Silver & Gold Fall Plant Swap at Critter's Sat. Sept. 10

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm getting ready to send out directions, but I wanted to check and see if the weather problems were likely to keep anybody from being able to come... As far as I can tell, we should at least be down to "chance of thunderstorms" by Saturday rather than "pouring rain and flash floods." But I know there are basements flooding, roads out, etc. in some areas, so I wanted to check.

If need be, we could think about changing the swap date to next Saturday (the 17th)... that's a little tight but do-able for us, as my family thing doesn't happen until Sunday. Let me know what would work for you, please, and we'll do what seems to work out best for more of us.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Would not work for me---I am committed to go to a Crab Feast...$35 already paid.

I would hate to miss the Swap--as I have so many things I have dug up, divides and been rooting to share.
If you need to change it--the 24th would be least to me....Hope it will work out for this Saturday.


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm hoping Saturday works out, too, and I don't know why it wouldn't... just wanted to have a contingency plan. :-)

I think the sun's going to come out tomorrow, and we won't worry about it after that.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I can still stick with this Saturday...nothing can keep me here, might be local problems but that shouldn't affect this drive. I did get the directions, jill!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

As far as I know, we aren't having much trouble with roads and such locally. So I think it will work out fine on Saturday, but I wanted to double check with folks.

Sally, the exit from 70 is totally different now, but follow the directions and it'll be easy. I like having the new extension up to East Street... easier to get downtown, and I'm hoping Little Bit & I will be going to the library this winter. There are some nice antique stores down thataway, too... I bought a lovely little sideboard last weekend; still can't believe how little I payed for it or how well it fits into the dining room. OK, guess I'm getting seriously off topic... but if anybody wants to come into town a little early, (they open at 11 on Saturday) is a fine alternative (or addition) to stopping at (which opens at 8 am)


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the heads up- seen the construction for the past five or ( forty seven???) years now and did not know it was finally done.

Hm consider it a mattter of library user solidarity and help me by going to your library! We need people who check out books (along with the internet users) I have seen quite a few that made me think ' Jill and sweetie pie would like this''.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We haven't worn out all the books on her bookcase yet (I've been picking up kids' books for years), but she is getting more interested in sitting for whole books rather than a few pages.

My friend Ashley, one of the girls who cleans for me, could use some prayers and good wishes today... she recently found out she's pregnant, and she was getting so excited, but she's having trouble. Looks like it was twins but is now one baby, so she's torn between being hopeful for the one and grieving for the one who won't be. Anyway, the relevant thing to our logistics is that they aren't coming today -- so don't look too closely at the floors! LOL

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Hello Critterologist, I'll be bringing buffalo chicken dip with corn chips and celery. It should probably be reheated once I get there. Could I use your oven to reheat it?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Ooh, that sounds really yummy, SS! Thanks! No problem using the oven... just go right ahead and do whatever you need to do, and holler if you need a hand.

Is anybody coming up though/near Falls Church who could give FoxnFirefly a ride? Or is she already coming up with somebody? I don't think we've heard from her since she posted on the 16th. If anybody thinks they could pick her up, please Dmail her asap! Thanks.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Have a wonderful party. Looking forward to pics.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I am bringing my camera---Seems I am always the Photographer de Jour....

Chantelle does it too-but she won't be coming.....Gita

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita, you make sure you get my skinny side!(If you can find it, let me know!)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Since i have never seen you (yet...)--I have NO idea which is your skinny side.
I have NO idea what you look like--or how old you are.....

To me--You are just a wonderful DG friend that i have been able to help out around this crazy Web Site...

Won't this be exciting? I bet you Jill will have name tags for us all. She usually does....
Are you bringing something for the "Gift table"? It can be anything-----garden related or not...
We usually play some sort of game to determine who gets to go pick when---like BINGO.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The game thing works pretty well during our seed swaps, but tomorrow I think we'll just pick names out of a hat... we always seem to be too busy with too many things for a game during the plant swaps. After the first name is drawn, we'll try to keep it moving... when your name is drawn, choose your "prize" and then draw the next name and tell that person it is their turn to pick.

