rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

late day at work, so me waving too

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley and friends had their feet trimmed last Thursday. My farrier was talking about how pleased he is with them doing so good. Says he remembers when he had to catch them and tie them to a tree. They have come a long way since he has started to work with them. This last trim they were really great....
Wishing your farrier great success with your horse....

waving as I go to bed ... hi Charleen .Goodnight :)

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Durn Girl, Have a great night.....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Looks like a good morning here too. Yesterday was a real mix up of a day. Freezing cold in the morning with showers , then after lunch, warm and sunny , enough that I was outside without my jumper. Around 4pm, it rained again and the cold was back.
I planted a few new clivia seeds and I still have a few more to arrive .
I have some nice little variegated clivias and some of the wide leafed ones too. I am very pleased with the way they do so well here.I am now looking to get a few seeds of some of the bicolors. I never knew there were so many different types of flowers on them.

Hello Elaine , hope you enjoyed your walk.

Anthony, take a rest over the weekend and sit with your bulb babies.
Mine are popping up everywhere and I have one of my nepalese seeds through.

Hello Charleen, Charley must have matured and gained some sense with age. He sounds a good boy now.

Hello Chrissy, Colleen and Dianne.
Hope all is well with you all and that you are enjoying your gardens.
Hello to everyone else.
I am thinking of things to do today. Maybe a bit of Roundup on the weeds, as it looks nice and still outside at the moment.
Enjoy this delicious German Chocolate Cake.
Have a happy day.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Overcast here today. I don't mind overcast but not wind so it might be a nice day anyway. Have an appointment this morning. Have been on the phone this morning arranging when the fence guy can come and also the tree lopper to grub out a stump for me as the gate is going to be bigger in the new fence and the stump is in the way. More money. I haven't even looked at tiles as yet. I thought that I will get the fence out of the way first. I have to actually pay for the tiles,vanity, taps, and towel rail myself and the builders quote was $5,700. for the bathroom. I thought that was a really good price for a bathroom renovation and actually changing where the shower is to the other side of the room and taking the bath out and re-tiling the walls and floor in the bathroom and toilet and painting. Now all I need to do is find the stuff that I need to buy and get a good deal for that. That might be easier said than done though. Well must go, hope everyone is well and I hope you enjoyed your walk Elaine. Is the weather nice over there too? Colleen

well i got about half a the dynamic lifter and Charlie Carp stuff around then had to come in ...sprinkling and about to rain quite heavily I think. Love it when the rain comes to water smelly things in don't you. However I may have been too clever by half it is going to drop down to 3C for a few nights so I hope that won't cause problems with the fresh tiny bits shooting out of everything.

hi Elaine ...I love to walk too ^_^

Have you all seen what is happening in Texas ?

Texas is on fire ...how familiar is this ?
Those poor poor people ...it brings back awful memories. Please let it stop soon. Get lost 2011.
Oh Charleen it is so awful ...our thoughts and prayers are with you all over there.
It's a real scare for us here because (at least where I am ) the weather usually follows the Texas weather.
We have had to clear stuff from around our home by order of the local Fire Fighters -they say it will be a bad fire season, this coming Summer.

Colleen isn't it a drama doing renos, but it's nice when it is done ...we had all the roof and gutters cleaned out yesterday, it took all day to do because of the She Oak needles, the closest to the home is to be removed, I love them but that one is so big now it is acually weeping over the roof.
I am sure you will be happy with the new bathroom when it is done.
Well I will go see if I can finish the fertilizing between the showers.

I hope everyone enjoys their afternoon.

Christchurch, New Zealand

it was really cold yesterday so this morning I decided to add an extra layer of merino...
and it was nor west & I really didn't need it!
Murphy's law strikes again.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We have a nice breeze going and sun is bright but temperature has a taste of Fall in it. Supposed to be warmer by weekend. I'll just take it a day at a time.....You all stay safe. Love you all....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining at the moment but I am not inclined to believe its promise. After the last few days of rain between sun , warm and cold, I give up and just dress in the usual layers and bear with it. what else can one do ?
It is very disconcerting though, to be outside in the sun then get rained on from some little puffy cloud which then scurries away to hide.
I did manage to get the grass out of my dutch irises. Its hard to grab the grass as the irises are so much like grass . Luckily the irises have a firmer hold on the ground than the grass so I havent pulled any out.
Lots of shoots on the roses and I must get out and give them their annual dose of epsom salts.

