to hear about the girls again. Did you find any plants taking over the garden aside from weeds? Quite often there will be one plant that will take advantage of not being watched.
I hope you are having a rest day today.
We all know that feeling of just getting that last little bit done.

Hello Charleen, I love your hens wandering around. The foxes would eat them here. I do miss my pretty girls .
Pats for Charley & friends.

Hello Chisssy, love those dogs on that video. Very funny.
Hope all is coming along well with your brother now.
Dont forget to take some" me time".

Hello Dianne, lots of lovely irises out now. I have so many buds still to come, but the epis are slow.

Hello Elaine, I have anew hat and some hair for my Michael. I will post a pic when I get him all spruced up.

Hello Anthony, lots of lilium buds here now. I am waiting to see which flower first. Going to be colorful.

Hello Colleen, your epis look good. Must be the warmer area over there. Mine are sitting there looking at me.

Hello Karen, Teresa, and everyone else popping in.

I will leave you with something yummy.. Cant resist chocolate. Heres a rich Chocolate Cake.
Have a great day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

A quick good morning, breakfast done, meds done and I am off out there before it gets too hot again.
I hope everyone has a wonderful morning ,see you at morning tea (too hot by then ).

A little laugh for this morning

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

cute Chrissy, Love it!!!

Christchurch, New Zealand

worked today, was pretty good for a sunday.
the weather was cool & cloudy to start but warmed up nicely when the sun broke through.
I did a poo patrol before work & Copper ran in front of me & made a deposit... I thought it was very thoughtful of him to do it that way.
Baz mowed the lawns so it looks pretty good out there right now, if you don't look too closely at the garden beds with the rampant chickweed & other assorted weeds.
One of my lilies looks like it has flower buds... I can't be sure as it's one of my new ones & I am not sure what to expect.
I have tomorrow off so hope to spend some time outside & weed as well as take some photos.
the pink clematis is flowering but the white hasn't opened yet, lots of buds there.
My white aquilegia is looking good, the rest are showing buds but not ready to open yet.
Hoping for some nice colours but it is always a mystery mix as I gather seeds & then toss them in random locations.
Did that with my Flanders poppy & have heaps coming up in all sorts of places.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Good morning Tea Roomers, another new week ahead.....
It hasn't started too well with the earthquake in Turkey...hope they get help quickly...

It's mild here today, occasional rain, they say....anyway it's pleasant walking thru Jean's tea room garden
to put the kettle on......
Congrats Teresa, I now know about crouch,touch,pause and engage....it was a good game even to the uninitiated....LOL

Hope everyone had a pleasant weekend, back later.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Christchurch, New Zealand

talk about edge of your seat...
I think last weeks game against the Wallabies left the ABs utterly spent.
They barely had enough left in the tank to hold on for the final whistle.
And that was a pretty good French team - they were smart enough to play just well enough to win against Wales so were raring to go from the start.
I have to say I hated Union when I was young, we moved to Aussie & I got caught up in League fever when in Sydney.
After enjoying League it wasn't too hard to start to appreciate Union when I moved to ChCh, the whole Super Rugby franchise made it more interesting, especially with the Crusaders being so fantastic to watch.
I have Todd Blackadder's autograph on an item of my lingerie - got that when he captained the All Blacks.
I still kick my self that I didn't get Reuben Thorne to autograph the same red teddy when I had the opportunity...
I was instructing puppy class when a certain familiar looking chap & his very lovely wife brought their Dogue de Bordeux in for training. She was a nice pup, but huge, in the end at playtime we held all the small puppies back & let Scarlet play with my girl Chita.
Chita gave Scarlet a good run & threw in a lesson in manners too... it was good for the class to see how an experienced mother dog tells puppies to back off & settle down, it was all in the body language - no physical force needed.
Something many dog trainers could take a lesson from too.
well the sun is shining & I have walked Copper so it's time to go take some piccies of the garden & tackle some of those blasted weeds.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
A wet morning here after a warm but cloudy day yesterday. I just went out to check on the greenhouse and found slugs by the 100s all over everything. not on the plants so much but up over the sides and roof of the greenhouse, also on the house walls.
They should be out int he rain not climbing away from the wet.
I will go around with the snail pellets later and make sure they stay off the plants.
The rain will be most welcome on all the garden as the topsoil dries out quickly here after a day or two of sun.
Lots of irises out and I must get out with the camera again when it gets a bit brighter out there. Lots of lilium buds too.
The brugs like the rain and are putting on plenty of new leaves.

Hello Teresa, glad you are getting some sun there too. your garden sounds like it is ready to burst into color.
I have a lot of aquilegias in little biodegradable pots. I bought lots of mixed seed and put it in pots as ,if I toss the seed around the place it disappears. This way, I can plant the little dears and hope some survive. I do have quite a few around the garden that self seed . They must be acclimatised . I have a dear little double burgundy, which I must go out and look for.

Hello Dianne, Chrissy, Colleen, Karen and Elaine.
Hello also to Anthony . I am so glad to see that the seeds of some of my slower liliums are starting to poke their heads up.
yours must be looking good. There will be lots of prize winners among your collection .

