October is Just Beautiful in The Ggarden!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

You go Sally! Didn't drop below 65 degrees here last night so I didn't have to wait for it to warm up a bit before I was outside doing. The kerria you gave me has become a nice little bush and blooms away with only limited morning sun! It is in a container for now and spent the summer mixed in with the tropicals. Since i've gotten them onto my porch for the winter I can now see the kerria

Holly, the rain should be starting here this afternoon with colder temps briefly, then another warmish spell.

While cutting back my tropicals I spied a STINK BUG on a stem ! And just as quickly snipped it in half be4fore it could release its foul odorousness! Felt good. Also scrapped off and burned several gypsy moth egg cases I discovered. Take that! I'll try to remember these victories when my shoulder aches at the end of the day...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Such a teaser weather we are having.....Not much else to do outside....
The only thing left is to cut back the yellowing leaves of my D-Lilies and rake the leaves
out of the beds....Then again--WHY should I?

I still have a bed of Wax begonias to pull up--the ones around the base of my W-Sweet Shrub.No biggie!

The last few days I have been so busy with work--and chopping and dicing to prepare my 2 dished for our HD Feast this Thursday.
Did the stuffing tonight. Did the "Sweet and savory kale" last night.
Will take them to work tomorrow and put them in the fridge. Thursday--they start really early setting up.
Anything that needs to be warm/hot will be put in those styro-warmer trays. Will give my stuffing and kale a chance to warm up.

You CANNOT imagine the "spread" every year people provide!
Five different people are roasting five turkeys. A couple are doing 2 hams. Gravy...Mashed taters....
and every imaginable side dish you can think of.
Other than the turkeys and the hams--everything else is cooked by many of the "elder" associates.
You young ones have NO clue! They just eat---and eat....NOT FAIR!

However--we have never run out of food. There is always plenty left for the next day.

Much of this work of setting up and preparing the hams and turkeys is done by the EFC (Employee Fund Committee).
I always do my share, even though i am not, officially, a part of the EFC.

Need a few days off to do laundry and clean up the beds and bathroom after my daughter's visit.
Haven't touched a thing yet.....
Next week--i work FOUR full days----Black Friday being added to my schedule so someone (ME)
can man the phones....It is going to be crazy enough! We open at 4AM.....

I will be working 7-4. Gita

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