Merino, Australia

Here we are , moved for the first of the month.
We came from here.
I have to run as its shopping day. I will be looking out for orphans but we have a lot to do today so have to get going.
Enjoy your day and keep safe and warm.
Happy day,

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month.....
Pretty blossoms, Jean.

I had to include this link....a teacher in the UK was sacked for having another job on the side....
He is a very respected person, so they reconsidered.......He teaches sex education and is a counsellor.....I bet the girls love him.
He can do my housework anyday......he's very versatile...though I would prefer not sans pants.

Hi Pam......post a pic of your new dog and Max when you can.....the Tawny Frogmouths are cute aren't they...they are around here but I've never seen a nest.
Chrissy, the boxes would be ideal for your veggies...easy to look after for you too...you don't want to much work while you're looking after George...
Have a happy day all.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2011 10:00 AM

Whew very tired tonight and lots to talk about re all your posts ... so I will do that tomorrow ...hi Pam ^_^
and everyone !!!!
Talk after the nurse tomorrow OK enjoy your evening.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Still beautiful weather here. I'm in the proceeds of getting my bathroom renovated and a new back fence so have been a bit busy. I'm getting the bath taken out and a new shower and vanity put in and new tiles for the wall and tiles and painted. I a bit at a lose as to what size tiles to get. The builder says go with the big ones but I don't want "modern". Brown floor tiles and white wall tiles he reckons. Yuk!!!! It will look like one of those renovation houses on TV. I want cream with flowers on some of the tiles for the wall. He reckons I will be sick of them in a year but who gets sick of flowers? Not me. Anyway he reckons I probably wont be able to find the flower tiles anywhere. We'll see. John is coming to see the boys for Father's Day. They have cards for him that they made and a key hanger that they made at Cubs. The school is great with them and print out material for uncles and grans. They don't miss out on the excitement with the other kids so they don't feel left out. Well nearly time for the boys to wake although I expect to have to wake them this morning as it was Cubs last night and they go to bed a bit later on those nights. By the time I get them and they have their showers and something to nibble on and wind down from all the excitement it's usually about 9.30 when they go to sleep. Must go. I'll try to get back later with a pic of the Vulsas' Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining and it looks like being a lovely as was yesterday. I ended up with a little orphan salvia. It is quite a nice size and will look lovely among the others. Its a white so will set off the red and purple around where it will go.
we have to go back to Hamilton this morning as hubby left a shopping bag with his medication in on the seat in the cafe.

Hello Chrissy, dont forget to have a bit of a relax yourself.
Go sit in the sun for a little while and enjoy your garden.

Dianne and Colleen, sounds like you both have a garden full of lovely brug babies coming on. I wish mine would grow faster.

Hello Teresa, we will look forward to seeing your pics of how you ride the bus to work.

Hello Anthony, Pam, Karen and Elaine
Also Charleen and Louise.

Better move as hubby wants to get back before lunch.
I may be able to convince him we need to have lunch while we are out and maybe adrive to the waterfalls .

Have happy day. and enjoy a few of these tasty mixed pastries.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning Jean. I thought that " someone" might like some cream with those pastries. lol Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

Good morning...
Nice morning, thick fog so it should be a lovely day..

Colleen, stick to your guns and have your cream tiles..if your bathroom is the average size a different colour on the floor will make it look small...
I have always had little feature tiles in my bathrooms and never been sick of them....there is a lovely
little feature tile with gum leaves that is still available....shops that do renos on federation homes have the floral tiles......I had cream with the gum leaves...wish I had them here.
Just be careful that the floor tiles aren't the slippery ones...
Your John is a very thoughtful young man....the boys will enjoy their father's day activities.

