October is Just Beautiful in The Ggarden!

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh Gita, I thought about you all day long and sang all the Neil Diamond songs I know in your honor!! Very glad to hear you are back. Was hoping your daughter would go with you. I'm sure you will have lots of "answers" to your glasses missing a lens. At least people notice . Hope all at HD treat you well, especially Don. Remember no water splashes at work either! And watch out for that fine plant area dust. When I had a scratched eye, I had to wear a version of swimming gogles to protect my eye from wind and dust. Was glad to have the protection as I unloaded trays and pots of plants though it made for a very unusual merchandizer attire!!

Be well my friend.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have been in the Phone Center as an Operator (My "real" job???) now for a couple of weeks...
There is not all that much to do any more in garden. it is winding down....
Besides--between bell Nyrsery people and all the REAL garden associates--they cana get everything watered and taken care of...

BTW--ALL trees and Shrubs are nor 50% off---Go get them!

Thanks, Gita

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for letting us know you breezed through things today. I have to admit that I did not sing any Neil Diamond songs, but you were in my thoughts. And you didn't miss a particularly great gardening day, either.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My eye is still dilated....Hopefully, when i get up tomorrow--it will be normal.

If you have never looked in the mirror when your eyes are dilated--DON"T!
It will scare you!!!!! You look 10 years older! Every crease--every wrinkle ia magnified.
I sure hope people with better eyesight don't see all that when they look at me! Scary!!!

It is like when you are in a dressing room at a store. You look at your face in the mirror and see Gravel Gertie...
What gives???? Is it the lighting? Is it that my eyes have lied to me for years when I looked in the mirror?
Do I really look all that wrinkled????
This possibility is blowing my self-image....:o((


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Gita so nice to hear from you. Sounds like all went very well, I am so glad. I will be having my cataract surgery soon. I go next week for the first pre-surgery exam and then when I get home from my dive trip I will be going in for the surgery.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good going Gita. !

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Very glad you went through the surgery ok, Gita.

Thumbnail by donnerville
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks ALL!!!

Now I just have to deal for 2 weeks with unequal vision. I still try to wear my glasses--and the new lens
seems to adapt to them--but it is not very comfortable...

Two weeks--and both my eyes will be equally good.
Then--I will get a pair of just reading/Computer glasses--and life will be a lot moe in focus...

I still HATE seeing MY face more in focus.....How wonderful my glasses have been all these years to "soften"
all the wrinkles and bags under mu eyes! Now they are all glaringly IN focus.....UGHHHH!!!!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Such a pretty Hibiscus flower protrait, donner!

I used this beautiful day to move a purple ninebark bush. Had been in the ground four years, Pretty big but I won the battle. It was in a moist spot so it didn't need to have a big root system to thrive. I really think I'l enjoy it more, in the new spot, looks good already. . And now I have some prime "moist shady" territory to move a hydrangea, and azalea, to.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally, I have never seen a purple ninebark bush. Had to google it. What a beautiful plant!!! Their flowers are striking against the dark leaves. Love plants with interesting foliage :-).

Speaking of azaleas, I have quite a few in my garden. Two of them are looking a bit sick though -- see the photo. They are of the same variety. The leaves on both of them have turned a bit yellowish with dark veins. Does anybody know what the problem is? Do they need fertilizer? Need iron? Are they sick?

Thumbnail by donnerville
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I only have two azaleas, both young, One turned horrible two years ago, and it just hanging on, very pale. the other is three feet away in virtually the same good site and care, and it grew well last year and is dark green. ????

Ninebark is the dark one at the far end in this pic from May 2010.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

It bloomed very well this year, with these1-2 inch white- pinkish clusters all over the darlk leaves. Its a wide rangy thing though. Long arching branches that leave bare ground underneath.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


That is an odd-looking bloom for an Azalea!