I've got a card table by the front door to serve as our "gift table," so please put your item there and get a name tag as you come in. While many of us have met, the name tags are really handy to those who are trying to put together faces with names.

Sometimes we end up with more than enough items to go around, so once all the names are picked, if you see something there that you can use, please pick again. I have a couple of "free to good home" items under the table, also (like a birdfeeder that would work just fine if Eliot's squirrel friend didn't hang from one side and dump it, so grab it if you are relatively squirrel-free).

I can't wait to see everybody!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jill, If all works as planned we my be there by 2:30- 3:00 pm. We hope to see some of you. :-} It's 5 1/2 hours from here around DC so anything can happen. LOL Ric

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh! Oh! Hooray!! I was hoping you might be able to swing by; glad you are at least able to try... we'll hope for clear sailing!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Dear! Ric

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, Holly, that ole Susquehanna has really caused big problems. Wonder if you'll be able to get in Dover? I'm sure you've already talked to your son. We'll look forward to seeing you and Ric and everybody else. We are so glad you all are able to make it after all. We cancelled our trip up to my husband's family reunion tomorrow because of all the road closings and flooding. Not worth risking it.

Gita..we met at the Feb. seed swap. I'm so looking forward to seeing everybody again. Now I told SSGardener that this was a nice and fun group..this will be her first plant swap and she is so excited. I met her for the first time last week and what a lovely gal she is. She will fit right in with this bunch very well.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Gita. yes,.I remembered about the gift table. In fact, let me go stick it in the car now so I don't walk off and forget it. Hope I don't forget the deviled eggs..I was preparing them this morning about 4:30 am. I've unloaded the truck and reloaded the car. Don't have room for all the plants I wanted to bring but still was able to squeeze in a good number of plants. The others will stay here and I'll take them to the plant swap on 9/19 (if they are still living!)at our garden club meeting.

Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Another wonderful swap!! Everyone was friendly and generous and Jill was her usual fantastic hostess. Joyanna charmed everyone and even Eliot put in an appearance or two. A truly great day. Thank you to all who shared their plants with me, I'm sure my Anna will appreciate them.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What a great day! Plenty of sunshine, no rain and great friends and great plants. It was good to see everybody that I had met at the Feb. seed swap and to meet new gardeners. Jill, thanks for your great hospitality and your Joyanna is adorable and so smart. She was so good too. You all are so blessed that she has such a outgoing. Sorry we had to leave early but the heat was wiping Lloyd out and the walking back and forth from the car to the yard unloading the stuff, even though I helped caused him a lot of discomfort. I thought once he had both knee replacements things would be better but the neurologist picked up spinal stenois and told him to learn to live with it or have surgery. At this time he chooses not to undergo more surgery.

Thanks to all for my plants..tomorrow when I've had chance to unwind and put everything back where it belongs tomorrow, I'll come back with some questions about the plants I rec'd..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh my goodness, it was so much fun visiting with everybody today! We had such a pretty day -- just like this spring at Terri's, the weather cleared up just in time for the party.

Thanks to all of you who made the gathering such a success just by arriving with smiles and hugs! And food! Oh golly... Donnerville's dumplings, Catbird's chicken salad, Pat's choc/PB bars, melon, grapes, shrimp, chips... ssgardener brought this spicy, cheesy dip that was just wonderful... Gita introduced me to Stacy's naked pita chips and shared her recipe for clam dip... We ate a big bowl of bruschetta (tomatoes from both my garden & Irene's)... and... and I'm pretty sure I'm neglecting to mention about half the things on the table, so somebody will have to fill in the rest!

Everybody was so generous with their plants. Thank you! As you saw, I have some "blank space" in the back where the weeds of the last couple summers are finally (almost) cleared away. It'll be fun to add John's special DLs and SS's chocolate chip ajuga along my new stepping-stone path, and I lost track of how many times I said, oh, yes, please, I'd love one of those! LOL Gita brought me a monster Clivia, and I can't wait to see it bloom. I got a totally nifty bonsai that Sally brought for the gift table (it really was my turn to pick when I intercepted it, honest), and Terri (Aspenhill) brought me a bleeding heart in a mauve shade that I've never seen. Gita also brought a picture book that Joyanna loves, especially as the big snakes were a favorite at our last zoo trip (they were just curled up sleeping, or as she explained, "taking nap. tucked in!"). And Ruby brought a treasure bag of hand-alongs and other goodies for Joyanna. Thank you all, so very much!