Jean, I hope that you have a pleasant drive after you pick up your parcel....the waterfall should be lovely.
Have a great day everyone...

western sydney nsw, Australia

How lucky I am had the grandson dig a new garden this morning and we found there is a big pipe underground thate does not show on any sewerage or water service diagrams must run right next to where I dug the pond I was going to plant two Oleander I know they have big roots not good over pipes so now thinking about a Yacca in the center and succulents around will get sun most of the afternoon in summer.-------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

day off today, or was it,.,.benching the daffs for the show this weekend[ for me and molly]- im absolutely exhausted,.,.hello to everyone- anthony

Christchurch, New Zealand

quick post before I head to bed... took me ages to catch up on the threads here...
just one of the pics from my walk to work in the mornings, it takes half an hour but is far quicker than taking two more buses.
Anyway spring has sprung - blossoms are out & the sunshine is glorious, still chilly in the mornings & at night, we are getting a good frost tomorrow morning but at least the 3rd polar blast didn't hit so hard & aside from a light dust of 'icing sugar' on the Port hills we didn't get any more snow.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Clifton Springs, Australia

Good morning on this windy morning.
Kettle is on and the cups are on the table...Colleen are you joining us this morning?
I think that Chrissy should have another cup of coffee before she starts her busy day.
Jean, can you see anyone else dropping in?

Anthony, the best of luck to you and Molly today.....don't forget the pics...
How about those Cats....if we don't win another game this year it was worth it.
Teresa, it's far nicer to walk on a lovely morning and check out everyone's gardens...
Elaine, it's amazing how these pipes get where they do.....we once put a big hole in a plastic stormwater pipe that we didn't know was there....

We are off to the Bacchus Marsh market this morning...it's the best plant market around..I might find a yellow Sanguinea or a yellow Cantua....

Good gardening everyone.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
The sun is still shining here but the wind is back.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and I enjoyed wandering around Hamilton again and a nice lunch. We didnt go to the waterfalls as they are still very full and its not so pretty watching dirty water pouring over. Much nicer when it settles to a nice clean picturesque run. Maybe later in spring if the rain doesnt keep coming.
Thanks for putting the kettle on Dianne and setting out the china. . I have been out putting the washing in the machine. A good drying day today . The wind is not too bad but there were a few strong gusts earlier.
I am going to repot the rest of the brugs today. I will then have all of them in good size pots that I can tip out and trim each year. The rest are in the ground.
I now have room for all the babies coming on.

Teresa. it looks like you have a pretty walk to work now, but later in summer and in winter you will be on those other buses.
It can be a pain changing buses.
I had to at a job years ago and I always used to wonder whether I had missed the bus when I got to the bus stop as I was usually the only one waiting.

Hello Elaine. What a lucky thing you found that pipe. Could have been a lot of trouble later when any trees grew and maybe broke it.
I wonder how many houses have pipes in odd places from years ago when people just put them anywhere.
Here we have to look for a bit of green grass in odd p laces if there is a water leak. Pipes just run willy nilly around the place.
At the farmhouse I was renting before I met hubby, a pipe had to be found and replaced. When the owner and I eventually found the leak. we were amazed to see that the 'pipe ' was a garden hose that had been joined to another pipe and buried.

Anthony, best of luck at the daff show. You will , of course, come home with all the prizes. Except for the ones Molly will win. lol.

Thanks for the cream Colleen, I am sure Brian would want cream on his pastries.

Hello Chrissy, Pam, Karen and everyone else.
Here something nice to have with your cuppa. Coffee & Walnut Cake
Happy day and enjoy the weekend.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. Have been very busy today and have just had time to see what everyone's been up to. I still have a couple of extra kids here but they're playing very nicely with the Lego and having an icecream in a cone. It's been pretty warm here today but it looks like wind coming by the looks of the sky. I have another Arborea flower nearly out so will be making out I'm a hawkmoth very soon. Sorry I didn't make it in to have an early cuppa with you Dianne. I wish we had big plant markets here, The few little plant sales that are here don't have any hard to get plants usually. Well must go still have things to do. I'm getting quite weary actually. Colleen

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Where did my day go? Im exhausted again.,,.Not much to boast about,.,.1st -2nd novice miniature daff. 2nd[up 2 levels]restricted miniature daff..Lenah Valley club champion[2nd time this year][3 distinct daffs] 1st and 3rd,.1st 2nd 3rd single daff [club level] 1st 2nd 3rd other flower not mentioned[club level]1st orchid stem [club level] 2nd rhodo [club level] 2nd camellia[lovely pink][club level] 2nd open floral art[themed cris-cross] 2nd wattle stem ,1st and 3rd[other bulb/tuber/rhizome][club level,,.,.,.,.Molly-3rd novice floral art, [themed blue on blue] shes' 2 'next week,..,not bad for her first entry ,2nd with her famous great grandmothers magnolia ,1-2nd blossom stem,.,.,.,.Phew,.,.my toungue is worn out from talking to people..,wont be long out of bed and back into it tomorrow[show commitee]-anthony

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello everyone!
It may be spring but it is still quite cool here at Buderim.
Did some work in the garden today.