Hello Charleen. You will be into your real Fall weather soon enough. Enjoy the sun while you have it.
I do feel for the Texans as we know what bushfires can do.

Teresa, isnt it frustrating to have all those clothes on and the weather changes for the better ?
I have my dressing down to an art now. I only ever wear t-shirts as a first layer so I can always get down to that if needed . I can then put on jumpers , vests, coats etc as needed.
Hubby starts with l/sleeve skivvies , then jumpers. This means he cannot get down to something cool if the sun comes out.
I dont know how many times , he has had to buy a cheap t-shirt while we have been out shopping.

Hello Chrissy. I used that Charlie Carp once, but couldnt stand the smell around.
I much prefer the smell of dynamic lifter. More earthy rather than something gone off.

My winter hippie is nearly out Colleen. I will have to call it a spring hippie here.
I have lots of seedling hippies growing well.
My large ones are all getting lovely leaves. I put them in the greenhouse during winter and will move them out into the sun soon.
Hope all goes well wtyh all your renovations.

Dianne, your brugs seem to be going really well.
Mine are so slow here. The micro climate on top of our hill can be very harsh at any time of the year.
I wish I could put up a very tall fence sometimes to make some shelter for the plants. Being on a bit of a slope may be good for drainage, but the wind can get to all the areas .
I am so glad I planted so many trees as they do a fairly good job in places.

Hello Elaine, Pam, Karen and Anthony. Hope all is well in all your gardens.
Louise must be busy and I do hope she has not been in any of the weird weather there.
I am not going outside yet as there are clouds looking at me through the window.
I will do a bit of sewing.
I have hems to take up on my new track pants.
I wonder sometimes. what shape the manufacturers use as a design guide. I am not short but still have to take off at least 3"- 4"from the legs of the pants.
Better move as hubby is calling. He is resting in bed as his back is playing up. I keep telling him that with all the metal bits he has in his spine, he needs to go into a garage once a year for some grease to keep them loosened up.

Have a happy day all and enjoy this Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Jean you made me laugh with the story of the little puffy cloud. I can just see him scooting across the sky to Jean's place, having a little sprinkle, and scooting away again giggling. I've got a strange imagination haven't I? All's well here but the fence can't go ahead yet because it has to be freighted to the Riverland and it's not ready yet. Maybe after the long weekend. Ah well I might go and look at the tiles etc so maybe the builder can go straight on with the bathroom. John's thinking about taking the boys back to his place after the motor bike camp so that will work in well if I get the bathroom done while they're away. It all depends on his work. Well I must go as the boys are not ready yet. be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all...we had the most violent storm at about 7 this morning...thunder, lightning and buckets of hail........now the sun is shining.....
Hopefully Chrissie your predicted, very hot summer, doesn't happen...who knows with the weather.
Teresa, sounds as though you are getting your use of your woolies...hope it doesn't last too long.

Jean I have no luck with Hippies...I have had two for years, that never flower....so this year I will put them back into a pot.
I just bought tickets to the Pirates of Penzance for Steph and I, it will be her first taste of Gilbert and Sullivan....she will either love it or not.....fingers crossed...
Liz Taylor's jewellery up for sale and with it THAT ring...remember how many times we saw it in the paper on Liz's finger...and the LUCY episode when it got stuck on her finger...

Went to a friend's place yesterday to have a look at her new foal.....the mare is a very pretty dun with very strong black points, she was already in foal when they bought her, but no one knows what to.
So when the foal arrived, there was a big surprise....the filly is pure white....an absolute beauty...
For those not sure of the term "dun"...here is a pic of a dun horse..not the mother of the foal.
It's hailing again..
Keep warm today... Go Cats tonight.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning to every one the beautiful light rain is here with me its a joy to play out side given every thing a feed of D.lifter .
I have the same problum re hems also found as my size goes up cloths are longer even tops have to be taken up soon I will have enought cut of pieces to make a patch work quilt. ----elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Elaine, your yard has quite a community living in it. I love what you have done. . It looks really good.
Maybe I will get out and gather all my garden friends into one place so they can be seen.
I hope your rain is warmer than ours. Its freezing outside.
Look what has finally opened, Dianne.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Not cold up here this afternoon the Sun is shinning went and done a little shopping and found a new spring sign .
I have most things on one side so as any one walks out the back door its like walking down into my day dream away from all the stress and worry of the out side world .-------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Clifton Springs, Australia

It does look very friendly, Elaine....I think that I would find myself chatting to them if I worked in the area.......I can't see half of my garden ornaments... they are in the undergrowth...

