What's happening in your neck of the woods friends , Fall/11

Victoria Harbour, ON

Fair circuit started here as well "M"... You must have kept all the nice Ontario weather for yourself. Watch if it's not a sunshine day tomorrow.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Murphy's Law Betty .. 'the first day back to work after a 'bad weather' holiday weekend, is, beautiful '!!

Busy week on tap, sure hope I am UP for it .. physio 3x and Lorna has a follow up gyne appt as well as blood work and a visit to the prosthetist to have her prosthesis evaluated .. it's a bit loose ..

Must be 'something' out back as both dogs are fussing, I turned the floods on , and that's as far as I will investigate at this hour without back up LoL

The shoulder is S L O W L Y coming around .. I do doubt it will EVER be 100% better, but, I can, and WILL live with even 50% better. Going to have to be aware of anything I do, or intend to do, that involves its usage.

Take care all ^_^


Victoria Harbour, ON

Glad you are felling better "M"' that alone should give you. Something to smile about today! Hope all doctors results come back without a problem..

Last night I received a pre recorded notice from community watch, apparently there have been many coyotes roaming the streets where I live, warning us to keep our furries indoors. Apparently one is injured and not sure if there is rabies..


oh my Betty - we have coyotes here too, and people are warned not to leave their pets outside. Most of the dogs here are little ones and would be a big snack for a coyote!

Marilyn - you're right, of course - 50% better is still "better", right?! I pray your shoulder will heal much better than that - perhaps 90%!!

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Someone put the coffee on, or, boil the kettle for a cuppa .. I came home from physio and lo and behold ..MORE blueberries were left for us ..
So .. I made TARTS .. lots and lots of tarts ... would love to share with you as the berries are so lovely !!!
I am sending a pic (or 2) .. cyberly enjoy ^_^

Physio was BRUTAL .. but .. 'NO pain, NO gain' .. I do find I have more unrestricted mov't .. so .. finger crossed!

Yikes .. Coyotes ? We have the ever present Timber wolves around this area .. the farmers will shoot first and ask questions last where they are concerned. .. far too many precious milking cows and beef cattle in this neck of the woods, as well as pets and children.

Feel for Lorna .. she sees the gyne tomorrow .. will know the results of her ultra sound done last week .. if he isn't happy she will be having a 'procedure' in the office a tad more invasive than a PAP .. so .. think positive thoughts that he is happy with the results !!!

Off to cook dinner ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS

positive thoughts and prayers for Lorna - I know this is a scary concept.........
mmmmmmmm blueberry tarts!!!!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all, just made the 50's this morning...brrrr...not fond of having to wear heavy clothing, best thank my lucky stars I'm not having to wear snow boots..

Yummy, yummy in the tummy..those tarts have my mouth watering!

Sending prayers for Lorna...may she have good results


It's 20c (68F) here, and not even 11am!
It's supposed to get to 28c (82F) but I'm sure it will get hotter.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

YAHOO!!! All clear with Lorna, nothing 'invasive' happened, and she was SO happy if she could have SKIPPED out of the clinic she would have, so, I did it for her (after there was nobody around) LoL

Gord is out picking Highbush Cranberries, so, I take it my afternoon will be spent making jelly IF I have enough sugar ..

Headed up to 29C here today, a fantazmaglorical typa day ^_^

Thanks for everyones positive thoughts .. they WORKED !!!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Wonderful news "M" I'm skipping for her as well..now what kind of berries are those..meant to add, Lord does have miracles for the asking (prayers) ...

I've a crabapple tree just ladden with apples, poor limbs are touching the ground..don't know anyone who would want them..guess if I just leave them the birdies will feast all winter..

Susan, guess we'll be having lots of those days where it's cool evenings and mornings with afternoon sunshine...

I've a long sleeved blouse on and I still feel chilled..perhaps someone should tell them to turn their a/c off lol

you sampling those cakes?