Tomorrow we are going up to Toowoomba to spend some time with my son and his family. Long drive...two and a half hours to get there. That is a five hour drive tomorrow as we have to be back Monday for hubby's doctor appointment.

Picture of Iris that popped out yesterday.

Thumbnail by Marleneann
barmera, Australia

Congratulations to both you and Molly, Anthony. Good work and you deserve to be worn out. Put your feet up and watch the footy. Colleen

se qld, Australia

Good morning all, and happy fathers day to our Dads here.

Colleen, I get the impression your tiler doesn't realize that YOU are the client. It seems the days of tradespeople bending over backwards to please the customer are long gone, or rather, the ones that really care about the job they do are getting thinner on the ground. As already said, stick to your guns and don't settle for anything you won't be happy to live with for a lot of years. BROWN is likely to date as fast as it did last time around, and the rest of your life is a long time to put up with something you hate.

Off to get coffee, will be back later

Clifton Springs, Australia

Good morning everyone.

Lots and lots of plants at the market yesterday....2ft high M.stellata for $15 in full flower...plenty of Camellias, Azaleas and native orchids at good prices......For all of the Clivia fans there was a stall with all different shades of orange and lots of the cream ones, plus a rare Chinese one with a double flower for $45.....evidently there are lots of Clivia fanciers in Bacchus Marsh..there was a show coming up soon.
I came home empty handed...my husband was very pleased..lol

Congrats again to you and Molly, Anthony.....you must be pleased with your efforts...Which mini Daff did you win the prizes with?

Pam, how is your new dog?....

Marlene, hope you have a lovely day with your family today....

Well, it's quite warm here...so I'll be watering a few things this morning....can't rely on the forecast...

Have a happy day..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. A bit overcast but not too cool this morning and NO WIND.as yet. I met another brom aholic yesterday. She said that she might have some plants that I haven't and we might be able to do swapsies. She actually talks brom talk so I might be able to improve my knowledge , which, mind you, is very limited at this stage. Pam, no-one, but no-one tells me what to put in MY house so he hasn't got any hope. He has come up with an excellent quote though. The back fence is a bit more than I had anticipated but for the both, bathroom and fence, I will come out about right. I will have a wider entrance with the 2 gates and a brand new colour bond fence. My son will be here today for the boys to give him his Father's day gifts and cards. They are very excited. All the Dads out there enjoy your day. I'll be back later. Colleen

.*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*'Happy Fathers Day.*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*'
to all the fathers and father figures in Australia .*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*'.*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*'
.*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*' ♥

Good morning everyone !!!
People coming so just a quick hello and wishing everyone a great day.
Back later.

.*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*' ♥.*☆✿❀✿❀✿☆*'

Brisbane, Australia

Hope all the Dads out there have a great day. Nice iris, Marlene.

Hello everyone. Beautiful morning here. Buds everywhere. Can't wait for everything to bloom. This little pink rock orchid is peeping out from among other plants. Hard to photograph with my camera as the flowers are quite small.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.


Thumbnail by DawnSong
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I'm glad the forecast thunderstorm didnt arrive last night. A little rain but not enough to water the pots so I'll get to them later this morning.

Anthony, congrats to you & Molly. You will need a special wall to display all your awards. I bet Molly was so excited. How is Cocky going these days ?

Dianne, love your clivias. they are the same as mine.
I have a lot of seedling ones coming on. I have more of the yellow , peach and cream . I also now have some of the wider leaf Chinese ones. Somehow they are turning into a ( dare I say it ) "collection"
If I ever see a market around here, it usually as Colleen said, just the common plants that I already have plenty of.

Colleen, I see you, Dianne & Lucas are doing well with your brug babies. I might have a bit of land here but its all very open so your yards would be much more sheltered. for them.
If anything grows here, it is slower but ends up pretty hardy.
Stand firm on your tile ideas too. I see so many homes on TV where the "designers and /or consultants" seem to have no idea what color schemes one can live with. I often wonder how many times they change their own decor because they get tired of a color.
Same with all these designer gardens. Who would want to live with them.