Aren't they lovely, Jean......it always takes me a minute to remember it's name...Velthemia...is yours in the ground?..I know that Colleen has some too...
Mine is in a pot......I hope that they are as easy to keep in pots as Clivias.....My Peter has had his in a pot for about 3 yrs now so they might be fine.

Merino, Australia

Dianne, the velthelmia is in the ground just barely under the bench in the epi shadehouse. I had a few pots of mystery plants from when I bought the epis home. I just stuck them in the ground and now there are 4 . two are flowering. They must like it where they are. They do get some sun and all the wash off of water & fertiliser that goes on the epis.
Be nice to have them in pots near the house, but I am not going to disturb them. I may end up with a nice big clump. I just love the big shiny leaves.

Love the signs Elaine. Very friendly walkway.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Elaine you just reminded me about my froggy ornament, I bought it a couple of weeks ago...
It has 7 frogs and 2 beetles....it's fun.

Jean, I love those glossy leaves too.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

holy moly dianne, thats one complicated front door bootscraper,..,[ready for the bite !!]- and 'Yes' Go-cats from me/us too!,.,.still no luck here, loading the camera pics,.,.[stupid computer/camera] who knows, its done this b4 and all of a sudden started working again.,,-anthony

Clifton Springs, Australia

By golly it's a cold morning....hope everyone is tucked up in bed still...
I will put the kettle on standby till everyone gets up.

Anthony, what a pain...it's slow enough getting pics to upload these days without computer probs as well...hope you fix it soon....
May the best team win tomorrow.....being realistic, the Bombers won't go further, but I love the games against the Blueboys, usually plenty of biffo and lots of passion....hope it's a good game.

Anthony, Jean just told us it was your birthday.......Have a great day.....lots of presents and a couple of beers.

If it fines up, hope everyone has a good gardening day....

This message was edited Sep 10, 2011 9:14 AM

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
♬ ♪ ♭ ♫♪ ❃ ❂ ❁... Happy Birthday..Anthony...❃ ❂ ❁ ♬ ♪ ♭ ♫♪

Not a lot done yesterday as the weather did not improve at all. today looks like being the same.
Hubby is s till in bed with his back problems so that will keep me occupied during the day.
He is a good patient though. He sleeps most of the time.

Hello Anthony, I hope you have a happy day. I bet you bought yourself some new bulbs for your birthday.

Hello Karen, Pam, Colleen , Chrissy and Dianne.
Teresa, hope all is well over there. It seems to have quietened down a bit with the shakes. I do hope so.

Hello to everyone else. I am going off to be very domestic today. Washing , ironing and my non favorite thing, dusting. There always seems to be dust peering at me, even after I have just done the job.
I hope you all enjoy the weekend. The year is fast disappearing.
Here is a nice cake for you to enjoy Anthony. I'm sure you will have lots of helpers to demolish it.
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sunshine Coast, Australia

I have been very busy getting my floral art entries ready for the Buderin Garden Club Spring Show...starting today.

This is my first effort at competition in floral art.

I entered
Intermediate section:" Reggae Rhythm"
It took me a week to make the props like music, Reggae hair.
Other in Open Section: "Born of the World".
Made the world from two hanging baskets and sprayed silver paint.
I was very ambitious with this entry.
Took them to the hall last night and saw the other entries and they left me for dead.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2011 6:14 PM

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Born of the Earth

Thumbnail by Marleneann
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Big winds yesterday knocked many pots over, but no real damages, thank goodness. I was out when it struck and thought it blew up quite suddenly. Good rain was dumped but the sun is out this morning. Contrary weather.