This message was edited Sep 7, 2011 4:12 PM


LOL M fantazmaglorical day, eh? Here, too! 29c!!
Nope, not sampling - made sure they were cool, and will soak 'em every Friday, and have 'em in a lower cabinet (heat rises, doncha know, and need to keep 'em mold-free!! Not that mold will happen with all that rum!!)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Lorna!! So glad there's nothing invasive - if I could skip, I would!!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Never thought about them going moldy Susan....

Kyle just left after getting the laptop I bought today up and running..the knowledge these kids have is mind boggling, after he downloaded everything he was doing this and that, couldn't even see what he was doing let understand it..told him to show me a few things at a time instead of same night...he forgets grandma is old lol

Tired so it's an early night..working from home so easy day tomorrow!

Hope you've all had a good day



I'm not so sure they Could, with all the alcohol in them lol. Anyway, I keep them in a cool spot, and they're cooled before I seal them anyway.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning all

Happy day, even though it's overcast and a chill in the air, am working from home today and likely tomorrow so makes for an enjoyable 4 days...as I look out I see the sun trying it's best to peek out but not so sure it can...

I'll get the floors done, some dusting and then I'll spend the day sewing, have to be inside should someone call so I have enough to keep me busy for sure.

What is in your plans for today..anything special?

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Looks like another 'stellar nothern ontario' day .. sun is shining and highs near 26C are expected.

I am off to physio later this morning, then home to make more cranberry jelly ..had to stop at 7 jars yesterday as I ran out of sugar.
Am thinkin I'll be giving away lots as there's noway we'll consume this much cranberry jelly !! LoL
Messy little venture I must say .. almost looked as though someone had been slain in my kitchen at one point !!!

Off n runnin


Victoria Harbour, ON

Drats, now if I lived closer I could enjoy a jar...any idea what I can do with a zillion crabapples?

Sun is finally making it's way through the clouds..looked at the weather station, sunshine day tomorrow and Saturday..clouds on Sunday and light chance if rain..

Time for breakfast....


crabapple jelly comes to mind, and can't you just freeze the crabapples to work with them later, too? I know you can do that with tomatoes......

Went to Bible Study this am, and 2nd choir practice of the season tonight..... today I'm housecleaning lol :-D

Victoria Harbour, ON

You sure are keeping busy Susan..were you not suppose to hear any day about one of those jobs?


Bob just told me 3/4 of an hour ago about my getting a call 3 hours previously from one of them. Now I can't get through to the woman who called (she's one of the Shannons, re: Care Home position she wanted to put my name forth for.)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Isn't that something, hope it's to say you got the job..that would make you and Dave..things come in 3's


I didn't get the job - she phoned to say the company got someone on their own, without the use of her Employment Agency.
Never mind - something will come about.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I don't think you can freeze the crabapples, but you can freeze the juice and make the jelly later.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Betty, I once soaked crabs in a mixture of brandy and cinnamon sticks, in a huge glass pickle jar. After a month or so had passed I tried one, not too bad, certainly took my breath away, but, for the life of me, I could NOT decide how to serve them. As a result, they sat and sat, and got shifted about, and , finally I threw them out
Lotsa folks up this way make crabapple jelly ..

Susan, good luck with the job market search. Was going to suggest a stint with 'Elections Canada, but, I don't think Alberta is 'IN' on the October election.

Off to take Lorna for her blood work, then some shopping, home to check on the dogs and then back to town for an appt with the prosthetist .. her prosthesis needs some further tweaking as it's gettting a bit loose.
Have decided to pick up some Thai food for supper as it is AGAIN going to be another scorcher here. I have a feeling we may have hit a record high yesterday .. in the low 30s !!



Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm just hoping Ann that leaving them on the tree might give birdies something to eat this winter..concerned if I don't take them off the tree it will damage it come spring.

How have you been? I always get so excited when I see your posts, you are always up to something so exciting!

It's a sunshine day in my neighborhood..will work from home again today! Almost feel guilty staying home, Monday being a holiday, then home working yesterday and then again today!

