CLOSED: Free Seeds for recent DG Subscribers (October 2011)

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

I had a "lost" trade package this fall. The confirmation sticker had fallen off in transit...showed it never had left my post office. But, it had shown up at the recipient's door. My mail lady said that she is really taping them down now after having several complaints about this. They have a sticky back but the "stickiness" wears off and the switches between hot and cold (as well as their rough handling) keeps the stickers from staying. Since you are doing a kind service, could easily send another package of seeds if needed and need to minimize the amount of time your spending I think it is reasonable to not do confirmation numbers.
Is one of those 12 mailers possibly heading my direction? You have permission to not buy confirmation for mine =)

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

same here

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi OrDairyGirl (never Ordinary!)

Sorry, but you're in the next batch. I sent first what was easiest to find in The Stash.

Someone told me a way to ship without standing in line at the PO, or going through the madenigly slow menus of a "self-service Kiosk". PayPal lets you print labels (with postage) and gives free automatic tracking numbers without having to hand-write the address twice or rely on licky-sticky glue.

psych w2

I got them into the mail just minutes ago, and now feel MARGINALLY less guilty about being so many motnhs late for so many people. I was going to Dmail rtaher than list them here where people would wonder "why not ME first?", but ... oh well.

The rest will get them as quick as I can get them out. My SO is leaving again this weekend, so I get to unpack all the seed boxes and paraphenalia again and fill the living room with it again.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Good going. You're doing a great job.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, at work, if i were 6+ months late completing a task, they would jump on my butt big time!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

You aren't being paid, so don't worry, be happy!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

We're gardeners, if we weren't patient we'ld never survive waiting for seed to sprout.

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

Next batch is just fine with me...I went to sort my seeds yesterday to come up with some sort of filing system. I can't imagine trying to keep a large stash organized. Never realized so many flower seeds start with "C", it through my whole alphabetical filing system off =) Then you have to decide to use common name or scientific name. Then what do you do with the large envelopes that don't fit, the seeds that you really don't know what they are and keep track of age.
I had a very successful trading season, participated in some robins and did some excess buying on the web, so I'm not missing my packet at the moment. Free seeds for newbies was a good introduction board to Dave's garden and got me started. Guess that is the best service you can do...just get us started. No feeling guilty allowed RickCorey!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I agree. You talked me through the first couple of weeks and I felt able to make my first trade and that unleased a monster.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I did take getting almost half the backlog out, and a start on most of the rest as a signal to play with my own chores for a weekend.

I stitched some lengths of "garden fence" together and made a 10-foot low hoop tunnel with 3.5 mil plastic film.
That let me move the aphid-infested over-wintered plants out of my bedroom. I'll try to kill remaining aphids before starting this spring's seedlings.

I had some Penstemon that had been winter-sowed 14 months ago, but were tiny last fall.
Some Brunnera from bare roots, and some from seeds, that I thoguht were too young to put out late last fall.
Three rooted salvia cuttings.

Penstemon strictus 'Rocky Mt. Blue'
Penstemon digitalis 'Mystica'
Penstemon smallii 'Violet Dusk'
Penstemon cobaea 'Showy Beardtongue'
Penstemon calycosus 'Calico Beardtongue'

P.S. I had a few cells of Lobellia from last Spring, that were never potted up becuase other cells were more vigorous. I had room indoors, so i put them indoors under lights and FINALLY potted them up to 3" pots with pine bark potting soil. Those little sweeties rewarded me by finally putting out a few great blue blooms in January and February when i was really hungry for color.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey ........ I have referred a newbie to you. She LOVES seeds!!!!!!!! Her name is scbuttercup. Just wanted to let you know.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

skellog ..... how deep is your snow now? I remember last year and the snow was up to your eaves!

Corey, I hope to start going through my seeds for my WS'ing and will send you any extra's that I come across. Don't know if I will have much, but I do have a few of my own that I harvested last summer.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Great, thank you!

I hope everyone knows that anyone who donates seeds can always ask for what they could use, and they don't have to pay postage.

(Plus, if you mention on this thread that you're looking for something, and it isn;t in the Stash, I bet the odds are good that someone will send it to you.)

Scbuttercup said Hi 4 days ago, and I replied, but she hasn't sent a Wish List or a definite "yes" yet.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

She did Dmail and I replied, but she hasn't sent any Wish List or said "yes" yet.

When I make another thread, I'm going to try to make the first post much shorter, and make the list of "Haves" more visible.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Glad she reached you!

How is that sieve working out?

This message was edited Feb 21, 2012 12:33 PM

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I haven't had anything to clean yet, but I do admire it periodically.

Judy got back to me with a want List.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the seed stash, Corey! Got mine in the mail today, always a good surprize. You're doing a terrific job!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks very much, Al. Our Tomato section is 99% from you, all fresh seeds.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'd like to try some of those Tumbler tomatoes that Al was talking about.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> I'd like to try some of those Tumbler tomatoes that Al was talking about.

Which were those? These are what I see:

Roma, - - - - - - - - - - 75 days, 2011, DET short stake, compact bush, plum type for sauces, salsa & salad
Wisconsin 55, - - - - -75 days, 2010, SEMI-INDET tall stake, med red globe
Large Red Cherry, - 72 days, 2011, INDET tall stake, for salads, great old-fashioned taste
Costoluto Genovese, - 75 days, 2012, INDET tall stake, taste great, Italian Heirloom beefsteak type
New Yorker, - - - - 65 days, 2011 , DET short bush stake , great taste, early growth
Ace 55, - - - - - - 75-80 dy, 2011, DET short stake, great taste beefsteak type, for salads & slicing, disease resistance
Juliet, - - - - - - - -65 days, 2011, INDET tall stake, mini-roma grape type for salads, great taste
Early Giant, - - - - 60 days, 2011, INDET tall stake , great taste beefsteak type, for salads & slicing, early season growth
Floramerica, - - - - -70 days, 2011, INDET tall stake, red for salads & slicing, great disease resistance

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Can't comment too much on this one, I don't have much "Tumbler" left. Nice tomatoes designed for container use. They came from

Sorry, they weren't in the box I sent to Rick.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I really need a deterent (sp?) as I want to put it in a container on my patio. I'm familiar with Roma but not the others. I'll see what Al recommends.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I was just sent some "Maskotka" seeds (small, grape or cherry, early, hybrid) said to be good for pots. Said to have only 12-18" vines!

Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme 'Maskotka'

Mount Olive, NC(Zone 8a)

Hello all, Thanks Rick for the newbie seeds, it's like being a baby in a candy store! Hopefully next year I can contribute to the stash :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm glad you liked them. Do let us know if germination is good or bad!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Big thanks to Betsy (Inthegarden) for many large pkts of seeds for the Stash! These are just the biggest pkts, that look like they may be split up to 10-15 ways:

Thank you!

Winter Melon oblong, Benincasa hispida (Asian Cucurbitaceae)

Angled Loofah, Ribbed Gourd, Luffa acutangula (edible Cucurbitaceae)

Garlic Chives, Allium tuberosum, Gai Choy (reseeds & spreads by roots)

Trailing Fuzzy Bean Vine, Strophostyles helvola, [A/B] edible vine 1-20', reseeds. Needs 80F to bloom?

Camphorweed, Golden Aster, Heterotheca subaxillaris [A reseeds]

Cowpen Daisy, Butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides [A reseeds]

Sweet Autumn Clematis, Sweet Autumn Virgin's Bower, Clematis terniflora

Texas Bluebonnet, Lupinus texensis [P Zone 3]

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I would love a little bit of the luffa. It seems like something so fun. If possible, not demanding.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Does anyone here recommend T's Flowers? She sell her packets for $1.00 each, which is so reasonable compared to most.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey, could I get some tomatoe seeds for the New Yorker and Ace 55? I'll give them a whirl.

I have a St. Patricks Day swap going on if anyone is interested. Sign ups until March 2. Here is the link:

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Monkeymomr, I added those to your list, and I'm still working at getting things together. However, MY SO is coming back soon, so all the NB boxes go back into storage!

Crit, I added those 2 to your list, but I'm SURE that I started gather tomatoes for you already. My notes say I have not shipped to you yet, so I must still be gathering something on your list.

I greatly appreciate everyone being polite about seeds being months late, especially as Spring approaches.


Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Crit - has a huge listing for both large and small container type tomatoes, also has some really detailed instructions on how to grow in containers. I've tried Tumbler (large cherry) and Patio (tennis ball size) with reasonable luck, I've also grown New Yorker and Better Bush in large oak barrels without problems.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the link Al, and the info!

And thanks to Corey too for all you do

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


Once I get caught up (if I ever do), I'll say "you're welcome" without wincing.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

lol Corey. I still say you are doing a bang up job!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I know from experience...just organizing seeds take a lot of time..

Just like when you used to go to the drug store to pick up your developed film..."Some day my prints will come.."♪♫ ♪♫

You must be singing a similar song about those seeds I will be sending to you.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I cannot imagine trying to keep a stash as big as your's Corey. It takes all my grey matter to keep my straight. Too many times I forget to write something down and spend days figuring out what something is. Sometimes I think my grey matter does it to me deliberetly just to mess with me. LOL.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Too many times I forget to write something down and spend days figuring out what something is

I write down lists and reminders, then lose them. The new bee activities save me from obsessing on my own stash: for my seeds, when one baggie or jar gets full, I split it into a sub-category, all done. I havenpt actually sown any seeds for this spring yet: just cleared the aphid-infested seedlings out of my bedroom and into a low hoop tunnel.

Evelyn, I have alllll the tiiiiime in the wooooooorld to wait for more seeds. The stash is fairly plump right now, even after sending out ~ 250 packets. Perhaps the "crop" section is light, except for tomatoes (lycodad and I) and radishes (risingcreek).

I just put away almost 100 Ziplocks from Betsy (Inthegarden) . Lots of nice fresh seeds, very clean!
Recent info on those seeds:

- this one has TWENTY POUND MELONS on 15-20 foot vines:
Winter Melon oblong / Benincasa hispida / Asian Cucurbitaceae

I didn't mention this next one because there's only about two pkts, but who would like it most?
I think it may be a rare heirloom:
Korean Frog Melon / Cucumis melo / 'Makua' or 'Kin Makuwa'

This message was edited Feb 27, 2012 4:47 PM

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Crit, we've had a fairly easy winter this year. We only have about 3 ft of snow. Even though I personally am anxiously awaiting spring, I'm kind of disappointed about our snow banks, as I have another idea for a really big snow bank, and so far just don't have that much piled up to put the plan in motion, lol! But, it's only the first of March, so we still have plenty of time before spring is here, hahaha! Heck, I still have time to wintersow more, if I want, teeheehee!

Orange Beach, AL(Zone 9a)

You got my money right? When should/could I expect anything. I am so excited!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I do try to warn everyone that I'm behind on getting things out and that they can't rely on me for a fast turnaround. I see that I didn't say that in my Dmail back to you ... often I suggest that someone not even send money until I warn them that I'm close to sending their mailer out. Sorry!

I did receive $2.61 via PayPal already. Close enough.

The problem is that this takes 3-4 times as much time as I can spare. I've been trying to catch out so I can give the "sending out" part back to Robin or someone else who might volunteer. Originally I only offered to split up and label seed packets!

Taking on the whole task was done in a moment of weakness I've regretted ever since.

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