Pippi, I hope the ride home wasn't too hard on Lloyd. He's sweet, and he's stoic, but by the time you guys were heading out he looked like maybe we should have made him join Joyanna for her nap. We're a high-energy bunch when we get together, I think!

I confess, I checked all the plants to make sure they didn't need a drink or anything and left them in the shade of the side patio until the morning. I appreciated how very little there was to clean up! Everybody pretty much took care of things as we went along, and leftover food went home with people (except the deviled eggs, because Pippi caught me looking longingly at them... I had a couple more for dinner.).

Thank you all for a spectacular day! I'm so lucky in the people I've met and friends I've made through DG. *HUGS*

It's made such a difference out there to have the gravel "patio" and all the rock borders... other husbands buy diamonds, but Jim knows the kind of rocks i like!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

"Diamonds?" What's that? We've been married 47 years and my engagement ring cost $365 and he paid that off in $15 payments. I was under 125 lbs. back then..I sure can't wear it now..wished I could turn time back for a lot of reasons..Jill, Diamonds aren't my thing either.

Can I wait till tomorrow to plant the daylilies I rec'd yesterday? It's almost daylight, I'll go outside and find a shady place for them to stay until then. Is there anything else I need to do to them to keep them till then?

Gita, do you know the name of your Mauve DL that you gave me? If I knew the name of it, I could order more to complete that flowerbed.

John and Ruby, I already know where I will plant Mary Todd and Hearts of Fire and I'll remember all of you when I enjoy their blooms next year.

Can you believe what a beautiful day it turned out to be yesterday. All our prayers were answered..NO Rain..Did you all notice how much traffic was out and about yesterday.? I guess everybody had been inside most of the week due to all the rain we had and it was like they had to escape into the bright and warm sunshine. Amazing how sunshine can brighten one's day.

Ok, it's daylight now. I'll throw on some old clothes, go outside to get the newspaper from the driveway and do some plant moving to the shade. Can't get sidetracked and waste too much time, it's Church Day and I am scheduled to be a greeter today.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you---Thank you Jill!
You did your usual amazing job!

I am most happy that I found homes for all the plants I brought.

Just a short not right now--I have to get ready for work.

Jill, I left the stripes platter the Pita Chips were on. If you can use it--keep it.
If you do not want it--tuck it away until I see you again. No biggie! I seldom use it.

Talk to you all later.....

Pippi--I do not know the name of the mauve Lily--but there must be a D-Lily Forum.
I'll add a picture...again, so you can compare in case you go to a Lily vendor's site....

Here is a link I have bookmarked on Natural Pest Control. We all talked so much about deer....


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

What a wonderful day that was. We truly enjoyed getting to see everyone, all the visiting and yummies along with the plants. Jill made us all feel so welcome and relaxed.

No doubt that a gardener lives in your house, and how nice that there are so many windows to take in the garden views, too. Hugs and thank you's for hosting.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Good morning! We're all relaxing at home this morning... Watching some of the 9-11 memorial events, flipping through the van Engelen and John Scheepers catalogs, playing play-doh with Joyanna (because she asked us, very sweetly)... We'll get outside soon to do some planting and potting up!

Gita, we found that striped platter just after we'd waved you down the road, but I wasn't able to come up with anybody's cell phone number to call you back for it! Did you take the dip bowl with you? Or is there clam dip hiding in my fridge? LOL I'm glad you don't need it soonest; I'm sure I can manage to get it back to you!