Might give me time though to organize my thoughts on mom's 80th birthday celebration I'm having here a week tomorrow...much to do but most of it cannot be done until Friday/Saturday but if everything is on a 'to do and need list' it will make things less confusing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Wow "M" you sure have had a sopummer to remember weather wise. They were saying just the other day that we'll have a hotter than normal fall and very dry...could it last until Christmas Eve?? Not sure why but for the very first time in many many years I'm looking forward to winter...crazy isn't it? Maybe because if all goes according to plan I can just stay home and work ad not worry about driving.

Hmmm never imagined that once you had a prosthesis limb it would mean so many tweaks..

Enjoy your day in the sunshine and especially not having to cook tonight.


Marilyn- we are in the Election - just that Alberta doesn't do a lot of letting the citizens know LOL I keep getting a call from someone wanting me to vote for them (they leave a voice mail cuz for some reason they always call when I'm out....). I've never worked for Elections Canada, but I heard it's difficult to get on and I would likely start stuffing mailboxes and my legs could never take it!

Well, back to my applique work on my Chartiy Quilt squares!

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Guys
Popping in to say I've been lurking and now I'm off to Kaui for a Niece's wedding. Be back in a week! My DH is staying home and will tend the garden.
Alberta Ann


Aloha Hawaii bound, Ann!!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I don't think Alberta has a provincial election until 2012. What we do have going is Liberal and Conservative 'races' for leadership.

Having a busy time with appointments. Started the new denture procedure on Tuesday, have had 2 of 5 regular appointments ( making molds) should be all done towards end of month.The clinic is only about 3 blocks away so I can walk over.
Also went to see my doc this morning for a req for regular 3 month blood work ( prediabetc) and last lab results were normal! If this one is also normal will go to testing every 6 months.
She also took a look at a funny growth I have on my face on the temple and thinks it looks like a basal cell carcinoma so a biopsy next week and might have to go to a dermatolgical surgeon to get total removal.
Very common, not a huge concern.
And my leg is doing very nicely but always feels a bit weak so accupuncturist suggests go back to physio to get some strengthening exercises which I will do next week!
Oh and my doc has prescribed an antidepressant meds as I seem to have been rather depressed this summer.
Lots going on medically speaking.

Finished going thru the clothes closet, passed on lots of things to Sally Anne and have about half a dozen items to be altered. Then I will go shop for a few new winter pieces.
Next agenda item is to pull out all the packed stored china down in the basement and make a decision if I want to keep any of it.
Finally booked my flights to Toronto- going for about a week just after Thanksgiving. Just long enough to visit with family and a few friends.
Here's the new ( twin) sofa bed- about 1/3 shorter than the older one. That left space to move the file cabinet to a more convenient spot and serves as side table too.

Have a great time in Hawaii Ann!

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Victoria Harbour, ON

Alberta Ann, have a wonderful time! Does your niece live in Hawaii..wow..that is exciting!

Carol, I would think after all you have recently gone through it would be enough set you into a depression..hope the meds help! Wonderful that the blood tests have come back with good results..you must dread these check ups.

Love the new twin sofa bed..gives you room should someone visit and more room on a daily basis.

What end of Toronto are you traveling to? Nice time to travel!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I will be in Mississauga

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Alberta Ann, have an amazing time in Kaui .. I hope your niece's wedding is beautiful ... with a setting like that, how could it not be.
Travel safe.

Carol, nice sofa bed. I had a queen sized one once, my goodness was it heavy .. gave it away and bought a day bed with a trundle, now I'm thinking of replacing that with a large Lazy Boy chair that you can sleep in. Would give me more room .. only thing is, I really LIKE the day bed .
Enjoy your time 'down east' ..
Was pretty sure re the election and Alberta ... each day here there are more and more signs popping up here, and, as you can imagine, the political rhetoric on TV and radio is getting more and more annoying.

Betty, Lorna will not be 'in' her final, complete prosthetic leg for another year !!! Hard to believe huh?
Friday the prosthetist lined the socket (the part her residual leg goes into) to make it snugger .. as the residual leg shrinks in diameter, more tweaking will be needed .. it's quite the procedure I can assure you.. She is extremely happy with the fit right now, but will have to put up with a wee bit of discomfort over the weekend as her stump re settles.