Hello Charleen, hope all is well in your garden. Hugs for Charley. Give him a cookie from the kitchen.

Hello Louise. I hope you are having a rest day after tackling some of the weeds.
I bet your mind is running over all the new things you want to plant.
Pats for the darling girls. They do look gorgeous in their colored harness.

I am off to see what I can do with all the slugs and check on the irises etc.
I am leaving something nice for your morning tea. Banana Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.
Have great day,

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Whaaaa ... heading for 36C my way today ...then big wind :(

Nurse day, so I can't get outside until it's too hot.

Back later ...happy Monday ^_^ everyone .

barmera, Australia

Oh Chrissy, wind is terrible for the brugs. With 36C I would imagine it will be a hot wind too. I don't envy you. Good morning everyone.Very warm here too has been 25C since 8am and wasn't much cooler than that before. Quite a warm night with us all sleeping on top of the doona not under. Not too much going on here, lots of flowers to look at and smell. I need to do some more weeding too. They never stop growing. The hippys are looking lovely and the seedlings that I planted last year are starting to take off now. We , gardeners, are fanatical aren't we? I can't prune anything without taking cuttings and nothing can seed without collecting them or dispersing them back into the garden. I must stop taking cuttings as I just haven't got the room. I hope all the brug seedlings flower this year and then I will be able to thin them out and just keep the ones I want. But then I have these vulsas coming along beautifully and the pod on the Arborea. neverending when you're a gardener. Must go as I have a bit of shopping to do. Be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Hello to everyone!

My poor brugs look terrible! They did not like being completely ignored for almost 6 months! The rest of my "natives" garden did well without irrigation or feeding, however..

Thank you, Jean! I changed Carli's harness from blue to purple, because everyone called her "him". LOL. You are so right.....I am going round and round trying to think of plants that won't take over the place, and that are not poison if the girls take an errant munch. They mostly like to dig up things to munch on these days. Yuk. And speaking of Yuk....slugs are near the top of my list. Poor you!

We just took my niece out to dinner for her 33rd birthday, and liked a new restaurant close to us.. Nice to not cook supper!

Christchurch, New Zealand

well I filled my old recycle bin 3 times with weeds, the last lot are still in there as there was no room left in the green waste bin.
it is still lovely out there - we are supposed to have 24C, & there is just a light breeze so it is a real treat to be enjoyed.
I ate my lunch & read the paper out on the deck, Copper thought it was a great idea especially when he had a wee taste of my pizza roll & then chocolate croissant.
My woodland garden was full of honesty seedlings, I do like it but have to weed it out ruthlessly as it takes over if you let it.
while I was weeding the honesty out I discovered seedlings of a far more desirable kind - the hellebores have been procreating - yay.
I have the white one going to seed so made sure to put some effort into the soil below the flowers. Hopefully any seed that falls will find it most hospitable :)
Lilies seem to be doing well - found another one coming up when I tidied up a few things, I love my penstemons but they can get overgrown!
I trimmed the french lavender to give the tiger lily sprouts a bit of sun, I am hoping that eventually I will have the orange of the tigers rising above the purple of the lavender.
anyway I took the time to take a few snaps, first up my blue bells...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

lily - didn't notice the passenger until I looked at the photo, quite well camouflaged.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

another kind of lily, love the colour of the foliage.

Thumbnail by dalfyre

How wonderful to watch such happy people today, over there in NZ, the scenes putting smiles on our faces, back here in Australia watching the beautiful children and the rapturous crowds in QLD welcoming The Queen, how good is her energy at 85 ? and Prince Phillip at 90, their energy is worth bottling.

Teresa don't talk to me about weeds as specially as we have had our first Funnel Web spider bite and Red Bellied Black snake bite not too far from here, fire in the Blue Mountains up near Echo Point (they said this was lit by an Arsonist grrrr!) ...cool change on the way, hopefully that may stop it as it turns it back on itself.

I *confess* Jean and Loise I have used snail pellets this week, I feel guilty but I just can't tolerate the slugs and snails eating off the new growth that has taken so long to commence.

I found that black and white rabbit chewing on the newly emerging Bamboo Shoots (remember the ones I had to chop down out front) well that's one way to deal with them.

Right now we are having hot dry wind colleen, but that is going to change to a cool Southerly Buster later tonight (a recipe for Hail). Fingers crossed huh.

I am waiting for it to cool down so I can go see what everything looks like ...sigh.

I hope everyone has had a good day.

oops I forgot my wave to Charlleen and everyone else ...I am enjoying all the photos ! ^_^ and the Spring excitement in your gardens.