It looks like (can't think of the name right now) the shrub that grows in the woods--is toxic--does not move easily,,,
Has long shiny leaves...etc....Help! Oliander?????

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

It reminded me of a Kalmia (mountain laurel) which is indeed in the woods and does not move easily. Beautiful bloom.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Pat--Thank you!!! That is the word i could not think of.....
Don't you just love Senior Moments??

Mountain Laurel. That's it! Thanks--Gita....

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Let me try that again. First I talked about ninebark, Then I said I had azaleas.

Then I said Ninebark is the dark one at the far end in this pic, and then I posted pic of ninebark bloom.

Sorry for the confusion!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

My brug cuttings from Gita have rooted beautifully! Here is a pic taken this morning.

Thumbnail by donnerville
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

This was taken exactly a week ago.

Thumbnail by donnerville
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Yay! Sally!

Ice job! Did you have that plastic bag pulled up over them? Top open? Closed?
I forget---How long ago did I give those to you? Just to encourage others.....

The one that has a second stem coming up from below---you may want to cut it off.
No harm if you leave it... I, personally, don't care for double-stemmed Brugs...


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Amazing, really!! Those fat sections do seem to have plenty of energy. My fat ones look good, my skinny tips ones look sorry.
When cutting mine, I couldn't resist throwing two long tip sections into a watering can outside. Of course, new roots showing in a week. Then I just had to pot them. TIme to see how they look.

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Gita, it has been exactly 3 weeks. You took the cuttings for me on the Tuesday before your surgery. I had the plastic bags pulled up, but the tops were open so that the cuttings got good humidity without being cooked. The cuttins were so fresh! Roots grew out within a week - I could see them through the clear cups :-)

Is it time for me to pot them up? Or should I leave them in the cups for a while? I guess I need to provide them with light so that they grow over the winter? Don't think I can force them into dormancy?

That side shoot looks so healthy... Ok, I will cut it off :-(

LOL, Sally. We gardens cannot bear to throw away plants, plant cuttings, or anything that can be grown into a plant :-)

This message was edited Nov 1, 2011 12:02 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Yes! Pot them up--in at least a 6" pot. Keep in a sunny window as they have so many leaves now.
Water when soil feels dry. Not too much fertilizing is needed--but the 7 drops to a quart of liquid MG is OK now and then.

If you like--cut the second stem off--or you CAN let it grow. Do it and compare it to the others--and see how you like
2 stems vs one. My big Dr. ended up having 3 stems. They all bloomed--increasing the spread into a giant "umbrella"...

The two stems you can see are the 2 side stems. The gray thing is a stake holding things up,
The main stem is not showing....

This was in September....Gita

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Gita. I will pot them up this weekend.

The side stems on your plant seem to be away from the main step in a good angle. The one on mine is very close to the main stem though. If I keep it, it probably will rub and push the main stem as it grows bigger. I will take a closer look when I get home. If it is too close to the main stem, I will have to remove it :-(.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I think the side stem will, actually, grow a bit away from the main stem because it will be growing
branches of it's own and pushing against the full growth of thee main plant.

If you want fot it to grow parallel to the main stem--you will have to tie it to it.
No harm either way. Since the other two do not have this issue--you could
l;et it be and see which one you like better.
These smaller side stems are good for cuttings...of course--they will be from "Below the "Y"".

Sitting at work....45 min. left to go. Gita

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, how did your Camellia do this year? Weren't you about to cut it way back? Someone posted in Beginner Gardenng about a camellia with all the leaves browning, it sounded like what you saw.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, just a heads up here...

Did you know our MA forum has an ongoing thread on Camellia growing and propagating ? Just like the one on Holiday Cactus Check it out here:


Some great pics and info already!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I think you will catch up on everything if you go to the Thread coleup mentioned....

My Camellia has regrown beautifully. About 5' tall now. No flower buds--but none expected...
Right now I am hashing with everyone on how to, possibly, root already woody
cuttings taken NOW.