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

It was a great get-together. As always, I really enjoy the company. Jill was a wonderful hostess and Joyanna was her cute little self. She found a pink tutu in the bag that Ruby brought, and was toting it around with a big smile on her face (she was even cuddling it with chocolate mouth covered kisses LOL). The weather was beautiful after a whole week of rain, and it sure made for a nice day. I ate so much that I couldn't even contemplate eating again at dinner time, but can you believe I woke up at 2:00 am as hungry as could be - now, how is that possible after I had eaten an embarassing number of dumplings, deviled eggs, brownies, and everything else??? Hope to see everyone again soon! Terri

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ric and I really enjoyed seeing everyone. It was so nice stopping by for a little while and even I carried home a few extra plants. So sorry we arrived too late to see Shineshine Girl.
SSGardener so nice to meet you.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 7a)

It was great meeting everyone! Jill, thank you again for hosting and for all the thyme, phlox and coleus cuttings! I hope you enjoy the chocolate chip ajuga. They'd be perfect between your stepping stones. I've already looked into Irwin stones and will be calling them later this week. I hope Joyanna comes to every swap!

I can't explain in words how excited I am about all the plants I received. I made some costly mistakes this year as a newbie gardener, so it was a real treat to receive these wonderful plants from all of you! The liriope, daylilies, and sedums are in the ground, and everything else is in pots, waiting for the clay to be dug up.

I do have a couple of questions. I thought I would remember everything, but now realize how important it is to write everything down!

I'm not sure who gave me the geraniums. Gita, was that you? Do you know what kind they are? What color are the flowers? Btw Gita, the liriope is perfect for my shady front bed! They're planted with guacamole hostas and pink groundcover azaleas. I didn't know what a Franz Hals daylily was and looked it up this morning. They're gorgeous! Mine looked big enough to divide, so I cut it in half. I hope that was okay! I'm looking forward to their blooms next year.

Rubyw, I think I got a hosta from you. Do you know how big that will get? Will it be okay in 1/2 day sun? My rock garden is looking less bare now with all that sedum! I can't wait for the hen and chicks to start multiplying.

Aspenhill, I think I took the sweet woodruff that was meant for you! I had been thinking about it for my shade garden but didn't think that I'd asked for it here, so I was pleasantly surprised when it was offered to me. Maybe I *had* asked for it but forgotten! But I looked it up after I came home and realized it was meant for the other Terri! I will take good care of it and bring you some more at the spring swap next year.

Thank you all again and see you in the spring!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

SS/Terri, don't sweat it with the sweet woodruff... Aspen/Terri, you can swing by any time you'd like and get some out of my island bed in the back yard; it's been multiplying and spreading pretty well back there.

The DL I got from Gita was definitely big enough to divide. :-) Thanks, Gita!

The gravel in my new back corner "patio" is 3/4" Deleware from Irwin Stone. It's just rounded enough to be walked on with bare feet. They also have 1 size bigger & 1 size smaller (same colors) I think. I'm pretty sure my stone was "Pennsylvania Weathered Wall Stone," but if you decide you want any rocks, definitely go over to the stone yard in person and pick out what you want. They sell 4x4x4 "bales" of rocks and also have some loose where you can pick out exactly what you want (they weigh your car, you load up, then they weigh you again to see how much to charge you).

Did you notice the big stone slab bench along one end of the side patio where we did our plant swapping? We spotted that big piece of stone one time when we were over there to order very plain grey gravel to put under our deck.. picked out two "footer" stones, and they delivered & placed the bench with the crane truck when they brought the gravel!

Well, having wandered way off topic again, let me just reiterate that I'm glad everybody had such a good time -- we did, too!

Damascus, MD(Zone 7a)

It was wonderful to see everybody. I truly enjoyed the gathering! Many thanks to Jill for hosting the swap! You have a charming home and you have put more plants in that little place than I ever thought possible. LOL!

I have potted up all the plants and carefully placed them in shade for recovering. Many thanks for the generosity of all of you.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Pics, anyone?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

D-Sally, was it you who said you thought I lived way out in the country on lots of acres? LOL I guess I do talk about our "orchard" without mentioning that it's just a dozen dwarf trees packed as tightly as I can manage... and I do manage to play around with lots of different plants in the space available. It helps that we're on an oddly shaped lot, so there's close to 1/4 acre in the back yard and just a little space to try to keep slightly less hodgepodge in front. :-)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sorry, Jen, we cross-posted. I snapped a couple of photos but kept forgetting to pause to take pics... I did get a sweet one of John's smiling face sitting under the willow... will try to get them out of my camera and uploaded soon!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

SS gardener---

NO! It was not me who gave you the Geraniums. Maybe sallyg--or Jill?.
I remember her (Sally) posting it as her "haves". I think she said it was the "Big Root" Geranium.
I have also gotten one of those from her---and, YES!--they DO grow all over the place.
BUT! You can take the new rooted runners and start a new plant. The blooms are med. blue....