A few laughs

Christchurch, New Zealand

did anyone notice all the lettuce seedlings coming up with the lilies?
I need a dedicated vegie garden for them... and should give a few away to friends & families as they are the perpetual sort so a couple of plants lasts a while - until it gets too warm & they go to seed.
Love those lettuces, they are tasty & best of all free, the first ones came up as volunteers in my driveway!
Glad I kept it as shingle instead of paving it.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. I'll just put the kettle on and grab a cuppa while I wait for everyone else. Cool again here after 36C the other day. Phew that's a shock to the system. cooler one day heater that afternoon. weird. Hope Fred is going okay Marlene. Hope everyone else is well. I'll be back later after i get the boys ready. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I am sitting here with the heater on, its very cold here.
Rain all day yesterday. I did nothing outside at all, except for one quick run to get a few iris pics between showers.
I hope the day warms up a bit soon. I want to pot a few more little plants.
We still have our wallaby wandering in the garden. I havent seen him for a day but I did see his evidence left behind.
He ( or she) has not done any damage to anything except for helping prune a few pieces of the loganberry, a rose and the camellia.
Lots of birds around fighting over the bottlebrush as they flower.
Those bully boys, the wattlebirds are back . There are a lot more of the bottlebrush that have grown large now so plenty of room for the littel honey eaters to escape the bullying.
I have 17 bottlebrush in various colors, including a green one.
They and the grevilleas do extra well here.

Hello Chrissy, Colleen, Dianne , Teresa ,Elaine and Anthony. I hope all is going well in your gardens . Spring is a great time for all gardens.
I do love all the new life popping up .

Hello Charleen. Waving to Charley.

Louise, sounds like you are going to have some fun planting new things in the garden.
Your brugs will love you once you trim & feed them.
Fancy saying our pretty Carli was a 'him'.
Cant people tell they are two so beautiful southern ladies ?

I am going to brave the cold outside in a minute as I need a few more iris pics before the clouds come back.
I hope you all have a lovely day in your gardens.
Enjoy some of this Raisin Spice Loaf.
Happy gardening.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Gotta run right now but back later ...thanks for the cuppa :)
Leaving this for you because it's so lovely (much cooler day with a bit of drizzle -happy me :)
Waving to everyone ...

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Mornin' to you all, with the exception of Charleen and Moon...good evening to you two!

Jean- you make me laugh - and then shiver as I read about your cold, wet weather. I will be trimming the brugs and feeding them very soon. We have almost finished the cleaning out of the jungle and the weeds, just like Teresa! I laughed when I read about filling the recyclable bins with the weeds, because that's just what we've been doing in spades!

Chrissy - i hope you are very careful with the spiders and the red-bellied black snakes. Eek! Those are scary. I like having the gardens thinned out more, because now I can see what is lurking around. I don't think we have the red-bellied ones here. I have enough trouble with the long blacks we do have!

Time to get moving here.. Happy Spring/Fall everyone!

Brisbane, Australia

Lovely video, Chrissy. And Colleen, that plant with the tall stem of white flowers is beautiful.

Hello everyone. Lovely day here today, and will get warm, I think. Hope you are all going to have a beautiful day too.

This is a slideshow on Photobucket of our walk around the Mt. Cootha Botanical Gardens yesterday. It is only for those who have time to sit back and relax to watch, as there are 135 photos, so it takes a while to run through. From cactus to bonsai, from ferns to bamboo. For anyone who does have time, here is the link.......


I hope it works (gulp).


This message was edited Oct 24, 2011 5:50 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong
barmera, Australia

Karen they are fabulous pics. The cactus ones were spectacular. Thank you. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Beautiful Karen. I especially liked the ferns, the lake views and the bonsais.
Thanks for the link.

Popped in for lunch and had a quick look at your video Karen posted it onto FB for you ...will catch up with the rest of it tonight ...have to run, looking forward to seeing all of it later Fab video ...^_^
Waving again ...bye for now.
Sydney Botanical Gardens ...only short but you can see where old Apricot Brug may have come from.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

all is cruising along well here, although this cold is wearing me out,.,.the 'hot -cold -hot -cold' weather isnt helping much either--lilies are looking good..lets hope the weather settles to a smmoothe 12-14 degs and the lilies slot into january

Hi Anthony yes hot cold here too ...yesterday so hot today grey and wet but a relief after yesterday.

Yes Colleen the Yucca blooms are lovely but watch out for those sharp tips, they make a fine specimen plant in the right place.
Did you know they are related to the Pony Tail Palm.

Loise today in between showers I had a quick look under the Brug leaves and they were full of small spiders all standing guard. I don't mind those ones because they eat the bugs. I just make a lot of noise when walking around so the snakes can get away. The Funnel Webs can be aggressive and have tried to bite me when I was mowing the lawn. Just have to watch it. I bet you have plenty of scary critters in your jungle.

The bottle brush trees have been very prolific this year and are putting on a great show, yes the birds are going nuts over them Jean, in my next garden I plan to have an area full of them and a few of the nice natives like these*. Just for the birds.

* http://www.australisplants.com.au/ornamentals/growing.htm
I hope our lovely Charleen and moon enjoy these Australian plants too, I have heard that you have most of these over the pond.

Elaine how are you today? are you coping with this crazy weather ?

Marlene how is hubby faring ?

I hope everyone out there are all well and enjoying the changing season (even if it is so topsy turvy right now).
Enjoy your evening ^_^
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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Girls, those pictures are beautiful. Love them both. Wish I could see them in person. How exciting.

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