Hello Pam, Karen, Chrissy and Teresa.
Hello Elaine. Hope you are all going well and not too many aches & pains.

Charleen and Louise. Are you getting more of the nicer Fall weather starting or still in the awful heat.?

Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there.

I am going to plant out a few rooted cuttings today plus throw a bit more fertiliser around.
The wind has gone so I may even get out a bit of Roundup.
Stay safe and warm everyone. Enjoy this yummy Chocolate Cake with a nice cuppa.
Happy day

This message was edited Sep 4, 2011 8:57 AM

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Dianne,'ferdie' twice and 'snook',.,.Molly drew a picture of me on her 'poppys day' card,and i didnt realise my beard had become so long,..,Alison came and helped me pack up from the show and i was so happy she did,'i was so worn out' - anyway,maybe a couple of pictures this week- goodnight,anthony

I hope you had a great day Anthony ...we had the water at our in our area go missing for 8 hours would you believe ?
Still don't know what happened ...piles of dishes, piles of washing ...so see you all after the Nurse tomorrow ...hoping everyone had a great day.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Very quiet here. yesterday was cold & windy with a few showers. Not a day for doing much outside, but I did get my little tillandsias and move them to the brom greenhouse.
I thought they might like the better light and keep warm on the cold days.
lots of bulbs appearing everywhere still. I love the way the asiatics seem to grow inches overnight.
I am still watching buds on a couple of brugs but I think we need a lot more sun to encourage them to bloom.

Anthony, looking forward to seeing all your bulb pics as they flower.
I found another pretty daff out . It is a large one and all white. Must have come from one of those mystery bags of bulb I have bought at fetes etc.
Lots of smaller yellow ones that always come out just after the big boys.

Hello Chrissy , hope all is well with your water now. Are you managing to get some garden time each day ?

hello everyone else. Very quiet in the Tea Room. You are all very busy in your spring gardens now I would think.
Heres a few lovely Cream Cakes for anyone coming in for a cuppa.
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Nice day ahead, I hope.

Jean, those wide leaf Clivias are the ones that they were selling for $45, I remember when the cream ones were that price...
Chrissy, what a pain without water all that time...wonder what caused it.
Anthony.....isn't it great when your grandkids draw you....they are so honest...LOL
Good of Allison to help you clean up....especially on Father's day...

Hope everyone had a good day....especially your boys Colleen...
Back later..

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Beautiful morning here. We had a little wind here yesterday but it calmed down and turned into a wonderful day. The boys gave John all his Uncle's Day gifts and he made a big fuss of them and they were tinkled pink that Uncle John loved their gifts so much. He's taking them for a motor bike ride after school today so they're pretty excited about that. We're going to do some more tidying up today and move the chook cage right up the back and make arrangement to put the cacti over that side of the yard away from under the pine trees. The pots are getting full of nettles where they are so it should be good for them. I might have to put up a bit of shade in the hottest weather but I think they will flower better being in full sun. I have some buds on the Reynella Orange, Munchausen? cuttings that John got for me. I'll be able to see the flower first hand now and take a pic of it for you all to see. The flowers that I did see were beautiful. Well had better go and get these boys ready for school. Be back later. Colleen

Christchurch, New Zealand

I have at least one lily coming up... just spotted it when I spent a brief moment in the garden...

anyone want to walk with me to work?

hope this link works... will do a photobucket album later for those who don't FB.
cheers - Teresa

se qld, Australia

It says we don't have permission to view it , Teresa.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. its raining here. Not too bad a day yesterday if one stayed out of the wind. A bit of rain will be good for the pot plants.
I potted my baby brugs and a few other things in the greenhouse . Nothing will get done today as I have run out of anything I can do inside the greenhouse.
The ferns etc are growing quickly in the fern house. I had a bit of a clean up a few weeks ago down there as there were a few pots where things had died . I moved the pots out and left them until I got around to emptying them and putting them away.
Looking yesterday, I found a fern had regrown in just a week or so.
It was definitely looking very dead and had no shoots for over a year.
I dont know what encouraged it ti grow again, but its back with friends in the fern house.
Maybe the fright of being out in the open

Teresa, I couldnt view your clip either. Maybe you could post a few pics for us to see.

Hello Colleen, Dianne, Chrissy, Elaine, Pam, Karen and Anthony.
hope all is well with you all.
Charleen I hope you and Louise are safe and well over there.