Good to see everyone's pics this morning. Elaine, you have some lovely garden decor, which is always a pleasure to see.

Nice froggy ornament too. And that horse is a beauty. Is that a buckskin? Love the contrasting chocolate tips.

Hi Marlene. Nice piece of decor there too.

Hope this windy weather isn't affecting anyone's gardens. It is so cold.


This orchid is out in full flower now. Looks great in its tree home.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2011 3:13 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

Marlene, I think that your floral art is very creative and beautiful....I looked very carefully at both pieces and I could see how the name applied to each was very suitable....
I really liked them both....one was funky the other was very thought provoking....I am not a great fan of floral art but I understood yours and congratulate you on your choice of plants to create these gems.
Whatever did the others have on display?....

Anthony, have a look at these pieces and tell us what you think.....you know what they look for...

Lovely Orchid, Karen....it really is growing well...

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Marleanne-they look great- i like the''mystery'' in the second one,.i hope you do well,looks a lot of effort that you put in,and remember''what would have been there if you hadnt entered''?-nothing![thats what i say if someone gets uppity about my entries],.i brought myself 2 bags of potting mix and some snailbait for my bday,while grocerying this morning,.,.im going to rescue the mowed hellebores,.,.nice fritt Dianne-- once again, i have a rescued pot of it here [of fays],.- and yes, i might have a quiet 4xxxx tonight,.-anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That colts may change it's color as it grows older. That is a beautiful mare. Love buckskins. Maybe the colt will develope into one. Won't it be fun to watch it grow and see. I know it has beautiful long legs too. Love new babys.....
Angel's Moonlight

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

•*¨*•♫♪ღ░H░A░P░P░Y░ღ░B░I░R░T░H​░D░A░Y░ ღ♪♫•*¨*•
Happy Birthday To You♪♫•*¨*•.♥.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday To You♪♫•*¨
*•.♥.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday,♪♫•*¨*•.♥.•*¨•*¨*•♫♪ღ​ღ♪♫•*¨*•
Happy Birthday To You♪♫•*¨*•.♥.•*¨*•♫♪and many more♪♫•*¨*•
.♥.•¨*•♫♪Have a great day :O)♪♫•*¨*•..•*¨... Anthony

I always ask for manure and river sand for my birthday too (aren't we tragic) still I am cheap to run, some hubby's have to cough up for diamonds, Prada and such. I hope you enjoy your day.

Lots of great hobbies going on there ...can't wait to get away to my little acre somewhere and have time once again ...must make a list.
Marlene good on you for having a go, did you enjoy it? I think enjoying a challenge is a wonderful thing.

What a pretty horse ! Dianne ...what a surprise to have a white foal out of her.

Elaine that looks so cosy but I am guessing you are getting this wind too, it's getting colder by the minute, straight off the Blue Mountains here brrrr. Almost blew me over.

One minute you are cold then off comes the layers as you work, then you get cold again ...that's Spring alright.
Stay warm Teresa, Karen and Pam.
Colleen cute cactus bloom ...guess they will all be out soon.

Charleen Angel's Moonlight is beautiful ... ♥ It !

Jean I hope your hubby is feeling better ...back troubles are an awful thing, I am glad he is resting we only have one back.

Enjoy your day everyone.

To our friends in the USA we are thinking of you ...Fires and Floods, so much like our Country.

Christchurch, New Zealand

hello all - am having a very rare day off on a Saturday & have been weeding, shopping & helping hubby clear things out of the garage so he can fit his aeroplane into it.
Yes - a real fair dinkum (will fly when it is restored & carry two comfortably) aeroplane.
An Auster - J5 Aiglet Trainer to be precise ;)
I have ranuncs coming up - some are already flowering, I spied 4 lilies peeking out from the soil, 3 look like asiatics but one is different, be interesting to see what develops.

The daffs are looking good, giving them a feed & putting the ash from the pellet fire seems to have agreed with them.