Please go to the Thread coleup posted... It is well along.....you can catch up there....

Not much else one can do this time of year....
I finally brought in all the 12 pots of Purple Oxalis....WHY???? WHY??? do I do this to myself....
They will reside on a wire shelf by my unused kitchen side door until next season....Decent AM light.

Next summer--I will have gobs to share!!!!

Still have a lot of clean up to do. None of that is in a state of "immediacy"....Whenever will do!

This Thursday I get my 2nd (right) eye cataract surgery. No biggie! Honest....
It will be easier having BOTH eyes in the same state of vision. Having one OK--and the other still fuzzy,
has been hard for the last 2 weeks. To wear my glasses--or NOT to wear my glasses....THAT has been the question....
Been doing both--as needed.....

Also--my daughter from Seattle will be here all next week. I have taken it off so we can "hang" or do--whatever...

Have your Dahlings gone off to college yet? Where? How do you feel about that?
Please fill us in--right here.....All postings welcome! I said so!


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh thanks, I'll go Camellia hunting....!

You save those Oxalis because you love LOVE to share. I'll take some!!

One dahling away for the second year. Another dahling at COmmunity college. Checkbook heaved a huge sigh of relief. But soon have to decide on her 2012-2013 year....The checkbook just ran away and hid under the couch......

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I don't know about your kids--but so many freshmen succumb to the "Away from home" syndrome and
party and drink and blow all their parent's $$$$ by not really doing what you all paying for them to do.

I think if kids are sure what they want to study--that helps. Then they can concentrate from day #1.
My Youngest daughter ended up being at college 5 years. St. mary's College in S. MD.
She, sort of ,had a double major. The most serious was Marine Biology. WHAT jobs can you get there?

Hasn't worked at any jobs that had anything to do with these. She waitresses and bar tends--from day one!
She is the one who lives in Seattle. Has been working as a waitress and bar tender for years.
Her only source of REAL income. She can bring in $300 on a good night. What job would pay that?
So she still is doing it. So much for paying for 5 years of college......

My other daughter, Aina, never went to college. She did finish Von Leigh (sp?) beauty/cosmetics school.
Now she says I forced to go to it....I know I did say--You have to go and do something after HS.
Oh, well.......Her world has been Big Retail and being a manager or on the visual/design team...as she is right now at IKEA.

It is hard to find a good job nowadays when one comes out of college.....


annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita wanted to wish you well on your surgery tomorrow. How wonderful to have restored "normal" vision in both eyes again! Will your daughter go with you this time, too?

Do both of your daughters get along? Are they close? Is your home the one they grew up in? When ever I went back to visit my Mom I invariably regressed in age to between 6-16 and was definitely thrown back to being my mother's daughter whereas when she visited me we were both adults!

In any event I hope you both have a good visit (and you don't overdo your hostessing thing!).

Hugs, Judy

PS Here is a link to some beautiful fall photos a friend of mine has taken that I think you will enjoy.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Those photos are amazing!!! Each one could be a Postcard!

My two daughters have been best friends for life.....To my recollection---they have never had a fight....

Yes--My home is the one they grew up in. And--yes--They are close...at least to each other...

Yes--also--they both seem to never have let go the mother/daughter thing....We do mental/verbal battles...
My feelings get hurt--and I draw back wondering WHY do they still have to treat me this way.
I try VERY hard NOT to do the "mother thing"--but I think the smallest thing I say that may imply
that I am suggesting something different or better--is met with defensiveness and disagreement...
I hate that! Like--they are both in their mid 40's--so, give up already!!!

I do remember that I, myself, did not "let go" easily with my Mom until she was deep into dementia--
and I became the parent--and she--the child.

We all have had different childhoods with different issues. How sad that peace cannot be made
in time to enjoy each other for the few years we have left...
The daughter, Benita, that is coming to visit from Seattle---I am lucky if I see her once every 3 years.