The Thai food was so so. I have no allergy or sensitivity to peanuts, but, I think my digestive system would prefer I NOT eat foods cooked with 'peanut oil' .. just a bit heavy .. the Spring Roll was good though.

Am trying the 'delay' feature on my washing machine for the first time. If all goes according to plan, it should come on at 6am .. with hydro wanting people to follow their schedule I now find doing laundry on weekends a bit much .. if this feature works well, I can throw in extra loads during the week .. I hang the laundry on the line as opposed to using the dryer 90% of the time.

Here I be, up sharing the gorgeous full moon with Lilly on my lap and an ice pack on my shoulder .. I am noticing a bit of a difference in range of motion re the shoulder now, crossing my fingers it continues ..

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend ..


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

BONK BONK BONK !!! Back to the drawing board with the DELAY feature and the washer .. I woke up at 6:15am and thought I'd hear something, nope, got up and looked and the machine had shut off .. so .. I started it myself .. musta missed a step :-(

Looks like another beauteous day ...


Victoria Harbour, ON

Absolutely a gorgeous day here, sun is so bright this morning that all the green are brilliant in shades of color, add a few leaves that are turning and it's nothing but spectacular...

"M" I'm pretty good T doing anything I want but vcr's, stove/washing machines and the likes, NO GO! I must miss a lot of steps..

That is a long time to wait for it..will she have the replace now and again or will it simply mean different pads..guess like gums with false teeth, the shrink, would imagine the stub changes as well..just things you never think of.

Sounds as though you've rested your shoulder a good amount of time and with exercises you are now on the mend..now don't you go and do something you should not be doing..lol

I'm in slow motion mode today, still in jammies, curling my hair and debating wether or not I want to drive to town..should really go order all the food trays/cake/buns and corsages for mom' 80th next Saturday..that way I can cross it off my list of todo's...know it will cost more going into hers and ordering the lot but my thoughts are it will be a one stop pick up of supplies, isn't that worth the extra dollars?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Marilyn that is a LazyBoy chair with a twin bed.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

'Paint me green and call me Gumby' yet again!!! Read the MANUAL .. seems after I selected the delay time I was to have also pressed 'START" .. live and learn ..

Carol .. exactly how does the 'bed' section pop out ? Like a Lazy Boy ? Or do you have to pull it out like a sofa bed ?

Betty, ONE STOP shopping/pick up is the way to go :-) Think what you save on gas !!!

Out to putz around on the property .. MAY have a wedding party stopping by to do some pics out back .. never sure, I always say just do NOT open the dog compound .. the back is looking so pretty right now .. would love to see a blushing bride and the giggly bridesmaids .. would make my day ..



~M~ Glad your shoulder is on the mend, Marilyn - keep icing it in the full moon - that may be the trick lol
LOL on the RTFM (Read the F*** manual) lol My DH doesn't like them, but I do - I figure I waste more time Not reading it.
Lovely chair/bed, Carol. Enjoy your time in Mississauga!

Well, I'm off to see why my computer doesn't have internet - I'm on Bob's and we're connected to the same internet..............

Victoria Harbour, ON

You'll be excited if it works early mornimg "M"..

I've got my order in for the platters here in town, biggest plus is if they are paid for it only takes 5 minutes to pick them up and I don't have to wonder where to chill them until mid-afternoon! while in town, 2nd time around today I stopped into the bakery, yikes they wanted 60-70 for a large slab of cake...outrageous! So it's back with plan A getting it at Zehrs, 1/2 the price.

Don't you feel rewarded when you are asked if pictures can be taken in your yard...what a lovely day for a wedding..if they come up you will have to take a couple of your own.

Just too a few photo's outmback, there are notmmany left. This week i'll pick up 6 or 7 to set around the yard to give the grounds more color for the birthday party.

Susan, hope you get back on line...

Back to yard duty!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Marilyn the seat cushion comes off and it pulls out like a sofa bed.


I'm back - while I was using my DH's computer and posting - my internet decided to pop back on..... dunno what was up with that!

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