Christchurch, New Zealand

never noticed this colouration before - I don't think the edging was as bright in previous years.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

and this one is a bit different too

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

voted ChCh's 2nd favourite flower, only the rose polled higher.
there are drifts of daffodils planted on median strips around the city as well as the daffodil lawn in Hagley park & along the banks of the Avon.
this year it is harder to enjoy them as many areas are still cordoned off.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

teresa,the more you look into daffodils,the more you will see...New Zealanders are renowned for having some of the best daffs in the world---- and arent i blessed to have my birthday wishes publicised to the world--thank you,.,.10 years tomorrow,since i stopped smoking[ and if i hadnt, i dont think id be here today],.,.heres cheers to everyone!!!!-anthony

western sydney nsw, Australia

Anthony Hope you had a great day a late very happy Birthday.
Chrissy the wind was here also so I rang the daughter inlaw and we had a extra shopping day the only way to keep out of the wind .
Diane I think your new garden ornament is fab.
Marleneann I love your BORN OF THE EARTH display good luck hope you win a place with them bet they were fun to do.
I know its only September but saw my first Christmas trees and decorations for sale to day seems they are in the shops earler every year pity the poor little ones seeing them and not understanding why Santa is not coming for such a long time .------elaine.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Cold & dull here again. One despairs of ever seeing some sun. but it will appear.
I must not complain when it gets hot or hubby will toss me out in the garden.
I didnt do much yesterday in the garden , but I did take a few cuttings of my parrot plant and put them in the greenhouse.
It is growing very well in the shadehouse, so I thought I should have a few more around.
I am very pleased with the growth on my 2 Daphnes. One white, the other the normal pink. They have doubled their growth since being in the shadehouse.
I found a couple of small pots of things that I had lost behind bigger plants. One is a mystery until it grows a bit more and the other is a. seedling of my black hellebore .

Hello Anthony. Hubby gave up smoking ten years ago too. Congrats, I'm sure you feel a s spry as your daffies now.

Teresa, those daffs are very lovely. I like the edges. . Daffs deserve to be widely planted as they are so easy care and look so bright on dull spring days.

Hello Elaine, good idea to go shopping out of the wind. What did you buy ?

Lovely craft work Marlene.

Hello Chrissy, lovely to see you popping in . I hope all is going well with your brother .
I think you will be having a lovely surprise next year when all those chopped brugs grow twice as much.

Dianne, very pretty fritillary . I love mauves & purples. I should try some here. I have never seen any fritillaries growing anywhere, only pictures.

Colleen, How are you going to spend all your leisure while the boys are away ?
Lots of garden time , I bet.
Your shadehouse will be full of broms by now. I may have to get a few of the large pups off my mums so there is a bit more room in mine.

Charleen, are you getting lots of Fall color on the trees now ? I do hope the awful heat has eased for you all.
Our thoughts are with everyone in the USA on this day of rememberence for 9/11.

Hello Karen, Pam and anyone else out there.
I am going to look around the garden today and see what else I can get cuttings from.
I still have some weeds to get rid of but while its wet, they have to stay there.

Keep warm and safe.
Try this Dutch Apple Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I love the weather this week. Even had a couple days with NO airconditioner, not today, it warmed up a little. But still so nice outside. I love the Fall and Spring.
I'm sure there will be leaf changes as it has been so dry. I know there have been several trees die from lack of moisture.

western sydney nsw, Australia

A beautiful morning but now a stray puff of cold wind plays around then moves on and odd spots of rain .
Yesterdays shopping was nothing breathtaking Spotlight had furnishing material $2 per metre so got a few metres of bright colours always handy to make cushins for out side. but most was dark colours
they had cheap silk cushin covers they will be nice to put into gift parcels at Christmas .Some chair covers half price.
Then at the warehouse I bought a moon chair I dont know why its called a moon chair when really its a saucer chair from the 70's, needed a new flag mine was so faded , it does not seem like much but I had the back seat full and Trish had a full boot of her buys.

To-day since I arrived home after lunch I have started to move things around in the BBQarea I have taken down shelfs moved some plants around and rearranged one wall so far .Now time to take a rest. elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
barmera, Australia

Good afternoon everyone. We've had a few showers of rain today but not too cold, a little wind. Marlene the arrangements are lovely. I hope you won some prizes with them. Have been out taking some pics so will share some with you. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Elaine it looks are though you had a great shopping time. Here's another pic. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
western sydney nsw, Australia

Colleen I love shopping but I only buy if its marked down. Most of the fun for me is finding the markdowns.----elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut

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