My sisters and I still do battle also. As much as I would like to make peace--I am in the middle and
I am sensitive--so I cannot just let things go. And--they do not undersatand where i am coming from--at least in my opinion...
Must work on that! Walk away--not respond--shut my mouth--or whatever...I hate the conflicts.....
Every year I drive to NJ for X-Mas and I stay with my older sister. She has 4 daughters scattered throughout NJ.
All married--all have children and I love them all dearly. So--I try my best to survive the strained relationship with my sister...

OK! Enough of all that......It is nor a pleasant thing to think about....

Well--You asked! Are these issues also in YOUR life, Judy?


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Back to, now, November in my garden.....
I finally dug up my neighbor's Cannas. She is still away in Spain--so I get to do what has to be done
and she couldn't care less....

She had these two, massive, beautiful, orange Cannas. Man! They never stopped growing and blooming!!!!
Took me quite a while to loosen the clumps and then to dig them out. I could hardly lift them!
There were two.
I DID remove a lot of the soil by fingers--but the mass was still amazing.

Now IS the time to dig up you Cannas--in case you have not yet done so.
The old stems will whither and drop off. Not to worry.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Careful with the "pips" --those reddish, pointy things coming out of the root mass.
These will be future stems and grow and bloom.

Remember to allow the clumps to completely dry before you store them for the winter....
Storing can be in a big box filled with dry Peat Moss--or crumpled up newspapers....

Here are the "pips". Careful! The break off easily.....especially in the spring.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Here is looking at her 2 clumps...man! They never stopped growing!!!!!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Did mine today too. But those you have there are so dense with buds! Still I was surprised at how much root there was to dig. Sadly after getting them all up I saw that one will bloom soon (would have)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Sally--and others.....

My neighbor's Canna came in a pot from either HD--or Lowes....I DO think we had these also....
For-$7.97 ??? I remember them outside on an end cap outside.

I bet she bought them from our Hd--or the much closer-Loews from where we live...
My neighbor, Olga, is NOT a gardener--but she likes pretty things growing in her beds...
SO--She buys a pot of this--and that----and plants them. Then--it is never attended to after that....
I usually end up watering and taking care of these plants.....Her beds face MY back yard.

Since, most of her annual beds face MY house--I usually water these beds and attend to them...
Olga has been gone to Spain now for about 6 weeks....I believe she got home today--
as I saw everyone's car in her drive way. SO! I am assuming she got home today...

While she is away---her "garden" is MY garden....I told her before she left--that her Cannas will need
digging up. She said--"I am NOT going to do it!!!! You do what you want"....So--I have....

I have also dug up her small, garden Dahlias--as I KNOW they make new root-bulbs over the summer.
I KNOW that--she does not!!!! SO! I dug those up as well....

Been doing this for years!!!! It is, simply, my second flower beds to take care of every year....
for 6 months of thee late summer...
Hopefully--I will get to see her tomorrow and let her know what I have done....

OK! Bed time for me.......Gita

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Gita, those canna clumps will look great in your back bed area and should love the moisture there. Will you plant them in the new raised beds or in the ground? I wouldn't mind a neighbor like that. Do you have any veto power on plants or colors?

Have a good week all as our gardening season continues to wind down.

Thumbnail by coleup
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Whee leaf pile!

So mild this morning I am so tempted to think of things to do in the garden, besides the obvious raking leaves and filling compost.
I have a pack of crocus to plant, and half bag of tulips (like six LOL) Move a hosta? Cut and Move a rooted shrub stem? So hard to remember what I SHOUL be doin==cook, clean house...

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We have a bit of rain here so I think I will work upstairs in the plant room. The temps sure are nice though.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Rain is forecast here for tomorrow, making TODAY, PERFECT PLANT MOVING WEATHER. Mark shoulda locked up my tools before he left this morning. But then I'd be digging with a tablespoon LOL

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