I am off to be domestic again. I cant get outside so I'll annoy hubby by dusting everything in sight. and getting out the vacuum cleaner.
Have a great day and enjoy those lovely gardens.
Heres your tasty treat for the day. .. Black Forest Cake.
Happy gardening.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We have been getting some rain and even had a Tornado watch, earlier this evening in North Ga.
I am so happy for the rain, but not much for the tornado. This will help my plants, it has been so dry here.
Anthony is doing Daffodils and I'm seeing iris are blooming down your way. Happy Spring you all ..

Brisbane, Australia

Hello Jean, and everyone. Charleen, so glad you got some rain. So far here we have had perfect Spring weather, with odd patches of rain and sunshine alternating. The first storm of the season missed us, but dumped some much needed rain on the ground. We've been so lucky here to have missed out on the worst of everything weatherwise. I hope it keeps up.

Keep well and safe and have a really great day, just because you can!!!


Clifton Springs, Australia

Charleen, do you get many Tornados in Georgia?....just had a thought..what happens to your animals in a Tornado...I would imagine the dogs go into the basement if you have one, but what happens to the Longears?....glad that your garden had a bit of rain...did your temperatures drop much?

Looking forward to the walk to work, Teresa.....

Glad that you are having a pleasant spring Karen...I'm surprised that you have been dry...everytime I look at the east coast on the weather map...it seems to be raining everywhere....It must be only NSW.

Ferns are very tough, aren't they Jean...I pulled out heaps last year and they are all back again....It's not Fishbone, but it's tough...I must take a pic one day to have it ID'd.....it's a nice fern....but it creeps...
First of the Sweet Peas..very early..

Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

now the show is over, my daffodils are coming out ''en masse''.-- now my computer wont accept the camera,..,i'll try again tomorrow.-anthony

Christchurch, New Zealand

hope this link works better...


Thumbnail by dalfyre
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They just go get under a tree, we have a carpot but they don't use it very good/
They were in my little chicken house this morning

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its really chilly here this morning. Not the usual windy cold , but a real 'nearly a frost' icy chill.
It rained most of the afternoon yesterday with some heavy hail around 2pm . Luckily it didnt last long and no plant damage bar the odd hole in any large leaves.
I keep looking at the weeds happily growing and laughing because its too wet for me to get at them.
I will have my revenge later when things are drier and I get out the Roundup.

Anthony, your daffies must look lovely. Isnt it always the way though , that flowers come out after the event.
I have so many baby liliums coming up and all yours are showing their heads too.
Those seeds, are showing some green too. I am so pleased .

Teresa, what a lovely walk to work you have, its just a pity that those beautiful old buildings are so damaged . All the emptiness of the streets is sad.

Charleen, I think most animals have a lot more sense than humans. They know where to get out of harms way.
I can just picture Charley and friends clumping down into a storm cellar if you had one.

Hello Colleen and Dianne.
My winter hippie is almost out. . Maybe I should call it a spring hippie.

Hello Elaine , Pam, Karen and Chrissy.
I hope your weather is a bit warmer than here.

I am going back to the warmer room. with my cuppa.

Have a great day and enjoy those gardens. Everything is growing so well now .
Try this Chocolate Marble Bread with your cuppa.
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. The chook house has been rebuilt, the old fence around the chook house has been pulled down and disposed of and a bit of cleaning up done. The other chook house is going right up the back along side the new one and the galahs are going in there. I'm going to put all the cactus in pots out from under the pine trees. The pine nettles are making too much mess in them. The new back fence should go up next week and that will make things look heaps better up there. Might even make more room for brugs. lol I haven't been to look at tiles as yet. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for me at the moment. Must go. Boys to get ready for school and then the day to myself because John has gone back home now. Hope all are well and I'll be back later. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all,
Ditto with the hail,Jean.....brief but very heavy, the leaves of the Brugs were weighed down with it.
I thought that the buds were goners, but none fell off...thank goodness.

Mick has to have his feet trimmed this morning, so I fill my pockets with chopped carrots...
He must have had a bad experience when he was young, he is always planning mischief when the farrier picks up his back leg....luckily we have a very smart farrier, who is always one step ahead.

Well the sun is out so hopefully it will still be warm....

Back later.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Out for a walk so a big wave as I pass ------elaine

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