I did bring some Augfus Lily Hosta. Did you take some of that???? Not sure Rubu brough any????
Ask her.

I also did not give you the Lirope. Try to check back to the "Haves and Wants" Thread to see who offered it to you....
OR--wait until they fess up! .

I DID give you the "Frans Hals D-Lily" division (s)...Had lots of them!
If you felt you had to divide one--I guess it is OK. The smaller the divisions--the longer you
may have to wait until it blooms. No longer than 1-2 years though. Be patient!

Jen---Even though I brought my camera---it got too busy for me to think of taking pictures.
At the very end--Jill took some of us late-hangers-on sitting and chatting and of Joyanna
after her 2-hour+ nap.
It was too cute! She is now in the stage where she says--"Mine!" of everything...And I said--NO! It's MINE!

Also--she hates to say "Good Bye" to anyone--and, cleverly, tries to deflect the idea if everyone leaving
by, psychologically, expressing how everyone could stay.
Like--when us late-stayers were saying our Good-Bye's--she told Jill we should all have Popsicles????
See? Everyone having Popsicles means they would stay at least another 20 minutes!!!

A VERY clever little girl! Let me tell you!!!! She has it all (almost) figured out.....

Good Night to all---I am fading fast!! Sorry! I did not take any pictures.....


Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

The only pictures I took were of Joyanna when after her nap. She is such a sweetie.

Thumbnail by Catbird423
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Get a load of those bed-head curls! She had such a blast visiting with everybody, and you were all so sweet and patient with her -- thank you!

Crozet, VA

I am able to report that once again, John and I had a great time. John shared some things with a few of you about how is life is currently going and it isn't all that good. A friend of his for almost forty years is in the very last stages of lung cancer and isn't expected to survive the next two weeks. I mentioned last week that one of our goats who rank as family members with us all had to be put down yesterday morning due to having an injury to his spine recently and being unable to get about much. What a sad morning yesterday was for us all. A neighbor has already arranged and has us adopting another goat who John will go to Appomattox on Saturday to get.

This great husband of mine had already driven to Northern Virginia twice last week before the drive to Frederick on Saturday. Again this morning he set out to spend the day in Northern Virginia again with his friend Jerry. He will most likely travel the two days a week that he doesn't work in order to spend the last weeks with Jerry.

I had a fun time yesterday afternoon working with the plants that we received on Saturday. What fun and thank you to everyone who shared with us. Sally brought a few surprises for me, and that was very special to me. Thank you Sally, you rank way up there in my book friend. Gita, you always give more than anyone would ever expect to receive. Thank you for all the plants you have gifted me with over the years. John really likes the purple Oxalysis.

It was really good to meet Ssgardener and Pippi who are new to me. You both fit right in and I hope that you had half the fun that I did. Pippi, please don't worry about getting the Day Lilies in the ground immediately. As I stated in my dmail a bit ago, John is the one that can give the best directons on getting them planted and he won't be available until late evening today. I will get back with you as soon as possible though. They are fine, bare root for now.

Yes indeed Jill, your home is lovely and quite impressive in terms of the plants you have. I hope that Joyanna is able to use some of the things I sent along. Thank you so much for the ceramic pots that you sent home with us. Both are planted as of yesterday afternoon. I planted a verigated Kalachoe that Sally gave me in the bright green one and the Ginger type of plant in the dark blue you brought to me from the basement. Thank you so very much for everything!!!

So very glad that Holly and Ric were able to drop by. Wouldn't be a plant swap with out them. I did miss both Bec and Chantell this time too but will look forward to seeing them the next time.

Everyone have a wonderful day. I will be riding high on good feelings due to the swap for weeks to come.


Crozet, VA

Cross posted with you Jill. She is an absolute doll and I too was glad that she was able to attend the party and hopefully she had a great time too. I don't have to tell you that you are truly blessed.


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